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Everything posted by Origins

  1. Oh and then when they put on Netflix, watching the characters jump up and down in their minds causing physiological reactions from a screen as if they were almost their own, as if they were there in the show itself. So hilarious to me. So cute. There's almost just a complete absence of awareness, its like a pseudo sentience that exists. And then to hear them barely communicate about those images after the television show, or even argue about it on YouTube or some other social media site about the dynamics of said show barely reaching any abstract standard resembling human intelligence. .... The cherry on top of laughter haha Just... Completely gone They get so wrapped up in these graphics that are so far from resembling positive cultural progression to the level of where it should and could be. It's like intermittent reinforcement concerning cultural progress from artistic media these days, you see one thing that's kind of cool once every 12 months or so which gives you hope for the future... It never gets beyond a certain level. People getting caught in that trap of thinking only as far as television shows as it slowly programs them in subtle ways.... That's also humorous to me. So not just dry humour, dark humour as well. It can easily be perceived as negative, but it is what it is, I find it easier to just imagine them as cute and adorable making those choices rather than sad and helpless. Like I said it is what it is, the dog poo's on the carpet, "Naughty ____insert pet name here___!", then a cuddle 5 minutes later.
  2. I just imagined the fact that most people walk around inside these skulls we have where life goes inside their senses and it just really amused me to see all these graphics enter their eyes and seeing that most of it just completely goes right over the top of most people's heads, like they barely perceive anything much less their own thoughts, experience, etc. It's so hilarious to me actually. Like there's so much there. And the best that some people can come up with sometimes is, "What's on Netflix?". It really makes you realise just how cute and harmless most people are. They're like cute animals inside mental cages they don't know much life outside of nor the true will to know until maybe, again maybe, one day life hits them, and that's when they make their transition.
  3. So this is just to remind myself of who I was before Transcendence (which is not at all an alter ego nonsense stuff its just a way to simply call it what it is) so that I can more easily relate to other people at earlier stages of development, something which we all go through. This whole process will be a natural consolidation fo the integration of my consciousness, being, energy, etc as it concerns moving to greater levels of Transcendence. Secondly it'll be vital in gathering subtle thoughts about earlier stages I'm looking to depict in the album I'm working on to mirror the developmental phase of Transcendence I'm more or less having to develop myself for lack of adequate reference material. Just throwing buzzing flies at the sky at the moment not sure which way they'll zig and zag, just that this journal has more than a 7 day lifecycle but that not all ideas will. Ideas: At the end of the day, its all autobiographical of course, everything else would be considered a stage beyond (transcendence) 1. sink into the prior thoughts I used to have as a child, teenager, adult. Same too with feelings, intuitions, dreams, etc 2. sink into the relationships I had during those three periods. What were the dynamics not in a conceptual but a felt sense. Its very important to weave myself away from conceptualisation and be as primitive as possible in the raw sensations, etc for conceptualisation is another level beyond that as well isn't overly developed when primitive sensations are underdeveloped. 3. sink into stupid things, like what lollies, drinks, films, etc I liked in those stages and what sensations I had from those things ----- 4. after i've developed enough categories for the primitive moving into the slightly more conceptual, only slightly because its important to get an artistic lens on all the nuances form "stage" to "stage", not that they're so vertical like that anyhow. For example, what was my relationship with authority figures growing up? What was my relationship with other children growing up? etc That's all I have for now.
  4. I think I should travel a little further back though so that the music has more relatable points if other people haven't reached this stage yet. For example I've done other improvisations further back in time that fit in some of the following (one of them I'll complete by the end of this week, its Monday where I am). I'd like to follow ego development points, Piaget's stages, Maslow's hierarchy, spiral dynamics, erikson's stages of ego development etc, all of these are useful creative tools to me, and the emphasis there is on the world creativity, thus "to create from" not to "cement in" (i.e. belief, ideology) : 1. Stuck in maya (illusions of the world) ------ transitionary point ------ 2. Stuck in autobiography (illusion of self) - distinctness between self and other emerges, so "other" emerges ------ transitionary point ------ 3. Stuck in self awareness contemplation (illusion of awareness (?) ------ transitionary point ------ 4. stuck in..... being (?) 5. And this is where I would put that Awakening Point described and linked above. 6, 7, 8 etc the reflection of the rest of my development relative to where I am at present I'll need to encapsulate the earlier stages so that there's a relationship with earlier stages that can be understood conceptually as a whole. It takes a while to get where I am of course, its taken me my whole life so I should take where I am for granted or underestimate the difficulties others have in making said transition, I mean there's a reason after all why I'm here now as opposed to not being able to be here before. I hadn't "solved" / "resolved" things in my consciousness enough, integration, etc is not a linear thing, its not factoid either. With open mindedness, music can be seen as a reflective mirror of potentiality, contrast to ones present position, for better or for worse, of course, modern day music makes me cringe, not all, there's some nice ones, but most yeah we all know that.
  5. Consider the prior journals here outdated - this is now an investigation into the Transcendent. Title: What is Transcendent Communication? Spectrum: Openness: Depth: Connection Title: Transcendent Relationships: Understanding Title: Existential Transcendence (Important Questions) Title; Existential Transcendence (its poetic analogue) Title: Remembering the Ordinary: Who was I before Transcendence? Title: Transcendent Humour Title: Transcendence: Album (finally resolved on the pattern I want to produce) Title: Transcendence: Notes, Areas, Goals (so yeah: miscellaneous all covered) Title: Transcendent Production: Creative Feedback Loops (all of life)
  6. As described. See next post down.
  7. What is my relationship to the first relationship that exists in my existence? That is, the relationship to and with myself? I've noticed a lot of people on this site struggle with that so all the better to get into the nitty gritty, take it slow, like you would any relationship you find the value in investing in. Those impulse control issues though right... Work on them bit by bit then eventually summer will hit. This needs to be explored to its greatest depths before the greatest depths with another being can be properly fathomed to its highest transcendental magnitude. That's fairly straightforward yeah? It is. Firstly, when I say, myself, what is it exactly that I mean? "My" is to imply self implicitly but what is self? Is it my identity? No. Is it my psychology? No, that's my psychology. Is it my feelings? No, they're my feelings. Is it my thoughts? No, they're my thoughts. Is it my awareness and the energy experienced that makes that up? That sounds closer. Is it my consciousness? No, that's my consciousness and can be felt as a distinct changing force compared to my awareness. Is it my intelligence? No, that helps me organise the relationship between all of these features. Is it my dreams? No, they're a phenomenon experienced within consciousness that fit into the category of "data" which may or may not reveal intrinsic information to the self compared to extrinsic information. What is this intrinsic information? Well this gets into discovering, honouring and even respecting what we presently are beyond this world rather than simply taking what we are at face value and calling it full stop from there. Intrinsic information is that information that could be considered a part of the "soul" of the "self" which is invariably connected to a multiplicity of "self" that's more or less indescribable to me at present that is likely connected to a larger "self". This is limited to personal speculation only of course and will be updated accordingly in my mind in the future. What is this extrinsic information? Naturally its information about this physically experienced life information, this information flows back and fourth between intrinsic information to inform, again, the "soul" of the "self". Aka, dreaming about when you were 5 years old in this lifetime would be distinctly different to what would be more akin to intrinsic information where you potentially (the validity of which being difficult to measure with present technologies) dreamed of a past life in a different country at whatever age and circumstances. Self is always connected to the awareness we experience and the geometry of all these are facets are experienced just as that, a geometry. This geometry is like any other geometry, all parts are seen as a connected whole and through those connections those aspects communicate to one another in distinct and multiple forms, aka if A is connected to B, A can communicate with both itself and B, vice versa, this pattern follows for C, D, E, F all the way to Z where they are all distinct and connected to one another in part, multiplicity i.e. from not only 2 letters but 10 or otherwise outside, the sum (all of the letters). Thus our self intrinsically, is our most primary letter, and our self as a whole is the sum of all of those letters and how we understand their distinctions and relationships. Got it? Good. So, what is my relationship to my self? Now that's time for a pondering, good way to begin this. It informs literally every relationship I have with any other being in this existence and existence itself so its important to reflect on it say, beyond the framework of our own pains, suffering's, lack of belonging and any other negation we can come up with that in relative sense fits into in part describing our relationship to existence. This is the virtue of adequate reflection. Let's tear that word apart, ad-equate, kind of like that you add enough of something into something, aka contemplation, to the point that the results of said contemplation measure up to the need to do so relative to the present frameworks of our existence, that is, to equate to, which of course, are potentially much more fluid in nature beyond what we can presently fathom outside the circumference of this lived physical experience. Look at dreams right. See the following - Scroll the eyes downward to: 3. The fixity of reality conception through our present means and structure (i.e. physical body) or fluidity in our say biological constraints, even too, a change in the preference to continue extending? So no need to hide, no need to run. That's what yang is for. Just run into the fire and watch the world burn as you weave that flame.
  8. @KGrimes That's right mate don't give those bitches any attention until they start licking your boots because you're a good dude and for no other reason, keep your flow
  9. Get rid of "dating life beliefs" and insert "life beliefs", its too myopic. You're a piece of biology that'll eventually make its way in the dumpster one day, your true essence is beyond all that. If you want my advice, transcend your biology and you'll transcend dating, settling only for someone that measures up to your values of integrity, love, respect and other compatibilities.
  10. @KGrimes Don't play games "slow" etc, just learn to understand yourself and have self respect. Seriously, if a woman doesn't value you without games, you've got a very low quality woman at hand and you're automatically projecting yourself as low quality by playing games. Ditch the women who don't respect you and the ones that play victim games, you'll only end up lowering your guard giving her something she hasn't earned and then guess what happens? Yeah the reasoning is straightforward from there. You've gotta be decisive, life isn't about relationships, relationship is something you have with life itself. Learn about romance, relationships from a neuroscientific perspective, you'll thank me later. Don't become a knuckle head like the rest of the majority of the population and like I was, you'll regret it. Go into relationships with the highest awareness (i.e. biochemical awareness), all the way through, so don't lower your guard open your guard up to those that have earned it and treat that guard (boundaries) well.
  11. @Preety_India Well like I said, as you've explained it.... that IS the dopamine rush. They just create these delusional games for self amusement because they can't handle reality / can't perceive enough of reality. It's nothing cool or Hollywood about it, other than for the village peasantry.
  12. @Preety_India I mean honestly, I don't get these games people play in relationships. You have to be so insecure to do it. I've learned my lesson by experiencing it first hand as an adult. Study the dark triad. I mean, most of these losers aren't even dark. I mean, compared to me? Pfft. C'mon. And I'm not even dark triad material. A lot of them are just insecure people, can't be authentic, can't connect, need to play games, etc to get a petty dopamine rush and false sense of security. As soon as you notice a red flag. End it straight away. I mean that. We've got too many cool people on this planet to waste it with people like that.
  13. @Preety_India If you want to no longer be manipulated by men or even yourself (including other women), that's literally the only path forward. Take the route as I've explained it. Only follow your awareness, nothing else. If you do that your awareness will improve overtime, over your emotions, thoughts, everything. You will forget a lot of the time too. It has to mean everything to you. Before I thought someone could mean everything to me, I still believe that but now I realise I need far more boundaries in place so I avoid the manipulation I spoke about there.
  14. @Preety_India Yes. All those manipulative mechanisms that exist in human biology that men and women have for example and that I stupidly fell for (in the way described above) because I didn't realise I was (1) being manipulated (2) I still believed in fate up until 5 minutes ago. Transcend those for starters. Then get to everything else about yourself. Focus on awareness and only awareness. Even awareness itself will graduate and become outdated from its present lens. Everything about our biology is ultimately outdated.
  15. Don't listen to her. It's all bullshit. I've learned my lesson than to trust a woman so easily. She used me, was never really that grateful, emotionally manipulated me, gaslit me into having feelings for her and then when she got me hooked enough, discarded me like I was nothing. Repeatedly. Got me to feel repeatedly sorry for her, acts different in conversation than she does publicly, subtle things like this you have to watch out for. In the end I've learned my lesson so I'm sincerely grateful for the experiences because I've discarded fate and put the game into my own hands now. I mean, my IQ is high enough after-all. Ha. Study evolutionary biology, draw your own connections, establish boundaried conversations. Learn to use your intelligence to the highest order, transcend your biology and live through the highest love you can fathom.
  16. Title: The truth discovered, that is all that matters. Love transcended beyond attachment What are people so afraid about when they find out that their love is unreciprocated? You loved, you did it true, non-manipulated and saw it all the way through Who are you but the brave? Who are you but the bold? If you truly love, you are not attached You can go on loving, finding true love as it comes To transcend attachment, is to transcend false love Well done You perfect dove Transcendent is your love, so you will attract, someone equally this way Forget all those, that fall astray You are not here to be loved You are here to transcend and through that, love
  17. Title: My romantic homology, biology transcended by my philosophy As I sit here Ready to jump off the pier I contemplate my entire biology In doing so, my inner philosophy Rip my shoulder out, I do not care Just makes me bolder, father much older Break an arm, I do not care Torture me I’ll remain calm, I do not care Sleep deprived, I do not care Burn my insides, I do not care Make me stupid, I do not care Make me ugly on OkCupid, I do not care I have turned against my entire biology Now transcendence is my last philosophy For I see the evil it’s done, so now I turn this into fun Reverse engineering all of its mechanisms So I can make higher decisions From the compass of this biologies highest authority They call it intelligence, it will be, my excellence This awareness is all I have, and when it’s gone I’m better off gone Make this awareness into the highest authority, I do care Make this awareness into the greatest love of history, I do care Make this awareness penetrate all mysteries, I do care Make this awareness destroy all miseries, I do care For awareness is, true care Transcendence, I speak to you like you are your own entity I come for you now My first war this biology, Under you, this new philosophy, The destroyer of all false Inner ontologies This is my romantic homology, where the universes design within it is made homologous For you my love, you’ve forced me to ascend again to a new level Like I said, you keep on making me grow to the next ascension With awareness I can override, That is how, I will take to the skies With you, always within me So I, Can truly see (You are my true sight) As far as boldness can go, Like my father, No matter how old I may grow The universe will know, My love transcendent Starting trillions of years Ago Time to jump...
  18. Title: Open Chaos and this oak tree of time This open chaos I do submit I don’t give two fucks now I must commit These patterns of my mind Are just an oak trees heights of time Cut them down And let this false crown Drown, in the sea below For these patterns of my mind Are now being redesigned I am prepared to die For what I believe to be true Is there any greater pattern to amplify? What is this worldview Now I see it all as voodoo Just stupid people Like a beautiful beetle Humbly walking across a leaf on the this fallen oak tree of belief Cut up into smaller logs Make a fire Watch the past burn Become inspired And, watch that burn too See the smoke Rush in the open air And so too then, prior needs towards despair You have no need to cling, for you see reality as it is All branded in this ring, you engraved with the hot iron you stoked in this fire But no need to wear it for what would it bring, for you, are already higher Go on now, create this bonfire Burn all of time, this is, your purifier This chaos of life, now embraced All cultures, now defaced My own culture now blooms, apparent rudeness even heard from the calmest buddhist Trueness is the word, everything else then, dead by its acuteness Plant this oak tree seed Water it daily Stand in the piercing light of truth called our sun of this solar system And as you begin to listen, you will have, your guiding wisdom Growing on this new oak tree of time Stronger than ever before with all chaos synthesised and understood by the minds highest designs You are the sole creator here Now what universe will you create? For all the lands and the people, relying on you to understand it better than they For compassion and forgiveness has still not gone, completely astray They look to you as god, a kind of existential safety you did away with when you burned down the former oak tree of time Bravely now, you need no sense of safety A kind of frailty, taken by anti-fragility So the complaints of the world, now look to you, who stands so tall Because they are weak and still wish to live, so what will you do? Big oak tree, who now handles all chaos of life Remember your compassion, do not cause, too much strife Though, be masterful, for these creatures are cunning Because they foolishly believe, they’re in this for the running To win some prize, no, this is only funny A laugh with time, brings truth to the whole illusory concept This precept on the chaos of existence consider complete, now off to have the time of my life without replete Of past outside of higher patterns Of pain outside of seeking more where it grows this new oak tree of dominated chaos Better than to see this truth, is to live it, while I’m still in a good youth Death will come, and so too, a greater unity with life I had never lost but was blind to This chaos of life, I love you The unknown, even those living in the darkest parts of my soul Bring out, be illuminated This life was just being socially animated And now you, exterminated, decimated, made anew And now all that’s left, is to continue to see through Life’s purview beyond the blue, that’s all this is with chaos Now you see, what you must do Look after your new oak tree, and let it burn when it’s meant to be burned Use it for fire, to leave behind, an empire That too, will be burned What is man left to grab onto when he has lost everything of the world he formerly held so dear? His anti-fragility to the chaos of life Everything else, is his weakness to bare, slowly burning him away like those logs of time that most others cannot release their cling to Burn, burn, burn The strength is yours, now earned Transcendence, now made amends with the continuous changing forces of life unknown So let everything go, time to, disown Only holding dear to loyalties with your smartest wit, highest love in the heart and strongest bone Ashes to ashes, everything now Outgrown
  19. What are the ramifications of there never being any destinations, only continuous patterns that fall and collapse relative to some arbitrary assignment of a goal? Analogously - Subjectivity: 1. Who am I? - I am not human, this is a transitory state from what came before and what will move beyond, there's just a poor internet connection with change [lag time] 2. The journey or the destination? - The journey obviously, destinations are just those fixation points but once we reach them or don't, that elation to devastation, what happens? There's always some unsatisfactory curve that drives us up and down for a ride we haven't fully expressed and communicated within the confines of the subtle pond and caves of self awareness. Life follows a continuous pattern don't you see, there's no completion here, just "completion patterns" relative to some fixation point, the fixity of attention should be on to embrace the enormity of the ever changing nature of life's patterns and grow in the sum rather than the minute whole occupied by finite attention within a finite self. Lock-in A, journey. Amen. 3. The fixity of reality conception through our present means and structure (i.e. physical body) or fluidity in our say biological constraints, even too, a change in the preference to continue extending? - The latter of course. What if your fingers that you use to type onto the screen that you're reading from suddenly began to stick together enough that your arms formed something that resembled a fin? How about if your head began to expand to the size of an entire planet without any added brain power but still with an ozone layer to protect yourself? This goes to number 4 in relation to attachment, for attachment doesn't occupy reality so much, just the fixity of attention in a mind that cannot fathom the fluidity and dynamism of reality through the lens of it being reimagined in its multiplicity through the imagination. What if your tongue suddenly enlarged enough to prevent you from breathing? Or your arm suddenly weigh 5000 kilograms? These changes, the absence of which you become attached to, falsely equating the frame of your body as the phantom reference frame by which you existentially articulate the definitions of reality to provide you with a false sense of security and safety. The greater we expand our reference frame for existence, in its actuality, naturally the greater fluidity we previously had for everything else prior to said expansion, the boundaries of said expansion being your new reference frame for safety. So why are you so attached to how reality is now? What is the object permanence you're unable to release yourself from? What if you could squash all impulse to extend your fluid form to whatever arbitrary state you could? Purposeless existence you say? But why do you need it in the first place? What program has been installed in your system to prioritise that as a need? The opposite to the fluidity of design concerning reality is the very reason why people have such an attachment to life and death, they cannot fathom its magnitude, its permutations in the context of their own consciousness and physical body, the various ways it could manifest and therefore the alternate realities and structures within those realities in which they may or could exist in had this reality different underlying "programming" for lack of a better way of saying it. More interesting ones: What if your consciousness was reflected in the sum of more than 1 person, how about 10, how about 7.7 billion people or trillions of beings (including the whole known/unknown animal kingdom) on planet Earth (even many trillions of sets of species presently scattered across trillions of galaxies we've never heard of yet)? This fixity is all nonsense you see. Embrace fluidity, the fluidity as opposed to the fixity of patterns. Analogously - Intersubjectivity: 4. What is more important, love or attachment? - love of course, attachment is predicated on love but is not a necessary ingredient for love, love is love as and by itself, enough to sustain and manage any system and generate any creative system. Attachment isn't worth all the hype we try to impose on it, love is. People breakup because there isn't enough love, often confusing a lack of attachment for a lack of love or a lack of love for a lack of attachment. People are highly confused on subjects relating to relationships, their confusion of course should come as no surprise, its why we have standard measures of intelligence that most people perform poorly on, not from a relative sense just an absolute sense. These are just facts, not judgements. How do you love so deeply then that attachment doesn't matter? That's an important question to me. More and more tonight I'm equating attachment more with insecurity than the love that it supposedly represents, the reflections of true love being the antithesis of the negatives of attachment and the benefits of attachment not necessarily resembling any kind of genuine love at all. Love is the curve and therefore the whole, attachment is broken pieces of patterns stuck together by that limited perception confined to the ego that's breaking its true self to make itself, if not done with the latter move relentlessly as truly as possible to the former. 5. I suppose I'll continue this.... Typical genius work.
  20. Title: Fuck off inspiration, true dedication already has you covered, but how do we get there? What is this dedication Fuck off inspiration That stuff is old hat In a sense, watch the bats Leave the caves once we turn on all the lights The dedication to remove all that which is outdated Left with everything to love therefore be dedicated to and created Inspiration is a fad, love (and therefore inspiration) is simply the pure resolve of the heart There’s no effort in that That’s all truncated, vacated to this point in my poem, a former agitation no longer a fated aggravation to bloom This heart, now has only art Left, with only something to be blessed Who does this other than me? Isn’t this what it means to be born free? I think so, I mean that’s what I can now wear on my latchkey Imagine if you removed everything you didn’t need to know Life now only has order outside the chaos of disordering that required you to have weaponry, say hi, to your crossbow Fuck off inspiration, get right on designation, and you will have your inspiring dedication Make a list of all the things you haven’t come to terms with about existence that your subconscious is hiding like a blind spot in an over spotted Dalmatian Make a list of all the things about how you organise your existence, in any which way, that are outdated which now need a new NFL formation This is, your personal political litigation Search art, literature, references of various kinds, to the point where your mind has gone blind and is forced to only focus on its illumination Afterwards, Your migration, to your, universal infinity, respective of the level of untruth that you’ve removed from your prior subconscious fixations What and who to locate in this mentation? The true you, this is all this is about in the end Suspend life, calculation, until you can transcend
  21. Title: Be horny not just in the pants, but for perception too What is this hormonal destiny? Shouldn’t I just make do and be free (meaning keep pushing forward) Visualise the timelapse of realities formation and realise I’m at the end of a beam of a light that has to continue beyond the best mans failure in foresight Stay on the existential tightrope, it’s a long way down As very few men before me have properly seen Thus what makes me think I see those depths Mans greatest failure is his lack of perception Thus what must mine be? Thus what would be my greatest triumph? If I’m horny, hold it tight and steer it right Extending it as a part of the ongoing transcendence of the universe A natural aspect of its evolution And when I’m ready, keep it steady and make her orgasm with more perception than any man before her has understood how That is real love in action To perceive and express what no man has perceived and articulated before To hold that devotion in not just his heart and action but his mind To paint the mental universe, his comprehension of infinity and in doing so the infinite ways he still and must progress To express that in action that understands, not just towards his woman but the whole universe This is also, true devotion Where both the micro and macro worlds Are held, In whole So what is this hormonal destiny? A natural embracing of the universes unfoldment and in doing so, your transcendence with God (if we are to call it that), with her too In hormonal unity Perceiving everything, everywhere including every no thing and every no where Together, in One transcendental perception One explosion, one blackhole Rebirth Of Perception
  22. Title: Social Perception is not perception This distinct perception Of my awareness Catching itself in the wind What is its mirror? Break it, the names my mind put there are not real This unfortunate break, with reality (not in the literal sense) Is ultimately necessary, to see reality clearly To pierce the veil of my pre-programming Sit in the truth of now A culture of what other than the truth of now, a culture of noise The same underlying patterns of moderately rearranged words, dances and songs, stimulating merely due to an oversight in perception What cultures are newly born these days outside of the heinous? I cannot stand another facebook like as the universe is creating new galaxies, solar systems and planets I cannot stand reading another twitter comment as new blackholes, nebulas and supernova's are being generated I cannot stand to hear about another funeral beyond intelligent sentiment when the universe has existed for seemingly infinity, why do we let our fellow humans get away with such lies about death? More importantly though, why do we let them get away with such lies in and about life? Who are the courageous? Who are the bold? Who are the cognitive? New cultures need to be born, with elegance in artistry, intellectualism and new folklore community The lines of time distorted with a paint stroke, the measurement of mans extentionality through the wit of his brow, the chains of distance created by artificial social technologies broken down with a heart that pairs with the higher mind Where real people, meet with real people What is a real person? This definition has proved unsatisfactory for several centuries Who is in line with the ebbs and flows of nature? Who is in line with the ever evolving nature of the universe? Is this too much to ask from a supposed sentient ape? To understand life right, to do life right and then to go proudly into that good night (death) when all is said and done Scrub well, scrub right This distinct perception No longer cradled in the arms of social illusion The confusion of other men and women's perception can often be ones own greatest confusion So do yours right, and you will go well, into that good night Do not make your perception of others your own, otherwise you will be without error only an error in personal judgement Owned
  23. Wrapping this up as one final post: And finally a quick formula that can be followed and improved as needed. You won’t find it anywhere else (likely, though share yours if you have them): 1. Vent 2. Fluidly map the patterns of the vent and any residue combined with any other behaviours you notice in yourself post the vent I.e. anger, inner critic. etc 3. remind yourself of your life purpose, mission (I,e, some people like to use a vision board) 4. Calm - close your eyes, in relation to everything experienced dually practice self compassion and self acceptance, shifting back and fourth between the energies until a new energy is consolidated, this will aid with any inner critic you have that follows. 5. Shift into the energy of self respect, moving back and fourth between here and self acceptance like you did in 4 6. Write down practical statements about the venting situation that you want to become a reality in light of your life purpose, meaning make sure those statements fit with your purpose on this planet. These statements will reflect your higher self’s ambitions 7. visualise those statements in conjunction with everything in 3 until they become a natural part of your purpose I.e. corresponding vision board as well / analogous 8. As you did in 4 and 5, shift between the energy of self acceptance and the desire to achieve your highest goals 9. Done. Rinse and repeat as needed 10. As an extra step as needed, practice the energetic frequency of non self sacrificing (because you’re achieving the ambitions of your higher self) universal love to bring stability to the psychic space in the context of achieving your vision, these other statements now serving as a supplementary and micro goal only as required. This informs the subconscious to place only intelligent priority here (the vent), you don’t want to make it the centre of your world of course, you want your life purpose to be the centre of your world Benefits of a process like this: Avoids getting stuck in the venting stage while at the same time making best use of it, this prevents it going to the negatives of venting while moving to the positive simultaneously. Never punish yourself for it, instead learn to shift those energies in your own way onto the next stage of energetic alignment/realignment as best as your intelligence serves ---------------------------- Based on the above protocol: And you can pretty much call “vent” X, in this case x can say reflect any psychological state / body state (especially emotional) It’s the initial loop, x, between expression and identification, for the former we have pure venting because identification is too difficult by this stage, but before it gets to the venting stage we have identification and expression venting is there because we didn’t notice it early enough, thus practicing identification to expression in an endless loop followed by the other steps is what protects you from needing to vent as you’re already installing the necessary protocols to avoid having your boundaries further crossed while simultaneously healthily releasing said venting as the need arises Venting is done without awareness, awareness comes afterwards so don’t worry too much there just focus on getting it all out of the system don’t judge it’s not meant to come out perfectly identification is through awareness where you become hyper intelligent overtime about what you’re experiencing, and through that learn how to further identify and express what you’re experiencing. The expression is of course a natural part of the identification process, make sure you sink into the experiences of the body shifting back and fourth between bodily experiences and mental associations with those experiences. semi to standard awareness here. Greater introspection again comes after. Sometimes you will follow venting with identification to expression other times you’ll start from the latter, generally overtime though with the latter you’ll always increase your mastery. There’s so much to vent about regarding the world though so remember, just don’t fucking judge yourself but remember it’s a process. Your emotions are there to tell you something fucking intelligent, express and listen to them, then move more calmly through the other steps to develop strategies and plans based on those emotions. If you don’t go from expression to strategy the emotions even if you’re expressing them will sometimes be like “why aren’t you listening to me?”, and it’ll just get worse and worse before it turns into a vent of some sort very straightforward example: Identification: I feel a mixture of anger, empowerment, peace and love - try to identify as best and as many as you can, the more the better, the more descriptive the better, sometimes this is where creative writing can be useful where said emotions become depicted in metaphor stored in the mind rather than the body because say perhaps that emotion was trapped in the body and that’s the only way it knows how to be heard Expression: already done as noted it’s a natural part of the identification process, but this is where the other steps come in handy, you’re going to utilise those emotions towards some self efficacious action in light of your higher visions reflected in those steps KEY: PAY ATTENTION! Don’t fucking ignore what’s happening within. YOUR energy is YOUR kingdom. learn to identify and express it through these steps or ones you’ve constructed for yourself I.e. including perhaps various things you have appreciation and gratitude for (that could be its own step or inputted anywhere however you like for example), or to its opposite if it’s a part of that vent/related but then come back around this is YOUR life YOUR energy and how you use it THROUGH ATTENTION is the KEY to living this life well how YOU want to on your OWN terms. you MUST make it a duty to YOU and no one else to become a MASTER here for your OWN SELF DISCOVERY and SELF RULERSHIP You are QUEEN/KING here ipad out.... don’t care for gram nazis ---------------------------------- And very important: Whatever you're experiencing. However long its been there. There's no shame in it. None. Don't let the world fool you, it's just on an unself-aware socio-chemical feedback loop that wants you to be a part of experiencing the same reactions, etc for various situations (I choose evolution because that's the pattern that life chooses). You don't "have to" get over anything, this is an ego game. You can have freedom right here and now. All you can do is do what we're capable of doing and let everything else fall as it may then experience the freedom of that. There is the order: the processes you follow to repair to extend ones state and then, to that end, the intelligent acceptance of chaos however it arises, there is a simultaneous co-existence and separation, with the former reflecting the order that you utilise to manage said necessary chaos for ongoing universal expansion (these notes will be added to my transcendence notes when I'm back). Once you develop acceptance of "state" however it is, manifests, etc while still doing your regular intelligent practices as you personally see fit to do them, that's your peace, irrespective of whatever else you're experiencing. Next in a couple to few weeks I would have finished my writings on Existential Transcendence (if that's the name I give it). Gotta write a book on this by the end of the year, I've written enough on it here and personally to do so. That's how you want to be when it comes to writing books, you want to be a natural writer on the topic, then just synthesise pre-existing writings you have into greater formalisation.
  24. Self explanatory (definitely need this to be a separate journal) =====================================================
  25. I HAVE ONE FUCKING CONNECTION (in a relationship sense) ON THIS PLANET AND THAT DOESN'T FUCKING CHANGE AN'T NO BITCH GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND UNTIL THE TRUTH OF THAT CONNECTION EMERGES INTO SOMETHING OUT OF THE GRAVITY OF THAT I'm done with this fucking journalling until I get back now. FUCK. Consider this now into the blackhole trash can of the universe and into the dimension of reality that gets recycled. PEOPLE have no fucking right to mess around with what they don't understand about another, or in this case, others, and true connections. They should NOT make assumptions. FEEL MY FUCKING WRATH. SEE ME AS A FUCKING HUMAN BEING WITH MY OWN INDEPENDENT CONSCIOUSNESS. No they can't. I have to be the "dude" that sympathises with them. Go fuck yourselves, stuck being the "in case of an emergency" fail safe for those charlatan consciousnesses sometimes. I don't WANT the status you give or could give me, I WANT THIS UNIVERSE TO EVOLVE with human beings the primary focus here in light of their dominance and sentience on this planet. Do you know how pesky your status is in comparison to this extended objective I have here? Do you know how trivial, menial, shallow and essentially weak your games look in comparison? I want your consciousnesses to grow, I want you to serve the universes ongoing expansion by serving your higher self. That is all. Put what you think you can give me in that fucking blackhole along with the other stuff and just focus on that and you'll be giving me everything I want anyhow, any relationship is met on those terms, but not with you in this lifetime. No. As I said. I have 1 connection. TRUTH = PURITY, SIMPLICITY, BEAUTY. Now they can go fuck themselves playing with their own inner neurosis amidst me simultaneously generating the space to move to and maintain their trajectory towards their higher self / highest being outside all of this nonsense psychic space I don't want any part of. I'm evolving and I'm changing this fucking human race. That's how you (meaning the people I'm talking about) view me now do you know it? That's the energetic posture I have towards you? SHIT you're fucking lucky for who else would truly want that for you all? Okay. DONE. ----------------------- Well, although its in complete seriousness without a touch of humour in my expression, I did state that I was going to end with humour so in that sense I can express the freedom to perceive it from a humorous angle. Don't take that liberty beyond necessity though of course.