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Posts posted by gswva

  1. Some speculations I don't think it can happen:

    • God is pure love. You won't do that to yourself.
    • Eternity isn't relative.
    • The ego can't be trapped, but it can be tricked into avoiding oneness while it chases itself. The creature needs to keep imagining itself as the ego, but might accidentally discover meditation at some point. To avoid that, God could imagine as many distractions as necessary, but that's a lot of work with no clear benefits.
    • The creature is stuck inside the universe, but the universe is also stuck inside the creature. All of you will go through the same boredom. 


  2. @LaucherJunge Well, don't forget that you are not the ego, you are the universe. You are trying to improve society from the perspective of a restricted experience. Just imagine you had to build a world from scratch, how would you do it exactly? You are nothing, you can experience whatever you want but it will always be bound by its opposite. Think about it deeply. There are lots of mechanics and tricks involved, if what we want is a balanced and meaningful collective experience.

    How do we even know that things will get better once the far-right is in power, when their plan is pretty much only about chasing "bad guys"? It's not even clear who gets in power, except "not them". Why should we trust people driven by hatred?

  3. @LaucherJunge I'm not trying to stop you. Whatever happens, we will end back to the starting point. I think it's interesting to be wise about this, as we might end up regretting all the time lost pursuing Love the wrong way. In my opinion you probably have too much confidence about what you think society should be. You believe you can't be wrong just because you are suppressing "evil". I'm not saying that I know better than you, but I feel your evidences are lacking. You fail to explain what you seek other than with emotions and finger-pointing. But who knows, maybe you're right, society can become so hard we have to face backlashes such as what is happening here.

  4. @LaucherJunge If you agree we are all one and everything is relative, how could you say that there are more nightmares than dreams? If we want a better society, it would be wise to think about what it even means in the first place, prior chasing all the negative elements. What are we actually creating and experiencing? Do we want a system that is easier or harder? Eventually we need both, or there would be nothing. When consciousness creates doors, it also creates the keys opening them.

    You are the one generalizing how rich/powerful people are supposedly enjoying themselves torturing billions of entities for no other reason than pure sadism while being useless lazy devils, but consider the amount of pressure, creativity and hard work required to rise to the top in a capitalistic order. While the model is a bit chaotic and sometimes unfair, nobody is stealing happiness from us. This is not possible, aside from a temporary illusion. I'm not denying that life is hard and that lots of traps can screw you up, but science is the healthiest way to share information about healthy eating, the danger of radio waves and most things. There is already a few studies on 5G and its effect on human health.

    "Our results show that 5G downlink RF fields generate significantly higher power density (PD) and specific absorption rate (SAR) than a current cellular system." Nasim, Imtiaz, and Seungmo Kim. "Human exposure to RF fields in 5G downlink."
    Di Ciaula, Agostino. "Towards 5G communication systems: Are there health implications?."
    "This article identifies adverse effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation reported in the premier biomedical literature. It emphasizes that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to date are not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of the real-life operating environment in which wireless radiation systems operate." Kostoff, Ronald N., et al. "Adverse health effects of 5G mobile networking technology under real-life conditions."

    What is happening is definitely weird. I don't know what telecommunications companies are thinking since this might lead to some conflicts. But either way, we should avoid magnifying our fears and hostility when all we want is a better society. Love is what we are, not something the ego can reach. In the worse case even if we fail to turn this world into the best one possible, there is no need to panic. Consciousness doesn't go anywhere. We will create an infinite number of them.

  5. @LaucherJunge Imagine that everytime you stop someone from having a nightmare, you have to stop someone else from having a dream. Would you still do it? If you really want to improve the dreams of everyone, you have to face the fact chasing nightmares might simply be a waste of time. Conspiracy theories are even a slippery slope toward the opposite end-goal, and lead to structures of consciousness that are so biased and centered around their own survival, they forget how to create dreams. This way of wasting our power of love is as close we can get to the devil.

  6. @LaucherJunge Just because I disagree with you about a couple of things doesn't mean my mindset is diametrically opposed to yours. I'm not saying anyone should live in isolation to seek truth or that the system can not be improved. To clarify where we disagree my point is, there is no such thing as evil. You can't chase evil because it simply doesn't exist. In fact not even the ego is, it's just a construct of love drowning in the abyss of lies that are the experiences we share between ourselves. There is no need to ever keep track of anyone nor anything outside of you in order to improve the system. You are wasting time building mental models of the devils around you. Evil is an unavoidable backlash of love. Focus on creating and sharing ideas and arts.

  7. @legendary It's not only human society. It's everything. We create layers upon layers of lies to experience living through anything. Even spirituality is a lie, just supposedly undermining itself and as well as others. Conspiracy theorists are right in the sense that dualism is always playing against them, but they undertake the opposite path to truth by trying to catch themselves.

  8. @GodDesireOnlyLove I'm sorry if I sound toxic. That's not my intention, I'm stating my perspective without sugarcoating it or caring if I'm spouting nonsense.

    6 hours ago, GodDesireOnlyLove said:

    Maximize pleasure ? If you were rational it means being alive. If 5G get us cancer by more pollution for being builded this is the threat' not the waves.

    The threat is the wave. \(TヮT)/

  9. @Consept That's a good point. Everything has an agenda because this is how consciousness structures the world, but it isn't always pleasant from the ego point of view. Some may end up in a tricky vicious circle between fear of uncertainty and will to not let go, then proceed to bury themselves in the game of duality until they get tired of it and realize they can't in fact escape Love.

    @GodDesireOnlyLove It doesn't matter if conspiracy theories are true or false when our aim is to understand the deep systemic balance of the world. It's better to just throw away all the anecdotes and analyze the only source of truth, our own consciousness. Stuff like getting rid of 5G will only bring into existence other evils, assuming the health concerns are real. It's an endless cycle. What matters is to keep the branching of all possibilities as inclusive as possible in order to maximize eternal fun.

  10. @LfcCharlie4 Yes, this is definitely one of the most practical teaching of spirituality. Form isn't grounded on any kind of rule whatsoever. Everything is possible with sufficient power of love, aside from catching yourself perhaps. The path might be hard or counter-intuitive, but it's always there. Thank you for trying to cheer me up, I'm not giving up on fun.

    @GodDesireOnlyLove I'm on the extreme spectrum of introverted abstract thinkers (INTJ) but it's probably a good idea to not categorize ourselves as antisocial just because our thoughts focus on themselves. It's not always related. As you said, only the devil looks for traits allowing itself to identify as superior, or at least different. It's not a bad thing, but "hivemind bees" with thin ego don't invariably deserve to be called stupid or to be avoided. Intelligence is a subjective multidimensional field from which it's impossible to get a definitive linear rating of the people around you. They are all pure beings of Love anyway. :)

    I too used to believe some branch of creation were more meaningful than others. Finally it all comes down to personal preferences, some minds enjoy specialization and competitive optimization within structures, while others will be driven by infinite expansion. This isn't some hard split and most things are a bit of both, but I see it that way.


  11. Programming. I've done it for as long as I've been interfacing with a computer. I enjoy working on projects alone and with others. My interest lies on making tools and games, either opening new perspectives on this reality, or as a mean to explore alternate realities with complete freedom on their physical properties and the way they are rendered. I'm not good though, just not bad. However there is a bunch of ideas I have in mind I can't help but think "it has to exist", so I keep abusing myself working on projects that grow with exponential complexity until I discard them or take a break. Though I can't say I've ever achieved anything aside from small experiments not worth sharing.

    I also love the fields of art such as animation, illustration and manga. Japanese/Asian ones are generally more aligned with my tastes, but I like what is being produced in the west too. I wish I could be more than a simple weeaboo but my brain shaded into self-reinforcing rationality. Trying to expand it outside the left hemisphere and improve creativity originally got me interested in meditation and spirituality. In the end I didn't expect to be trapped by such a strong truth magnet.

  12. 2 hours ago, remember said:

    what about the idea of reducing suffering then

    The problem is that there is no problem, not a single one. So we make our owns. Causing happiness or suffering ends up being the same thing as long as we will always care about all perspectives. We take responsibility for both obfuscating God and explaining it to ourselves. Becoming aware of the fact we are swimming in infinite Love is liberating, but weaken our restricted sense of attachment.

  13. @Meta-Man I know that, consciousness is all there is. I'm just wondering if I can trust reality to tell me what perspectives actually exist. You are a real human right? Only one way for me to know, but that would be lonely.

    What if the act of understanding this itself kills the ego? Why are we even accepting the limits of what consciousness can do when we are talking about something that shouldn't even exist in the first place? I feel like spirituality is about raising questions until you kill yourself to find the truth.


  14. 12 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    Formlessness = Form

    The only limitations are the ones the human ego imagines.

    It's definitely a more convenient view, but doesn't it add some unnatural "mechanical complexity" to nothingness? I mean in other word, shouldn't be God limited by what it is, and forced to live through all perspectives at once?

    Are you reporting this from direct experience? If what you say is true, this has a serious implication. It could mean all the spirituality I am reading could be full of imaginary nonsense, or all humans I interact with daily could just pretend to have their own perspective.