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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Why the fixation on Jesus Christ? Who or what is Jesus Christ? Why do you say you are Jesus Christ?
  2. Ok on some real shit this thread makes no sense 1. There is no envy displayed anywhere, just lust and frustration 2. Why is there frustration over sexual attraction? Where is the issue?
  3. Are other people also immortal or are you just built different?
  4. All made up. Based in nothing of substance, like I said before. Propaganda is real: "Benefits of no-fap: less shame" But seriously, this article is made by a hardcore no-fapper. Alternate sources would be nice. I've been through pretty much all of these articles back when I was going through it and I just realized that all these no-fappers were making shit up lmao. I've done my research. Appreciate the resources though. Just on a side note, my flatline in particular had no emotional element to it at all. No depression or changes in mood. Just strictly a lack of sexual desire and ED, that's it.
  5. Not dismissing any research, just interpreting it properly and showing you that it's not conclusive at all and pretty much all correlation. All the flatline theories are definitely bro-science though. The flatline started happening, and they came up with some theory about how it could fit in to the no-fap ideology: "Hmm, must be withdrawal symptoms, you know, brain rewiring or whatever." Very convenient. It's based on absolutely nothing though, like seriously. No one knows what it is, lmao. Which is pretty crazy.
  6. You don't know that. You're just assuming this. This is all bro science which you have no evidence for. It's not an argument, it's what happened. Erections were fine, after no-fap they weren't fine, then they went back to normal again. So the idea that no-fap increases erection quality is wrong because it is not so linear. There is nuance. The truth is that no one knows what is going on there.
  7. My only real advice to you is still just my second reply on this thread. See what works for you. Good luck.
  8. Haha, if you wanna fight with anecdotes, I reckon there are many more supporting my experience that just didn't bother to type it online because they don't feel the need to hang out in a forum and talk about how good masturbating is.
  9. The conclusion is correct, but there is more to scientific knowledge than just social forces and the aformentioned. Scientific knowledge is the product of knowledge. Science != scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is based on science but it is not science, it is an abstraction of science. This is a paradox because you are claiming an absolute truth, which is that there is no absolute truth. So the statement is misguided and loops in on itself. The paradox is created because of a failure to realize that "true" and "false" do not exist in experience, they are just abstracted thought forms which only exist as knowledge. No, this statement doesn't capture the entirety of it. It can be more. It can be based on memory. It's definitely a mental construct though, in all cases. Maybe. Depends on what the criteria is. This statement cannot be validated objectively, because "validity" does not exist as experience. Valid meaning what? Where is it being applied? It won't be valid in the dream state. It might be valid in the waking state. Or it might even be useless in the waking state. Depends.
  10. "Links" and "correlation" galore Anecdotally, none of this stuff is in my direct experience. No ED problems. No libido problems. No issue getting anything up. No relationship problems. And I do it pretty generously. So yeah.
  11. Isn't it like a super common thing to get stuck in your head during sex? This makes sense, and it doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion that porn caused it.
  12. Look up what a "flatline" is in regards to no-fap. I literally did no-fap and it gave me temporary ED and fucked with my libido for a while. This is a common thing that happens but no one talks about, and it's just chalked up as "oh, your brain is rebooting, bro!!" TLDR, no-fap ironically literally gave me temporary ED and fucked with my libido. But anyways, correlation, never proven. Never had problems getting it up ever until I did no fap, lol. It's fixed now though, it was just temporary, thankfully. I've seen stories of people being in that state for years.
  13. Yeah seriously, you don't have hormones and biological organs attached to your body for the sole purpose of alcohol or weed. This is literally like trying to suppress eating or sleeping.
  14. I also needed the logical and intellectual articulations of Leo to unstick my mind from materialism. He has his own unique talents and flair which is great. You can't make contact with the logical mind with a non-logical mind. But this has to be transcended as well, just like you have to transcend any religious texts, bibles, and any teachers, as they ultimately have nothing to do with YOU, which is all there is, and all there is to learn about. And, of course, all communications are limited, always. No exception, no matter how articulate the person is, it will never work. Any sort of middleman or communication cannot be a replacement for you or reality or truth, ever. Definitely a great thinker though, probably one of the best. Thinking only gets you so far though. Good luck.
  15. It's simply the case that most people are not physiologically afflicted by jerking off, but just negative thoughts and such things that are projected afterwards. There is arguably too much stigma and negativity around jerking off which is based in just bro-science and fearmongering, although valid reasons do exist, and some people do experience negative physical effects. This extra nuance which I am mentioning is constantly used by the former non-afflicted group to justify this idea that masturbation is the source of all their problems even though it probably isn't. No, it's more like, the majority of people are fine with masturbating, and then the minority which has problems spends time online arguing about it and building online communities, which creates an innacurate microcosm portraying it as if it is a widespread issue, and not just a niche thing.
  16. Do states appear where you don't exist, where filth is not perceived? Are such states possible? Is entering such a state a contradiction to "God" or what "God" showed you? Why would God allow such states? Do you have moments where you feel good? How can you feel good if filth exists? Is God contradicting itself in these moments? Maybe, the "thing" that wants to undo everything is separate from what needs to be undone? Where does this "thing" go when you are feeling good and peaceful? Do you think this "thing" truly exists in all states of consciousness? Where does the "ego which needs to be undone" go when the desire to "undo things" is abandoned or forgotten about?
  17. First I would ask: Why are you doing this and what do you think it will actually solve? When you go 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 50 days, is anything improving? Does the improvement peak at a certain point? Second: You have a biological bias for being horny, so do not suppress this. But, it is possible to avoid porn for most of your life, if you want. Just replace it with something else you can masturbate to, like your imagination or something. It's entirely possible to masturbate without porn. I actually don't think no-fap is conducive for quitting porn, because it will make you extremely horny and more attracted to porn. So I don't understand the method behind the madness here to be honest. You're putting your horniness on a pedestal by cultivating it for so long. Above all else, just see how it affects you personally. Anything you hear from other people is just rumours without direct experience. This stuff can affect different people very differently. Really, objectively look and see: Is no-fap genuinely helping me quit porn addiction? Is it making it harder? How have I improved since starting? Just a personal caveat, please do not fall into the trap of edging yourself all the time because of the horniness that ensues. This can lead to prostate problems and the like. Just do it at that point.
  18. They sell it at one of the popular supermarkets here and it comes with bamboo straw you just poke in (it comes with the top trimmed off slightly). I don't know if I was particularly thirsty that day but it was seriously a spiritual experience, one of the most refreshing things ever. Very sweet and coconutty. And actually not that expensive IME, about one dollar more than normal price.
  19. I can confirm that one is good too, I've seen it in the international section and tried it a few times. If you just find one that isn't from concentrate and has nothing added it pretty much always tastes decent.
  20. Last time I checked, it's just bro science extrapolated from some study about how long it takes to quit heroin or something. No such reboot occurs on the 90th day, or the 89th day, or the 91st day, but I have seen many people get obsessed over this specific number as if it has some significance.
  21. I'm not very good at it. But it happened naturally when I was drunk at a bar/club once. Kinda got the hang of it thereafter. You literally just subtly move your body to the beat, it's kind of hard not to do it when everyone else is doing it as well, so doing it in a group setting like that could help. I don't see it as something super important tbh, but if you're into it and see some kind of potential in it, knock yourself out. You don't memorize any moves or anything really, you just improvise all of it. I remember it felt daunting previously cause I thought it was all memorized or something, or that I had to memorize something. People who get good at it and memorize moves are just people who first improvised, then thought, damn how can I one up everyone who dances normally? Let me just memorize some stuff on top. Anyways, thats my advice from some pretty limited experiences, but coming from someone who used to live in a similar sentiment. If I had to guess, the practicing didn't work because it was just too logical. Dancing is not logical to begin with. There has to be that initial intuitive "spark" first, and then you bring the logic into it and memorize moves or whatever. And that first spark has no logic to it, it's just moving slightly to the rhythm. Just imagine how you would move listening to your own personal favorite song, that's all it is.