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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Awareness alone is curative. You will automatically become moral the more conscious you become, without having to actually follow any morals. This is true morality. Morals are just based on high-consciousness.
  2. @Eren Eeager https://mcusercontent.com/8a146e2bfe98efdd8c326d97a/files/08332a98-370d-44da-86ff-2c04a3ff1858/CHNL_Summer_2020.pdf?mc_cid=f12b90ff1c&mc_eid=3667cfd58d its in here
  3. Focus on what is actual. Feel into the sensations around you and only that.
  4. Of course it has intelligence, look around you. Everything radiates intelligence. Your notion of intelligence is too human-centric.
  5. @Eren Eeager I grew up in a Muslim household, my parents are from Pakistan
  6. @Eren Eeager I think he meant the dualistic human self when he said that
  7. This is called synchronicity
  8. @Aquarius I had this insight too. I call it a "collective hallucination", where everyone can agree on how things look and how physical laws are etc.
  9. Yep. no ego = love. it is the default setting of reality, so to speak
  10. It has no metaphysical implications, but it might make it easier to understand how such experiences work within the scientific domain though. Maybe there will be technology to induce certain psychedelic experiences at will, who knows.
  11. Reality is all magic. You can reduce it down infinitely. It is groundless. Focus less on the stories and concepts and more on what is actual.
  12. @DaHonorableCourt I never understood the whole past lives stuff cause of this. Like, you are everyone. Not just one specific life before you.
  13. @Onemanwolfpac Yeah I've had sleep paralysis quite a bit in the past. It's crazy how real your dreams can feel, like I swear I can feel actual pain and fear sometimes.
  14. This is how I've always experienced sleep paralysis, I didn't know it was possible for it to happen as you described I think you maybe somehow astral projected, but I have no experience with that. I've gotten into weird states during sleep by sheer luck as well. In sleep paralysis, it feels exactly like you're not dreaming, but you can't move. I think you somehow escaped the "not being able to move" aspect of sleep paralysis and started exploring your own house during it. Who knows. Maybe that's what astral projection is.
  15. That's so interesting how he accidentally astral projected and then went into sleep paralysis after that lol
  16. Hahaha yeah i've had similar dreams happen. I've had dreams where I developed a crush on a dream character and had actual withdrawals when I woke up. I had one where I got corona and felt extremely relieved when I woke up.
  17. @Javfly33 That's what I thought, but then he talked about sleep paralysis after and how he saw his body on the bed. Also, he said he jolted out of bed at the end so I think it's implied.
  18. Wow, that's some really good insight from a dream. This is called sleep paralysis, but I've never heard of someone transitioning into sleep paralysis from another dream like that. Pretty interesting. It seems that you can experience lots of interesting stuff during sleep. I had an experience where I only existed as my mind. There was no body, sound smell or sight, only my mind. Then I woke up.
  19. I believe that math is a tool for measuring the universe, and through it, you may be able to find patterns and intelligence embedded in the universe itself.
  20. This would be great
  21. @Dylan Page I've always thought about this. That everything we do is ultimately for happiness.