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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. What is personality? Is it an aspect of the ego? The answer seems obvious but I just can't wrap my head around it, so clarification would be nice.
  2. @Billy Shears Seems pretty accurate. You're lucky you didn't see any monsters or anything on top of being paralyzed.
  3. @rNOW Very nice explanation. I think the fact that we have so many different personalities (ex: How we act at home, how we act online, how we act alone, etc) is just a testament to how fragile and fake it can be. Your example of being shy and confident at the same time helped me see this. And yeah you're right it does hurt the ego a lot, which is why I think I had so much difficulty understanding it.
  4. @TrynaBeTurquoise Yea I've also felt that evil presence thing, it's like you can feel that there is some malicious being watching you. I noticed that i would pretty much always get sleep paralysis when i had a very irregular sleep schedule. I would sleep at around 6pm, wake up at 12pm, then sleep again at around 3am. This would pretty much always trigger it for me. (If you're wondering why my schedule was so weird, it was cause of school). But yeah, it is generally said to be caused by stress and bad sleep hygiene as you said.
  5. I very vividly remember an experience from when I was just a baby, I don't even think I was able to talk at this point. The reason I remember it to this day is because of how out of the ordinary it was. I saw a blue figure of some sort standing at my door when i was being fed through a bottle. It looked like a child that had a blue glow around it. I wasn't really scared of it at all, because I was just a baby. I just looked at it and thought it was fascinating. When we are younger is our level of consciousness just naturally higher? I am very curious in finding out what it was that I saw and why it happened. No, I am not mistaking this for a dream. I am very sure I was completely awake. I even remember looking around to make sure it wasn't a dream when it happened. Any insight would be great, thanks.
  6. This is called sleep paralysis. Pretty interesting phenomena, should look into it.