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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. @seeking_brilliance Cool, thanks
  2. might be an allergic reaction to the pollen or something
  3. By Google's first definition, "from outside the Earth or this atmosphere", then yes. But, if you're talking from within this physical dimension or throughout space, then I can't say for sure if they exist or not. Should be a neutral option somewhere. I do think it's probable though. "Definitely" and "Yes, but at the microorganism level" are kinda like the same answer.
  4. I don't think it's possible for it to happen purely through logical soundness. Logic that questions their beliefs is scary to them. It seems like they prioritize emotions, or the position of the person they are speaking to, more than how sound the logic is. For example, a blue person will probably be much more likely to change their mind if some priest or pastor told them to think differently about their religion rather than someone who isn't related to the church. That's just how it seems to be from my experience. They need something radical that affects their emotions on a big level, or a talk from someone in a position they respect, or a combination of both. Otherwise they really do seem like robots that can't change at all.
  5. Yeah, this happens all the time, but it doesn't really have much to do with being spiritual or moral, it's actually just jealousy. Morality and spirituality is just a disguise the jealousy takes on. It's a coping mechanism. Being spiritual is way cooler than being jealous, right? Calling it "moral" and "spiritual" is just a way to hide the jealousy, and the ego doesn't like feeling jealous, it would rather feel saintly, so it will use those concepts to its advantage. This reminds me of the fable with the fox and the grapes, after the fox is unable to attain the grapes, it just says "they were probably sour anyways" and leaves it at that to make itself feel better about the fact that the grapes can't be obtained.
  6. Interesting caveat for someone who is apparently interested in Deja Vu My personal theory is that it might be related to dreams, in the sense that our dreams can sometimes predict the future, and Deja Vu might actually just be us remembering dreams we had that predicted the future. The situation feels familiar cause we actually went through it in our dreams before. That's what it seemed like to me when I inspected it. If not a dream, it feels like a memory of the future, wherever it came from I'm not sure, but it feels like it was from a dream I had or something. Other than that I don't see any lessons. Just seems to be a supernatural phenomenon, maybe.
  7. What should I be working on right now? Am I making the right decisions? How do I make it so the future I want becomes a reality?
  8. wtf, I guess this is also a cultural thing lol. Looks like we all had the same parents.
  9. Yeah, from Pakistan. Huh, I guess it is a cultural thing.
  10. Lol my exact situation. It's a good spiritual test tbh. I've completely given up on changing her mind or making her see my side of things or whatever, that's impossible. She's like a robot that can't take in new information or change herself. She might pretend like she understands on some days, but then the other day she'll be contradicting that. You really have to come to terms with this idea of loving people, even if they are selfish, kind of in an unconditional way. Pay attention to those tiny little moments where she does show you love, or the moments where she is scared. She's just scared of certain outcomes, and her selfishness is how she copes. Also, try not to take anything she says seriously. Like, just laugh about it, she will say ridiculous stuff all the time, you don't need to prove yourself to her or prove her wrong, it's just a waste of energy. I guess the main points are: 1. Do your best to not spend time or energy with her. Don't argue or prove anything, just laugh it off or whatever. Imagine if you were working at retail and some customer came up to you with some absurd idea about how they live their life, you wouldn't act attached and argue with them or whatever, you would just think "ok that's interesting" and leave it at that. This is easier said than done, I know, especially when the person in question is closely linked to your survival condition. 2. Learn to appreciate what she does offer. Think back to your childhood, when she took care of you when you were sick or completely helpless. We're all selfish to some degree. Don't take what she says or does too personally. There are about an infinite number of factors that led her to being that way, and you would be that way as well if you went through what she did. Ultimately, any sort of hate against another person is delusional, because you are imagining an image of that person that doesn't exist, which is an image that lacks understanding and compassion and context for what that person went through. 3. Learn to control emotions, and ground yourself in the present moment. Just study how your emotions work, how they fluctuate, and question all of it. Why do you react a certain way to certain things? 4. Enjoy yourself even when she is around. Take your power back. Don't let anger and grudges stagnate your experience. But anyways, it is a very annoying survival bind. Once I get the opportunity, I'm moving out. But there are quite a lot of lessons and insights to gain while in such a relationship. I also remember Sadghuru had a video on this exact situation but I can't find it now, sad. She always does these exact things to me lmao. I don't understand their fixation with this stuff.
  11. It's like, a feeling of nostalgia or familiarity, created by a memory of the current experience happening in the past
  12. It's really not, when you have honey and sugar alcohols. Only other way to get refined sugar is like if you're eating junk food everyday or something
  13. This has also been the cause of sexual dysfunction for me, but not really anything to do with POIS. Just very weird fluctuations in libido. I can intuit this might be the case as well. The body is constantly trying to maintain homeostasis and adapt to things, and it seems no-fap messes with that a lot.
  14. Can it be trusted? Probably. There are also different organic labels, like for example I've seen USDA organic and I believe that is quite rigorous. It might be worth researching whatever different labels you find.
  15. "OMG no way...the entire universe was the "good boy" this entire time??"
  16. lmao "commit mahasamadhi"
  17. Maybe all those woofs are Zen koans in dog-speak
  18. This happens naturally if you manage to climax without touching your penis, it comes out in short bursts.
  19. Do you have any ideas or theories as to why this might be the case?
  20. I consider bread as sugar, since it will be converted to sugar in your body. Sugar is found in lots of places. Assuming you mean refined sugar, then I would definitely cut that out and replace it with more complex and stable forms of sugar, which could potentially be bread, but refined sugar could never fit that criteria, so bread is definitely the lesser of two evils, so to speak. Also, if you're going to increase or limit bread and refined sugar now, it's a good idea to keep conscious of how much that increases your carbohydrate intake. Even if the bread is healthier, let's hope you don't start eating copious amounts of bread to make up for the loss of refined sugar, that could end up being less healthy.
  21. Hate anime? No way, tell a sensor to watch Death Note Also, I'm guessing its not anime in particular, but shows in general? Or do they prefer shows with real life people over animated stuff? I bet they also hate books as well then, assuming the title is accurate. Idk much about MBTI tho FYI.
  22. Nice list. That's a cool website. I like the character feature. I'm motivated now to study MBTI so I can identify other types and look them up lol For any INTPs reading this: https://www.pinterest.ca/search/pins/?rs=typo_auto_original&q=intp&auto_correction_disabled=true
  23. Well, it seems quite a few of my specific quirks and mannerisms are common among the INTP type, whereas before I thought it was arbitrary and unrelated. You're right when you say it's super specific, unlike a lot of astrology posts. This is like astrology for smart people. A lot of the posts were describing specific quirks or mannerisms or phrases, which was funny to see articulated in a post, but it was also behavior I myself was mostly aware of, I just never bothered to associate it with being an INTP, so it was more entertaining than useful. But there was also some insightful stuff about how we interpret and react to stress and other challenges in life. Overall, I'm pretty impressed.
  24. recently binged Pinterest's posts about INTPs and that was quite the experience
  25. Gotta be Runescape for me as well