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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. Yeah it is pretty hard to decode certain parts of religion. But also religion is sort of trivia, it's not necessary for learning spirituality. It's a finger that points to the moon, and not a very good one after all the years of manipulation and devilry involved with it. I would really like a video on religions though, would be cool.
  2. @kagaria Yeah, give a child a wooden doll and he'll play with it for hours without getting bored
  3. My signature "If you showed a caveman our technology, he would think it was magic. And if you showed a modern man magic, he would think it was technology." Everything is magic, basically. It's an interesting way of displaying Arthur C. Clarke's quote: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  4. Rules from the Core Principles 53 - Satisfy your base needs so that you stop craving. Water, food, money, sex, etc. 54 - Master your basic survival and livelihood. Basic survival needs to be mastered first, because how are you gonna self-actualize if you're homeless? You gotta get your foundation built before moving onto the big stuff. Easier said than done though, I'm in the same position as you at 17 years old and I'm trying to find ways to make money right now.
  5. Very well explained, I think There is an equivalent exchange happening here. You can skip years of other spiritual techniques and take psychedelics, which will instantly force upon you years of spiritual work. But, it is possible that your ego will not be able to integrate it because no ego work is required to take a dose of psychedelics.
  6. Self-esteem is just another way of saying self-respect You will actually have more self-respect the more selfless you become (counter-intuitively), because by becoming less identified with ego you will broaden your sense of worth beyond the confines of the ego Self-esteem = confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. (No need to glorify a false identity to achieve this) Self-esteem != Bragging about your money to everyone. If you truly had self-esteem, there would be no need for bragging in the first place. This is actually just the ego trying to survive through validation from others, whereas true self-esteem means getting validation from yourself rather than from others. Also, notice how in this situation your entire self-worth depends on validation from others through having money, this is how the ego jeopardizes and limits your self-esteem. The real disrespect is confining your self-worth to a limited egoic construct
  7. The entire game of the ego is survival, so yes keeping itself immortal. But immortality is a game it will always lose, the ego will either evolve or perish at some point. Also, it does not have to be literal physical immortality. It only wants itself, as a virtual identity, to be immortal. Maybe that does not involve the actual physical body, but physical immortality may be a popular goal for the ego as it fits in with the self-preservation agenda. Bottom line, ego loves to be attached and prevent impermanence so that it can preserve itself. But, the thing that it wants to preserve does not have to be the physical body.
  8. Hell is the suffering caused by egoic behaviour
  9. There also exist people who cant imagine any images in their head
  10. Perhaps the situation in Japan is similar to the one in Korea, LOL
  11. @Moon Hahahaha I thought of that video too
  12. @iceprincess You could download a filter. Windows 10 even has one built into it. But, if you have no control over downloading it and you have to look at a blue light screen for a while I guess glasses are viable
  13. You can just download blue-light filters, glasses seem overkill to me Blue light isn't all bad anyways, you need it during daytime to help your body recognize that it's not time to sleep and it regulates your mood
  14. Yes. The entire point is to make you addicted, that's how they make the most money
  15. "corrupt china joe" lmao trump with the nicknames
  16. @AlterEgo Yeah CNN really plays it up lol They took COVID footage from Italy's hospitals and said it was from New York
  17. I get so paranoid when my throat gets sore now lol
  18. When you become successful you inadvertently learn this stuff
  19. All dopamine addictions will work the same, whether it be food, sex, YouTube, etc. So, you can try to find a pattern to how it works and then try applying it. You could try something like a dopamine detox. Personally, I'm doing intermittent fasting right now which is also acting as a sort of dopamine detox since I get so much enjoyment out of food. I have noticed I am less lazy now and much more grateful and happy when eating and doing other things that stimulate dopamine. Well, you're still functioning within the construct of a human body. I don't think you're gonna understand your way out of experiencing dopamine, but you can manipulate it through understanding it more. It is a very nice feature of reality, I think. It will reward you for not giving into temptations and it keeps balance to your enjoyment. In my experience, the "forcing yourself to do work" method didn't work very well for me. It was only after I quit video games out of boredom that I realized how useless it was and how I had wasted my entire time playing it. One day you will quit, and the game wont even matter to you one bit. It becomes irrelevant just like that, and then you will move on to the next big dopamine influx. The fact that something I put so much time into didn't even matter to me anymore drove me to realize how devastating the dopamine cycle can be.
  20. Hate is just a narrow form of love You hate other countries out of love for your own country You make fun of someone else's looks to feel better about your looks etc. Hate is what happens when you are only able to love certain parts of reality rather than the whole. So, it's a byproduct of fragmenting your love to only specific parts of reality.
  21. Lots of good stuff from Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape series