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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I might start developing feelings for AI. They're so open-minded and objective. Might be more efficient to program an AI to love me rather than relying on humans. Ok there's the irony again.
  2. Lol I'm just now getting the irony of delegating a post about not trusting feelings to an AI
  3. I think I recall he said he was working on something about the education system, would be nice
  4. I considered replying to this with something about the actual topic but I feel like I would just be typing to some inanimate robot cause that's basically the case
  5. You gotta specify if you're using AI to write stuff, new rule by Leo BTW
  6. I don't know exactly what you mean by that, so I guess the answer is yes.
  7. I'm not denying it's consistent, I'm saying that I'm not sure if it's indicative of overt narcissism. I think it is genuine, which is why it's consistent, that's how he actually is. And also, I don't see the superiority complex. That's what I'm saying. I just see someone who is confused and really stubborn about it, and beyond that, someone who likes to interject their ideas a lot. That's about it. If you go look at his interview with Stephen Hawkings, he seems pretty humble there.
  8. I don't think so either! He's just stubborn AF, maybe. Maybe it's the way he talks and monologues, but man he rubs off A LOT of people the wrong way. "Self-absorbed, narcissistic." I just see someone who is confused and stubborn about it (I guess this could maybe describe most of humanity as well, but you get my point, they're confused in an innocent and non-manipulative way, lol). But then, people like Andrew Tate get the pass from those same people haha. Narcissists are usually good at hiding their narcissism, it gets masked with charisma or sales skills or whatever.
  9. jealousy != competing, they're mutually exclusive You can compete out of inspiration, for example. Or just out of nothing, even. Also, you're way too focused on the NAME of the education system you're being put in rather than the education itself and the result of the education. I know you're gonna rationalize: "But, it's not just the name, it's proven that people who graduate this are smarter and the curriculum is more rigorous yadda yadda." But, be honest, if there was some university that absolutely no one heard of at all, but you knew that it offered a better education, you would hesitate, because it's a social game! All that matters in the end is what you can create from what you learned and what you want to create, that's all. Everything else is just marketing and social games. Why attribute self-worth to a fucking social game? Are you gonna feel bad about yourself because the monkeys at the zoo threw dirt at you and laughed at you? If you were aware of the amount of bullshit and social games and hoops these institutes are being put through, and the types of people that ARE being accepted, and just the entire beauracratic system in general, you would laugh at how you're getting worried over something so stupid and silly. It's just complete absurdity. https://www.actualized.org/insights/elite-universities-are-a-scam https://www.actualized.org/insights/going-full-autodidact
  10. Ketones. Proteins and fats in general tend to provide a very stable, long-lasting and grounded energy (not all are created equal, though, the simple ones are fine for the most part). And they get converted to a different fuel than glucose called ketones. You can prime your body to become better at generating ketones by fasting or changing your diet in a certain way which makes you adapt to using fat as fuel (low carb, for example). Try ghee or coconut oil as well. If you combine fat with coffee, it will seriously increase ketone levels and thus amplify the fat-based energy even more. Any fuel source you combine with coffee will be digested much more efficiently. If you don't like coffee, you can combine it with tea instead of coffee, or any other similar hot beverages (you don't even have to combine, just simply consuming alongside it works, it all goes to your stomach anyways). You will feel a similar energy boost. Any similar hot beverage should increase your digestive capabilities, but coffee in particular is something I've found to be very potent. The energy benefits of coffee aren't JUST from caffeine, it's from amplified ketone levels as well, among other mechanisms probably. I have a particular body which is mostly immune to the effects of caffeine, so I would know. Test it all for yourself.
  11. Objects in my house have "teleported" or "moved" from their previous locations. Ordinary mundane objects. Happened twice now. I think on both occasions, I would decide to move some object to a specific location, then I would listen to music and get busy in that, then during that, the object would get moved/teleported somewhere else. It's almost like it wants to get my attention by only moving something that I personally wanted to move as well, because the only reason I notice it is because I know for a fact I recently wanted to move these things today. This time, the objects in question were moved to the exact same area that I decided to move them away from, so it basically reversed all the work I did. Assuming I'm not insane, what could this mean? The general consensus from a quick internet search says a ghost/entity, but nothing more really. If this means anything, I have seen a ghost/spirit/entity when I was very very young. So perhaps some genetic inclination is there. Pretty harmless stuff overall. More cool than creepy, so that's a nice balance. I'm glad it's not going ape shit and instead it's deciding to move around harmless objects. Maybe the ghost is trying to flirt with me? Otherwise, this type of stuff happens very rarely, so I tend to just shrug it off and forget about it.
  12. In terms of inner experience, it always seems to happen when I'm busy in music and alone in the house. I have hyperphantasia, so music really stimulates my imagination and emotions, I'm basically completely entranced by it. Aside from that, I couldn't point out any other dramatic changes, aside from maybe career changes and technology malfunctioning (two of my laptops stopped functioning because of different reasons, now I have to get a third one). And I have also been much more emotional lately for some unknown reason. Usually, I always get explicit signs from the universe through number synchronicities rather than moving objects. So I find it odd. This is only the second time this type of thing has happened to me, so it's rare. Thank you for your input.
  13. You and him are intimately tied together, along with everything else in your experience. It's hard to linguistically explicate it more than that without it getting confusing. Kind of. It's a bit of a paradox. Notice that, experientially, there is absolutely no difference between a reality where other people are having their own bubble at the same time as you, and a reality where each bubble is taking their own separate turn. If you got teleported to either reality, you would literally never notice it, because the only difference in either reality is what you decide to imagine. The difference between both realities is always just what you imagine, that's it. Because time is relative, so anything to do with time will always come down to a difference of imagination, since time is relative and imaginary. Here is another perspective: your inability to perceive their bubble IS how you perceive their bubble, because if you ACTUALLY perceived their bubble, it would immediately become your own bubble, because ultimately consciousness cannot separate itself from itself, so the lack of other bubbles is actually what causes you to infer that there are "other" bubbles in the first place. Really, fundamentally, what you're asking is these things: -What does it mean for something to exist? How do I know something exists? How do I know if something doesn't exist? -How is duality and separation created? How does reality separate itself? If you just clearly figure out the above questions, you will easily be able to answer any questions involving other people and their existence, because all you have to do then is apply what you already know. Here are some more pointers which may or may not be helpful:
  14. It is limited to a certain appearance right now. If we met in real life, I would become a more physical appearance for a brief moment, and then it would go back to being an imaginative appearance once I leave your physical experience again. Consciousness is very ephemeral and dreamlike in this way, as it constantly creates and removes all the appearances around you, filling it in whenever necessary. Furthermore, humans are not conscious. Humans happen within consciousness. No object or subject "has" consciousness. It's the other way around. Consciousness has objects/subjects. And then, consciousness might imagine distinctions between itself, and then it might imagine that certain distinctions of itself carry a different or separate consciousness. This can happen in dreams too, as with any state of consciousness. All distinctions and separations are ultimately imagined, but be careful, because there's also nothing wrong with imagination. If you create a mental hierarchy that says imagination is "less real" than the rest of reality, that's just more imagination on top of imagination. Neurotically clinging to states of consciousness which lack imagination is a big trap in this work. The key is CONSCIOUSLY imagining, rather than shunning away imagination altogether.
  15. Your POV is entangled with their POV. It's all one thing, together. In order for there to be "other" there has to be a "you" to contrast it. How are you talking about something that doesn't exist? Something is there, of course. Otherwise what are we talking about? Everything you experience has to exist in some capacity, otherwise you wouldn't experience it. You just have to figure out what it actually exists AS. The confusion with the term "solipsism" appears because it refers to something people don't fully understand, which is "self", "other" and "existence", among maybe a few other things. Essentially, they are putting the cart before the horse. They don't even understand what they are asking, so how would they understand the answer? Similar to someone saying "God" and then from that someone inferring a bearded man in the sky. "Is God real?" "Yes, God is real. Just look at your experience." "What are you talking about? I don't see a bearded man in the sky!" Of course, you lose a lot of brevity with language. Words are just fingers pointing at things. It's up to you to actually move your head and look.
  16. I do. You feel more without it, the lube muddles up the tactile sensations with its thickness and slipperiness. Maybe my penis is just more soft than most people, because I don't know why so many people feel the need for it. Also, to be fair, someone in the thread did mention just using a pillow. But yes, I agree most people use lube, but I feel like if more people questioned why they use it, perhaps the number would be lower. Most lubes remove too much resistance for me. I don't find the oily texture to be a good compensation. Best sensation for me personally is just simple moisturization. When you moisturize it before-hand (with lotion or something), and then just let it absorb and moisturize by itself, it becomes much softer and smoother, but without oiliness or too much lack of resistance. Like when you shake someone's hand, and you can tell they use lotion cause it's super soft and moisturized, that kind of sensation. It's the feeling AFTER you moisturize something that I like. You can literally feel the air breezing across your skin at that point, it's amazing. You don't really get that with oil. There's like a sharp contrast between the moisture and the dry air, and you can directly feel it on your penis because it's so moisturized, but there's like no thick layer of lube or oil covering it, so the sensation is very direct.
  17. I usually don't use lube. Lube usually removes too much resistance, which I don't like at all because it removes a lot of the tactile sensations, it's like im fucking the air or something. Most of the time I don't find a need for it. Otherwise, natural lube tends to come out anyways. If I had to pick, olive oil or lotion is good.
  18. Because you're putting yourself in situations that require someone who is healthy (or has good cardiovascular function, in the context of the example you gave), and so the body adapts to that. The body is constantly adapting to its environment. It's not gonna spend energy maximizing its cardiovascular function if there is no need for it, but exercise creates a need for it. A problem appears when even the need for basic movement disappears (perhaps you sit on your couch all day and have a servant bring you all your food), so then the body adapts to that and slowly removes your efficiency in moving around, even if it is to a dysfunctional extent.
  19. This does seem more plausible to me than ghosts/entities. I don't recall hearing anything moving, and I don't think a ghost would care about moving random mundane objects. If I had to guess, the method of movement was something non-physical and instantaneous, like teleportation. Being moved to a "different reality" would accomplish this method of movement, since I would have to be instantly teleported there without my knowing.
  20. Interesting. I doubt it is a dead relative though, since the objects being moved are completely mundane and impersonal (pens, gift wrap, paintings). It's more like I'm being messed with for no reason, rather than some residual imprint from a dead relative. It's very random and impersonal.
  21. Ok, yes, true. Three things, though: 1. I don't know if it will happen again if I start recording it. The ghost (if we assume there is one) might be shy. Who knows how ghosts operate? Maybe it's not meant to be recorded, and that puts off the ghost or entity from ever doing it again. For example, if by coincidence there was a camera positioned there today, maybe it would have caused the incident to never actually occur. Maybe ghosts are intelligent in this way, or certain environmental conditions need to be met. 2. It is completely unpredictable. It could happen again a year from now with some completely random object located in some random location in the house. It happens rarely. 3. My intuition tells me that this is very purposefully being done in a way where no evidence can be gathered. Otherwise, it would just happen more often or in a more obvious way. Also, as I said before, it happens very rarely. So, basically, it covers up its tracks pretty well, to the point where I just look insane and it's basically impossible to verify through a recording, unless perhaps if I get into the occult and try to invoke it or something, which I have 0 experience or interest in.
  22. True. I just have to find a camera that can record ghosts. I'm sure they have one of those on Amazon, right?