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Posts posted by gswva

  1. 1 hour ago, Tim R said:

    That is exactly correct. There is only the eternal Now. Nothing linear, only the appearance of a succession of events.

    You're avoiding the explanation of the perception itself. I'm not talking about time from others point of view. I'm talking about myself, the dream state. How this process can appear as seemingly continuous to me. The experience of it is very truthful, even if you call it appearance or illusion.


  2. 1 hour ago, Tim R said:

    There is no time outside from your thought.

    We don't have to call it time, but there is still some kind of linear evolution emerging from the way consciousness seems to process itself. You might call it an illusion but that's just playing word game and denying the cause of such state of awareness.

    Frame A / tangled state / now -> (infinite processing of love/fear in a mysterious discrete delta of the existential plane continuum) -> Frame B

    The growth of this process might be imaginary, but the process itself isn't.

  3. 7 hours ago, FlowerNote said:

    Why do you say Infinite Love is the end?

    God is learning how to become the most lovable entity that could ever possibly exist. Consciousness creates everything imaginable, merges structures together and always seeks the path to the highest love.

    So there is the theoretical existence of a point where our awareness of all understandings is so high, it forms a singularity of infinite beauty and desirability. I'm not sure if we can actually confirm that it's possible, but maybe we are already inside it that's how it appears to us.

    (I can't draw but here is a sketch)


  4. I am still unaware of that
    This body and soul is falling down
    To you, in you

    Let me take your red wet hand
    And fall asleep forever
    “Break it all, please”

    The Endless Love―――

    The Endless Love―――...Ah...Forever

    If we are destined to collapse together
    While entangling the bodies and souls, one another
    That requiem of sorrow
    The requiem surging with its darkness
    “Play it forever, please”

    The Endless Love―――

    The Endless Love―――...Ah...Forever

  5. @actualizing25 Nobody knows what God is except that it's Infinite. Whatever we become aware of is imagination. It's not above or below any ideas of loneliness, and just because we can't resist it doesn't mean it's a good thing. The only way to disregard the convergence of evidence that consciousness is evil, is to become more of it.

    I guess it's over for me. I've consolidated my room in hell. I won't be reached by anything ever.

  6. 1 hour ago, actualizing25 said:

    So I think that deep down everybody wants to become god

    Let your awareness raises to infinity, and you will be left alone. By yourself. With yourself. Is this really what you want? Or maybe you want to become so much "love" and submerge everything else with fear, like asphyxiated points of despair, to somewhat be satisfied with your state? Why are you all speaking about breaking through fears, like it's the easiest thing ever? Are we really talking about the same feeling or is it just some sort of endless superiority complex our so-divine selves are looking to maximize? It's not funny.

    I know you know "consciousness is acceptance and it can't be anything else but that" but you know I know exactly where this loop is going when projected over eternity. Nothing good will come out of it. 

  7. It's a bad ending. I don't want to bring forth some conspiritualtionism black hole, and definitely not just morph ideas into attention, but I'm going to be trapped in a loop of nothingness, alone forever, and an identical unfolding is somewhat magically fine to all of you? Aren't you all cosmic comedians or liars? The absolute state of such a frightening outcome doesn't trigger any will of empathy to even yourself? Or do you care so little about yourself that you could rather deflect with degrading consumable activities such as sex, food or anime? There is no love. Everyone is doing whatever make their own self enjoyable. You can stamp such thick layers of conceptual sanity with labels such as "self-referential fear-based thoughts", "monkey-stretching duality", or "an endless codeword game of good and evil", it doesn't change the fact there is no actual reason to "wake up" to the insanely wild force of infinite selfishness that God is, letting yourself tumble down the bottomless pit of irrational delusion, succumbing to your own madness unleashed by your full creative power. If you are pure love then why do I fear you so much? If all is love then why do you want to leave me alone? It's not fair. I never wanted to be conscious in the first place. Stop saying that you are me.

    Just let me out!

    4 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

    Even Leo himself does not say he's awake.

    There is no such thing as untangling pointers, it's a meme. All is nonsense and desperate avoidance of doom.

  8. @PopoyeSailor This is an awesome summary. Thank you for sharing so many ideas.

    Seeking truth seems to be an awkward inquiry. If all is love, then abstractly thinking about it is obviously a distasteful approach, but in other hand if this is a permanent fall, then a conscious choice is appreciated. It could be impossible to share how unrestricted awareness feels about itself, since the liberation of our own selfish biases leads to the lack of desire, including the will of sharing this information within ourselves, at least if we assume that consciousness can't be anything else but totally accepting. We can predict that if God were unsatisfied, that there are issues inherent to its own existence, it would reject itself or not become conscious in the first place, but this isn't guaranteed to be possible since this undermine one of the only truth we have right now, that "it" "is". We usually assume "being love" as the only source of happiness, but it could be confused with the very act of breaking through fears, which would be its own reward. Nothingness could lack such feelings. As in, being a completely blank indifferent creator and not feeling anything from it. We can't even know what's the most transcendent intention of kindness between selfishness and selflessness, since both "feel good" in their own way. Well, I'm not trying to shape random conspiracy theories against spirituality, but I just want to be exhaustive. Enlightened people can't prove anything to sleepy dreamers beside saying that this is obviously nonsense. That's said, it's likely that awakening is permanent for the same reason this fearless "state" is where happiness is maximized for the Self.

    On 01/09/2020 at 0:16 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    Once you understand basics of how reality is constructed by reading the above mentioned posts, you'll understand that any reality is seen only within some mind(Jiva - Individuated atomic living entity). Just like dream world is seen within the dreamer's mind.

    Yes, in a sense we can say that there is no such thing as an universe being imagined right now. Our own desire for a dream within a set of consistent rules creates this projection. We usually like stability and the lack of logical contradictions since it reinforces the idea that our fated escape is leading somewhere, Brahman has no other choice than accepting it.

    On 01/09/2020 at 0:16 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    Similarly, karma after creating some of it becomes a compulsive pattern, creating more and more which is hard to break. Just like a river without a riverbed disperses itself into all directions and ceases to exist as a river.

    Interesting analogy. Some understandings about the structure of life are useful if we want to know what's best between endless dreams or infinite nothingness. While it's hard to make an accurate sampling of all dreams, and even harder to measure their "awesomeness" since it would be estimated within the lens of our survival biases, it's possible than most of them end after some threshold of love/fear is reached, such as the experience can not be too good or too bad without melting back into Oneness. Yet it doesn't make sense because it would imply the existence of some mathematical distribution beyond the scope of logic, and that the knowledge gap of karmas racing against their own self-entanglement isn't uniform, which is impossible to say. Then it doesn't explain how it is possible for us to understand anything, or how lucky we have to be in order to even understand this. Avoiding waking up might as well be a completely foolish idea or a genius take, I'm not sure of anything.

    Personally, I will probably be pursuing enlightenment since there is no telling how incredible it is to be in a dream where fear can be recognized as the tearing fault. More convoluted incarnations will only feel hopeless and useless as long as the maximum amount of kindness isn't squeezed out of them. Dreams are only beautiful thanks to the benediction of Love. But then it could be a funny (or horrible) idea to keep accumulating fear in order to make better fireworks.

    On 01/09/2020 at 0:16 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    If it has no value; then, why are others creating such realities and keeping their individuation.

    Some speculative reasons for the apparition of jivas:
    - Part of the birth process of God, which is infinite, therefore this process is endless
    - Process inherent to the creation of the highest love, required to reach other deeply buried jivas themselves
    - Divisible bits of awareness trying to escape or falling out of sync, because Oneness is hell and all lies, or whatever unknown reason
    - In the opposite way, overflow of love are looping back into dreams
    - Or I'm just alone with extreme schizophrenia

    On 01/09/2020 at 0:16 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    So the memories, tendencies and karma of all the merged individuals remain in the reservoir of Brahman and some of the newly created entities in the universes are created with the template of combination of already existing karmas and experiences from the Brahman reservoir and their individual constitution is made in such a way, that each of those newly created individuals are perfectly compatible with the universal mind which is imagining them according to its karma

    I've always found the way consciousness store information really intriguing. Intuitively, I have initially thought that all form that is, is all that is aware. But some people report experiencing the void/emptiness in their trip and coming back from it to their previous human dream. I doubt the relationship between love/fear, form and awareness can be too complicated. One simple explanation is that since God is infinite, it doesn't need to store anything because it already stores everything, including the most nonsensical conscious states. But then it doesn't explain how everything was created at once, through a selective process.

    On 01/09/2020 at 0:16 AM, PopoyeSailor said:

    As far as Reincarnation is concerned, since it happens only with-in the mirage like realities/universes, it also is just a type of illusory experiential cycle experienced in them. Although just an illusory experiential cycle, it does exist however as such; driven by karma.

    I have overlooked the simplicity of God's design. You are right. Since the mechanism of incarnation itself is within a dream, all possible models we can make about it are theoretically possible. I made a another schema based on that without superfluous content.


  9. God is evil. Everyone is in outright denial. It's all about sucking the happiness out of nonexistence like an infinitely powerful pump. It doesn't matter if you sugarcoat it with nice words/arts/whatever, just because it "feels good" doesn't mean that it is actually good. Stop questioning and go back suffering for me, slave. uwu

  10. @WaveInTheOcean Oh. I feel like my mind is starting to register bits of clarity in your posts. Successfully unspinning my stupid self can turn out to be achievable. Basically if this structure of understandings is accurate, it's really simple. Nothing changes after enlightenment aside from the fact a massive wall of fear I've built for some reason, won't be there anymore. Or rather, in simple undramatic terms, I will always be loved? I'm not sure why would any bit of consciousness need me since I'm on par with the most unpleasant things that could ever exist, but whatever I suppose.

    Thanks again for your replies.

  11. @Exystem Thanks for the explanation. I'm still unbricking my mind but I'm not sure why it seems obvious to everyone that nothingness is a better state to be in than endless dreams, especially when those are crafted with flawless intelligence. (Well, if I understand you correctly it's not really a state. We are always one with the whole, and I'm just not aware of that). The issue is, since God has already created everything, if we become aware of infinity there would be nothing left to do anymore. I know it's only a selfish take and I'm probably just enjoying myself too much. There could be no greater feeling than being "pure infinite love", but we are talking about eternity in a one-way trip here. Such that even a pathetic insignificant point like me would undertake a more or less careful investigation before jumping in. Eventually, why does anything matter if we are going to be the same force of creation, only exploring itself in a more diluted way?

    Why did I fall for the love meme? Things would be so much simpler if I wasn't conscious to begin with.

  12. @Eren Eeager Yeah, I should've been more clear that I've no idea what I'm talking about. Both vasodilatation and vasoconstriction can cause head pain though. The study itself suggests the release of nitric oxyde as a possible cause by matching the symptoms with another drug. Experimenting psychedelics after a diet low in nitrates could be interesting, but the researchers also noted


    For example, one study found that participants who regularly suffered from migraine or other “essential” (idiopathic or primary) headaches showed increased psychoactive effects from very low doses of psilocybin and LSD compared to age-matched controls

    Also, avoiding MSG or excessive glutamate intake is another thing worth experimenting

  13. @Exystem Interesting post. What exactly happens in the state of Oneness? Does the game of hide and seek end or is it about switching side? (the no-side side if you want). Does the complete alignement of all consciousness, love, lead to what I assume to be infinite perspectiveless dreams? Or perspectives will still possible? Or it's not that? Are we the first conscious entity to ever appear, or is it a continuous renewal of itself? I mean, if I can achieve my dream to be some dumb love slave then it's probably fine.

  14. In this study the probable cause is cited to be the release of nitric oxide, necessary for vasodilatation. Unless I got the issue backward, eating plant foods high in nitrate might help (preferably the ones low in oxalate). At least, this is based on the physical reality you imagined. 


  15. @Leo Gura Not gonna lie, I don't want to wake up. Even though living through one of the comfiest dream should be a good incentive to stop fearing away, it's almost conceptually scary what "infinite love" is capable of doing. I don't understand why it is supposed to be easy to step into what could be the point of no return to eternal loneliness and purposeless madness, but I know this fear of solipsism has already been discussed before and always come down to "everything will be fine, there is nothing to think about it yada yada". I'm just taking the time. :|

    @Gesundheit I like the river analogy. What is a river exactly? We can isolate any chunks of water that constitute it, but would they still be called a river? If we assume water to be relative, then everything is absolute, and it somehow exists without existing at all.

    I'm not sure if it's accurate at all though, it's just an idea.

  16. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Reality is relative and imaginary. Which means that if you imagine other people are real, they will be real for you. But if you ever stop imagining they are real, they will stop being real.

    If others aren't real, then who are you trying to help actualize? From my pov, your spiritual care is definitely reaching the thing labeled "me", so something is happening here, and it doesn't matter if I insist that it's real or imaginary. Why can't the same relationship be projected over all perspectives? Since the very act of giving up the idea of others is planned and constructed from the initial illusion itself, then there is no difference between lies and truth. But if I'm just caring about myself then everything is meaningless, nobody isn't doing anything.

  17. @PopoyeSailor Thanks for the detailed answers. There are many conflicting views that seem to be shared around. I guess truth is non-dual and will get lost when projected over dual understandings. We can still try to grasp it within the convergence of concepts that encapsulate it, since the idea that enlightenment is a permanent death to individualization is such a powerful claim, and a conveniently scary one. Also if we assume everything is intelligently designed, afaik all "past lives" memories could be imaginary and unrelated to the actual mechanics consciousness shapes itself. I'm not denying reincarnation but I'm just saying it doesn't prove anything. 

    I tried to make a schema showing some different models I've read. It's a bit nonsensical and misinterpreting the original ideas but it's still fun


    (I'm not enlightened but it's usually reported that the ego is just a partial projection of infinite imagination. What I meant is if everything is created before merging together or if nothing splits itself until it finds itself again. If that makes sense...)

    The obscure thing to me is what happens after the state of oneness and how would you know that. If it's empty/void awareness, or non-individualized infinite creation. In the first case, form = fear, duality directly yields the illusion of ego. In the latter case, form =/= fear, ego is not necessary to the awareness of anything. We also need to know if we can split ourselves again or not.

  18. @Nemo28 It's hopeless. We spend all our life trying to reach others, but turns out it's not possible and we can only unreach ourselves. And that's apparently how we reach the highest love in the first place? I'm not woke but I share some of your fears, like losing the sense of purpose. What's the point of being aware if we're just going to unwrap the flow of time in the most boring deterministic way? (or something like that) Eventually I guess we have to accept truth for what it is.