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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I mean not a lot of people who are willing to completely shatter their ego and belief systems Makes sense it would be rare
  2. Oh yes I have had this happen before. One of them wasn't even a dream but a thought I had before I fell asleep. I remember dreaming about being in my house with the sound of an azan (muslim prayer) calling through the streets. Then, the next day I was informed that a law was going to be passed which allows mosques to publicly signal their azan for prayer, and I confirmed I never heard about it before the dream. Like you said, it was very specific and generally irrelevant to me.
  3. Those are not things, since they are impossible. Just words and scenarios in your head. Hence, nothing is impossible.
  4. Such a great insight, I love it I feel stupid for not understanding this cause it's so simple
  5. Might as well say nothing is impossible, since unconsciousness ain't even a thing. You're talking about nothing.
  6. 1.5x speed Also I listen to it while doing other things and take notes when something significant enough comes up
  7. I disagree. It actually is possible to experience absolutely nothing while being aware, AKA turiya. Deep sleep is different than turiya/experiencing nothing. In fact, the "experience" of deep sleep (unconsciousness) doesn't even exist. It is an extrapolation created by the finite mind to explain the change between being asleep and awake. The idea of "unconsciousness" has always just been in your imagination and not in your actual experience.
  8. Yeah this is very important. I've seen cops with absolutely 0 people skills that made the situation way worse, so clearly something is missing in that department.
  9. he did one on this already
  10. Yes, ego also applies to objects and habits in your life. The more emotionally invested you are in something, the more vital it is to your identity. Smartphones are definitely a big one since it is such a big part of "my" everyday life. And, if my smartphone didn't exist, it wouldnt be "my" everyday life anymore. (see how the ego looks at your routine and claims ownership of it? This is how it makes things personal and creates an identity out of it)
  11. go for a walk preferably somewhere in nature
  12. Leo

    @dflores321 "some people like that some people hated that" lmfao
  13. @Roy Yeah I also sleepwalked quite a bit when I was little The one I saw looked like a child with a sort of blue tint/glow. I 100% saw it though, no mistake about it. I remember looking at my mother to see if she could see it but I was just a baby so I couldn't really say anything.
  14. Well, not really. You don't have to know about ghosts to see one. It's just when I think back the appropriate term is probably ghost or spirit or whatever. Haha its actually not that uncommon I'm not sure what my exact age was obviously but I'm pretty sure I would be considered a baby
  15. Yeah the only reason I remember it is because it was such a shocking experience I remember looking around to make sure I wasn't dreaming
  16. I saw a ghost/spirit when I was a baby It seems children see this type of stuff more often, maybe cause they're more in touch with their intuition
  17. Oh yeah this sounds very similar to me This is very relatable I am not sure how to help or analyze you since I'm in the same boat, I just found it interesting how similar we are. Literally everything I relate to. Only thing different I'd say is I haven't had any shortage of friends. You probably know this already, but I think most of this stems from social problems. Things like "what does he think of me" and "did I looks weird when I did that". I have gotten better over the years by actually talking to people and entering social situations, but I still relate to this stuff.
  18. Sounds like he knows his stuff ketosis is a superpower
  19. Yeah lol This is the part where you gotta find the answer for yourself But, my intuition is telling me justfortoday is correct, because why would Infinite Intelligence base your reincarnation on something as dumb and material as the population on a planet? And why only the creatures on Earth, why not other dimensions and creatures?
  20. Holy shit I can't believe that's an actual quote from the president of the US LOL