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Everything posted by Osaid
Leo doesn't truly understand narcissism or NPD. Most people don't. He said his girlfriend had it and "she was still nice and not toxic", lol.
Osaid replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Good post. Only logic is complex. If logic is your reality, it will seem complex. People adopt many systems for making sense of reality; faith, philosophy, religion, science, math, logic, etc. But none of them ultimately work and they have to be dropped. None of these were meant to be used to explain reality as a whole, although they can be useful in other ways. Their usefulness is being misinterpreted as something that can explain reality at an experiential and metaphysical level. -
I like this new communication style. Much more palpable.
Osaid replied to Ima Freeman's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Philosophy is ultimately more intellect. -
Osaid replied to Ima Freeman's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
🎯 One could contemplate further: What does this mean for any knowledge of the past and future? What past events have "you" gone through? What is the "you" which has gone through past events? What is your fundamental identity, or your fundamental existence? -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I honestly only see it in psychedelic circles. It's just psychedelic-induced lunacy. If you do it sober it's definitely possible to not go through any of that. I know someone personally who got enlightened very cleanly sober, no existential delusions or existential horrors prior. It is possible to suffer from it if someone takes a psychedelic and then convinces you of it, though. It is ultimately ideological, so it can be transmitted to other people who haven't even taken psychedelics if they simply start believing in it. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah for sure, this thread inspired me to look up random Zen quotes now, they're actually pretty interesting. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It is a very sneaky and intelligent form of psychosis. It can feel emotionally profound and beautiful. It can seem very intelligent and logical. It can even help you with certain areas in your life. But you can also feel its limits if you pay attention, those limits tell you that you're misguided. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You = God is a tautology so it is really useless in saying anything. It is like saying 1 = 1 or 2 = 2. You are already exactly what you are. It is just as useful as saying You = You. If you say that the color red is God, it doesn't change anything about the color red, it doesn't become more or less red, it just continues being unique to its own nature, it continues being exactly what it was before. The only relevant question is, do you understand what you actually are and what your true nature is? It doesn't matter what "You" is equal to if you don't know what "You" actually is to begin with. Taking God as an identity is complete delusion and falsehood, as all identities are. The intellect creates lots of tautologies when it tries to encapsulate reality because it is trying to escape the limits of itself. It's rampant on the forum. You = Love = Infinity = Imagination = yadda yadda yadda. It's like a calculator trying to divide by 0. The Minecraft analogy I made before is pretty good at exemplifying how silly the whole tautology game is: The math equation "1 + 1 = 2" is more analagous to the threads you see where people use logic to come to some conclusion about reality. There are no conclusions in reality, there is just logic. Logic can only explain logic, not reality. Reality is the container for logic. For example, "If god is infinite, that means x is equal to y, and y is equal to z" or "If there is only me, that means x doesn't exist outside of y." Stuff like that is all intellect, but the mind has a hard time getting around it because of how correct and logically sound it seems, but it is irrelevant to experience. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Solipsism is stagnation derived from intellect. You can say "1 + 1 = 2", and that is perfectly logical and correct, but it only exists in your intellect. There is no experience of "1 + 1 = 2" aside from the equation itself that you imagine. The mind can infinitely lose itself in correct logic for eternity, because there is an infinite amount of numbers, and so there is an infinite amount of equations. Reality is not something you can derive through logic, it is what contains and generates logic within itself. You cannot define reality through solipsism because it defines itself through non-existence. It is a figment created by your intellect. It says nothing about what exists, it only tries to define existence through what doesn't exist. It can certainly feel very intellectually satisfying to think about such things without actually making any real progress, though. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Amazing. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Oh man, a Zen poet? Zen masters are already cryptic enough haha. These are some other good ones I found from him: "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought." "Learn how to listen as things speak for themselves." "At the ancient pond the frog plunges into the sound of water." (he had a few of them which were in similar vain to frogs jumping into water, guess he liked the metaphor) "Every moment of life is the last, every poem is a death poem." "A flute with no holes is not a flute." "Come out to view / the truth of flowers blooming / in poverty." "Nothing in the cry of cicadas suggests they are about to die." "Learn about a pine tree from a pine tree, and about a bamboo plant from a bamboo plant." "Why so scrawny, cat? Starving for fat fish or mice... Or backyard love?" "Real poetry, is to lead a beautiful life. To live poetry is better than to write it." "Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water." (No way, he was the one that dropped this banger?) -
Osaid replied to Keryo Koffa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don't put God's name over it. It's your loneliness. Why ascribe divinity to it? Is that sandwich you ate yesterday God's sandwich? Are you gonna worship sandwiches as you worship loneliness? I pray you leave the game your intellect is playing on you. -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
“Know that a sudden comprehension comes when the mind has been purged of all the clutter of conceptual and discriminatory thought-activity.” “Discard all you have acquired as being no better than a bed spread for you when you were sick.” “In these days people only seek to stuff themselves with knowledge… All you can call them is people who suffer from indigestion… All the concepts you have formed in the past must be discarded and replaced by void.” “The Way is not something which can be studied. Study leads to retention of concepts and so the Way is entirely misunderstood… The first step is to refrain from knowledge-based concepts.” “The foolish reject what they see and not what they think; the wise reject what they think and not what they see.” “Here it is—right now. Start thinking about it and you miss it.” “People are afraid to empty their minds fearing that they will be engulfed by the void. What they don't realize is that their own mind is the void.” “Your true nature is something never lost to you even in moments of delusion, nor is it gained at the moment of Enlightenment.” "The enlightened ones are neither attached to nor detached from their senses and thoughts." "A perception, sudden as blinking, that subject and object are one, will lead to a deeply mysterious understanding; and by this understanding you will awaken to the truth." "Words used to attract the dull of wit are not to be relied on." "Those who seek the truth by means of intellect and learning only get further and further away from it. Not till your thoughts cease all their branching here and there, not till you abandon all thoughts of seeking for something, not till your mind is motionless as wood or stone will you be on the right road to the Gate." "Our original Buddha-Nature is, in highest truth, devoid of any trace of objectivity. It is void, omnipresent, silent, pure; it is glorious and mysterious peaceful joy-and that is all. Enter deeply in it by awakening to it yourself. That which is before you is it, in all its fullness, utterly complete. There is naught besides. Even if you go through all the stages of a Bodhisattva's progress toward Buddhahood, one by one, when at last, in a single flash, you attain to full realization, you will only be realizing the Buddha-Nature that has been with you all the time; and by all the foregoing stages you will have added to it nothing at all. You will come to look upon those aeons of work and achievement as no better than unreal actions performed in a dream. That is why the Tathagata [the Buddha] said: I truly attained nothing from complete, unexcelled Enlightenment." “The real Buddha has no mouth and preaches no Dharma... real hearing requires no ears” -
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
🎯🎯🎯 -
Osaid replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Osaid replied to michaelcycle00's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You're way overthinking this. It's like tasting vanilla ice cream and asking "Damn why isn't this vanilla something that isn't vanilla? Why did God do this?" Stop turning your perception into a morality or philosophy. The reason as to why God created vanilla has nothing to do with the experience of tasting vanilla, vanilla will continue to be experienced the same regardless of any reason. Your question fundamentally has nothing to do with your experience. Question experience, not God. If God is truly an experience for you, you will have no questions. If it's not an experience, then it is just a belief. -
Osaid replied to Mileyofpink's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sounds like Kundalini symptoms. -
Osaid replied to BojackHorseman's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
He's not teaching an idea. Ideas can help, but the goal is to get what he is actually talking about. As for whether he is a good teacher or not, no clue. I don't think he did much for me when I watched him. -
Osaid replied to emenasche's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Bruh. Let me know when one of Ralston's disciples creates an online forum thread complaining about how he's scared that he's going to live forever and that his life is ruined because of his teachings. -
https://lbot.ca/post/174857922174/osho-why-do-great-philosophers-and-so-forth-say Gotta love Osho. If you are "on the path", this is really worth reading.
What happens when you do a cold shower? There are certain things that normally help with brain fog as well, like proper diet and sleep, take care of those as well. Don't overeat, give yourself time to digest things. Certain teas and hot beverages might help, what kind of effect does coffee have?
Osaid replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Pretty sure he said that when he was high or manic or something. It was posted during his peacock thread lmao. -
No one gets sexual pleasure thinking about propagating humanity, lmao. Or maybe you do, no judgment. Too kinky for my taste though.
Osaid replied to koops's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You don't know it, you experience it or become aware of it. There is no need to consult knowing. You don't need to know that you are seeing the color red. You just see it. Your eyes don't know anything, they just see things. It has that clarity. Experience does not need you to know. There are more practical measurable signs too. Your social anxiety vanishes. You don't react fearfully to thoughts anymore. Energy levels change. Etc. No, it doesn't operate in that realm at all. It is not a philosophy or insight to integrate, and it is not something you can rationalize to yourself. It is like hearing sound. You can't assume the perception of sound, you can only perceive it. Sound does not lie to you or delude you.