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Posts posted by Origins

  1. Pain of time management:

    This 2 album thing is traveling along well for me even though I have many other things to handle.

    For me it's just been about direction of focus.

    Look at and maintain your focus on all the opportunities you have to complete your goal as opposed to focusing on all the obstacles in front of you which "are going to lead to your demise". They're just excuses until you really find out the truth. 

  2. @JohnnyRocket And very briefly even though I've noticed that this forum scarcely actually talks about the right technical points let alone correctly, precisely here what ultimately matters, is not the experiences themselves but what one learns from those experiences. 

    This is why variability of aptitude is far more important than variability of experience simply because the former is correlated with the depth, scope and breadth of the wisdom garnered from the latter. (side-note: which is why of course people should focus on enhancing their bodies aptitudes as far as possible, don't fall for the bias that your ability to garner wisdom from experience now was the same as it was last year or will be the same a year from now ---- better/worse)

    Again, very rarely do technical points matter on this forum which is why someone like yourself can make a forum post like this, leave their desk and then wander off into the desert of human intellectual property and amazon of stupidity without ever giving it a second thought. 

    But relating to my first comment here to speak to technical points once again, this is why people like yourself would still rather take advice from a trusted war veteran as opposed to a highly tested artificial intelligence. It appears more human. So the deeper more underlying subject here is the subject of Leo's relatability to you at an "AI level" to euphemistically put, and nothing to do with whether he has eaten reindeer blood or not. 

    All the best! Otherwise I agree in putting oneself in difficult situations like these as well but we shouldn't let our philosophy bias us in our interpretations of other people, especially when we don't completely know the breadth of their experiences nor the breadth of how they garner their experiences or experience itself. And who knows Leo after-all could be eating a reindeer he ran over while swerving to avoid hitting his now newly beloved as we speak, a relationship that was fostered during experimental homelessness in the sewerage tunnels of Las Vegas that they refer to as the "Mole tunnels"...

    .... Why did I bother making these comments? That's what I ask myself right now as I feel like I'm just wasting my time. I'll screenshot them nonetheless so they mean something to me to learn from at the end of the day.

  3. @JohnnyRocket"Hello, my name is a.... Mario. And well... I read your bio.... 

    You did not jump out of a helicopter with a parachute only to take it off and give it to your friend who after trying to release his many times realised he didn't have his followed by slowly gliding the parachute safely to the ground.

    You did not raise 5 children like your next door neighbour who has sent all of their kids off to College, a first generation to go to College after all previous generations worked as slaves.

    You did not work as a prostitute in the streets of New Mexico like I did, cross-dressing and expressing all of my various feminine qualities that I would not have realised through the lens of my masculine nature if I solely kept to my body building which was not making me any money. Always remember protection, and not just condoms, you need knife. P.S when I'm crossdressing my name isn't Mario, its Marissa.

    You did not work as a priest like I did, listening to the problems of many children for many years only to have to also be accused of 200 hate crimes and subsequent courtcases of pedophilia.

    You did not have to work as a doctor like I did for 20 years, saying goodbye to hundreds of patients as I watched their eyes slowly glaze over and their hand slowly lose its grip on mine as they died peacefully into their preprogrammed hallucinogenic experience in the afterlife".

    Otherwise didn't you notice that Leo is using his 5-MEO-DMT experiences to act as the status substitute here for what qualifies as useful real life experience to talk about and from? Although sometimes ambitions like these are merely the consequence of genuine internal ambition, though for Leo I have no doubt that it was at the very least a bit of both, which is fine. Also do you think that Leo doesn't know what you're talking about? Believe me, he's thought about it and has been criticised about it before. Does it make the person right? No. It simply means they're listening to their pre-programmed tendencies and following suit rather predictably.

    So yeah, read the other comment I mentioned before as well to understand a little bit more about our genetic backstory there.

    Ultimately, self reflect before making comments like these. You're on a guys site who makes videos that he posts on YouTube that he managed to get a following on that you're now trying to make a critique on. Please explain to me where the place is here to express your critiques? Effort you've exerted to make your comment, next to zero. Do you really think we're now going to have an open dialogue about how Leo needs to jump out of a plane and into the lands of South Africa to fight off the militia to get some forum respect? No. Think before you speak.

  4. @JohnnyRocket This is just a genetic meme playing out, "who's got the toughest experiences and who learned the most to be deemed the wisest to pass on their knowledge to the tribe", you'd know this if you'd reflected enough on our social condition, monkeys always look to certain other monkeys for direction and they use basic heuristics like indicators of status to determine who to look towards. This is why we have morons that went several steps further on the bullshit train that created memes like "fake it till you make it", its sociogenetic memes like these that are the impetus plus a lack of other obvious faculties.

    Seriously, this is legitimately all this is at an underlying core level. End of discussion other than focusing back on your own development. Leo's just a bird in a tree, we're all just birds in a tree that scatter when our attention is averted to do so. Don't make so much out of this human experience more than it needs to be, nor less of it or yours either.

  5. As I write out my own list I find it fascinating how most of my “expanded”/analogous states mostly all overlap with seeking some kind of peak experience.

    I don’t want to detail all of them but one of them is:

    • I love the feeling of feeling fearless

    So you can get really nuanced with it obviously, as you should, and when you identify those as precisely as possible, you then invent narratives of experience around those and then act on it with the knowledge that you’ll feel motivated to do so.


  6. @sleep for genuine relationships you need genuine correlates to genuineness:

    1. Honesty-humility

    2. Authenticity

    3. Value overlap (do you know yours fully and have you discovered them well with your friends, I suspect not, which means that authenticity is likely lower than average in parts)

    4. Boundary differentiation (you’re clearly struggling here on the psycho-emotional space, by not knowing if it’s genuine that also compromises your future perception of trust and variability there across various situations)

    And that’s where up it comes to a close, genuineness really centre’s around the idea of trust and what encircles versus what departs from facilitating this ideal which is unique to the dynamic.

    This is your kicker. Trust and everything that builds it versus everything that breaks it, again, unique to the psychological profile of you and anyone else involved.



  7. Quick footnote just typed:

    Life should be an inspiration, anything else is essentially a violation of the heart. A quieting, suppression and repression of the heart. It doesn’t mean not to get your heart on board with a Reality Principle, not at all, it simply means that your heart isn’t following an Inspirational Principle

    To achieve this action is at least two-fold, firstly you must process your shadows fears, aka those listed in the previous post. They bring the most psychological pain to you. Secondly, you must process your shadows most authentic and highest desires (so not the lowest desires: lowest desires here being what you’ve categorised as such), they bring the most ongoing life satisfaction to you [ again, write out a list ]. They in effect design your response to life’s suffering as it arises, they craft out the purpose as to why you would continue through it. So if you’re not opening yourself up to your highest desires in the way described you will not be opening up to your highest ability to tolerate suffering. Energy transfer, balance and resonance follows simple, so uncomplicated, logistical cause and effect patterns like these making energy work very straightforward if you know the balance of identifying blind spots from obvious ones, those that progress the development of your being versus those that don’t. 

    The first question should be,”Why are you doing what you’re doing?”, and the second, “Why are you doing anything at all?”, followed by working through your own personal set of fears like the one listed in the previous comment along with a list of your most authentic and highest desires determine the place your present explorations and doings are coming from. 

    How to measure how much you should be implementing here? Ask how your body feels. Are you feeling inspired or stifled, contracted or expanded? This is why being in touch with where your body is energetically is so darn important. Further, ask questions like “How do I want to feel not just now but tomorrow, why and what genuinely brings me closer to that goal in light of the above?”. Here I would differentiate between the overly simplistic desire of “Well I just want to feel great!” to something a little more specific like “I want to feel like I’m passionately making some progress on the purpose I’ve crafted out with the best of intentions”.

    From here you will begin to develop increasingly more sophisticated patterns concerning self knowledge and how to go about navigating life from the perspective of the Energetic Will.

    Other dichotomies to entertain and write two lists out for:

    • Expanded State / Contracted State (I.e. what makes you feel more expanded “move towards” versus what makes you feel more contracted “move away”)
    • Likes / Dislikes (self explanatory)
    • Empowered / Disempowered (self explanatory but be sure the former isn’t rooted in the avoidance of fear, though I get why it feels like it sometimes has to be at least temporarily)
    • Inspired / Uninspired (keeping with the above + the processing of the why and the how like the others)
    • Flow / Lack of Flow (keeping with all above inserts)
    • Any others you come up with


    Here are some fears I want to encourage others spend time processing, this will help your healing. Do not ignore this list, the better you get at processing and transmuting the associations that create these fears, the more renewed you will feel towards YOUR life:

    1. Imperfection
    2. Abandonment
    3. Deficiency
    4. Betrayal
    5. Thinking of themselves as bad
    6. Torture
    7. Mutilation
    8. The inability to escape pain
    9. Being powerless or vulnerable
    10. Loss of autonomy
    11. Not having enough / lack
    12. Deprivation of love
    13. Rejection
    14. Loss of personal identity
    15. Humiliation, shame, worthlessness and any other threat to the ego’s sense of identity
    16. Invasion
    17. Being controlled
    18. Dependence 
    19. Responsibility/Irresponsibility
    20. Inferiority/Superiority
    21. Any others that are personal to you --- think as divergently as possible, brainstorm continuously, daily if that's what it takes for a week then integrate beyond all those for months 

    Many of these fears arise from black and white thinking, thus processing black and white tendencies themselves will be a doorway into the kind of healing that I'm referring to here needs to be undertaken to stay closer to your highest expression of life. Take this seriously if you relate at all to the fears on this list, perform your integration sessions daily in conjunction with my described method of loci technique above that you can adapt creatively here whereby you separately and or in conjunction create a "fear memory palace" that helps you not only recall your fears but also the manner in which you've so far learned to heal and grow from them thus allowing you to more effectively encourage a positive growth feedback loop here.

    Do not try to heal these fears through ego compensation (i.e.addressing this with "identity creation" --- identity creation should be happening from a place of renewal and freshness so that you're creating from a place of groundedness rather than efforts that are provoked by desires to cover up something), this is merely a short term growth strategy. You will always without fail harm yourself more in the long run by running away from fears in this sense. Change your ways today and do it RIGHT NOW, not 5 minutes from now or next week. Now.


  9. 10 minutes ago, Origins said:

    @Gesundheit I an't laughing. All you do is make nonsense pseudo intellectual patronising comments on this forum. Why don't we jostle again on this topic or any other so you can come off second best again eh? Got any balls or you going to hide behind your keyboard with your childish "lol's"?


    Yeah watch that Alzheimer's. I can see this isn't going anywhere. Please just move on and stop fucking wasting people's time. You're not here to genuinely add anything to the conversation so fuck off.

  10. @Gesundheit No you're wrong security isn't an illusion its relative. 

    "People who look for safety are by definition afraid"

    Again you're wrong, this is just biology. The opposite to safety is not fear, though you're not at all afraid of your own intellectual missteps here as per usual.

    You should tread more lightly sometimes before making merely rough guestimations, a luxury you wouldn't be able to afford in our prehistoric eras.

  11. What comes first, awareness or feeling? Awareness.

    What comes first, awareness or thought? Awareness.

    What is more paramount: Awareness, thought or feeling? Awareness.

    How about the value of feeling vs thought?

    Feeling is more paramount. But let me explain why as this is less obvious, this is simply because in the context of equanimity, you're starting with the most to least paramount in that exploration, which just so happens to be the most to least paramount in general, awareness to feeling to thought, with only the latter as a byproduct to necessary action in light of equanimity being reflective of "nowness" reflexivity more than anything else even if there's a wise preoccupation for the future coupled with that. Feeling is more paramount than thought because feeling is meant to be the equanimity itself of course, so make sinking into the body and everything its experiencing (on a feeling level) a core part of your endeavour there and that will be your natural transmutation process of feeling coupled with awareness towards greater equanimity. Thought will not get you there however, just the synergism of awareness and feeling. Make this your practice and the beginning place for how you interact with the mind itself and you'll engender the best intelligence it can bring in that moment.

    All of this pays rent to the related tangential notes on extending ourselves through goal achievement, most importantly, our sense of agency. That is to say that the best way to maintain our sense of agency is through that top down process of starting from awareness to feeling to thought every time. Agency is the thought, of course, that is, the concept that we're going to shift the gears of our consciousness with, but we channel it in that downward direction from awareness to feeling and then an action outcome of the thought of agency. Tying this with a sense of equanimity in the way that I've explained it of course serves the creation of a useful positive feedback loop within consciousness between directionality and flow, directionality here being to agency and flow to equanimity. 

    Agency here is a concept that I'll talk about later in this journal as it is one of the core principles of Universal Selfhood that like I said at the beginning of this journal has been bubbling up from my subconscious for a while.



  12.  @MuadDib

    An add on that others also don't know about is to method of loci those experiences into a memory palace, that way you can have all of those experiences 'online' inside working memory without much effort throughout any difficult experience you're going through. This will help you two-fold, processing those painful experiences and two, utilising them as a creative resource to whatever end much more effectively. Here we're so far merely referring to how they can be used to move us in difficult directions but in reality they can be used in many other ways depending on your creative outlets. Once you've built your memory palace of pain, walk through it, take note of how you've metaphorically symbolised various experiences, the meanings that you imbue to them, the lessons that you take away. To me this has been my most reliable method as it concerns healing from past memories outside of pure transmutation via body work, secondly (as well as being a part of that process), its extremely effective when it comes to reconditioning associations (thus replacing/overwriting them). I'll be writing about this more at a later time. If you need any guidance on anything here just let me know, shoot questions, etc.

    I don't agree with Shinzen's formulae but I appreciate the sentiment. We symbolise experience like in the way that Shinzen did it so that we can gather insight we didn't previously have, to design meaning and purpose so we can author our experience with some semblance of significance, to experience the value of meaning and the meaning of value in the present so we can transmute the pain of yesterday into a memory tomorrow that makes us feel like we're moving in a positive direction.

    In the case of Shinzen, so that we do not fear pain but instead move into it and through that earn strength, so that we do not repress pain but instead be vulnerable to it and through that transmute; transmutation + strength being the highest correlates here to the postulated purification process. So pain is only relevant incidentally, relative to our reactions and ultimately our relationship to it as opposed to being our direct path to purification. So to me, the highest lessons of the most sophisticated physical challenges is not the virtue of pain at all, rather in the continuous facing of reality in order to avoid experiencing unnecessary pain or to push through the necessary pain as effectively as possible. It is a reality test, and its through the reality test, of any kind, intellectual, emotional or physical, that the purification occurs. This is the underlying pattern to take note of, that is that the purification process has to do with the reality test and the reality test spans any domain that follows the cutthroat constraints of reality. Pain is merely a primal motivational narrative and this is self evident in all hero's journey scriptures, but its not causative of the purification process.

    I train pretty hard myself, but I've slowly weaned myself off associating my training to how I think of my identity. That's a slippery slope because its a cultural narrative that's relevant now, its something to think about when maintaining and moving towards extending your own individuality, which I think is the better cause there in the context of staying true to purified reality tests that in turn purify the most. If that's important for you at this time in your life though I get it.

    Stay strong.

  13. @MuadDib I'm okay. Recovering quickly.

    Yeah thanks for sharing your story, one of the things it's driven me to do is recall all prior painful accidents I've had just for the contrast bias (I've had much worse). Secondly the other contrast bias I want as a result is to make doing difficult things much more seamless in the absence of that kind of suffering (by generating memories where I'm working with that kind of pain). I can't do anymore damage to it, it's all healing from here no matter how much music training I do so I just push through the pain. It's my own autobiographical creativity I'm working on.

    All the best on your side, to the both of you ( @Preety_India).


  14. @MuadDib Comment as much as you want just as long as it's genuine ?. There's many people on this forum that waste their time here I'm obviously not one of them.

    Please inform me more about your story I'd be interested to know. Thank you.

    @Preety_India thank for your support it's always welcome ?. And likewise Preety! You've been writing some interesting content lately I've been learning from it well!


  15. Okay so just recently dislocated my shoulder causing me to throw out my schedule a lot.

    I need to write about my experiences though.


    So I can encode all the nuances in memory and figure out how I'll use it to drive me forward post recovery.

    There's this saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" but my response to that is only if we integrate the experiences. And only if we recall that integration.

    Okay that's it for the first entry.

    I'll talk about what I mean by Universal Selfhood at a later time, it's been incubating in my subconscious for a while now only recently really coming to the surface of fully articulated conscious experience.