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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. New advanced spiritual insight: Infinite Virginity.
  2. Flatline?? I honestly still can't tell if I've fully recovered from my previous one. Never again.
  3. reminded me of this copypasta https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/yj7ppi/fuck_you_and_your_nnn/
  4. Blessed with a wet dream today. They got some bad ones in the dream realm
  5. ... I see you are beginning to embody your insights from your "insanity" trip. No but seriously, I have no idea where you're going with this, but I'm very excited nonetheless.
  6. I think it's like this. Obviously you're not gonna stop finding other women unattractive, you're still a heterosexual male. But, there is gonna be a very deep bond and relationship that is built with the person you are with. So, long term, being with her is gonna be much better. But of course, the urges are still there, but it's not worth it to squander that relationship by satisfying that urge in a disloyal manner. The only way it is worth it is if you are able to do that and it doesn't ruin the relationship somehow, and what comes to my mind is porn or something, but I know some women don't even like it when you watch porn. I think women view sexual urges way differently, and then they tend to project that same mindset onto us when it comes to sexual satisfaction. For them, it's an entire emotional commitment when they decide to have sex. For us, it can be more objective and impersonal. This is very true, good point.
  7. I've had that exact comment in my mind ever since his infinity of gods video
  8. Separation is imagination* If you imagine it, yes. Your POV is entangled with their POV. It's all one thing, together. In order for there to be "other" there has to be a "you" to contrast it.
  9. Yep. You're nervous because you don't have experience. So then you have to imagine how the experience will be. Your imagination is not as accurate as the real experience. So, it will make it seem much scarier than it is and make you flustered. Aside from that, people are much nicer and open-minded than you think. People have their own problems and demons that they hide. They're not perfect, so why expect yourself to be perfect? The meeting will be over after a while anyways. You probably won't even remember it 5 years from now. Might as well just go for it and not be nervous while doing it. Being nervous is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're nervous cause you don't wanna mess up, and then the nervousness makes you flustered.
  10. This is more like the problem of being stuck in your head and falling into intellectual fantasies. I've been there though. It's a tricky terrain to navigate.
  11. They exist as imagination. All separation is imaginary. "Two" of anything requires an imagined duality.
  12. I don't think he changed it, he just expanded on it. I also initially misinterpreted the video. I thought he was making the metaphysical claim that consciousness can be separated from consciousness, but rather, he is pointing to the experience of "multiple minds" within one consciousness. He is essentially using his new experience to describe how "others" can fit into one conscious experience. The main gist is this: Even if other absolute sovereign consciousnesses exist, you will never be able to verify it because that is inherent to being an absolute sovereign consciousness, and this also applies to all other absolute sovereign consciousnesses. They will only ever exist through your imagination, otherwise their existence steps into your experience, and thus becomes a part of your existence. It is basically his solipsism video, just reworded in a different way, perhaps an even more precise and holistic way. This is basically the whole "do others exist?" question, but Leo has replaced "other" with "separate sovereign consciousness".
  13. I don't think there was a negative response to the video. Leo just decided on his own the video shouldn't be up.
  14. Yes, exactly. You should learn it in any endeavor. Learning to think holistically is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
  15. When you become unbiased you will realize a lot of your negative thinking was a biased fantasy fabricated by your ego. When you perceive things negatively you are usually looking at things in a very biased and myopic way. When you look at things holistically from a big picture perspective you will realize that the previous negative perspective was inaccurate, which naturally leaves you in a positive perspective. So really, just try to strive for accurate perception and holistic thinking over "positivity" and you will naturally become more positive.
  16. Best comment: His legs got actualized
  17. Great video. I think Leo said in his college episode or something that he had to unlearn how they taught him to write in school to communicate better.
  18. These are great. A lot of them read like jokes. Einstein was a witty dude. "A black hole is where God divided by zero" "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
  19. I wonder why birds evolved to look so cool. Maybe a survival mechanism. Like, I don't wanna eat something that looks so cool and amazing. Kind of like drinking foamed latte art.
  20. The reason it experiences form is so that it can someday contemplate why it experiences form
  21. In comparison to carbs, the recommended amount of fat is much lower than the recommended amount of carbs if you look at official food guidelines. I would say this is also reflected in the high carb foods we eat, even if it does have oil in it, the carbs are usually much higher, but there is still some amount of fat as you say. I thought there would be some leeway for fat in the diet, but you are saying it is essentially 0 fat or protein aside from the occasional avocado or nuts, which is admittedly different from the mainstream. This is all true, but the way most people interpret this will probably lack nuance. Yes, it lowers cortisol. Yes, it digests more quickly. Yes, it stimulates dopamine and serotonin. But all these characteristics can exist in something that contains other negative health consequences. This is also the same logic behind stress eating. The reliance on carbs for lowering cortisol can lead to excess consumption and dysfunctional eating, it can turn into a crutch for people. Low carb doesn't mean 0 carbs. You can have simple carbs on a low carb diet. I would even say it's a misnomer to call it "low" carb, it's just that the standard amount of carbs which are recommended are so high that the amount on a low carb diet is called "low". I don't necessarily have anything against consuming simple carbs or carbohydrates, but the issue becomes how much of that stuff you are consuming. At a certain point it becomes excessive. There are certain times where your body will call for simple carbs. It's an intuitive process, it's not about following some strict guidelines. For example, when you're recovering from a loss of appetite after being really sick, if you pay attention to when your appetite returns, the first thing your body will crave is fruit/fruit juice/simple carbs. That's because your body wants a simple source of energy that it can quickly absorb and get back to normal, and it also wants hydration which the fruit will provide because of the water content. Our bodies are very intelligent in this way. Not necessarily. You can break your fasting routine with simple carbs if you want. Fasting just means not consuming for a certain period of time, that's it. High fat is not inherent to intermittent fasting. And there are many other powerful benefits to intermittent fasting than the extra time it gives to digestion. Aside from that, your body is built to digest fats. It can't function without fat, which is probably why he has to refeed on nuts and avocado after a while. Although, your ability to digest fat may have atrophied if you've been relying mostly on carbs as fuel for your entire life.
  22. Isn't his diet the mainstream diet? People eat simple refined carbs in excess all the time. Although, I guess the distinction here is the word "advice", people are advised to eat less fat and sugar, but they don't. Would it be wise? Maybe, if you pay close attention to how it affects your body. I'm not really against going through a trial and error process in order to find a solution to something. I've already lived most of my life eating simple carbs as most people do, so I have enough experience in that department, and I think most people do. Yes, eating a high carb meal will induce lots of dopaminergic pleasure for someone who maintains a carb-focused diet their entire life. It seems his point is that this type of pleasure can replace the pleasure brought by pharmaceutical drugs. So, replacing one form of pleasure, drugs, with another form of pleasure, high carbs. If you've ever jumped into intermittent fasting from a diet which involves obsessive consumption of food and carbs, you will feel like you've been hit by a truck. However, I have been doing intermittent fasting combined with "low" carb for about 3 years now, and I can tell you that my physical and mental energy levels while doing a 24 hour fast are probably better than the majority of people who are constantly consuming carbs. So, what does this mean? It means that the body can adapt to things. This is important to consider. The main problem here is that he doesn't seem to be considering the fact that your body is constantly adapting to things. If you consume lots of carbs your entire life, your reward system will rewire itself to accommodate excessive carbohydrate consumption. So now, your body has an extremely heavy bias towards carbohydrates, and this guy seems to be building his diet and ideology around that physiological bias, without considering the fact that your body can actually go through a tangible physical change which will allow it to gain more stable energy levels from other sources of fuel, like fat and protein. It's like looking at a person who is abstaining from weed and having severe withdrawals, and then saying "look, this is horrible for his mental and physical health, it's not worth abstaining from weed". I can remember the time where eating a McDonald's poutine literally felt like I was eating crack cocaine in food form. I would consider this to be a severe dopaminergic imbalance, not something I should rely on for mental and physical health and energy as this guy seems to be suggesting. It is possible to reach a level of physiology where you enjoy low carb foods as equally as high carb foods, if not even more. This is possible. The only reason your body craves high carb foods in the first place is because it is hopelessly dependent on it for energy, and it can't reliably utilize other sources of fuel because it has not adapted to them yet. And also, I'm pretty sure Jordan Peterson has some autoimmune condition or something, similar to Leo's, which prevents him from eating what this guy is recommending to him. That's like the main reason why Jordan pursues a carnivore diet.