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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Existential truths are usually too radical for the ego to handle.
  2. @arlin I never said I was immune to suffering. I am nowhere near developed enough to achieve such a thing. That doesn't discredit anything I said earlier. This isn't about me or my capacity for love, it's about existential truth. Notice how you only seem to love things that please your ego or help you survive. How could this possibly be the highest form of love? Raise your capacity for love so that you can appreciate the love that is around you. Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl put it best when he said: "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
  3. Life itself is not miserable, your ego makes it seem that way. Suffering is not existential, it is created by your ego. If you were able to see reality as it is (without the ego), you would see that love is all there is. Pure, unconditional love. Your view of love is egoic and selfish. You hate things like disease because it can cause harm in your body. You struggle to love it because of this. God's view of love is more accurate. It is unconditional. God love's all aspects of itself, including mental illness and hunger. God realizes that these things are needed in order for the universe to function. God does not hate these things because it is selfless. If the universe did not include these things, God could not be itself, and reality would not work. Reality would fall apart without the feature of suffering. You do not realize the radical implications that would be if suffering did not exist. Instead of wishing for reality to be some other way, you should learn to appreciate how it already is, because that is exactly how it should and must be for everything to work.
  4. Title says it all. I get horribly itchy when I take showers and idk why. Its been like this for years. Just seeing if there's any insight here. thanks
  5. I guess it depends on the person. It might be useful teaching your significant other about spirituality. Or, if the person is open-minded enough, it might change their life and get them into spirituality. But normally, I don't really go out of my way to promote my beliefs. I might hint at it here and there if something related to it is mentioned, but people are usually to stubborn/low consciousness to actually consider your point of view, so I know any conversation I try to make will probably be in vain.
  6. @Peter124 Annihilation of ego = experiencing reality exactly as it is Annihilation of ego = no fear Removing the ego is what enlightenment is, but i'm not sure how long that can be maintained. Seems pretty hard to do that.
  7. @IJB063 Wow that looks fucking amazing, like its 3d. Super cool.
  8. @StarStruck The ego did not exist before you created it for yourself. If you accept reality as it really is, then there is no ego.
  9. @LfcCharlie4 I actually started the breathing exercise a few days ago, coincidentally. It helps me to slowly lower the water temperature for cold showers instead of jumping straight into the freezing water. That's how i usually go about it. Haven't tried a cold shower in a while though.
  10. @mandyjw Yes exactly, Christianity itself is meant to point to spirituality so you could try and point it out to her using literature from the book.
  11. @Emerald What should I focus on right now? Thank you in advance.
  12. @Michael569 Considered that possibility, but I don't have hives developing like it is mentioned in the symptoms. Thanks for the input.
  13. @silene Tbh his video on how psychedelics work had some great insight and it was really interesting for me, even though I don't use psychedelics. I haven't seen his other psychedelic videos though.
  14. @Moreira This guy realized that success and material things are not equal to happiness, but he did not realize that the answer to fixing that is to turn inwards. Now, he believes that there really is no way to be truly happy, and that there is no other alternative than suffering. That is where he is at right now.
  15. @WHO IS Reality is not that way because you are imagining the opposite of that right now and do not realize it. If you could do anything, physical reality would not exist. It would be some kind of dream world. And then there would be people complaining that reality doesn't feel solid enough, lol. You will never be fully satisfied by indulging in stuff like that, imagining whatever you want. That is not what will make you happy. There would still be suffering, even in such a dream-like reality. Like I said, this reality is perfect, God has created everything with infinite intelligence.
  16. @WHO IS You are God. You can be immune to suffering, you are creating the illusion of suffering. You are immortal. If the concept of suffering did not exist you would not be able to experience this world to its full potential, and God could not be itself. Suffering is fundamental to reality, you do not realize the radical implications that would be if suffering did not exist. This is why you cannot appreciate it. Without suffering, we would probably not even know what happiness is, because there would be nothing left to contrast it. God knows exactly what it is doing. All of reality is perfection. Existentially, all of reality is love.
  17. @zeroISinfinity Yes, suffering is fundamentally illusory, but still a concept of the ego that needs to be addressed. Good point though.
  18. @WHO IS "God HAS made this world the highest expression of consciousness and love. But you are not conscious enough to see it. Because you're stuck in the relative survival domain. The problem is, your idea of "highest expression of love" is incorrect. God's idea of it correct. And it has been made actual. Love is a very counter-intuitive thing. You think it should be all rainbows and butterflies, but that's wrong! That's not the highest love. The highest love includes viruses and death and suffering. Why? Because the highest Love must even love viruses, death, and suffering! The highest Love must be unconditional. The problem is you hate viruses, death, and suffering. Because you are selfish. But God does not hate those things. Because God is selfless. Stop asking God to stoop down to your level. Instead, muster the courage to raise your perspective to God's level. So you can appreciate the Love." -Leo Gura God is both suffering and the opposite of suffering. Suffering exists exactly because God must be everything, and it loves all aspects of itself. Instead of wishing for reality to be some other way, you should learn to appreciate how it already is, because that is exactly how it should and must be for everything to work.
  19. @caelanb Lol when I started I didn't like how long the videos were but now I wish they were longer. It's pretty hard to fit all that knowledge even with an hour long video. Also, I find all of it pretty interesting so it goes by pretty quick.
  20. @caelanb Yes, a lot of the videos in that playlist are good and very important. But, not all of them. I would recommend just scrolling through the titles and seeing which one seems like it could be very useful and fundamental. The one about learning to be funny, for example, doesn't seem that important to me. But who knows, might be a big deal for you. (I highly recommend starting out with "Grasping The Illusory Nature of Thought", It's a pretty good one) It is true, however, that some of his videos are kind of outdated. But a lot of the videos on the playlist are not. Good rule of thumb is if it is 6 years old, and he is farther away from the camera than usual and the audio quality is a bit lower, then there is a chance the stuff there might be a little outdated. By the way, that addiction one is actually super important. You might think it does not apply to you, but it applies to basically everyone. Also, this idea of God Leo talks about is basically what every religion and spiritual teaching is trying to point people towards. It is not some new concept he made up.
  21. Yes. Media promotes too much "cleanliness" nowadays and it's making a detrimental impact on our health, but giving good money to the pharmaceutical industry.
  22. @montecristo I go through this often. My "friends" send me sick shit sometimes lol. I also practiced seeing it for how it is and it did kinda help. Sometimes we run into fucked up shit in life and I guess it's good practice for learning how to handle that. It's also a good reality check.