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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Elaborate? Like immediately? Later on? etc. I personally don't eat lentils/legumes because they don't digest efficiently enough. I believe they have some kind of sugar which causes bloating. I don't think I've had black lentils specifically though. Aside from nutrients, it is more important to see if you can actually digest and absorb what you are eating. Speculating, but if I'm looking at the meal in the video, there is like not really any sugar/macros you can absorb from it at a meaningful rate. The ACV will curb the sugar and insulin spike. The lentils are full of fiber which will also curb the insulin/sugar uptake. The cruciferous vegetables don't really have any macros, and are also full of fiber. If I had to speculate, perhaps it is some interaction with the blood sugar levels. If your body is primed for high carb intake, this would make even more sense.
  2. Leo's answer to that is pretty succinct and represents his position today. He lumps enlightenment in with "states" and pegs it at the lower level of his model.
  3. "Now" means everything/existence. Time (past and future) is how the mind creates dualities and limitations. Which is why I make chronological references to "now" all the time.
  4. Woah, I'm not trash-talking him. I just thought it was funny. Ramana is probably my favorite teacher.
  5. Understanding? Human? Terror? Alone? That doesn't sound like actual nothing. Those require you to be things. All "things" are psychological relative divisions you make in your mind, but they are never seen or experienced in actuality. When you do away with every single possible relative notion, you are left at no things, in other words, you are left at one occurrence which is just reality as you are. The desire for someone to understand you is the misunderstanding; it is duality. You are occurring in unison with them, there is no separation. You ARE perfect understanding because you are always what is occurring now, alongside everyone else. How could now misunderstand now? That is the misunderstanding! Misunderstanding requires you to separate part of yourself. You are unified as one occurrence with everything. Love is perfect unity. Love is including everyone and everything in yourself, without fear of being separate from them, without any insecurity; without any psychological division. There aren't people who can misunderstand you, there is not a single part of existence which can misunderstand you because you ARE existence, it is a false mental division. There are just thoughts about people. ❤️🎯❤️🎯❤️🎯
  6. What's the duality? Is "typing on a keyboard" one experience, or two experiences? Is "ducking a hammer" one experience, or two experiences? Physicality is not actually comprised of objects. That's just thinking. You don't touch or feel divisions. It's more easy to see this if you are in a pitch black room and your visual field doesn't illuminate any boundaries. Physical touch is just formless feeling, without any boundaries or distinctions. Physicality also doesn't project itself into what isn't occurring now, unlike thoughts. What I am trying to say is that my body is not immune to hammers and bullets, although yeah it would be cool if enlightenment transformed you into Neo from The Matrix or something. What really needs to be grasped is that every single word in all of existence actually points to one experience, not two experiences. Words and divisions are concepts which aren't experienced. Words and divisions aren't experienced, but rather, words and divisions point to experiences. The hand is never what it is pointing at. But if you take the analogy all the way, the hand didn't create any actual object that it is pointing at either, it is simply just pointing. The pointing and the thing being pointed at are the same occurrence.
  7. Lol. Imagine being so lazy that you'd rather have rodents bite at your feet than do work.
  8. It's not like that. There is merit to "consciousness exploration", probably and possibly. But it is ultimately "relative", in that, it is of the intellect. Similar to exploring pizza recipes forever, or exploring basketball forever, or exploring philosophy forever. Pizza, basketball, and philosophy ARE consciousness. The entirety of life is consciousness exploring itself. That never stops happening, it is what you are always experiencing since birth. But enlightenment is its own secular phenomenon, which is fundamentally realizing what your conscious experience is. Not through intellect or understanding, but orbiting outside of intellect and understanding and seeing the limits of intellect and understanding. "It" does not happen through intellect or understanding because intellect and understanding are finite/dualistic subsets of experience, which is to say, they are concepts never truly experienced by any entity which is separate from experience. There is no entity which could be separate and accumulate understanding and consciousness of itself, because no one experiences duality/differences/separation in the first place. The trickiness with psychedelics is that it radically changes your physical/experiential experience while having the intellect/ego active, and so the intellect co-opts the experience and tries desperately to create its own form of conceptual non-duality, in the form of tautological ideas like "solipsism" and whatnot. The thing with Leo is that he is making statements about consciousness which are dualistic, that is where the non-dual/enlightened crowd comes in and says: "no, that couldn't be the case."
  9. These are contradictions. Now is non-dual. Dual is not now. You can't be a non-dual dualist! Pick one! What duality? What shape/color/sensation is a duality?
  10. They are concepts which aren't experienced. In the same way that the word "non-existence" defines itself as something which is not experienced. You can't believe or assume something you are experiencing. That's like saying "the taste of water is a belief/assumption." Beliefs and assumptions are like thoughts that fill in the gaps of what is not experienced. But the fundamental fact remains, which is that it all has to occur now. Exactly like reading a book. You imagine that the words are describing something. When the book describes the past, you're reading it now. When the book describes the future, you're reading it now. Non-duality/enlightenment is realizing that you're always reading now, and thus nothing is being described.
  11. Yeah this is exactly what Leo's crux is. He thinks there is something beyond the absolute. I sent this same video a while ago too. Whenever Leo says "degrees of consciousness" or "higher consciousness", he is saying that there is something beyond the absolute, as in, there is something beyond your current conscious experience. (he will probably deny this summation, but it is exactly what his intellect is doing) In order for there to be degrees of consciousness, or higher consciousness, there must be something other than consciousness, but this is impossible. Non-duality says that there is nothing beyond now, so there are no degrees of consciousness at all. Now is absolute.
  12. There is no separation or duality because there isn't anything other than what is happening right now. Thoughts appear as "not now", now. You aren't. Thoughts appear as "not now", now. There isn't "you" and "a universe", both are the same occurrence because both are happening now. A "dualistic universe" couldn't be now. What happens now couldn't be dual, because what happens now is always one occurrence, since there aren't "two nows." There are just thoughts about "not now", occurring now. Nothing could confirm the existence of something that isn't happening now, because it would have to happen now. There are thoughts occurring now, about "not now." Dualities are concepts which aren't experienced. Like "non-existence." If someone believes they are a unicorn, that doesn't make them a unicorn. No one sees water in a mirage. They just assume it or believe it. Assumptions and beliefs aren't experienced, by definition.
  13. He constantly oscillates between non-duality and duality. Look at it for yourself. On the one hand he says humans don't exist, then he says you have lower consciousness since you're human. Lol!
  14. Yeah he completely backpedaled away from non-duality now, despite teaching it before. He previously regarded it as absolute truth, but I guess he changed his mind? His perception was incorrect maybe? There is always this pattern where his teachings "evolve" and "change" over time. Very interesting! Maybe he wont even believe in solipsism a few years from now. Can you imagine if a non-dual teacher was like "no, wait, maybe there is duality, or maybe there isn't..."
  15. Bro. You're the one who isn't taking this seriously. If you were serious, you wouldn't be assuming without any confirmation, and you wouldn't be posting screenshots from a private group on Facebook. You have failed to provide any actual evidence multiple times, and you continuously delegate your own unconfirmed assumption by saying "just research it for yourself, bro." It's fine if you don't jive with the teachings, but there's no need to forsake your epistemic rigor.
  16. It's not dualistic. That's mistaking the map for the territory. Ego is belief in separation, which can be unbelieved and seen to never have been experienced at all. Self-inquiry, meditation, etc, helps to "untie" or "dissolve" the belief. Ultimately leading to a clear perception that there was never time or separation, or any entity which had either quality. There were never dualisms. That's what non-duality tries to get you to see. Like mistaking a rope for a snake your entire life. The snake being analogous to ego/separation.
  17. Lol! "Rupert cheated on his wife" "Proof?" *Shows a private group of a bunch of disgruntled people on Facebook accusing him of spreading nihilism*
  18. Dualism is only profound when you think it's actually pointing to something. Been there, done that. Enjoy your endless intellectual non-existence!
  19. It's "not in an infinite state right now"? So when is it going to be infinite?? Not right now? You keep describing something finite and calling it infinite. Intellect is funny!
  20. Imagination is actual. Right now. Not before or after, those are also right now.
  21. Let me know when you see something that isn't happening right now.
  22. Being in Paris would actually happen now. "Being" always happens now. "I've been in Paris" requires you to not be there, since it talks about the past. "I can go to Paris" requires you to not be there, since it talks about the future. Future and past, aren't ever being. See the vantage points?
  23. This is conflating consciousness with psychedelic experiences. I can't be in the future. I can only be thinking about the future, now. The fundamental point is that you can't be in past and future, therefore the statement isn't pointing to anything that is actually ever occurring. "You" aren't ever in past or future. "You can experience..." never occurs, because it isn't now. It's a concept, never experienced. You can't define yourself through past and future, because you are always happening now. You can only say "I am thinking of the future, now", or "I am thinking of the past, now." The vantage point is always now, without exception.