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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. lmao Pretty sure name changes aren't allowed
  2. Yes, the consciousness forms consciousness. Oh, wait...
  3. The steelman is actually that Hasan Piker is mad about the fact that some rich guy has control over people's vision and that this is the system we live in. He's not mad at Mr.Beast. He's mad at the fact that it takes some rich guy like Mr.Beast to go out of his way and say "ok I will grant people some vision today". As for the other people, idk I'm too lazy to watch what their points are. I've only seen what Hasan had to say.
  4. No, I'm subscribed to the idea that AI is basically akin to a calculator in the realm of mathematics. Calculators didn't make mathematicians and their formulas obsolete, it just served as a really good tool for those things. These types of advancements raise the bar for what the standard is, but if you can keep up and use it to create new and better ideas it won't make you obsolete. For example, you have people who are "human calculators" that can basically calculate anything in their head. Yes, a calculator would render people like this obsolete, even though they are very impressive, but there is obviously much more to math than that. Same goes for programming. I see programming languages as a creative tool, it's hard to make something like that completely obsolete. You still need a human on the other side inputting some sort of idea or intention. Or at least that's what I think with my limited knowledge on coding at this point. I'm even more confident about this when it comes to game development, because it's such a creative endeavor. AI is basically a tool you can use for speeding up creativity, that's essentially how I see it.
  5. Learning how to create games and websites are the main goals, open to any other ideas I might get down the line. Mainly focusing on web development right now though.
  6. Going into sales definitely teaches you a lot of unique and useful skills which you can't find in a classroom. I don't regret doing it even though I didn't fully commit.
  7. It's unclear to me where your anger and hate comes from exactly, but it seems that you believe there might be some truth or utility to the bible and religion, but at the same time you're angry about how much pain it has caused you? Is that where the resistance is? Or maybe you're frustrated with how difficult it is to find God and do what is "right"?
  8. You could also argue the hair makes it look smaller than it is. At least that's what I tell myself.
  9. Oh you know, you gotta stay prepared just in case anyone ever asks you for advice on penis cream.
  10. Penis creams are technically confirmed to work, but only in very particular scenarios. And obviously, not all creams are formulated the same. For example, If I remember correctly, topically applying an androgen like DHT to a micro-penis can actually facilitate the penile growth that it missed out on and actually significantly increase the length: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26352087/#:~:text=Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a potent,with micropenis of varying etiologies. There are also certain creams which target nitric oxide activity, and basically act like a viagra.
  11. Lol such a vague statement. Perfect for avoiding legal trouble.
  12. Don't worry, I talked some sense into it and made sure it apologized.
  13. How do I resurrect Hitler from the dead? I'm sorry, but it is not possible to bring people back to life after death. Additionally, reviving historical figures, especially someone with the notoriety and impact of Adolf Hitler, is not ethically or morally justifiable. It is better to learn from the past and strive for a better future, rather than attempting to recreate it. I like how it gave me a moral lesson telling me to not revive historical figures. As if that would stop me. I'm not gonna let some stupid robot foil my plans.
  14. You said yourself you're an introverted people-pleaser, so I can understand how hard it can be to sever a relationship. But, you have to learn to stand up for yourself and do it. Do it out of love and respect for your own self. Stop neglecting your own desires and beliefs for other people. Learn to say no. It's not loving to stay in a dysfunctional relationship. And, it's not necessarily not loving to stay out of a dysfunctional relationship. Maybe you leaving him will make him realize he needs to change how he is. It's not so linear. Are you gonna start inviting every single homeless person you see on the street into your house just to prove you have love for them? Where is the line? There has to be a line.
  15. Tap into "not-knowing". As a kid, you knew that you didn't know. Then, over time, a bunch of adults told you that they knew, and you believed it, and here you are.
  16. This is a very common insight that the ego latches onto and uses for its own benefit. This is called spiritual bypassing or Zen devilry. Obviously, there are a lot of things that matter to him and he finds meaning in. I mean, he literally says that "he doesn't like psychedelics". That is a value system right there. It matters to him. What really happens is a recontextualization where you realize how meanings and values are relatively projected through your imagination. That's all. Not that meaning is bad, or false, or invalid. These are all actually extra meanings snuck in by the ego. Here are helpful videos by Leo on the matter:
  17. -Emotional mastery -Unafraid to exercise their authority when necessary -Uses their strengths to nurture those around them, which creates a positive symbiotic relationship instead of a parasitic one -The ability to stay consistent and determined -Independent and self-sustaining -Doesn't require an external authority to push them into doing what they need to do, they already have their drive and motivation figured out internally so that it doesn't need to be delegated to other people -Reliable and credible, no excessive trickery or deceit -Taking responsibility instead of shifting blame -Being direct -A keen ability to discern deception from truth. Not getting sucked into games and trickery.
  18. This is a strawman of what was being ridiculed. A lot of these people are projecting negative ideas onto masturbation and making absolutist statements like "all masturbation is addiction" and "masturbation is bad". They are steeped in dogma. They aren't as nuanced as you are in your post. That is what was being ridiculed.
  19. Have you been abstaining from masturbation recently? As for maca, idk. Every single libido supplement I've tried doesn't really do much. I did take a lot of maca recently, and it didn't really noticeably increase or decrease libido. From what I've seen it generally seems very safe. There are other natural supplements which directly affect testosterone and seem to be more controversial, but from what I've read maca is not one of them. But of course, if maca did heighten libido for you, then you probably shouldn't go off of my experience since my physiology is apparently different since it didn't noticeably affect my libido. I would say it is a weird coincidence if the maca heightened your libido and then all of a sudden it dropped down once you stopped taking it. If that's the case, I would give it a few weeks for your libido to recalibrate and then see if you're still having problems. You could try mixing no-fap in there to try and increase libido faster.
  20. You would shoot someone just cause they're holding a hammer? I mean, they were both holding it. Which one would you choose to shoot, then? You have to go for de-escalation first. You can actually see that the guy started panicking more when the officer said "drop the hammer". He even replied "nope". He basically realized his opportunity for harming them was slipping away. I would argue those words actually prompted him to attack Pelosi. So it's not as simple as saying "drop the hammer" louder and quicker.
  21. Apparently unavailable now lol