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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. This isn't even mental gymnastics at this point. This is an entire mental circus performance.
  2. If you copy and paste the link to the tweet it should just embed itself.
  3. In a sense, yes. It is less biased and more open-minded than most humans.
  4. Tate trying to figure out if people are falling for his BS lol
  5. What do you mean scale it? Time is a relative phenomenon, which is why your perception of its length changes so easily. The "counting out loud" method is not just some party trick, you're literally changing time experientially.
  6. That open-mindedness is so refreshing to see, even if it's just from a robot. I would prefer talking with ChatGPT than some humans.
  7. Count to 60 out loud and focus purely on the amount of seconds that are passing, as diligently as you would focus on your breath during meditation. Now realize, that was technically just one minute. But it felt longer than normal.
  8. Nice to see that ChatGPT has been keeping up with Leo's videos. It's pretty wild when ChatGPT has a more holistic understanding than a professor dedicated to teaching that thing at a university.
  9. I guess the problem fundamentally comes down to the fact that each piece of text is not gonna equally exemplify the perfect exact quantity of ideas and traits that make up an INTP. Like for example, if an INTP writes an essay about emotions, the bot will think something like "this person is speaking about the importance of emotions and how we should take responsibility for them in a logical manner..." and then it might lean towards a type that is less logical or whatever. The only trait that is consistently detected by the bot is the Intuitive side, which seems to structure all the posts an INTP would make.
  10. Even though it's not getting my type exactly right it's still interesting seeing it break down the text into its own interpretive synopsis.
  11. They're reaching so hard lol. Imagine if a voice recording of someone they disliked got leaked. Never in a million years would they even consider it fake or AI, let alone considering it might be out of context or something. But all of a sudden when it comes to Andrew Tate they become super open-minded and consider all possible permutations of reality in which Andrew Tate is an innocent little angel. But of course, it's a feigned open-mindedness for the sake of maintaining their previous position.
  12. Every time you have a negative thought Eckhart Tolle punches you in the face as punishment
  13. Put us in a cage but the opponent is a heroic dose of Salvia
  14. Fight choreography reminds me of The Matrix, which is good
  15. That hypnosis guy looks like a whole movie villain
  16. Not available in my country?! Tough
  17. I would separate fasting from breatharianism. They are different. But nice.
  18. Some states are less attached to "body". It depends. Anytime "you" want to exist as something, that something must be finite, and it must involve identity with some sort of finite form, and that finite form will become what is called a "body". Everything is inextricably linked to conscious experience.