Hi All, glad to be accepted here.
I am 26, and have spent the past 6 years on what feels like one long psychedelic trip. Does anyone else feel that way about their early 20s? Fwiw i do smoke alot of cannabis.
From 20 to 25 i felt an intense need to create sound that expressed feelings that i could not properly identify.
I painstakingly made a concept "sound story" called "With a Futureproof Hunchback" that i hoped would help.
It did at first, but now i feel ive opened up a whole new world of "creation anxiety"
I now feel as though WaFPHB was chapter one. And the way it came out of me was very lonely and painful, but necessary. Making chapter 2 scares me alot, but it feels enevitable. Like holding back vomit after a night of heavy drinking. Does anyone else feel this way about art creation?
If anyone is interested in WaFPHB it is posted at https://linktr.ee/brydon_hill .
You dont need to listen to it to reply, but if you do it is best related to as a 27 minute "high" headphone meditation. But you do you of course.
This post is mostly to hear from other artists who feel controlled by a muse, emotion, deity, etc. And feel a bit mentally sick because of it.
Awakening to reality has me feeling angry. I was happy before this all happened. HAH
Any non trolls who want to say something feel welcome!