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So here's some experimentation, adding low and high register into a duet, very roughly done just to grab a perspective there. DUET between two end registers (an improv) The high register panned left in isolation can be found here: And the right side at least in terms of low register can be found here:
Use Headphones - Voice comparison with the above low register "Love", this shows my high register which I usually never sing in, I sound way too much like Freddie Mercury (totally unintentional) haha ----- quick improvisation: Burning On My Own:
See title. As described may end up just perfecting one single song this month to work on my recording skills, experience and the editing that follows that. Makes sense to do it that way, after that's learned then I can begin to pile on the songs. I've got no idea for example (need to research) how to get that "cinematic" like recording sound (outside of right recording room/related). The whole very obvious quality over quantity adage. And I'm going with the X (imaginary intersectional point of integration for being = X, the conglomeration of the multiplicity of growth, stability and extension points across the psyche always pertinent to being a human (i.e. cognitive, emotional and more).
@Najim I don't need to read this one bit I can tell by the title. You're trying to find your flow, this is what you should be doing you're moving in the right direction. Move towards life in a way where you feel your flow and move away from life where you don't feel that flow, for the latter or where its not healthy in the former, introspect on subconscious beliefs and patterns you may have picked up in the past that are blocking you from experiencing life fully. It's this simple one step process in life or two steps if you're fixing/replacing the gears for step one. You got it. This is all that needs to be said from me. Feel free to ask further questions, but only if it feels right, start with feeling then intelligence not intelligence than feeling for feeling is the most visceral form of intelligence connected to being and therefore your connectedness to the rest of reality/universe (I prefer reality, it's more definite than universe which I categorise as a lesser term). Simple. Done.
Origins replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't have fear anymore. I just have promises. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Move on from quoting me please Adam (I've given you enough of my time). I've asked you more than once now. Thank you, all the best. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To bring an end to it (to what I'll write about more at a later date - and at least on my part @illbeyourmirror ): Firstly, what I’d like to say is after thinking about this subject a little more deeply combined with my own abilities what follows from my reasoning is the following core principles based on variations in free will otherwise known "to have a free will", "to have a will that is free". Free will as I see it is the degree of freedom of our will and our will is just the power of our awareness. Lastly before proceeding, I welcome well thought out critique and questioning and will respond only according to that criterion: Compassion Empathy Understanding Integrity And ass kicking (when you’re talking about people who know better - aka Justice, Responsibility, Honour) Where I believe most people are confused is in the following: Free will is a capacity that has limits in the moment thus not a given in the moment depending on the stressors of the environment. This is the same as saying that free will has computational resilience but not situational resilience where said corresponding environmental variables supersede those corresponding awareness constraints, the latter here making free will a more or less binding contract with the universe up until and not beyond those limits. To this end we should have compassion, empathy and intelligent boundaries enforced to provide a safety net for our own limitations. But as much as we need to see our limitations we ought to see our abilities as well, we can’t have disempowerment without empowerment when you have an awareness that’s capable and therefore empowered enough to perceive any disempowerment that comes from any supposed lack of free will. Moving back to the point on awareness free will is therefore isomorphic to awareness, so if you aren’t aware of your thoughts and emotions you ARE your thoughts and emotions to that degree and no less Free will is separate from the will of thoughts and emotions, that’s what makes it free. Free will is related to but otherwise completely distinct from will power, you can have the will to power In the context of advancing your awareness and therefore your free will overtime but your free will is limited by your level of awareness in the moment irrespective of how much will power you have. Free will is also related to but distinct from self control, self control controls it doesn’t become aware. Self control and will power are also related but distinct constructs, this is a separate topic. It is also separate to intelligence, intelligence just sees, doesn’t mean it’s aware though. You have to use intelligence to become aware and therefore have free will. Though free will would of course not function without intelligence, this is the same too concerning zero self control and will power even though these are all related but distinct constructs. Intelligence enhances your choices, but not in the same way that simply awareness does. Lastly to this end of comparison, free will is also not an energy, rather free will requires energy. This may have esoteric and spiritual origins and ramifications, simple biological origins and ramification or whats more likely is that it’s a bit of both. Free will has a developmental trajectory and a species bias, babies have less free will than adults just as dogs have less free will than most humans. Thus free will is subject to change over and within time and is therefore positively sensitive to training measures as well as activities and behaviours that reduce free will, from alcohol to chewing cigarette ash as gum day to day. To the former, we have meditation, we have releasing energies from our body, eating better, exercise, etc, etc the list goes on and on If we don’t distinguish we won’t extinguish (falsity). Finally, do zombies have free will? Yes but much, much less. It’s negligible at best. Do some humans exhibit zombie like brain characteristics? Yes. Does this mean humans vary in their level of free will? Yes, absolutely. Just like you don’t have a second thought about whether people have muscle on their body, it’s the same with free will. The question is simply, how much not do they or don’t they. The discussion then is about quantity not quality, the quality exists, what people struggle with is differentiating beyond that point to arrive on the road where they’re now reflecting on differences concerning quantity. On amount of free will money, are you broke (zombie), middle class (Labrador) or rich (spectrum of rich concerning the human species)? Finally with respect to thought and emotion, not all thoughts and emotions are created equal, we have a full spectrum of both thoughts and emotions that vary in both quantitative and qualitative elements. From various forms of intuition to spiritual phenomena, thus using arguments like “well you can’t control the next thought that comes into your head” etc is a highly truncated way of parsing thought, free will and awareness altogether. Eventually determinists will be proven wrong and I’ll be proven more right than wrong on this subject. Get on the right side of the fence, focus on improving your awareness and forget rolling around in the mindless mud of subjects like these perpetrated by aimless trolls unless it’s serving said growth. Notice that I haven’t at all needed to go into quantum mechanics and other new age misinterpretations to give a fair and just argument for free will, I’ve simply drawn very sensible inferences that anyone could with a basic knowledge of their own awareness and general cognition. This isn’t to say that quantum mechanics doesn’t have something interesting to say, it’s that I’ve seen no use to add it to discussion especially when most interpretations there have been misappropriated by mainstream culture. Lastly, again I invite any sincere critiques to what I’ve briefly put forward here regarding what will is a preliminary introduction to what I’ll write up on and share so I can serve it up to future people I spot spreading misinformation on the subject here and elsewhere. Mudslinging made of gold signing off (most likely but who knows) now, final nail in this "only zombies have no free will" coffin. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Lyubov It depends on what industry you're in as well, to add. Otherwise, a misinterpretation on your part. Best. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 I have zero need to anymore. I did not even imply it. If I did not even imply it, I imagine "theory of implication" is going to be the devil at the heel right throughout what little of this can be referred to as a "discussion"; more like the avant-garde of internet arguing. Not enough artisanship for me though. I'm out. If you're unable to either stick to what I say explicitly, show that you're capable of drawing correct inferences or invite more questioning after being told your inferences were incorrect, holding you back after school to concentrate further on your studies in detention with the naughty kids would be a waste of time. So class dismissed. If anyone else wishes to discuss the topic of free will with me be sure to follow the guidelines I've set-out for Adam here and I'll be the best boy scout I know how to be keeping my gun in my holster and the cookies I'm meant to sell door to door only between my teeth. You can see how I operate though, so only to the point discussion, with sincere questions to invoke further creative inquiry otherwise I simply won't take you seriously. If not. Glad this is over with. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 "1- You say that we are awareness wich has free will" "2- free will operates within energetic fields" "3 -awareness has power through energetic fields to manifest something into reality" Where did I say this? Explicitly. This is why its important to ask questions Adam, it can be easy to make poor assumptions about what another person is saying otherwise. There are obviously language barriers here Adam, you need to be self honest about that and ask more questions so you're not drawing incorrect inferences. This is just how it has to be for you, that's my recommendation as a linguistic doctor here I suggest you take it. Dr. Nick by the way, you can see me featured in many Simpsons episodes. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 More evidence for me to take you as seriously as a woman with a chihuahua in a handbag wearing a hat with "Pepper spray beware" written on it. Free will is an experiential phenomenon @AdamR95 , if you can't experience, maybe you actually just don't have it. I am saying I have free will and it is something that I can rawly discriminate between determinism, something that I've attempted to provide you with exercises and questions to comprehend but that you've failed to so far be able to reflect on enough to see my perspective. Is it my failure to come up with exercises for you to see it? No. I'm not at all responsible for what you can and can't see, merely provide what I believe are the building blocks for developing a proper discussion on the subject, questions and an exercise, the former to promote discussion and the latter to generate an experiential component to reinforce the discussion. You haven't delved into my questions deeply and you haven't expounded upon my retorts very well, I corner you on "ego" and then all of a sudden "ego" doesn't matter, I corner you on "god" and now "god" doesn't seem to matter anymore either as I've heard little more from you there. I can't conclude anything more other than pursuing this any further is a waste of time until you're able to demonstrate that you're properly reflecting on and engaging the topic as I have. For whatever reason you want my attention, like I said in the beginning I thought of you as an attention seeker, I ask you to stop quoting me unless you're going to get into it and you follow up like a chihuahua around dinner time. I won't be giving you anymore. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Refute them then. This is a discussion. If you don't wish to refute them just quote someone else in future. Let's not waste anymore of each others time. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Yeah I'd prefer not to go round in circles anymore. I don't have the energy to expend here, if I had more time I would but you're not being open minded enough for me. I feel like I'm slicing tomatoes with a gargoyle in the middle of the day. -
@rnd You just notice more errors, can see more patterns and if you're divergent on top of that, build more creative things. It's not that special, it really isn't that big of a deal. Imagine a computer, now imagine a better computer. Same principles, slightly better depending on the person you're comparing yourself. Intelligence is hype. You're more functional, so people see you either as more valuable in a survival sense or worse as more of a threat in a survival sense and everything in between.
@Hardkill Yeah huge generalisation. First girlfriend big boobs, second girlfriend moderate boobs, third girlfriend small boobs, fourth girlfriend big boobs... There's no correlation. Same with the other things. Eyes are a thing for me though. If you're constantly watching porn, etc you build certain expectations in your mind, it literally hones your reticular activation to slice preferred sexual reality in one way as opposed to another. It teaches you to objectify and because porn selects based on cultural norms its no surprise that you fall into social norms. This is "statistical preferential treatment", not at all interesting, nothing personal, nothing raw and real. Just treating people like a comic book reading. 2D barely 3D characters in The Sims.
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Well you’re from Czech right so I have some leniency there. It’s important to discriminate clearly about mental content, you shouldn’t make the assumption that all mental content is isomorphic nor isomorphic with ego especially when it hasn’t been clearly identified in our conversation yet. It just seems to me that you’re running from logical connection to logical connection rather than actually thinking deeply about the thoughts you’re producing. You’re intrinsically linked to the rest of reality because you are reality, so you shouldn’t make the assumption that somehow all your thoughts are just ego and don’t affect reality in some way. You have an energetic field, which gets created inside the thoughts and feelings you experience along with other consciousness states. For you to impose the idea that this is “all just ego” is quite frankly ridiculous. All you seem to know about visualisation is that you have an image in your head and maybe a desire and those two just equal ego and that’s that. This is an incredibly shallow understanding without a concrete intelligent view on what ego actually constitutes. But as it concerns “the majority of people”, I wouldn’t know but I could assume as much because we do have a lot of misguided people on the planet. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 I don't want to have to continue quoting myself, it feels ridiculous. Surely you've now seen that you've overlooked, once again, something important? Aka, define ego from your perspective. When I ask a question: I mean for it to be answered. It's not just there to derail the conversation. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 As stated. My only recommendation this time is to again try to see what assumptions you're making here including about myself before proceeding. I see your latest post just now and have cited it accordingly. Monitor your thoughts, those inclinations to state your beliefs over and over. See if you have the ability to step outside of yourself and just observe what's happening. Otherwise I'm still waiting for someone in this thread to demonstrate that they have more than a simplistic understanding of the notions they bring up to make their points. On cause and effect, you indeed can. It is merely up to the person to have the capacity to see through the illusion after having reflected upon the understanding. You have a model of x, you place pure awareness on x, where's the cause and effect in the pure awareness? Wakey, wakey anyone home? I'm mentioning this in light of the fact that I've brought up the subject before in my earlier comments. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 And its CREATING reality not MANIPULATING, that's such a low frequency. Just had to add in a further comment there even though I put in the edit, for extra effect because such a damn important distinction. Reality changes itself all the time and you play a part there just like anyone else in changing the circumstances relative to your abilities. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Who owns it? I'm not going to go into a back and fourth with you about God. Owning has nothing to do with the assessments made other than you affirming further that "well because you don't own it, you don't have free will because that would imply a freedom that being owned does not contain". Correction sir, I am reality creating (not manipulating) reality, and so are you. That is why we have the powers that we do, invent a higher species and suddenly they have more ability. I am the awareness of reality. It's synonymous to a "god conjecture" but I see no utility in bridging to that communication. This is another assumption you've been making throughout this time. Further, what do you mean by the term ego? People take it to mean so many different things these days. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 You are the input. That is what I am saying. Not your identity. That pure awareness. Why does God need to be added into this conversation? Like I said, just as you have the ability to flexibly move between the elephant and darkness, from whatever state you were in to calmness, this is the same ability that allows you to move from your present views to darkness and then a shift to whatever view you want, that you're being controlled by a vampire from Orions belt in Star Chapter 234 of Galactica 4. You're doing the same thing with God, its just a different name, different phenomenological experience. Can you tell me how it is different? Lastly, I am not an atheist, I know it just doesn't serve this conversation at all. You have to realise how deeply humans lack open mindedness to truly fathom the utility of entertaining views other than your own. I already have your view in my mind and have entertained it a thousand times in other ways, I just see my view as the one more aligned with truth. The accurate pairing I see between subjectivity and the abstract objective understanding I've generated about reality. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 You're a very logically oriented person Adam, which is good, I won't say insightful but you're at least driven towards logic. "Your pure awarness is free but you not control your awarness." Let's dismantle your estimations step by step. What makes you believe you have no influence over your awareness? Let's take one of the classic determinists view regarding free will by asking you to say close your eyes and imagine a regular elephant. Now did you control the image that came into your mind? Absolutely not. But can you shift between darkness and the elephant back and fourth? Next I want you to feel into your state. Ask yourself, what am I feeling? Sad, angry, stimulated, depressed, happy, joyful? Leave the answers for yourself. Now I want you to try and shift whatever state you have to a calm state with the same power of awareness you used to shift between the elephant and darkness. Hold it for 30 seconds and notice how you feel afterwards. While you're doing so, notice whatever centres within your being begin to light up. You might begin to notice a feeling in your heart, other areas around there and or just generally more awareness around your body. Secondly, given this is a transmutational process you yourself have taught yourself if you haven't already you'll begin to notice those initial feelings you had begin to take shape. This is the process of alchemy I pointed out before and how free will is pivotal to having any sense of awareness or sentience at all and that this awareness is the power to perform physiological alchemy. Pay attention to any other subtle behaviours you exhibit as well throughout this transmutational process, even a slight exhale is the relationship between your conscious awareness signalling to your subconscious mind to begin to change the shape of the emotional and energetic body. Even noticing yourself try to hone your mind to concentrate on the act of shifting your state is the process of augmenting your capacities for concentration as well as being a reflection of the necessity of your conscious awareness here. How did that go for you? Did you feel your own influence here? This was your free will. That is, the power and level of freedom you have with and over the will by relative degrees. To throw away free will is to throw away awareness, conscious awareness, self awareness and sentience, all of which are largely synonymous in many ways and indicative of a power of the sorts rather than some fixed relational tie to human experience that most people inappropriately try to relate to peoples arguments for free will and therefore misinterpret the subject entirely. Free will is a power you have, with extremely deep philosophical ramifications as it concerns your relationship to reality, a relationship that if someone doesn't truly understand they will be comparatively extremely weakened in their capacity to make life changes. Now how shall we proceed exactly? Are we going to proceed with you telling me that it wasn't you that had any ability to control your awareness and instead was just some mechanical process? If this is the case, based on what kind of reasoning? Once you've explained this reasoning I'll work on the epistemic problems of that while first being open minded to a potential alternate view. You have to recall that I believe that the cause and effect materialistic paradigm is a bias of the human brain which is largely a huge flaw in the standard scientific interpretation of reality. If this is what you're standing on and you're not going to entertain the ability to question your assumptions there we won't be able to progress further in this discussion. Complete the exercises as stated just to give me some hope that I'm not talking to someone that truly believes on a core level they're just a biological robot with automatic programming they're completely unable to transform, change, transmute, etc. Thank you, appreciation in advance if you follow suit here. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Do you put it in the realm of possibility that if you overlooked something as simple as my initial foundation put forward to this thread along with repeated requests to address said foundation that you may still be overlooking something in your views here? Do you think it may be a high probability or a low probability? What has changed for that to somehow be a low probability? Do you have an open mind as it concerns taking in new perspectives here or are you just looking to ram your perspectives down other peoples throat without any kind of awareness? -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There you are @AdamR95, you're obviously struggling to follow my instructions so I'll be a little nicer to you by linking it myself as you may be struggling from something I'm unaware of. Give it your best shot! We'll take it one step at a time. Let's see how you go. -
Origins replied to illbeyourmirror's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamR95 Interesting. Just looks like you want attention. You made a claim "I am addressing them directly", however I see zero quoted text of my original arguments in this thread comment by comment. If you want attention. Fuck off. If you want to add value. Let's talk and adhere to my requests if you want me to sincerely participate further.