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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. You feel like your libido has died since doing 8 days of no fap? Is that correct? I've had the same thing happen after 30 days. They call it a "flatline" in the no-fap community, the frequency at which it happens is uncertain.
  2. These look like seizures. You can see this streamer having one, and looking back behind him in the same way (there is screaming and panic in the video so be warned):
  3. Can't wait for my hyper-intelligent shapeshifting kitty awakening
  4. Somewhat unrelated, but interesting synchronicity that Leo and Teal Swan's new video that day had the exact same type of thumbnail, planet Earth with an eye sticking out.
  5. I would rather this than normal TV. Maybe I was meant to be a cat.
  6. I get what you mean. The word "trust" implies a possibility for fault. There is no fault in perfection, therefore it is somewhat inaccurate to call it trust. There's no need for trust at that point, because you already know it to be true and perfect.
  7. Who leaked this segment from the mod agreement?
  8. Elon Musk did completely fix his balding through whatever transplant or surgery he did, maybe look into that Or you could rock the bald look.
  9. It is capable of magic and non-magic. And the non-magic is created through magic, and the magic is created through what is considered non-magic. "If you showed a caveman our technology, he would think it was magic. And if you showed a modern man magic, he would think it was technology" "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
  10. This is a relative non-metaphysical matter, even though it leans towards the "supernatural" end of the spectrum. It's like asking if alcohol affects the human body negatively. Awakening or high-consciousness states are not necessarily gonna give you insight into how alcohol functions in the body, similar to how it's not gonna tell you how black clothes are gonna affect you negatively. Awakening will, however, make you realize alcohol and black clothes are imaginary. Even psychic powers, although they are supernatural, are relative and aren't necessarily gonna give you insight on God or awakening. Sadghuru is probably speaking from some Hindu/Ayurvedic perspective here, as he tends to do. You can try testing it out for yourself to see how it affects you, that's about the best you can do. Otherwise, such things are very hard to verify because of their abstract and qualitative nature.
  11. I think a better way of going about it is asking "What is their intent behind telling me this? What are they gaining from it?" Just look for intent and what is motivating them in that moment. That will tell you their character very directly. That is definitely behavior to be cautious around though.
  12. "How you do one thing is how you do everything" might be a useful concept here. Generally speaking, pay attention to how they interact with the world around them. Do they do it in a genuine way? Are they very neurotic about certain things? Close-minded? How do they treat waiters at a restaurant? How do they treat their friends? Do they act differently around other people compared to how they act around you? Do they contradict themselves a lot? They will obviously do their best to look perfect in front of you, so pay attention to how they interact with things that aren't you.
  13. Spinach has a lot to offer. Avocado is not hard to fit in either, and it is very nutritious. Although it might technically be a fruit. Both of these fill a lot of the different vitamins you need, and they come with lots of electrolytes which will definitely make you feel sharper.
  14. I thought this was a nice holistic take on a somewhat controversial beverage, so I wanted to share. I found it on the community section of Sadghuru's Youtube channel.
  15. Your standards for what is "better" is very myopic. It's the same fault that comes with jealousy. You're focusing on a few desirable aspects of their life, like how much money they have, and then disregarding all the other aspects of their life. It's like looking at a criminal who just robbed a bank, and saying, "they live way better because they have so much money now". It's not so simple. There are psychological implications of doing something like that, and many other factors that come into play. People who live on corruption are constantly maintaining a house of cards which could fall at any second. For a more concise view of what I'm talking about, look at Kim Jong Un, and all the secrecy and bullshit he has to go through just to maintain his image. It's not gonna boomerang the way your ego is imagining it. God is not gonna send some giant guillotine down to chop Kim Jong Un's head off.
  16. "All truth is relative" <<< Is this a relative truth? To answer your question directly, not really. Practically speaking, what is truthful is just how accurately you can describe or perceive reality. If you believe in inaccurate perception, it will eventually collapse like a house of cards, because it's based on something that's not real. It's unsustainable.
  17. No one said that. He motivates people, but also brings with him many of his own flaws and ideologies which you can easily get sucked into if you're not careful, and a lot of people have gotten sucked into it, as he is so heavily idolized. Andrew Tate is like a black hole for repressed stage orange/red. Tread carefully. You have to carefully discern which aspects of him are really worth taking in for yourself. Yes, there is some level of genuine self-improvement, but what kind of mindsets and quirks are you adopting from him on the way there? Just because it's useful doesn't mean it's based on truth.
  18. Pomegranates are great, but not in my top 5. I did think about them while writing my list though. Maybe they can be an honorable mention. They're like sour candies, but fruit. You just brought out a memory from my subconscious, I remember seeing them at the store and thinking "wtf is this", but I never got to trying them. How do they taste compared to normal kiwi?
  19. Admittedly, there is something "beautiful" or "appealing" that can be found in such emotions. You can witness this clearly by listening to gloomy or melancholic music. Although, I'm rarely unable to find a reason behind the emotion, it's usually obvious to me, I just might sweep it under the rug for a bit. I agree. It kind of forces you to take time off and contemplate and surrender to what is happening. I also end up feeling much more grateful for what I have after, like I haven't been grateful enough. It humbles you.
  20. Here is the correct list in terms of taste for fruit: (in order from top to bottom, top being best and bottom being worst) 1. Pineapple 2. Mango 3. Kiwi 4. Cherry 5. Grapes
  21. It's more about getting rid of what you currently think you understand. So, if you think you live in a physical universe, seriously probe at that conclusion you've made. How do you know the universe is physical? How do you know anything, for that matter? and then keep following that line of reasoning until those chains of reason are completely deconstructed. You have to start from scratch, and you do that by questioning everything, even seemingly obvious stuff. You will eventually build a really good epistemology by doing this and you will become much more grounded. In your contemplation you will find certain things which you know to be 100% true, use that to build into your epistemological foundation. Also, if you haven't already, watch Leo's older videos and build up to the newer ones. They will help a lot with building your epistemology. Aside from that, shifting your consciousness to more expanded degrees through certain practices like meditation and psychedelics will allow you to see things more accurately, without really having to "logic" your way into it.
  22. The best tasting fruit is obviously pineapple
  23. Don't overthink it. Sexuality can be less grounded than people like to think. As a baseline you should stay true to your values and don't harm other people, obviously. Also, if you are doing some sort of practice which is repressing your sexuality, like no-fap, that may be the cause for any drastic fluctuations in sexual interests you might be seeing. You have to seriously avoid doing any edging or extreme sexual repression during such practices, otherwise you will get even more obsessed with porn and sexual desires, and those desires can evolve drastically as a result.