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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I thought this was an odd request but then this reminded me that it actually exists already lol. Leo got everything covered.
  2. Seems like you've managed to find a way to somewhat cure POIS, that's quite an accomplishment. There are different ways to masturbate and orgasm, and I do feel like they have different effects on sexual energy, so it's interesting that engaging in something like that would prevent POIS from flaring up. But yeah, clear-minded and peaceful is basically how you should feel after doing it. It's like stepping out of a shower, very refreshing.
  3. Interesting. You might have some mild POIS. Or, it might just be your own negative projections after you masturbate, which is the more common occurrence. For example, feeling shame is not inherent to masturbation, it's just something you might project onto the activity. And then, of course, feeling shame can affect drive and motivation and energy. It can ripple on itself like that. If you were to completely let go of abstinence, how often would you do it normally? The desire to release sexual energy is absolutely a natural impulse, which you must learn to co-exist with. It's built into your psychology and biology. To shut it out would kind of be like shutting out the impulse for food or water. Is it possible? Maybe. Is it in your best interest? Not necessarily. For me, I can just immediately recognize these beliefs as false and illusory. I just can't take them seriously. I can't believe in them with a straight face, It's like trying to force myself to believe in Santa Claus. You need to deeply deconstruct these beliefs and realize how silly and relative they are. Actually take the time and effort to do this so it properly impacts your psyche. "You're pathetic" By what standards? The standards that you just made up? The standards that the people around you made up? Why are you basing how you feel on arbitrary made-up standards? Why are you giving these standards so much authority? Also, is it even beneficial to think of self-deprecating thoughts? All it does is perpetuate self-deprecation, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're shooting yourself in the foot over some relative arbitrary standards you've created. You could literally become a millionaire, and still continue to believe you're pathetic. You could be a millionaire, and the people around you could still believe you're pathetic. It's relative. This is a silly game to play and believe in. Whenever you ascribe this quality of being "pathetic", you are projecting standards onto something, and then when that thing doesn't fit those standards, that thing is supposed to feel bad about itself. This is the entire game and function of using the word "pathetic" in a nutshell. It's a crude and unconscious form of motivation. It literally functions by you not being aware of how it really works.
  4. I think Leo has said his deepest trips came from sleep, or something like that. But yeah, sleep can put you in very interesting states of consciousness.
  5. They really had to reach to make something rhyme with O lmao
  6. Intermittent fasting + low carb to break the fast. Your body will adapt it's reliance on sugar to however many carbs you consume while breaking your fast. It doesn't happen immediately, it's gradual. There was some sort of switch that flipped in my body a while ago, I think it was about a year into following this intermittent fasting diet, where I can confidently say I'm not really addicted to sugar at all anymore. At the very least, healthy foods taste about as good as unhealthy foods to me now. I'm literally at the point now where I have allocated cheat days, but I won't even cheat because I genuinely don't feel like it. Initially, a month or a few months in you will see a noticeable decline in cravings. I thought I was completely adapted after a few months, but the change gets really deep if you stick through it for a year or so. I did have a phase where I allowed myself to binge on certain candies and foods just to burn through that karma and curiosity, and it's mostly boring to me now. I wouldn't recommend this when you're just starting out though, maybe when you're like 6 months - 1 year in. Also, if you drink something like coffee in the morning it helps curb your appetite. Make sure to give yourself enough fat and protein to accommodate for the lack of carbs. Basically, your body is constantly adapting. If you eat a slice of pie when you break your fast everyday, gradually, your body will adapt to craving carbs equivalent to a slice of pie during your eating time.
  7. No matter what you guys imagine or perceive, it will always be happening from your experience. Even the idea of other experiences. It couldn't be happening anywhere else. Where else would it occur? Notice that any idea you get of existence occurring somewhere else is just an idea, and it always will be an idea, inherently. If it's not an idea, then it's occurring as something that isn't an idea, and thus it isn't "occurring somewhere else" as you imagine. When asking whether something exists or not, it helps to first get clear on what it actually means for something to exist and not exist. If you simply contemplate the root of the question, which is "what does it mean for something to exist?", you will be able to answer any other questions regarding what does and doesn't exist very easily. The content of the question might be different, but the structure is the same.
  8. Seems like the only one here that made it out
  9. True non-attachment is found in physically destroying anything you might be attached to. -Fifth Tenet of Tateism
  10. How has it done that? What does it mean to "defeat" masturbation? These are beliefs, not feelings.
  11. Depends on how you define "waste of time". Anything you enjoy can technically do this, but yeah it can be a significant source of dopamine. I personally can't really daydream from music if I'm not inspired to by the music. I think it's possible that the music does affect you, but then you have intrusive thoughts about how it's a waste of time, which cuts away at the effect of the music. The enjoyment of music is largely psychological, similar to getting horny. Same. I don't do it often, but sometimes you're doing something that you can't really get distracted from though, maybe you're at work or lifting something heavy. Even washing dishes, I don't imagine myself stopping mid-way because of daydreams, cause my hands are gonna be wet and stuff, it would be annoying to stop doing that mid-way and then coming back later. Certain activities will be easier to not get distracted in. That's just me though. The next closest thing to the effects of a shower is probably just meditation.
  12. I can confirm that I'm still going strong in Non-stop Nut November Binging on pistachios daily
  13. Right, so your perception of "things outside of existence" is currently reduced to something implicit rather than explicit, until it becomes explicit again, perhaps through direct experience. Although, once it becomes explicit through direct experience, it wouldn't be "outside of existence" anymore. So, "things outside of existence" is always inherently implicit. How does something exist implicitly? What is your direct experience of something that is implicit?
  14. Looks like hallucinations induced from sensory-deprivation. The book in the video describes what Napoleon might have experienced.
  15. No. He reminds me of Morpheus from The Matrix, especially with that profile picture.
  16. How are you aware that there are things which exist beyond your awareness?
  17. What does it mean for something to exist? How do you know something doesn't exist?
  18. When you treat something like it's a big deal, it becomes a big deal. My longest streaks have happened accidentally, where I even forgot to keep track of when I started, so I had no idea how much days had passed exactly. It was impossible to accurately calculate the days cause I didn't even remember. This is really good, because it renders the logical/calculating side of the equation useless, or at least it removes its importance. -Video games -Sports, exercise, physical activities -Creative work, writing, painting, animating, etc. Music is one of the most beautiful things in life, IME. I basically feel high listening to it. If you want something more practical and tangible out of music, you can listen to it alongside other more productive things. It can be a really powerful motivator, so there's a practical use for you. You can even listen to music while doing chores or laborious tasks, and it will make those tasks feel much shorter than usual, because music pulls you into a timeless state. So, you can supplement certain activities with music to speed them up. I think that can be considered an improvement. But, I get where you're coming from, you label it a "distraction" because it isn't explicitly productive. There are lots of things which might not be super productive but will put you in a timeless state. The things in my list aren't necessarily productive, they're just examples of things that easily dissipate the experience of time. Yeah, same. You probably have maladaptive/immersive daydreaming like I do. Music can create a lot of energy and inspiration from within you, which is helpful while you're doing certain tasks that might be mundane or laborious otherwise. If you're doing something that requires you to lift something heavy you'll literally feel stronger than usual while listening to music. Depends on how you define distraction and also how you use music. The physical stimuli of the water pulls you into the present moment. Have you ever felt like you could just stay in the shower forever? It forces you into a meditative state. Pay attention to how your state of consciousness feels when you hop out of the shower. Your mind and your perception should feel more lighter and clearer, like you just came out of meditation. It "washes away" the thoughts you've accumulated throughout the day.
  19. There's a very popular study showing that testosterone spikes at day 7, but after that it returns to normal even if you abstain more. So, by that logic, if you wanna maximize testosterone, you should do it every 7 days. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/