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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Speak for yourself. Yeah, I always say it feels like I just stepped out of a shower. Maybe much of the population is on a spectrum of POIS, or placebo fueled by shame and judgment.
  2. I think you misunderstand what I said. I didn't deny this part. I am saying not to make an identity out of it. All identities are partial and false. That's ok. Better than thinking you do when you don't. Sure. But don't assume that it is possible to go deeper, or that infinite love even exists. All of that is rumours you have heard from other people. Take it with a grain of salt. Anything that isn't directly experienced is complete garbage when it comes to this work. It is just an idea for you. If you want my own advice, this awakening is about as good as it gets. Next is getting it permanently in the sober baseline state and then living the rest of your life. If you adopt any radical or complex ideas about reality thereafter it is likely just a result of you losing yourself in your intellect, this is almost unavoidable when you rely on psychedelics too much. Keep in mind the simplicity and the profundity of that simplicity that your awakening carried, don't forget that. Existence is simple and profound. Don't get bogged up in intellectual bullshit. Be careful and good luck.
  3. I think a big trap is contemplating magical and mystical things when it is actually the very human things you need to question. Why do I feel social anxiety? Why does this memory make me feel embarrassed? Why does this thought make me feel fear? etc. All thought-based delusions ultimately have an anthropomorphic flavour to them since it all comes from the human capability for intelligence. You can sniff out metaphysical delusions by looking at what someone says and seeing how "human" it feels. I don't think it is useful to inquire about yourself in relation to nebulous topics like "freedom." If you are being honest and practical, that thought form never really occurs in regards to a self-image. When it comes to self-referential thoughts, what does occur are things like "I am jealous of this person", "this makes me feel sad", etc. Question the thoughts that you actually find yourself caught in, not the impractical overly philosophical stuff. The stuff that is genuinely relevant to you and your emotional state is where your ego actually occurs. That is where you look and question.
  4. Yes. The curiosity only serves a practical use, which is learning about it and recreating the phenomenon, if you want. All thoughts are equally thoughts. Doesn't matter if it is a product of your brain or whatever. What matters is what it experientially creates.
  5. Some parts seem partial, but close to the Truth. The fear from the second part comes from an inaccurate perception from your ego. It is a result of intellectualizing the first insight. The ego putting its reigns back by questioning the experience. "But wait, if I'm this, that means I should fear this!" Of course, you cannot imagine biology. No shit. It's just imagination. You can only think thoughts, not things that aren't thoughts. Don't ascribe any type of identity like "I am creating and imagining everything" to that, that's a trap. Don't forget this part, it will save you a lot of headaches. Yes, and it is possible to live the rest of your life from here if you inquire into what you are, that "recontextualization" can occur sober, and that is enlightenment. Don't be gaslighted into thinking otherwise. What you describe sounds very similar to actual enlightenment, but I also see many concepts floating around. Pretty good all things considered. You're at a place which isn't that ungrounded. This is probably about as good as an awakening can get. Can you really find an answer which will explain your experience? Why create questions out of it? All questions are made by you, and you can stop making them too. Notice how once you had this desire to question the experience, fear started to arise, very curious. Also, be careful, many people parrot terms like "consciousness", "infinity", etc, but they are talking about something completely different. Always compare your own experience of those things to what other people say.
  6. Yeah. Welcome.
  7. If you are focusing on the right thing, 1-6 months. Took me 1 month of self-inquiry. Those two time frames are within the scope of possibility. Many different things work for different people though. A bit hard to measure what life events helped towards the realization, but that is measuring all the time spent in serious self-inquiry. If you are following teachings or teachers that don't know what they are talking about, it can become a serious red herring and waste a lot of time. It can feel like you're making a lot of progress, but you're not. You get a lot of smart and clever ideas about reality, which feels like progress, but they are simply ideas and unrelated to what you are.
  8. Yes, you're right. Everyone needs to know that the reason he hasn't uploaded is because he hasn't found his alien camera.
  9. Absolutely, that is by design. The "real life" in that scenario is simply what the ego thinks of it. Until you have solved that mystery, you have not correctly identified what the "player" of life is, and therefore you cannot play the game properly. Once you realize what you are, you can finally properly perceive life and see it for what it is. Imagine trying to play Super Mario while thinking you are Bowser instead of Mario, it will be very harrowing and confusing. Bowser (self-proclaimed) will say: "What kind of life is this??" Basically, it is a completely natural and intuitive sentiment to chase the murder mystery first, and then life after. You cannot do the latter before the former.
  10. You are describing a contradiction. How can you feel separate if you are truly aware of "God" or a "will" of that God? The only way that something separate can perceive God, is through more separation, or in other words, imagination. You are imagining God, and God's will. Your God is imaginary. That is the only way for you to "feel separate." If you are truly aware of God, you are not separate. But you say: "I feel separate, is this not God's will?" It may or may not be the will of the God you are currently imagining, that is for you to imagine.
  11. Infinity doesn't want anything, it's not a human. Humans want things. Identities want things. Human is an identity. "I am infinity and I want this" is an identity. Math makes sense. Equations make sense. But they don't exist and aren't experienced.
  12. To remedy the sentiment directly, it is fun and feels like solving a murder mystery. But then you also have the rest of life to solve, which is equally and infinitely as mysterious.
  13. "When God is far away in the heavens the ego feels thrilled, then there is adventure. And when I say he is very close by, then the ego feels no interest. Remember this trip of the ego. Ego can play such beautiful games, such beautiful, subtle games, that if you are not aware, you will never get out of it. And unless you get out of it, you will never see God." -Osho
  14. I wonder what happens when two solipsists walk into a room. Do they start arguing about who owns the experience? "My experience, no, mine!"
  15. He will return once he finally finds that camera which can record his alien transformation.
  16. How does a metaphysical solipsist hold the view that there are "higher states of consciousness" if they believe their experience is the only one that exists?
  17. I am quite magical and I like memes. Maybe I am an elite. Anyways, looks like they're having fun cosplaying, I won't judge.
  18. No way, Peter confirmed that reality is Love?? 😱 Guess he wasn't ASLEEP™ after all.
  19. They are philosophies. Useless in this work. Fun, beautiful, insightful, logical, and intellectually satisfying, but irrelevant to what is absolutely true. The fact that it comes from direct experience is irrelevant. Everything comes from direct experience. Science comes from direct experience. Delusions come from direct experience. Etc.
  20. feels like im watching a bunch of old people play dungeons and dragons or something
  21. Understanding can occur, but the way that reality understands itself is not through philosophy, that is just how philosophy understands itself. Philosophy is a small glimpse, a part of the whole. You are bigger than that. You are the thing that contains concepts and generates concepts. I guess what I am trying to say is that you can reach a point where you realize the type of understanding that Leo is doing is useless, and that it supersedes its function. You can't realize higher levels of truth forever through psychedelics, that is an error in your understanding of how reality and truth works. He is misinterpreting his results, kind of like how a scientist would, and then reporting it back. If you are not careful, and most people on this forum aren't, you will absorb the delusions he brings back. Yeah no problem.
  22. I edited my original post btw, might be worth reading through again. The problem is that there is a barrier at all. If there is a barrier, that creates potential for corruption and delusion, which there is. You can't half-ass truth, and you can't refine it forever. You either get it or you don't. Osho also talks about this phenomenon, which also occured in the past. This entire "levels of truth" thing, which Leo calls "higher degrees of consciousness." The resemblance is really striking. Even the comparison of different teachers, and who is more or less awake, exactly as Leo does today with Ralston and the others. History truly repeats itself, but this time with psychedelics.
  23. He is philosophizing all of his experiences and creating some kind of metaphysical framework out of it. Very hard to see, I only noticed when I myself became enlightened. Any person who is enlightened will see it immediately, as did Ralston. He will probably deny it if you ask him because that is what he has to tell himself to keep that game going, now he says there is such a thing as "Absolute Concepts." (paraphrasing from what I remember) If you want to see the difference between Leo and an actual enlightened person, it is perfectly exemplified in the exchange between Leo and Ralston in his newsletter: https://mcusercontent.com/8a146e2bfe98efdd8c326d97a/files/08332a98-370d-44da-86ff-2c04a3ff1858/CHNL_Summer_2020.pdf?mc_cid=f12b90ff1c&mc_eid=3667cfd58d Mysticism and enlightenment often get conflated with philosophy it seems. Maybe Osho was philosophical to a degree, I don't know, but he did not deny his own partaking in that, that misses the point. He is simply saying it has nothing to do with God or "religion" as he defines it. Osho might make poetry, but that does not mean he believes it will help you reach God.