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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. @Zanoni Yes, you can see without eyes. What I meant was that you don't really need eyes to see, that's just a story or aspect made up so that this world feels grounded. How do you see in dreams? Sure, there's a "you" in the dream and you assume that he/she has eyes in the dream, but we know it is just a dream and there aren't really any eyes there. Similar situation here. If someone poked your eyes out in the dream, you might go blind in the dream, but we know that your eyes getting poked out wasn't the TRUE cause of the blindness. That's just a story you imagined to justify becoming blind in that dream.
  2. @Florian I have something similar. If I sleep too early, at about 8pm or less, my body will naturally wake up after only 6 hours of sleep. This leaves me feeling tired throughout the day, because I need more than 6 hours. However, if I sleep at about 9pm or later, my body will naturally get the amount of sleep it needs and then wake up. Very odd.
  3. @Zanoni It seems to be arational. Things are limited for the sake of being limited. God could have made it so we can see without eyes by default, but it is not that way purely for the sake of being limited and so that God can experience such a limitation. It's like asking, why is the snow white and not green? These limitations are needed to construct and make sense of this world. God has designed it with infinite intelligence.
  4. I get number synchronicities a lot. It is easy to figure numbers out because their meanings are usually listed online. I noticed that the higher the amount of numbers or objects in a synchronicity, the more accurate and powerful it is.
  5. @The observer You need to follow less morals because you wont need to follow them in order to be moral. It is an outcome, how can you cause harm to others when you see them as yourself and see everything as love? Morals are literally based on high consciousness.
  6. @The observer He means that the more conscious you become, the less morals you will need to follow in order to be moral. A lot of people have their morals depend on laws and rules that they set up for themselves, but if your morality depends on laws and rules then that is not a very high form of morality. In a sense, true morality is no morality. If you are highly conscious, you wont need morals in order to embody morality, because those morals themselves are based on high consciousness.
  7. @The observer I agree with you. This sort of vocab can really get you depressed or nihilistic if you don't interpret it properly. I guess that's what happens with language though.
  8. @Leo Gura You are reducing suffering by trying to teach others, are you not?
  9. @WhatAWondefulWorld Leo's videos on Love are pretty on point.
  10. @LaucherJunge I don't think I'm clinically depressed, but Ralph definitely cheers me up Why would positive vibes be unbearable? Cause it seems fake?
  11. @Leo Gura How do other experiences come into play? Does this experience have to end in order for God to explore another one? Didn't you say other people are just me experiencing how it is like to be them?
  12. @WhatAWondefulWorld Yep. Everything you become aware of is you. When you perceive an object the object is becoming aware of itself. You do not have awareness, awareness has you. In order for creation to be limitless and infinite its substance must also be limitless and infinite, that is why it is ultimately made of absolutely nothing. Nothingness is infinite and it has no limiting characteristics. It's like when you imagine something in a dream, it's made of nothing but you can still perceive it.
  13. @WhatAWondefulWorld You are not your body and you are not your thoughts. What is left over?
  14. Damn I used to be a dragon-denier but idk anymore. I think its time for me to go down the dragon hole
  15. Something very similar happens to me when I meditate with my eyes open. Everything just starts falling apart lol
  16. Enlightenment = no fear = no ego = seeing reality exactly as it is
  17. @The observer Maybe out of the infinite realities, you're living the one where you feel deja vu from living it another time lol
  18. I realize that everyone is me. If I had their exact same experiences I would have ended up exactly like them. They weren't lucky enough to be able to develop themselves spiritually. This helps me accept and love people who are ignorant. I look at things more holistically and realize that reality is perfect as it is and that all of it is ultimately love. Without ignorance reality would not work.
  19. @Bryanbrax What's the difference between life and a lucid dream? Try to see responsibilities as a challenge for expanding your spirituality. You could try and learn how to be happy even while doing chores. Stuff like that.
  20. @JohnD True, synchronicity can really be in anything but it is mostly in numbers for me.