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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. True. You are actually experiencing nothingness right now, to a certain degree. And yes, you can perceive nothingness, as you have realized. The "nothing" behind you is actually being perceived, that is the only way you can know of it. Try to find the edge of your visual field, you can't. There is no edge. The edge is nothingness, and that nothingness is infinite and expands forever. There is simply a lack of sensation or "nothingness" at the edge. But the fact of the matter is, you are able to perceive this nothingness, and you use it to distinguish finite items in your reality like your lamp or table. It can be very hard to notice this nothingness in the finite domain, especially without a solid experience of pure nothingness or pure consciousness or turiya or whatever you wanna call it.
  2. Yes. It is called "turiya" in hindu spirituality, or "pure consciousness" in other spiritual circles. You can't imagine it though, you can only experience it. When you try to imagine it, you are already putting it in a dualistic container, so it does not work. The experience of nothingness has no duality or finitude present. It's like trying to imagine what having no eyesight is like. It's just absent, but there is still the experience of it being absent. You don't see any colors or shades, it's just completely gone. That's what nothingness is like, but your entire reality is gone along with your eyesight, and you just exist there. If you extend the lack of eyesight to every single one of your senses, that is what nothingness feels like. It's just a complete absence of everything, but at the same time you are perceiving that absence.
  3. I think it depends on intent and what you want out of the question. You should probably contemplate this before every question. Like, what am I getting out of asking this? Does it even make sense to ask this? Is there a better way of getting this info? What's the benefit of asking this person? For example, the question "what's the meaning of life?" could be a good or bad question depending on why you are asking. If you are asking for your own personal insight into the meaning of life, the answer you get will probably be too broad or vague because the question is also too broad or vague. Or, you could be asking for an entirely different reason. For example, you might be asking that question to try and gauge whether the person you are talking to is into philosophy, or how much they know about non-duality, and so in that case it could be a decent question because you aren't even looking for a good answer, but rather some insight into the personality of the person. If you want to, you can simply make your message or intent explicit after the question, for example: "Hey what did you eat for breakfast today? I'm asking because I am curious about your diet, I think it might be related to your health issues." This way, they will feel inclined to give even more health-related info that goes beyond just their diet, because they know the main purpose of your question is to pinpoint their health issues.
  4. How are you experiencing a past and future from within the present moment? You cannot escape the present moment, but you say that you perceive a past and future which are outside of this moment. The perception of a past and future must always take place in the present moment. So, in reality, the past and future are always happening now and don't actually exist in any other moment of time. If the present moment is all you can experience, and the past and future are being perceived from within that present moment, then that means that the past and future only happen from within the present moment, and therefore the past and future can only ever take place in the present moment.
  5. Very similar situation with me. I experienced what they call a "flatline" in the no-fap community, and then thereafter my libido was just very inconsistent all around. Sometimes absolutely no desire to masturbate, sometimes very little, and just overall lots of trouble getting my libido and erections back to what it once was. Very concerning stuff. It is also very hard to tell whether I am back to normal or not, I don't have a good frame of reference. I think it is slowly getting better though.
  6. I really liked the insights. Some gave me chills. Pretty accurate I would say. https://genekeys.com/free-profile/?key-0=15.2.4&key-1=10.2.4&key-2=35.3.6&key-3=35.3.5&key-4=55.2.6&key-5=7.4.1&key-6=25.4.5&key-7=46.4.5&key-8=34.2.6&key-9=49.6.4&key-10=38.2.7&key-11=33.1.6&key-12=12.1.2&key-13=55.1.4&date=21 Jun 2003&time=6:00am&city=Calgary&country=Canada&lang=&admin_division=Alberta&uname=Osaid
  7. Even the ones on his actualized clips channel are great. He must have a bunch.
  8. Stomach, chest, heart area. It's basically a fight or flight response.
  9. Joe Rogan follows Leo on Twitter, if that is anything Maybe he doesn't want to divide his audience.
  10. lmao i had that recommended, so funny
  11. Yeah Vsauce is great, glad to see he's still making cool videos. I remember seeing his video on "What is consciousness" back when I had a materialistic paradigm and being so intrigued.
  12. I've been in a similar situation before, trying to transcend the pain by observing and contemplating it. It's tough. Good luck.
  13. lol how does that even end up on snap
  14. Lmao 7 more hours. Someone in the comment section made a joke about how this podcast would reach 10 hours since you guys both make such long videos, and it's even surpassed 10 hours now.
  15. lol I don't think he's actually banning people
  16. At least I'm not alone
  17. You might be oversleeping, or some habit may be causing you to oversleep. Or maybe, your sleep is low quality and it is being disturbed, so you wake up feeling groggy. Eating a big meal close to bed time could interfere with sleep. Try to improve the quality of your sleep, if there is room for that, by keeping your room cool and dark. White noise also helps. By the way, the blue light from outside that appears in the morning is a good natural mechanism for waking you up. It will make it easier to wake up, so maybe keep the curtains open. However, this advice is not helpful if you sleep so late that the sun comes up, as the blue light will prevent you from falling asleep, so take it with some nuance. Dark = increased melatonin, light = decreased melatonin.
  18. You can access some multiverses pretty easily, if your criteria for a multiverse is radically different physics or laws. For example: dreaming, astral projection, psychedelics, etc.
  19. How I interpret it: Sinning = being selfish or being a devil Being selfish prevents you from being selfless or godlike, and so it is phrased that they fell from God's grace.
  20. lmao someone in the comments made a joke about how it would be 10 hours long since they both make such long videos
  21. I only get blue balls if I purposefully edge myself for a really long time, I'm not sure if it is normal to get it so easily. Are you currently doing no-fap? Have you ever done it? Maybe you over-exerted yourself, maybe masturbating could help tbh. Or maybe its because your stomach is too full or something. Try to eliminate factors and pay attention to how you feel.