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About Ang3lxdm3

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  1. @Cubbage I agree, just mind-blowing stuff. There's so much to love about this silly anime but when I reached this point in the show, I knew I had to rewatch it. There was so much I missed on first viewing.
  2. Skip to 3:54 Absolutely shocked that nobody (as far as I know) has talked about this show on this forum. The anime is called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and you can binge it on Netflix. I originally posted this in the "Movies about Awakening" thread but decided to delete it and start a new one specifically relating to anime or anything relating to animation with spiritual/enlightenment themes. Please feel free to share your recommendations!
  3. [REDACTED] will be reposting my recommendation in new thread since it isn't really a movie