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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I was gonna train myself to lucid dream and cockblock myself in the dream realm but I guess this works better Almost, don't let it happen again
  2. I remember I tried asking for clarification on his use of the term "omniscience" in his alien mouse thread but he skipped over my question unfortunately
  3. Yeah lol, you get a peek on his Joe Rogan episode
  4. Cool. Had a noticeable shift in consciousness at the end when it talked about existing eternally, but it quickly went away.
  5. Lmao. It is a pretty cool mask.
  6. Look, you don't have to really strive for anything if you don't want to. This is a self-imposed challenge to begin with, so take back your authority by realizing this. Instead of having life throw challenges at you, you make the challenges for yourself to pursue. It's up to you. Losing interest doesn't mean you're not a good person anymore. Not feeling motivated doesn't mean you're not a good person anymore. These are just stories you're projecting on top of your experience. Lack of motivation, failure, existential crises, confusion, these are all natural and basically inherent to the process of life. All of these emotions are meant to further hone your targets in life and make you realize what you want from life at a deeper level. These emotions and resistances are what will guide you towards what you want, you just have to sit and analyze and feel into them. You're not a "bad person" for feeling these things. Sure, you can "give up" for a bit if you want. Go see how that makes you feel. Observe it. Do some reconnaissance. You don't really have to be financially free or have your desires met to feel fully fulfilled right now. You can easily go immerse yourself in a video game or go to some social event or listen to some music and you will feel happy. These are always available. The path of least resistance is always available. The main idea is finding a deeper meaning, a deeper value or principle that inspires you so much that you challenge yourself to create. These videos are really good for grounding you in what you're currently experiencing:
  7. It can be. For most people participating it probably is.
  8. Cursed month. Spookier than Halloween. Also the wet dream rule is stupid.
  9. This is an answer which is good for getting people into spirituality. It's not very technical. It's kind of muddled and all over the place. He talks about energy levels, perhaps to make it seem more practical and relatable, so people will have some sort of motivation to pursue enlightenment. It's an extremely basic answer, all he says is that discerning thoughts from your present experience will begin the road to enlightenment. He doesn't really answer the question directly, so I can see the problem Leo has, because the title acts as if it is some clear and explicit explanation of enlightenment, when it is not.
  10. Good point. Might try it out. Not really for energy, but I'm just experimenting with libido right now. A lot of these libido supplements seem to have an energy-boosting side to them as well which is interesting.
  11. Exactly. Gender labels are good from a societal standpoint. They're practical. They keep things in order. They're useful. But they are not entirely accurate. Just cause it's useful doesn't mean it's based on truth. Sexual attraction is too nuanced and fluid to really be put in boxes. You will always find some small instance where you're like "OMG did that really just turn me on... but I thought I was attracted to something else.. how is this possible" and then your brain malfunctions because you convinced yourself that gender always comes in strict labels and boxes. It reminds me of animals that are classed as herbivores, but will eat animals in favorable situations, like deers eating birds and squirrels. The label herbivore is useful, but not entirely truthful to the nature of the animal.
  12. Sadghuru comes to mind. Upon contemplation, "the good life" is a somewhat nebulous term. Honestly, at this point, for me, the good life is probably just getting my base survival needs met, so like, financial freedom. And then maybe finding some passion to pursue. A lot of rich and traditionally "successful" people come to mind, however, I know that these guys probably have a lot of different problems gnawing at them in the background. I guess the most holistic bigger picture answers are people like Sadghuru or Leo Gura. But really, for me personally, anyone who is really rich financially and are pursuing their passions are people I would deem as being part of the "good life", but I am also aware that this perspective will probably change once I burn through my stage orange karma. Considering the pfp changes every minute, probably not, unless they are some alien shapeshifter
  13. Interesting, I used it before and it didn't do anything, but it wasn't the gelatinized version. I've yet to find a natural supplement that noticeably increases my sex drive. Maybe my body is just built different. Caffeine doesn't have much of an effect on me either. I've heard lots of promising stories from maca though.
  14. What does the vomit look like? Is it like bile? Yellow/green? Kind of smells like chlorine/chemicals? Also, before you vomit, how does it lead up to it. Do you lose appetite? Any shaking or trembling prior?
  15. My main concern would really just be this: how much of the mindset from that past experience has carried into the present moment? Like, who the person is right now compared to the person before. They very well could have completely burned through that phase of their life, in that case, doesn't matter much anymore. So I would pry into that. Like, oh why did you do that? Do you still feel similar now? What did you learn? How did you grow from that? etc. And then from that I would gauge if I should associate with that. Me personally, I'm a very open-minded and empathetic person. And I don't like the idea of someone being permanently punished for something they did previously, which they might even currently look back on and agree that it is completely stupid. I wanna be able to have a more nuanced perspective and see past something like that. Like, if someone said some stupid racist remark when they were 10 years old, I probably wont hold it to them today.
  16. What type are you using? capsule? powder? gelatinized?
  17. Yes. Before you drink water, you think. It's interfaced with basically all your actions. The quality and efficiency of a lot of your actions are linked to how you think. Someone who thinks that suicide bombing is gonna send him into heaven is gonna go do that. Thinking is serious stuff.
  18. Yeah those malevolent entities always lie like that. I had one in a dream tell me I was gonna be stuck there forever, although admittedly it was just a dream, not sleep paralysis. I've heard trip reports of entities saying stuff like that as well, and obviously it didn't happen. I've also had auditory hallucinations during sleep paralysis where I had some voice kind of enter my head and then read out all my thoughts to me, it wasn't really malevolent, just a very odd experience. It is possible to escape sleep paralysis, you can even use it as a gateway to lucid dreaming or astral projection like the guy said. I only know how to lucid dream with it, though. If you wanna escape the sleep paralysis, all you have to do is keep your eyes closed, and keep yourself calm. Think of cute bunnies. Or even think about something sexual, like a really hot girl. No joke, this is a really good method for keeping calm during sleep paralysis, it completely takes your focus off of the experience. Take deep breaths. If you stay calm, then your environment will be calm. Then, while your doing all this, do your best to wiggle and move your body and eventually you'll wake up. If you wanna enter a lucid dream, do the same steps as before, but imagine some sort of vision or scenery, and kind of imagine yourself "jumping" or "merging" into it, and try to move your body as much as possible while doing this. You will end up entering into that vision and it will turn into a lucid dream. I've actually heard of another guy doing this as well lol, they said the same thing. That the entities are actually really weak and cowardly, or something along those lines. I think they chased them out of the house or something.
  19. Never too late. What's the alternative? Not working on yourself? This is not really a red flag, it's only a red flag if you assume a bunch of things about the person: 1. Their previous friendships involved friends that weren't toxic 2. They had many previous friendships, if any at all 3. Their reason for not having friends is because they eventually broke up due to their own fault, and not anyone else's fault Honestly I don't have anyone I would consider a "best" friend. My mind doesn't even operate that way. My friends are unique, I can't really categorize one as "best". It's like asking which is better, pizza or cake, both are unique and have different flavors. So I would immediately fail that test lmao. You gotta realize that this type of stuff works both ways. I personally wouldn't wanna be with someone who assumes so many things about me off the cuff. If you genuinely think there's nothing wrong with this aspect of you, then it's actually a good thing that they cut themselves off, because they are unaligned with a deep aspect of you. Have some standards for yourself as well. You become sloppy with standards when you're too dependent on validation from others. Similar to how your standards for food decrease when you haven't eaten in a week. Stop starving yourself of love. These are all just excuses you've created in order to gaslight yourself into thinking you're worth less. Someone that loves you. Start with being able to love yourself first, though.
  20. Lol me every time I see these rich people