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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Interesting, I never thought about how boredom relates to survival
  2. You gotta start where you're at. I think everyone started with egoic desire.
  3. @Elshaddai It's definitely a spiritual practice. Makes you more grateful and pulls you out of being a slave to the appetite. Also pretty healthy. In the Qu'ran it says fasting brings you closer to god-consciousness, and I could feel that. My head felt clearer.
  4. I think he was just trying to distance himself from the egoic idea of love
  5. I'm not too fond of a lot of my friends either, so there seems to be truth to this
  6. I image searched them and I can't find them anywhere on the internet, so I'm pretty sure he makes them. They're pretty cool.
  7. I think Mohammed claimed he was the last so that no one else could change the Qu'ran after him
  8. There are already colours you can't see and animals who can see them in this reality
  9. @Mind of a beast Well maybe you could spread spiritual knowledge through books and help people transcend that way, that's what I meant. There are a lot of ways to present spiritual info. Leo does it through videos probably because he is a good speaker.
  10. I'm sure there is some truth to practices like prayer, it might make them feel more present and that might feel Godly to them. If anything, it's a very narrow glimpse of what God actually is. But you gotta start somewhere.
  11. @danilofaria They're technically feeling God but they just don't know it, they're not conscious of what God really is, so its similar to no experience of God. You gotta be conscious enough of what God actually is to really feel God.
  12. @JayG84 There is only the illusion of duality. How does God truly separate itself from itself? It can't. It's all God. It can only trick you into believing you are separate from God. You are looking through the eyes of every creature, but if you become aware of that from your experience, you wouldn't be you or those creatures anymore. If you wanted to be a dog, you would have to completely be a dog, with no memory of your current human self. That's exactly what you're doing right now with every creature on earth.
  13. @danilofaria There are many spiritual truths within religion which may enable them to experience God at times. It's probably a mix of delusion and truth.
  14. It keeps you alert and helps you breathe properly. I tried meditating without any attention to posture and it was definitely harder.
  15. @Travelion Yeah stuff like that. It's true there is a body you are experiencing, but what decided that body is all you are? You imagined yourself only being the body. That's just an assumption you made from the fact that there is a body in your experience, which is the truth, but you used it to delude yourself. The mind loves to make distinctions out of everything because it helps you survive.
  16. Everything is truth, the universe won't lie to you. Something untruthful can't exist, or that would be truth. But, your mind likes to distort truth into delusion, so be wary of that. You just gotta question everything, even the obvious stuff. Then you'll figure out something like time isn't even real.
  17. There are many ways to do this. You could perhaps relate it to another thing you enjoy. You could make a book or video game that teaches spirituality, etc. My brother's boss at work actually teaches spirituality through business, that's how he does it.
  18. @Mystica45 You're mistaking conditional love with unconditional love
  19. @Ali T Why are you scared? But, of course you will be scared. Enlightenment kills the ego, and the ego's best defense mechanism is fear. I think everyone's pursuit of enlightenment starts with ego, so that's ok. You gotta start where you're at.
  20. Wow I actually had this happen to me recently, but it happened by accident. It felt like I spawned everything into existence when I woke up.
  21. @Inliytened1 haha that's true, I didn't think of it like that
  22. @traveler True, another case of projecting onto reality. A clock is just some device that points to different numbers.
  23. @Inliytened1 It's trippy stuff. But, it also uses these distinctions for it to create a story for itself to exist in reality. For example, you being born as a human being. That's why I still think it's important to consider the idea that people have brains and stuff. If we became advanced enough we could perhaps create a new experience of consciousness out of consciousness, like a sentient robot or something. Of course, in my reality, it's all extrapolation. But that's just this specific reality.