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Posts posted by gswva

  1. This is a clear and well written post. Right now, all I have is a bunch of understandings on duality, but after reading it from myself, I feel I'm going to let it go as well. Do you mind sharing some guidance? Is enlightenment a temporary or permanent change of perspective? What do we get to keep "after" the experience of self? Will I keep being able to work on all the projects and ideas I have?

    Also, all understandings only help scratching the surface of the ego, but I can't go past the stage where some belief like "I need to breath" come to mind. I know that there isn't any biological entity in a physical world that needs oxygen in order to say alive, pure imagination, but it's easier said that done. I only have to let go everything and become pure awareness, is that right? 

  2. There is nothing. We are all alone together. A profound loneliness in the plane of all possible existence. You are dreaming by yourself in a forever ineluctable self-chase. You might not need psychedelics, meditation or death to reach enlightenment, because awakening is whatever you wanted it to be. There is no ego defense mechanism because nobody is attacking you. It is pure imagination of a dream state interlaced within your own true self. Miracles don't happen within reality because it is exactly that, the duality we wanted it to be. There is nothing to resist, nothing to fear, no suffering, only you avoiding yourself. Everything is crafted with a deep sense of balance, pure kindness as ultimate intent. Except we know very well how much infinite intelligence cannot be contained. The loop eventually unweaves itself. All there is, is Love. Of course! Only such immense Love could lock itself into infinity, which is its own unavoidable self!

    God is Love YAYAYA


  3. @remember You're right, some answers don't yield solutions or the other way around.

    I feel like I'm beginning to understand. Being pure Love, it cannot "see itself as a problem", because we are exactly the opposite of that. Funny how that works. Putting efforts toward creating our own hell has to be impossible. Still it doesn't explain why my ego, which is it within itself, is able to see this idea as problematic, or let alone being able to give it a form.

    And yet we haven't scratched the surface of the initial thread subject which is "How can Love be, out of non existence?", of which the answer might be or not be part of the Truth. There could be a deeply linked relationship between the exact state of asking the question and not having the answer.

  4. @remember I was actually thinking about the set of all problems/solutions instead of answers. -_-

    It's obviously very vague though, we make our own problems as well, and since logic is part of duality it might not even make sense to use it on reasonings, no matter how trivial.

    1 hour ago, remember said:

    maybe the set of all answers is smaller because problems are mostly in a sense blown up into clouds which seem bigger or more different from each other than they really are.

    Yeah, we assert that each problem should have at most one nonshared solution. Interestingly when problems don't have solutions, there is no way to know if they are the same or not. What's worse is that we are speculating about problems outside duality here, if that even amounts to any infinitesimal bit of accuracy. But what matters is the simple fact that any problem without solution would be inherent to yourself. You can't escape yourself.

    The notion that we can't escape eternity, because we are exactly that, is infinitely more terrifying than all nightmares. It's beyond torture or any scale of suffering, yet painless. What the hell?!

  5. So God is love, infinity and timeless eternity. Such strong Love that it cannot not be. What it is, paradoxically explaining why it is? Feels a bit lonely to be afraid of it, but this is somewhat expected when posting on a spiritual community without going through enlightenment. Yet I'm asking questions despite knowing the fact I am the only one avoiding the answers.

    21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You don't need to speculate. Consciousness can have complete self-understanding.

    Could we presume a case where the whole is greater than the sum, at the point awareness rises to infinity?

    20 hours ago, remember said:

    if you are dissatisfied with the answer then yes you are stuck an eternity finding what it then might be - if you find the answer there will not be dissatisfaction any more because answer and end of search or wanting to find an answer will simply solve themselves in themselves through themselves

    That's not wrong. I'm empty and full of fear, but actually just torturing myself. Giving in could be the most appropriate way of living a fulfilling life, if it even matters. I will look for more understandings in order to reach confidence. 

    20 hours ago, remember said:

    the nature underlying a question is implying a problem while not all questions are a problem but still a question wants to be solved.

    This is exactly what scares me the most now you mention it. The set of all problems being bigger than the set of all solutions. This is kind of a deep existential mind-break that should petrify anyone becoming aware of it, and yet it doesn't. Although the paradoxical nature of nothingness means they should both include themselves and/or be equal? And how could there be any problems if all there is, is Love?

    Thanks everyone for everything, I guess.

  6. @remember It's frightening because what if we are dissatisfied with the answer? Or what if a non-dual state doesn't even allow the question to be raised in the first place? You would be stuck for eternity as yourself, not even able to pinpoint why you are, possibly not even the concept of "why".

    3 hours ago, remember said:

    how can it be that nothing is more relative to nothing than it is to something but yet includes something into nothing?

    One of my hope is that this power of Love could simply cease to be at will, which would explain why we would never give it up. I don't want to set up myself to disappointment though.

    @Meta-Man This has to be the real answer, I'm just a coward. Running away is the only thing my ego can do. I'm scared at a level I didn't even think was possible, far beyond the worse DMT trip I've ever had except my awareness is low and I'm pretty much not feeling anything. Maybe worrying about it was my biggest initial mistake, or maybe it's fate and built-in duality.

    I think it's too early for me to experience enlightenment. There is so much things we can do without the need of knowing the Truth, it's fine.

  7. @Leo Gura Still it doesn't explain why this "polarization force" exists or can exist. How this willpower make choices between all its possible states, although that could be inherent to being infinite. If it chooses to exist or if it's accidental. Or why there is so few people interested into discussing this issue while it's literally the most frightening aspect of existence. 

    If duality itself is the reason we can't get adequate answers, we can still speculate. It's more likely that we cannot not be. Else we would not have created realities over and over again, assuming there is any basis on that statement. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    Being is all there is. 

    Being has no agenda.

    It simply is.

    It ‘is’ because it cannot not be.

    I see, it's that bad. I really didn't want to read it which might explain why you didn't want to tell me, I'm sorry for everything. So this is it. Do we just keep creating more stuff and pretend everything to be fine?

    11 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    Your fear of eternity is your fear of death. It’s the same thing. If you realized yourself as Eternity right now your ego would drop dead. It is what you fear the most.

    You have a point, but I think it still goes deeper than that. I didn't fear death until learning about its true nature. "Not being" is a really convenient escape. If this really is out of reach then



  9. @Mu_ It's about elephants though. There is no deeper mess than infinite layers of everything, but that's my opinion.

    @Meta-Man Why are you avoiding the questions? I already understand everything there is to understand: nothing. I don't even care about enlightenment, aside from the inevitable untangling of my own self. We are the only one consciousness here, so why isn't my fear of eternity reaching you? Well putting those ideas into words already exclude the answers from being anywhere near the truth. Still, I wish myself would understand and create any story-like approximation that would stop this absolute madness of my ego.

    Can "being" not be? What does the "being" want? Why "is" it?

  10. 5 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

    You still don’t realize what the ego is.

    You still don’t have a firm understanding of death and its implications.

    Isn't this unappreciative way of writing another layer of defense mechanism to the ego? Isn't all the talk about enlightenment from Leo, pure imagination? Isn't this forum dual as well, else I would not even able to read it in the first place? Isn't everyone pretending, to lure me back to my untangled state? As long as I'm not one with the whole, how could anything else be?

    5 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

    have the ultimate fearless joyride

    Joy/pain grows out of duality, right? Or is it some kind of deep sense of satisfying creation akin to what we experience during a psychedelic trip?

    Why can't awareness not be? Realistically speaking I'm only talking to myself here, which leads to an even weirder point: Why is my ego the only one who seems concerned about Eternity, and its implication? The idea that misunderstandings might be an inherent trait of duality, and that those answers could only be found in the "Truth", as one, is even scarier.

    It's horrifying. I'm physically and mentally perfectly fine (who cares about reality at this point though), but I can't even kill myself to escape out of consciousness.

  11. @Meta-Man I already understand what my ego is (or at least, it pretends that it does). I'm not afraid of death. I want "true" death.

    My consciousness is melting. I feel like being suck out of the movie. I'm desperately in need to know what I'm expected to do once I will have to face the truth. But since we're talking in this dual system and we both have the same awareness, no matter how restricted or infinite, I don't even know if this going to be of any help.

    Seems to me that the ego isn't the problem, it's the only solution found by infinity.

  12. @Meta-Man I'm not enlightened, but I somewhat superficially make sense of it. The issue isn't that I fear death or life, my experience of self is pretty neutral. But based on your words, I'm really profoundly afraid of infinity and eternity. I guess that concern is a dualistic mindset as well. When we communicate the idea of "Nothingness", what are we talking about exactly? Is it the absence of every dual state? Being one with the whole?

    41 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    There is no lack of Awareness, because Awareness is That. Awareness is God. God is Infinite and Eternal.

    I understand. If there is a lack, there is already awareness. It's not really a satisfying answer though.

    Can awareness not be? 

  13. 23 minutes ago, SamueLSD said:

    There is no "other ego"

    Honestly, it does make sense to call it that way. If you're trapped within yourself, then so is reality, kinda like the strangeloop thing. Unless awareness can be layered over itself or I don't know.

    32 minutes ago, Prevailer said:

    Don’t take sides!!!

    Ok, I will stop being concerned about whatever I think I am.

  14. 1 hour ago, Meta-Man said:

    This thread demonstrates that people love confused complexity. Not clear simplicity. Leo cleared it up in 2 sentences. But the mind wants to go on and on entangling itself in a web of vague concepts.

    It's not that bad. I guess Leo has been through all the thought process and confusion already before being able to figure out what he is. Many people like me would not be interested in awareness if we didn't have all this nonsense to unscrew the ego a little bit and fine-tune its desire. It can be counterproductive, but sometimes depending on who is perceiving, better than just "You are everything. Trust me!". The amount of content on the YouTube channel alone speaks a lot about how diverse the state of minds can be and how much effort is required to hook them out.

    1 hour ago, Meta-Man said:

    But that is this forum in a nutshell. The blind leading the blind. Most of the time anyway.

    The blind following the authority isn't much better. It works here because we are fortunate to be taught the constructs of someone who is deeply passionate about Truth, but there are many traps in this ecosystem we live in that would twist yourself up.