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Posts posted by Origins

  1. @Barbara You care if people like you (solve that). Combine that with connection over attention. Done. Seriously, if you're coming from that energetic resonance that's a whole lot more interesting than its opposite. Thought experiment that and you'll see it for yourself. If you're not connecting with solely you (no thoughts, this is all energetic) you're playing a character for the world to respond to in the way you want. That an't real. Life doesn't give us what we want per se, it gives us what we're authentically aligned to. Good luck

    2 hours ago, Barbara said:

    Hi there :x

    On the path of being more authentic in my interactions with others, I find two types of struggles that I would love some insights on.

    On the one hand, sometimes I feel that what I have to say, would expose me in a way I don't feel completely comfortable with. 

    On the other, I fear that sometimes, when talking about a topic that I happen to have reflected on and have my own conclusions of, I came out as cocky if I express it openly. 

    Ultimately, I guess both of them are fear of how others perceive me and that will always affect my authentic way. I also do understand that's an extremely egoic thing to feel since all this resistance is a need to protect my "identity". And I usually, get a kick out of piercing through this ego resistance, but mainly with people that are close to me. Not so much with others.

    Did you ever deal with this? How did you overcome it? I deeply appreciate everything you have to say.


  2. 9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    @Origins but in general context, how far is attention seeking a bad thing? I really don't see a problem with it unless it's being done in unhealthy toxic ways. There's always a healthy dose of attention that everyone craves for just food, air and everything else. 

    Seeking validation is also the same thing. 

    I think these things are pretty trivial in a smaller context and only toxic or dangerous when they begin to cross a line. 

    We are all subconsciously craving for validation and attention, we just don't admit to it. 


    We are all... is this not a generalisation to use imaginary social support, aka attention, to validate ones own position? Here you’re using imaginary attention to justify attention seeking, or is an angle of viewing it.

    How well are you able to believe something that goes against the crowd? Or anyone? Self belief is correlated with less of a need for attention, the true kind, because you’re not looking for any approval. 

    Maybe I’ll draw a venn diagram.

    Attention is either something that should have been satisfied when someone was a child or is something they heal in adulthood. It’s really that simple, we live in an age of extremely unhealthy attention seeking behaviours because of how poor people’s upbringings were and social conditioning is.

    It’s the simple byproduct of maturity, as an “adult” as we’ve framed it as we both are, the adult thing is to now only be seeking connection otherwise to the extent we are attention seeking we’re no longer considered truly adults as we’re regressing back into more infantile psychological states. This is true. It’s really this straight forward, you’re probably just used to seeing so many childish attention seeking adults that you see it as normal. 

    Connection, not attention. 

    Because who is really the other person when you’re getting that attention? They’re no body, you’re likely selfish, all you really care about in that moment is receiving the attention not the other person. They’re just the feel good chemical provider.


  3. @InterruptReQuest aggression has qualities of anger, analogously just practice it like you would sadness. You want to focus that kind of energy in the sense of moving towards self empowerment. It’s super duper simple, start giving it a whirl and you’ll get the hang of it before you know it. Regulate it with calm breathing and focusing the energy towards your goals and strengthening the focus of your ambition.

  4. @freejoy The question isn't about free will just awareness. Build awareness and you may have free will, don't build awareness and you won't have free will. Most people that don't believe in free will are as a byproduct saying they don't really believe in awareness. Kind of humorous. I don't know anyone that really knows what awareness is. I could build a model but not enough that the model is self aware. It's a case of "maybe later". 

  5. @Tim R yeah firstly let's go into what it is:

    Firstly you just gotta think abstractly about the mental angle, because that's all it is, its a mental angle on the phenomenon you're processing, the same goes to how, what.

    Why --> Representation of how (which then automatic intelligence detects the patterns of --- within that systems engineering, and within that great variability across the population)

    What --> Recall, identification and differentiation

    How --> Reverse engineering (systems engineering)

    Secondly we've just got curiosity. It's not complicated. Minus curiosity you minus any care for why. The next question is why people are curious. Here curiosity can be a byproduct of say dopamine and an extrinsic byproduct to say some survival or higher need (i.e. social connections). 

    All this stuff is pretty straightforward.

  6. HAHA on the font


    Quick note I'll write about later just noting it here to remind myself of improvements i'm making in awareness, placebo or not time will show:

    double mirror symbolisation

    (I'll happily share this process with others later - in short, a byproduct of the symbolisation of discoveries that make it easier to recall personal insight, analogous to method of loci as I've brought up in the past, my new method there involves starting from the ground up in terms of generating novel creative visual artefacts and building them into a novel "mental palace" piece by piece rather than using old memories which is what I believe the "light weights" do :P )

    this was meant to symbolise having self awareness on what was happening and will continue to be an important way of not reflecting on cognition, psychological and or mental data of any kind, but to hold it, and through the holding of that data, and waiting until that auto-response that needs to be corrected is automatically corrected where your automatic intelligence comes into play waiting until it sees what’s going on, then you’ll be able to seamlessly move through it



    HAHA on the font

  7. 58 minutes ago, Origins said:

    @Jacob Morres Don't need to watch video at all and I have no intention to.

    This is all the advice you need.

    Relationships of all kind are solely about connection.

    Remove everything that harms connection (i.e. seeking validation) and you'll be on the right path.

    You're just looking for the correct direction for a sense of safety, I've just given it to you which this person likely hasn't done.

    This path will simultaneously help you overcome insecurities like seeking validation while also moving at your own pace in healing from them because you won't be connecting beyond what you can do beyond your emotional wounds and you be under doing it by trying to "avoid seeking validation", no, the process of avoiding things happens automatically by going after what you should be doing, seeking connection. 

    Connections can mean many things, I have a completely different connection with the people that serve me hot chocolate in the morning compared to anyone that I may have a romantic interest in to my parents, siblings including variation of connection therein as well (not all siblings were created equal of course). 

    Why does this simple one step formula work so well? Because that's all you need to do with life to live it well.

    Learning to connect with it. Do you think at the end of your life if you learned to truly develop the best possible connection you could with it you'd be disappointed? Of course not. Now get to it and stop wasting your time watching cranks, gurus, wannabes and just people in general that pretend to know what they're talking about but don't.

    Start simple. Type/Write a list out, two columns, for anything about life including relationships, what increases connection and what decreases connection and then apply the former intelligently from there depending on the type and other qualities of the connection.


    On attention: Another thing mate, you don't want to be looking for anything other than connection in any of your interactions, ANY of them. Attention is a kind of validation, so if you're JUST looking for attention or attention plus that's (1) the precise moment in which you're enabling unhealthy behaviours to continue (2) the precise moment in which you want to cut off that interaction at least from yourself until you're ready to genuinely connect with the situation.

    It's a very important rule of thumb to follow, you don't want anything to do with any kind of interaction that isn't to do with connection, the moment you sense you're just looking for attention that's when you need to jump straight into whatever techniques you learn to deal with that, that's how you learn to truly express the person that you are underneath and in doing so, connect wherever connection was ever going to be possible.

  8. @Jacob Morres Don't need to watch video at all and I have no intention to.

    This is all the advice you need.

    Relationships of all kind are solely about connection.

    Remove everything that harms connection (i.e. seeking validation) and you'll be on the right path.

    You're just looking for the correct direction for a sense of safety, I've just given it to you which this person likely hasn't done.

    This path will simultaneously help you overcome insecurities like seeking validation while also moving at your own pace in healing from them because you won't be connecting beyond what you can do beyond your emotional wounds and you be under doing it by trying to "avoid seeking validation", no, the process of avoiding things happens automatically by going after what you should be doing, seeking connection. 

    Connections can mean many things, I have a completely different connection with the people that serve me hot chocolate in the morning compared to anyone that I may have a romantic interest in to my parents, siblings including variation of connection therein as well (not all siblings were created equal of course). 

    Why does this simple one step formula work so well? Because that's all you need to do with life to live it well.

    Learning to connect with it. Do you think at the end of your life if you learned to truly develop the best possible connection you could with it you'd be disappointed? Of course not. Now get to it and stop wasting your time watching cranks, gurus, wannabes and just people in general that pretend to know what they're talking about but don't.

    Start simple. Type/Write a list out, two columns, for anything about life including relationships, what increases connection and what decreases connection and then apply the former intelligently from there depending on the type and other qualities of the connection.


  9. Day 1, few hours in:

    What is this thought? Who am I in this thought?

    Am I a thought? No.

    What is the next association? Spiritual zombies. 

    Oh you got to love those. But who is the I living in the expression of the association?

    Who gives a fuck right?

    I'm here. Let it be R.I.P Paul McCartney's career and John Lennon's wife's talks with her husband there.

    I'm tired. How do I overcome this? What is the association that exists to prevent me from surrendering my consciousness to the vision I've created for Transcendence? This is what I let go. 

    Power up consciousness. Nothing else exists. I live in a mind of minds, minds colliding, what minds connect and what do they pass on?  Earth continues to rotate around the sun, so they say.

    See you in some minutes or hours.

  10. 6. I'm only going to create electronic music (inclusive of voice of course) from now on as well, or rather, with an electronic foundation and with an instrumental accompaniment for covers and play, etc outside of the electronic music so I've gotta spend much time than I do enhancing my skills there.

    My goal is pretty simple: Create music that is as creative as possible for where I am in my progression until I create my own genre basically

    I don't give a fuck what has come before me, my philosophy is to integrate, synthesise and think from the ground up, not to do what humanity has done before, to look in the same direction in the same way that other eyes have done in the past. To that I say fuck you.

  11. 1. So I've decided I'm only going to be really working with songs in my lower register until my higher register better connects with my lower register, I just don't want to sound like anybody else so I trust myself moving forward that I'm making the right decision here.

    I'm self aware about my choices and now that I've decided I'll be able to really focus down on singing style within that range, I'm confident I'll be where I want to be by April 1st relative to my progression to date.

    2. April 1st I'll have 1 completed song that I've edited to the best of my ability. This is because I want to build a solid foundation in recording and editing before moving forward with a lot of songs or just any songs. So for now I've discarded the idea of doing all these albums, at least until I've achieved that solid foundation.

    3. By April first I'll also have 1 completed cover, and from here on out week to week I'll work jointly with 1 original song and 1 cover song back to back each week to build in some solid experience.

    4. I want to change my perception in relation to how I construct albums. I want my albums to have some kind of purpose, as well as my week to week songs. I've grown out of this idea of "improvising a song" or creating a song because it's easy or fun to do, I want it to have significant existential value to me even if I'm wrong about my direction I want it to be an existential sign post. I'm also self aware about the influence that my music and lyrics can have on my audience, so I want to be more mindful there moving forward as well. 

    5. I don't give a fuck about genres, cultures, or anything like this regarding music and I have no idea why artists give it so much weight, as if to be "acting within a style" (more profit?), I just want to create music that impacts me and if it impacts others in the process that's great too. 



  12. @Flowerfaeiry You have to realise that all of culture is ultimately redundant, and if it's not, this is purely an intimate experience for the individuals perception anyhow. You'll remove so much needless energy and psychological weight once you develop enough insights from that realisation. There's nothing here. It's a very sad and dismal landscape. You are where things are neither sad nor dismal. You make that, and it'll come from an ongoing expansion of your awareness. You got dragged in, we all did, our minds cornered enough that we couldn't comprehend anything different. It started young, now you get to start it for yourself; wiser.

  13. @Someone here It purely depends on capacity, I know I was only capable of being exposed to the truth through a sudden expansive and deeply contracting fragmenting reality reshaping consciousness experience to the point where it becomes a visceral feeling, intuition, insight and more all simultaneously rather than something that can be encapsulated by or was experienced through simple thought. My thoughts tried to and still do (slowly better) try to encapsulate the experience and ground it in practical objectives, but they will never compare to the vastness of the experience just as much as my own exposure will likely never compare to the complete depth of the truth itself. You can have partial truths, not full truths, as they’re not yours to have. They’re yours through the lens of infinite mind, not a human mind, which is brilliant in and of itself relative to other species on this planet but is ultimately brilliantly undernourished and unsupported through the right expansive choices.

  14. 49 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Well you need to define your terms first.. Not sure I understand your question definitively. 

    @Someone here you won’t find your answers on this forum. You won’t find your answers from me. You’ll just need to have your own experiences.

    We can go into it further if you like, but I’m sensing it’s best not to (not meaning to a pause offence).

    The analogy between zero dimensions and the question is pretty straight forward. Awareness has zero dimensions. We infer dimensions through a finite intelligence caught in what is comparably a trance to the finely tuned nature of reality while trying to make sense of it. This inference is trapped in a shell of loose deductive and inductive loops that take us no where. Take your best shot. You rely on science perhaps because someone built you a microwave and brought you experience lived via osmosis through a computer screen so you get to rewatch the moon landing while having conspiracy theories play in the back of your mind representative of a species that is no better than ants in the greater landscape of intelligence that likely lives out there in the universe. It’s nothing. Zero compared to what we can and will accomplish, and what we will accomplish is statistically likely to be far inferior to what other species in the universe can achieve no matter how far we go. You think in terms of dimensions, don’t you find it paradoxical to do so when you can’t even think a 5D thought? It’s a pointless exercise. All we have is our working memory space and ability to draw patterns and distinctions therein, we have no idea how many more levels of processing reality there are intellectually to truly fathom the vast ineptitude of our present accomplishments, but accomplish you should still try and do, this is your role as existence while alive continuing to pursue your personal greater good.

  15. See title. As described may end up just perfecting one single song this month to work on my recording skills, experience and the editing that follows that. Makes sense to do it that way, after that's learned then I can begin to pile on the songs.

    I've got no idea for example (need to research) how to get that "cinematic" like recording sound (outside of right recording room/related). The whole very obvious quality over quantity adage.

    And I'm going with the X (imaginary intersectional point of integration for being = X, the conglomeration of the multiplicity of growth, stability and extension points across the psyche always pertinent to being a human (i.e. cognitive, emotional and more).


  16. @Najim I don't need to read this one bit I can tell by the title.

    You're trying to find your flow, this is what you should be doing you're moving in the right direction.

    Move towards life in a way where you feel your flow and move away from life where you don't feel that flow, for the latter or where its not healthy in the former, introspect on subconscious beliefs and patterns you may have picked up in the past that are blocking you from experiencing life fully. 

    It's this simple one step process in life or two steps if you're fixing/replacing the gears for step one. 

    You got it. This is all that needs to be said from me. Feel free to ask further questions, but only if it feels right, start with feeling then intelligence not intelligence than feeling for feeling is the most visceral form of intelligence connected to being and therefore your connectedness to the rest of reality/universe (I prefer reality, it's more definite than universe which I categorise as a lesser term).

    Simple. Done.