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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Not necessarily in the end. It might only become more noticeable in the end. Any "punishment" is an inherent consequence of the devilry or ideology they hold. Think about all the complications that are created for someone who successfully robs a bank. You really think they are going to live a sustainably happy life? It's such a limiting and unsustainable way to live. It doesn't really matter if they care or don't care. They don't have to be aware or conscious that they are limiting themselves or causing suffering to themselves. A lot of times suffering is unconsciously inflicted upon oneself. How do you determine what exactly people deserve? Who or what is determining that? A lot of this is just your ego projecting what it wants to happen to other people. It's a flimsy metric.
  2. This is exactly what I argued to myself before discovering spirituality lol. I was scared of God, to a certain degree, and thought why not believe in it if there is some chance of heaven. It came from a place of fear, I think.
  3. When people talk about "healthier" sugars, they are talking about sugars which are absorbed more slowly, which are called complex sugars or complex carbohydrates. Your body uses insulin to digest sugars, and when you consume too much sugar it can create a big spike of insulin and insulin resistance in the long term, which messes with your body's ability to metabolize food. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, and thus are more stable and cause a more gradual increase in insulin, whereas simple sugars are absorbed very quickly which causes very sudden insulin spikes. Aside from fiber and sugar alcohols, all carbohydrates will be converted to glucose in the body. Consuming fiber can help control blood sugar and your insulin response, and it is usually present in whole foods, like berries. Potentially
  4. Eggs are very versatile, you can add veggies or whatever you want to it. Salmon is very simple to make and tastes good, you just need salt, pepper, olive oil and thyme. Avocadoes are great as well. Nuts are a very good snack, very satiating and nutritious
  5. Exactly me. And it's gotten worse. On one hand, I'm always talking about hating work and being busy. Then when I'm not busy, oh apparently I have nothing to do and strive for, now I have to fill that void with music and video games. It's a very dull depressive feeling. The work gives me some sort of miniscule purpose at least. I think this is a consequence of not having a life purpose, or maybe just perpetually chasing things. I just can't figure out what I actually wanna do in the big picture, maybe the Life Purpose course will fix this. I think it's probably a lack of passion or direction or something, but I'm unsure how to actually alleviate that, and so I'm stuck in this purgatory where I literally have nothing to do.
  6. Do they have hedonic adaptation in heaven
  7. Technically yes, but your body can produce its own sugar through gluconeogenesis, so dietary sugar is not necessary to stay alive. However, dietary sugar isn't all bad if you get it through whole foods. Stuff with fiber is good, like berries. If you wanna go low sugar make sure to start getting protein and fat in as well. When you go low sugar, your body will adapt to using fat and protein as fuel, so you should try to supply that. You will get sugar withdrawals at the beginning. Make sure to get electrolytes in, they are a common culprit of low energy levels and headaches. If I remember correctly, after 4 days the symptoms peak and then start to subside from there. After a while, about 1 to 2 months, your body will adapt and have stable energy levels. How fast you adapt will depend on how stringent you are with the diet.
  8. I don't think you're even grounded enough for the current teachings, just from reading this and your previous posts. Your ego conflates and projects things a lot. I had 0 thoughts about suicide after reading this post, so I would question where that is coming from. I have no idea about the course though, it might account for beginners coming in, but Leo's teaching style has always been very brash and unsuited for beginners, so I doubt it. Might be wrong though, I haven't looked into what Leo said about the course.
  9. I learned that lesson when I did try lube lol.
  10. I can only see this happening if your penis itself is very dry, or you're just applying way too much force, or a combination of the two. Back when I was using generic brand harsh soap in the shower, I could feel that it made it too dry after I came out, but it usually resolved itself pretty quickly. Within an hour or two it would be back to normal friction.
  11. I think I might be the only one that finds masturbating more pleasurable without lube. I think the dryness allows for more friction or something, which makes it more pleasurable for me. I am strictly talking about masturbation here, btw.
  12. So true. Just having that context/intimacy can multiply the arousal into another level. It can actually be more arousing than looks imo.
  13. Are self and other not vital to understanding solipsism? Solipsism is basically the recognition that only one mind or experience is known to exist, which simultaneously cuts at the root of this idea that "you" and "other" exist. If you don't deeply understand what "self" is, then you also don't understand what "other" is, and so as a result you will contort some inaccurate version of solipsism in your mind which includes "you" or "other". If you told some random guy on the street that he is the only one that exists, or that solipsism is true, imagine how he would interpret that in his mind. It would be very different than what we are talking about here, because he has a bad understanding of the dynamics between self and other.
  14. Yeah, any "other experience" is imagined within my experience, and that is what "other experience" is, imagination. Anything to do with "other" always necessitates imagination, because "other" is imaginary. Sure, you could say it that way. I'm just warning about the misconceptions that stem from these realizations, which happens quite a lot because the ego likes to project its own relativity onto these insights, kind of like a last ditch effort to keep itself alive.
  15. Sure, here are some relative misconceptions which can come after realizing that others are mostly imaginary: - Imagination is "less real" or "less valid" than the rest of reality (How can one part of reality be less real than the other?) - A "you" that is lonely ("You" only exists in relation to "other", so there is still a duality being projected here. "Other" is as real as "you", and vice versa, they are both the same thing and cannot exist without each other. FYI, I'm talking about the ego when I say "you")
  16. If someone isn't conscious that others are imaginary, then that basically becomes their reality, and vice versa. So even if the truth doesn't change, it can feel like it does depending on how you're viewing reality. The content doesn't change, but how we perceive it does, kind of like that optical illusion where you can see either a rabbit or a duck, despite it being the same image. An inaccurate perception taken as truth is not really ideal, and can lead to suffering, which is why I'm advising against it. Conflating the relative with the absolute is a big trap, because it basically converts your insight into a relative perspective without you even realizing it.
  17. Because they conflate the relative with the absolute. Most people still believe in a subtle ego mind which is lonely, and then they contrast it with a lack of "other", which is just an inaccurate perception of reality.
  18. Pain is related to survival, but not in the same way as thoughts. Pain is something that is avoided, whereas thoughts are something that's constantly perpetuated and is basically essential to survival.
  19. I think it's just more useful in terms of survival to focus on thinking instead of not thinking. It's more comfortable to think. You're more used to it. You've been using it to navigate your entire life, so it's second nature now.
  20. When I first found Leo every video felt like a trip. My reality was being reshaped just through words.
  21. There probably is. I get it as well. But it's very easy to veer off into delusions when it comes to such unexplored territory. Even if it's partially true, that's not really good enough. People are hooked through words which might actually be truthful to some degree, which is why it resonates and pulls them in. And then that takes them down the rabbit hole. Leo's conspiracy video and cult videos are good resources on this.
  22. The all caps title is an offense in and of itself unfortunately