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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. They can distort your experience. If you're counting days, you're also emphasizing your perception of time. Notice how much longer one minute feels when you consciously count every second compared to when you don't even pay attention to it. Relativity 101. And then, on top of that, you're likely to create stories out of this prolonged perception of time. It will make it seem harder because it will seem longer. It will also help you make excuses. For example, I haven't relapsed in 20 whole days, so it's not as bad if I relapse now, at least I'm not relapsing on day 1. Stuff like that. For a clearer image of what I'm saying, imagine someone meditating in a room for 10 minutes, compared to someone who sits in a room for 10 minutes but hyper-analytically counts every second they are in that room in the hopes that they will eventually reach 10 minutes. Notice how radically different the mental game of these two people are. The guy who counts will be much more perturbed than the meditator, and they will likely have a story to tell about how taxing the experience was. Basically, the counted days get put on a pedestal. And then the ego uses the importance it projects onto the counted days to it's own advantage. -Not counting days -Entering flow state, through work or some other activity -Meditating -Music -Showering Anything that pulls you into the present moment, really.
  2. No-fappers be like: "I accidentally masturbated on day 1042, I can't believe I relapsed :("
  3. @Asayake Are you still in a flatline?
  4. It happens more when you abstain. You probably won't ever get them if you're masturbating regularly.
  5. When you're happy, the entire universe becomes happy. Literally.
  6. You're tapping into profound levels of gratitude/gratefulness/love. I dip into it sometimes, not as deep as this though. But I can relate to the erratic crying and emotions that can come up as a result. If this is insanity, maybe insanity isn't so bad, lol.
  7. It seems like a healthy integration of orange. I could see someone yellow saying this as part of a motivational speech or something, but the statement by itself leans towards orange. If I had to base someone's stage just off this quote I would say orange.
  8. Shit, now that you mention it, I have some good stuff saved from Twitter. A true lesson on impermanence.
  9. I use sugar alcohols, a mix of monk fruit and erythritol in particular. Health-wise, there's nothing alarming about them. Erythritol actually seems to be good for your oral health, even more so than xylitol. If I had to pick one, it would be erythritol because of how similar it is to sugar, and also the oral benefit is nice. Stevia is a bit more controversial cause of some studies regarding the gut microbiome, but it's inconclusive and they use a really high concentration in the study. But, if we're considering the studies, technically it would be less safe than the sugar alcohols mentioned above. I basically never encounter these in my diet anyways, so I don't really have to set the intention. I could have them once in a while if it's a cheat day or something.
  10. Seems like you've embodied something pretty significant. Do your best to maintain it. I've had certain experiences which made me much more conscious and grateful for a period of time but it didn't last. Other than that, just do what you've always been doing and see where it takes you. Learn. Create. Love. etc.
  11. The dating and sexuality section applies to all of sexuality, not just having sex and going on dates. So, that includes masculine and feminine dynamics, which is what your post highlights. Yes, this would fit in sexuality. Your post in particular focuses on the differences between males and females in regards to loneliness.
  12. How does this not belong in dating and sexuality?
  13. Contemplation is thinking about something with the intention of generating insights from that particular thought. "What is contemplation?" is a thought, but it's a thought that is intentioned in such a way that it leads you to create insights stemming from that thought. The structure here is in the form of a question. The thought is literally asking for an answer/insight from you, because it is a question. Not all thoughts have the same structure or intent. For example, Imagining an image of a bunny is not necessarily contemplation, but it is a thought.
  14. Hindrance IMO. It creates a bunch of stories and projections about "how far you've come" and "how long" it is. If you lower your perception of time things will go by quicker, because time is relative, so if you perceive it less you'll be affected by it less.
  15. You can occasionally find some anecdotal stories of people who get cured on subreddits and forums. Here's a post from a while ago that might be relevant: This guy seems to have successfully reversed it with shrooms:
  16. Seen a few posts regarding it here and there. Crazy stuff.
  17. If you get a result that's something like 49% feeling and 50% thinking, it's because the test can't account for certain nuances in your answers. For example, if you pick an answer saying feelings are important, it detects you as a feeler. That's when you need to question the test, when the percentages get really close to each other. If it's a big disparity it's more safe to assume the test is accurate.
  18. Have you been abstaining from masturbation? Might be a "flatline" as it's called in the no-fap community.
  19. What if Leo wasn't wearing a mask during his Halloween video...
  20. Alright, that's the end of the video, hit the like and subscribe button and come check out the forum...oh yeah, and one more thing (10 minutes more of insights)