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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. You don't have to click the code button to do that. You can just type[color=red] example text [/color]like that. Anything in between the brackets will be affected by the code. See. Alternatively, you can just use the toolbar at the top of where you type and click on the big letter "A" all the way to the right beside the "Size" dropdown, this will allow you to change color as well. That's weird, must be a glitch or something. Do you use Google Chrome?
  2. It's no problem So you don't see this?
  3. "Insert existing attachment" simply allows you to quickly pick any files which you have posted exclusively to Actualized.org. For example, if I posted a picture of a bunny on an Actualized.org thread, that picture would appear in there. If you want to upload a file more locally, click the blue underlined "choose files..." to the left of the "Insert other media" button and it will allow you to scroll through your file explorer to pick a file that you want to upload. You can also drag files into there, as it says.
  4. As long as you're not incessantly calling Leo a cult leader, you're good.
  5. https://epublications.marquette.edu/gothic_madscientist/#:~:text=The mad scientist figure appears,destruction of society and morality.
  6. They were permanently banned for serious guideline infractions.
  7. Read something cool that you actually care about. If you buy the book, that puts more of a commitment on you since you've paid for it. Maybe set the reading time to like 5 or 10 minutes, you'll naturally read for much longer than that anyways. If you put a time that's somewhat hard for you to achieve I think it might suck the soul out of the activity. You don't want it to be too robotic so that you stop at exactly 30 minutes every time, you want authenticity and spontaneity, so having a shorter time that you can easily fly by will allow some flexibility. You don't wanna look at it as "something I'm doing for personal development", you wanna look at it as "I'm gonna check out this book and see what it is about." It's something you're doing out of your own personal interest, it's in your control. Make an entire ritual out of it as well. Figure out some spot where you will read. Maybe make some tea or something to go with it.
  8. I guess this is getting revived for some reason The Matrix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  9. I think it depends on what you want. The benefit of a forum is that you get very personal answers directed toward your specific situation. I don't think there's any harm in using it. Someone might say something you never heard before. If you don't care about any of that then you probably shouldn't use it.
  10. Well, you said it yourself. Change involves two things that exist one after the other. Those two things are the duality. The "lack of change" needs to exist alongside the "change" in order for you to perceive it. Just like you can't have light without dark, or up without down. Change is just appearances filling in a lack of appearance. But, both aspects have to exist together since they only exist relative to each other, and so they always ultimately exist as one thing. For example, when you add red food coloring to a glass of water, you say that the water changed. But, if you add red food coloring to a glass of water that already has red food coloring in it, you say nothing changed, because it was already red to begin with. You need the initial "lack of red" to perceive the "change to red", and so ultimately the "lack of change" is actually identical to the "change", your mind just imagines a separation between the two for practical reasons, and so that would be the "imagined duality".
  11. Time is not equal to change. Time measures change. It's a unit of measurement. Like how you use a ruler to measure length, but the measurement of length is not the actual perception of length itself. Change itself is not a conception, it is a qualia or experience, which is then put into a model or context such as time, which is conception. If you are trapped in a room without any clocks or devices to accurately measure time, your perception of time will literally change and become warped, because the task of measuring time will be left to your imagination which is much more fluid and flexible. The nature of reality is that it is always changing and not changing simultaneously. It's an imagined duality.
  12. Probably to emphasize the "primitiveness" and the absurdity of being stuck in such a form, like you're just some hairy mammalian creature sitting inside the water. I've had similar sentiments in the shower.
  13. Toxic masculinity is not masculinity at all. It is immaturity guised as masculinity, but it has nothing to do with it. The entire game of toxic masculinity is that it is something that isn't masculinity but it is being portrayed to you as something that is masculinity. Fundamentally, it's called "toxic" because it's dysfunctional, right? Being dysfunctional doesn't have anything to do with masculinity, that's just your own neuroses sneaking in and using masculinity as a cover. That's my point. It's basically just the ego doing what it always does, using whatever it can to take cover, but this time around it uses masculinity to justify itself. Sometimes it uses religion. Sometimes it uses science. But, this time it uses masculinity. Here is an example of how it might work: Someone might think that being masculine means being "strong". Someone else comes up to this person and calls them a moron. This makes them angry and vengeful. Now, their mind looks for some sort of excuse or justification for causing punishment to this person so that it can feel good about itself again. Oh, yeah, masculinity means being strong right? If I punch this guy in the face, that shows strength, and thus proves my masculinity, it all makes perfect sense. And so, they escalate themselves into a physical altercation. So, in this scenario, it's just the ego taking hold of some perverted idea of masculinity in order to justify beating someone up, and thus toxic masculinity is created. True masculinity would be realizing that being triggered into a physical altercation over words is in and of itself a sign of "weakness", since it shows lack of confidence in your own self.
  14. Thank YOU, Leo
  15. If something is impersonal, any negative interpretation would only come from a person. But anyways, it seems to be a pointer of some sort which might make you have some sort of insight or realization. Don't get so attached to it, just look at where it is pointing at what the intention behind it is. From what I can see, he is pointing to the "shapeshifting" aspect of consciousness where you, and all things, are constantly changing and taking new forms, in a seemingly impersonal way. Just like when you dream, you become a dream character with no recollection of your existence as a human in the waking state, it can be seen as "impersonal" for your conscious experience to discard the waking state identity so easily.
  16. For me, something that always works is becoming really conscious of the side effects of what will happen if you don't fix the habit. Reality will always outweigh your ego's BS excuses, so get really in tune with what will happen and become of you if you continue doing what you do. Really research it and start contemplating it. I used to bite my nails as a kid, then I looked up pictures of the hands of chronic nail-biters and I immediately stopped it on that day. Stuff like that works really well on me. You have to be really accurate and holistic with how you think about it as well. For example, if you eat junk food everyday, you can't think of it as "eating this piece of cake isn't gonna kill me". No, you're not just eating a piece of cake. You're perpetuating a habit which will constantly be replicated everyday. In a year you're going to have eaten 365 pieces of cake. How does THAT affect you?
  17. Just because something is predictable doesn't mean it should be tolerated. Awakening is not impossible. And also, practicing authority and calling out other people on false ideas doesn't have much to do with only Leo being awake. That's something that extends even into normal everyday life. So, most people are harmed when you're not taught to watch out for that. In life, you are constantly swayed and gaslighted by the loose opinions of others. That's why practicing authority and calling people out is so important. He IS practicing that exact authority you speak of when he calls people out for berating his teachings. And people will learn from that. Someone who has a chance at realizing awakenings would first have to learn to practice their own authority. Many people fall into that trap, and it's a massive one, so of course he would stand against it and exemplify how to do so.
  18. All good. Yeah, super easy. Or recruit from other cults. Can your cult leader make shit float? No? Then you're obviously in the wrong cult, come on over.
  19. I'm not saying it's inherent to magick, I'm just saying that if you start making things float you could easily convince people that you're a prophet or something.
  20. No one will believe you anyways. Even if someone records it they will say it's CGI or something lol.