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Osaid replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Might be good for tarot reading or psychic readings. I've gotten weirdly accurate readings before. Psychics use it for stuff like that. You need someone who genuinely pursues it as an area of expertise for more accurate applications, not some 16 year old on Pinterest. Although, I am still uncertain about the extent of its usefulness. I find something like MBTI to be much more practical, so I am left to assume that zodiac signs are more like a tool for supernatural readings and predictions, rather than a more objective psychological analysis as MBTI proves to be. Definitely. Same happens for MBTI, or most things humans interact with in general. -
bruh bullying != confidence and domination
normal drama is two people gossiping about eachother scientist drama is about room temperature superconductors
Looking at the "differences" section of this article, I still say narcissist. https://www.talkspace.com/mental-health/conditions/articles/sociopath-vs-narcissist/#:~:text=“The main difference between sociopathy,but isn't always dangerous. Despite his lack of respect and empathy towards certain human beings, it all still hinges on his own moral structure of being a real man and being part of a brotherhood or whatever. I think his relationship with his brother and dad are as genuine as his emotions are gonna get, and I think he really does look up to his dad (who was professionally diagnosed as a narcissist). I don't think he would torture someone for fun as a sociopath would. At the very least, he would first justify it with some kind of narcissistic moral justification that makes him guilt-free in his mind. He also goes through a lot to maintain his public image, whereas a sociopath wouldn't care as much.
I am referring to someone diagnosed with NPD
I disagree. This is the average narcissist. It's just that most narcissism happens behind closed doors in very personal situations, so you don't get to see that this is how they all tend to operate. They all conduct it with the same methods of manipulation, it's how psychologists detect narcissists in the first place. Of course their specific ideas of how to pursue the narcissism is different, but the structure is the same.
If the relationship wasn't dysfunctional or toxic for you, then that's great. I don't think this is a common occurence at all, though, assuming she was in fact a narcissist or highly narcissistic. There can be genuine moments of sweetness in those relationships, which is why it can be hard to leave those types of relationships or even admit to yourself that they are toxic to you. A lot of that sweetness usually occurs in highly conditional ways, which is where the "toxic" or "dysfunctional" element comes in. Or, the sweetness could even just be a farce altogether on the narcissist's part. Or, a combination of both. That level of self-absorption is still highly dysfunctional, and so it will pose a danger to other people, if not yourself. Arguably, in the context of someone like Tate, he isn't demonized enough. People think narcissism is just about being infatuated with your looks and being prideful, but if you ever get involved in the personal lives of someone as narcissistic as Tate, the amount of emotional manipulation they exert on you is insane. It's cult-like, and actually, most cults start from narcissists, so the same dynamic is there, just on a smaller level. The word narcissist has lost too much of its meaning from people using it loosely as an insult, so I am trying to use something more captivating like "monster" to invoke the proper level of seriousness. If you are unable to distinguish an alligator as a monster to keep distance from, it becomes a survival issue. Same with narcissists. If you don't keep appropriate distance, you will get sucked into their manipulation without knowing it, just like Tate did to thousands of impressionable people. They can hide in plain sight through their charisma. No one knows how to accurately spot this type of narcissistic manipulative behaviour at all. Case in point, Andrew Tate and the many people he fooled. So, for that reason, I'm loose about using terms like "monster" in order to juxtapose the nice and charismatic appearance narcissists tend to put out. Also, when I say "narcissist", I am referring to someone with NPD.
This is what a real clinical narcissist looks like. As entertaining as Tate can be at times, it's only because you have the distance to view him through the internet. If you had to personally live with him, you would see how much of a monster narcissists really are.
much better
legit thought i opened a porn site by accident when i typed twitter into the search bar and saw a black logo with an x pop up, very cool update from elon
Osaid replied to Butters's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
One way you could go about it: 1. Go to a room or secluded area where you can genuinely think and introspect 2. Ask yourself why you aren't happy, and why spirituality didn't make you happy 3. Write or note down all the reasonings and goals that arise 4. Ask yourself, is taking care of these these things going to make me happy? If the answer is yes, go achieve all those goals, or a few of them, and then come back to the reasonings and ask yourself the question again to confirm your progress. Do an update, how much has your happpiness increased since reaching those goals? Rinse and repeat. If new reasonings and goals arise, feel free to add them. Congratulations, you just found the key to happiness! If, for whatever reason, the answer is "no" or "I don't know", ask yourself if you can make yourself happy without these things, and whether you have ever experienced happiness without these things, and how exactly that occured. Then, ask yourself how you can achieve something like that again (if you ARE able to recall a time where you were happy without these things). Otherwise, just ask yourself how it could be possible, and if there are other people who have made it possible. TLDR, just thoroughly ask yourself why you're not happy. This is specifically for stubborn stage orange btw, that's why it's so formulaic and kinda forces yourself to ask and verify certain questions. They like that type of stuff. You gotta communicate with where the stage is at. Can't expect a cat to understand english. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
true -
Osaid replied to Butters's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Stage orange spirituality is attracted towards stuff like Neville Godard, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale and those types. Note that these are all people who are materially successful but also preach lots of spiritual ideas, and often contribute their material success to their spiritual ideas. A perfect delicious package for a stage orange type. The stage orange spiritualists will say that the only reason you're not rich or happy is because you haven't "given enough to the universe" or something along those lines. They will talk about equivalent exchange, about manifestation, etc. Notice how all these spiritual ideas conveniently tie in to materialistic goals. They are not gonna go off into a cave to meditate somewhere. They are going to look at a spiritual quote from someone who HAS gone off into a cave, misinterpret it, and then use it for their materliastic gains and ideas. Aside from that, much of western society is materialistic and stage orange. They will often come into spirituality with a mindset of "getting" what they are lacking or missing, and "removing" what is dysfunctional about them. Their mind is linear in that way, and you will see them using that type of terminology a lot. "Getting" confident, "losing" attachments, etc. This is a very limited and unsustainable way of looking at things, and they will eventually become very confused once this mindset runs its course, and they will be forced to transcend it or regress through some ego backlash. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
? rocksism > solipsism You just haven't had Infinite Rock Awakening™ -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is a very human way of looking at rocks, I must say. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It only looks better to a human. A rock doesn't make those distinctions. -
That's good to hear. Thanks for explaining.
Osaid replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
doubt -
Could you elaborate more on this? I don't doubt that there's beauty and renewal at the end...but some kind of description of it would be nice so that I know what to look for
? Imagine deconstructing the entire fabric of reality and ppl are like "ok but this guy does chess and muay thai, u scrawny and weak" Human moment
charisma + sales skills + narcissism deadly combo Admittedly though, I do genuinely like his sense of humor. Narcissists are likeable from afar. It's like viewing a crocodile enclosure at a zoo, it's only enjoyable at a distance. True
I used to be stuck contemplating the same thing and driving myself crazy. For me, it was just realizing that the perfect decision is actually made up of a bunch of imperfect decisions. You have to try a bunch of things in life. It's trial and error. And, there's not gonna be just one singular thing you're passionate about. You can be passionate about everything. EVERY single thing in life has the capacity for passion. If you've been wracking your mind trying to figure out what the "one thing" to be passionate about is, now you know why you were so confused, it's because life has too much variety for your passion to be condensed into just one thing. You should be passionate about the journey, the end destination, and even that one cafe you happened to visit for a quick coffee on your way to the end destination. This is what life is all about. However, you have certain talents and a unique mind which allows you to create something very unique to be passionate about. Whether it's a video game, a book, a movie, or some other thing. This is where the idea of a "life purpose" might come in. Don't hyper-logically look for "the one thing." If you like art, find something sustainable and practical that is somewhat related to art, and then use that to get your foot in the door. Trial and error, like a homing missile. If you try enough things eventually it will all reduce down to the "perfect" decision. I highly recommend watching these videos: Good luck! You're stronger than you might think.
Osaid replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok nvm you actually can't -
Osaid replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You could always just put Leo on the ignore list -
Still more open-minded than most humans, even with those limitations. Nice