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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. @Mvrs Do you consider sleep paralysis and astral projection dreaming? If so, then yes it is identical or very similar to the waking state Normal dreams are similar but not as vivid as the waking state though. It is easy to mistake normal dreams for reality though. Sometimes I will have a memory of something and question if it was just something I saw in a dream or not. If you wanna get technical about it, there is a duality drawn here between "waking state" and "dream state". To me they are both very real in the absolute sense.
  2. Maybe no-fap or some sort of dopamine detox
  3. Maybe there isn't enough blue light coming in the morning to wake you up, which can cause you to oversleep and make you drowsy. Keep your curtains open to allow blue light in the morning, it will naturally wake you up. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes.
  4. Well, in a certain sense it does, since you are the universe experiencing itself. But that is just an illusion at most. It's not like there are boundaries outside in the universe which decide "up and down" and "wrong and right". Those boundaries are created by your mind and then applied to the universe. "Up and down" are just pointers which are meant to try and describe the universe, that's it. What exactly would it look like for the "universe to perceive itself as up or down?"
  5. "Up and down" is a thought Look at what it actually is You perceive the universe and then from that perception you create the differentiation of "up and down", which is completely relative You are projecting your thoughts onto reality and then mistaking it for reality
  6. Intuition? He has talked about intuition
  7. Yep COVID made this very obvious to me. No one knows wtf they're doing they're just controlled by their own fears. We're just chimps with technology.
  8. You gotta speak their language The Qu'ran had to describe heaven as "being with 72 virgins" lol If your approach is too harsh their ego will not tolerate it and go self-defense mode
  9. Nothing pretending to be something is how I described it. The voice in your head is just a voice, nothing more nothing less. Why assume a magical "you" lurking behind it? It is a radical re-contextualization but everything is still the same. It has always been this way you just didn't realize it. I didn't feel insane, just more free or detached. There's no "you" behind anything. Everything is just exactly as it is, without the assumption of a mystical "you" behind any of it. Might feel like insanity because you literally kill your ego every time you become aware of this, so it must resist to protect itself.
  10. It is possible to oversleep which will make you feel tired and groggy. It's not as simple as "more sleep = more rested". What actually matters is your quality of sleep. Make sure you're getting good high quality sleep with a dark and cool room and no disturbing noises. I noticed something weird where if I sleep too early, at about 7-8pm, my quality of sleep would turn to shit and I would wake up too early. Also, make sure your curtains are open to allow blue light from outside in. The blue light that comes in the morning will naturally wake you up and regulate your sleep schedule. Drink water. Expose yourself to blue light. Also Wim Hof breathing is a nice boost of alertness if you want to do that.
  11. Few tips: - White noise from a fan can have a significant effect on helping you sleep - Keep your room as dark as possible. Blue light from outside will help you wake up faster in the morning, so it is a good way to naturally regulate your sleep schedule. But, if your goal is to get into a deep sleep as fast as possible, you can close your curtains which will make the room darker and prevent any blue light from coming and waking you up in the morning. - It is better to have a cold room than a hot room, keep your room cool - Avoid caffeine and stimulants -Try to avoid blue light from computer screens, phones, and light bulbs. You can download blue light filters if you want. -Don't exercise or do any intense physical activity close to bed time Probably should download a blue-light filtering app
  12. Yep. So many identities built around that. Lots of egos to be offended. But honestly it's very funny since in some answers it completely attacks God and insinuates that it probably doesn't exist lol. So you can sort of bypass it if you ask the right question.
  13. The goal is to become aware of that without thoughts "Aware of being aware" is just another way of saying you should become aware of the fact that you (ego) do not exist Yes there is only awareness itself and it is only aware of itself, so it perpetuates itself. There is no "you" behind any of it. A "you" is not necessary for awareness to be. That is what is being pointed to.
  14. Look at your direct experience. Bring your attention to what is in front of you. When a limiting belief pops by, you should realize that it is exactly that, just a belief. It is not reality. It is just a belief about reality. Actual reality is what is in front of you. So, separate the thought from reality. The mistake is believing your thoughts are reality. They're just thoughts.
  15. @Matt23 I think it just scouts some opinion from the internet somewhere So in theory, someone somewhere wrote that answer and actually believes that stuff lol You can hit the try again button if you want a different answer. It gave me some good tips on social anxiety. It's very good at summarizing typical google results you would get.
  16. Which is exactly what Jesus, Mohammad, and all the enlightened people tried to do. And their teachings were turned into a collective ego. It's really not that easy convincing people. People will even convince themselves that they are convinced and end up completely misrepresenting what they follow, twisting it in accordance with their egoic agenda. Which is what happened with religion. The ego is a tricky beast.
  17. Because of ego and survival lol Not a lot of people who want to completely shatter their ego and belief systems Summed up pretty well
  18. I can tell you some basic tips but it is wise that you are consulting a doctor -The white noise from your fan can have a significant effect on helping you sleep, so I don't think it is hurting you -Try to keep your room as dark as possible by closing all curtains and such things - It is better to have a cold room than a hot room, keep your room cool -Avoid caffeine and stimulants -Try to avoid blue light from computer screens, phones, and light bulbs. You can download blue light filters if you wish. -Try not to force yourself to sleep -If you exercise or go for a long walk early on in the day it could make you tired enough to sleep. Don't exercise too close to bedtime though.