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Everything posted by Origins

  1. This including making the music took me less than 20 minutes and already this has proven to be the most productive and creative rant I've ever done haha Title: See her... By seeing you
  2. Just reminding myself of this journal. I've gotta make it a habit to read the best of my journal entries (ideally daily) so that the best content I produce remains fresh in my mind, including the way I think and feel about things so that I'm steering myself towards progression as much as possible and less and less away from older forms materialising in this flat-world existence. This way new content has the highest chance of building on and extending older content as opposed to being beneath it to any capacity. It makes a lot of sense to have this as a goal. In that sense, this journal, albeit useful, needs redesigning relative to the philosophy I'm building.
  3. I’ll draw up a quick example, choose one of the slides in the slideshow of time concerning my autobiography as an infinite entity inside this finite body, something most of us forget to reflect on. The life that is you is infinite, the biology only a certain amount of time. The you within the biology is what truly gives life to it though. A high school fight. It involved the throwing away of our tennis ball, my friends and I were playing down ball at the time when one of the obnoxious organisms from the larger schoolyard grabbed our ball and threw it away. At the time it happened, I was rigorously instinctual as opposed to rigorously relationally empathic, understanding the relationship between the environment and myself combined with its dynamics. Relational Empathy: What was the ball in relation to me? What was my violence in relation to me? What was my sense of agency at the time in relation to me? What was my territorial nature in relation to me? What was our group in relation to itself? How about our group compared to other groups? —- “I want you to go grab our ball please” I said “No I’m not going to get your stupid ball get it yourself.” said Nathan ”I said... I want you to return the ball that you decided to throw away” I said At this point my friend James wanted to go and get the ball himself and I told him not to. “No, now go away or else” He said “Do your worst” I said At this point I grabbed him and started to take him in the direction of the ball to force him to pick it up and physically hand it to me. Relational Empathy: What was my sense of duty in relation to this other being? Why did this sense of power exist over the situation, from me in relation to he and from he in relation to us? What dominated my reaction to my friend at the time? —— He pulled away from me and took on a fighting stance. ”C’mon hit me” I said, egging him on. He struck me in the face. “Hahahahaha you’re weak as piss” I said glaring into his eyes, perhaps subconsciously assuming that it would make him look bad in front of his friends that were more or less non reactive in the fighting sense by this stage. ”C’mon hit me again” I said, this time moving harder in his direction still typing this....
  4. Let me skip the foundational aspects for now as I'd like to jump to the deeper aspects as soon as possible. Can you communicate with reality? What does it mean to communicate with reality vs non-reality? Again, let's to a jump and move to Openness. How can you communicate with reality if you block it out? Low latent inhibition. What are you looking to preserve? What is it about this biology that is so meaningful to you that you find the need to protect yourself from an aspect of reality? Of course, everyone has their own pet to choose from in the realm of openness but I've decided to no longer block out any form of communication from any aspect of reality at any time (outer space, inner space, interspace, whatever it is I'll be open to it, wherever, whoever, whenever). For me, this is about embracing the chaos of life so that I can experience life as fully and as deeply as possible with no stone unturned. I'm not afraid to die, suffer, be injured, etc in the deepest sense then I'm not afraid to live as fully and deeply as possible. I however must workout what those deepest levels are by extending my consciousness to the far reaches of reality as much as possible combined with simply observing what's directly in front of me. Now I may not be able to get back to said inter-dimensional alien straight away, I might not even have anything to say back to them, but my communication will be true to my creative being as much as possible, which leads me into discriminating between automaton like mechanistic action (or how I will refer to it, manipulated action) and creative action. Joe Rogan podcast anyone? This goes to any human as well. By taking on this stance you fundamentally change the way you think about yourself, reality and the spectrum of beings within it. I am a chaos worshipper, in terms of its ability to articulate my being forward to the next stage, not in the purely destructive sense though destruction itself is a vital component to said chaos that moves me closer to that vital goal for me. It's important at least for me to realise that to communicate with reality it has nothing to do with mechanistic action / manipulated action (not referring to psychological manipulation though this would be a subset)? Manipulated action is used for what? For non-creative beings and instruments essentially, you manipulate your action because you expect a certain result from those actions because you've inferred patterns about an aspect of reality that you see more or less instrumental like, see cognitive biases as an example. Cognitive biases, like confirmation bias, are representative of more or less "survival cognitive errors' of the brain because it was metabolically useful to organise the brain to have them in this way relative to the tradeoff between evolution that oriented itself in this manner versus evolution that oriented itself towards managing the environment in a more adaptable way. What are some ways we can think of to generate less instrumental conversation and more conversation that leads to places ways we didn't expect? Most materialists assume the materiality of the self versus its fluidity, so they take it as instrumental to compartmentalise their actions in this materialistic sense because they find a sense of safety in it, though to even conclude "because they find a sense of safety in it" is to implicitly superimpose this mechanistic idea of being that can be reductionalistically organised in this manner. Further, any subject they take into their fMRI labs (though not fMRI labs contain strict materialists) they're automatically assuming that they'll be able to predict, probe and prod said subject quite mechanistically relative to whatever goal they seek to create in the lab - insert neuralink conspiracy theories here as a tangential side-note. In this case of blocking out an aspect of reality what are we doing? We're manipulating our relationship to reality relative to the natural flow of reality outside our automatic action, but perhaps, at least to me, all automatic actions get thrown into the volcanic cooking pot of actions to be re-created, aka evolved, this notion of course being the foundation to any progress one can ultimately make in their life. It's important to disentangle this idea of manipulated action from actions that arise from ones creative essence. If you're talking to a being with assumptions you're essentially running on the idea that they're a being a being that can be manipulated relative to those assumptions. Bear in mind, most people operate under the same intrinsic assumptions when communicating newly with one another, this is what's referred to as "small talk", which is perhaps just code for "is this person capable of a deeper conversation?" Ironically for most that's not the case, however they've been genetically and culturally engineered to facilitate this modality as a way operating in human speak. If your goal is to foster deep forms of communication with people its so important you don't operate formulaically either with yourself or the other person. Instead, take on an open ended stance of no expectations and assumptions paired with an expanded reference frame and creative differentiation inside the perceptual organisation within the chaos that follows there. This is the first of many entries, the sum of which will contain many varied layers I've never had the insight to produce for until now, this here being the first subset to openness and depth (the latter in relation to mechanistic/manipulated action).
  5. So... now that I’ve uncovered this concept.... laying down connecting the dots in my life... typing on my iPad... it makes me question everything, because that’s what it does, it makes you question everything as you’re constantly reflecting on yourself in the context of your relationship with other things.... getting back to this... notifications and such
  6. I realise I'm literally having a conversation with myself with most of my journals because it probably flies over most peoples heads sometimes but hey, that's alright. Communicate when someone understands your communication, let go of communication when they don't and don't feel the need to create communication where the understanding isn't there. The likelihood of someone understanding me is far lower when I don't share my thoughts compared to if I do, especially as it concerns being able to reciprocate to the same degree. The desire to understand is enough of course. At the end of the day as lone as these thoughts weave together like fabric into something larger for me to wear like a sweater its all for the better. So in the previous post I explore the concept of imaginative empathy which is a facet of depth communication here that opens up openness and connection but more importantly here I've utilised it as a creative tool to contextualise ones existence with the larger sum of the world that rotates around the sun 67,000 mph. There's a billion miserable people at any given time across the planet, that's a seriously rich statistic that makes one shit into their alcoholic beverage while at a strip club only to get into a fight with a bouncer for arguing that your actions were legitimate after hearing of said statistic. For me, there's literally no reason to be one extra person there and this is where I utilise imaginative empathy to transpose the lessons I take from those travels to my own life through a feedback loop that looks like CORRESPONDENCE : TRANSPOSE, correspond internal state to replicated outer state and use that as a mirror to experience the insight generated by your intelligences processing capacities. That operates on a continuous feedback loop. There's a second aspect I'd like to explore about empathy here to seriously come to grips with circumstances ones experiencing and that's the more commonly understood cognitive empathy with a slight twist, its cognitive empathy on yourself then through that understanding using projective identification from that point alone to infer social circumstances and from there like with what I do with CORRESPONDENCE : TRANSPOSE allow intelligence to inform me of what the context is for the situation. In the absence of this I've learned that most of my instincts have in fact been incorrect, imagine a ballet dancer performing their routine where they thought they were right on, and they were, they just performed the wrong routine and because of that, the fire they play with their inevitably results in either lower scores than what they should have received or just plain disqualification. I won't say that empathy has been a natural gift of mine, but that if I work really well at it I'm better than most. I've more or less relied on "psychic" abilities which is not only burdensome but totally counterproductive when its not adequately counterbalanced with a nurturing of those capacities. I am and I'm not an empathic person I guess, like I've had some failings in major areas I think its because I have an aggressive nature to me that just wants to take charge and get things done. However this has often blind sighted me, this gut nature, both aided and hindered me, to the latter due to the lack of counterbalance because the gut is vulnerable sometimes by the cognitive information its not perceiving that you're meant to doing the mental labour on more or less naturally if that's your talent the gut instinct eventually hurts you in ways you didn't anticipate. Especially when you haven't properly processed former experiences. I'm extremely good at processing information, creating theories, etc, etc but I've got to work on my empathy if I'm to become not just a more well rounded person, but the "saviour" I'm meant to become. I say that casually, but I mean it even though its a poor word to completely encapsulate what i'm saying there. I get it, it sounds ridiculous at face value, but I know deep down this is simply my destiny in this lifetime. I was never made for ordinary work and I'm willing to risk my life to achieve my goals in bringing humanity to a higher level compared to when I leave this planet, through death or just because I want to live on the beach on Earth's moon or something ha. Low tide etc... So yeah, it's just absolutely imperative that I process the concept of empathy as creatively as possible so I can use said insights to my advantage there. This isn't about narcissism either, its just a simple response to the question of "what are you going to do with your life" and then just being set in your resolve in relation to how that's going to be achieved. If I could replace saviour with something else it would be the simple integration into a society that was as maximising its creativity to the highest level as a race. Humanity isn't doing that, we're on a collision course in a mouse maze that is going to get trapped by the cat of time so we need as many "saviour" types across the planet to do their intelligent best to redirect humanity back onto the right course. Existentially most people "settle", I'm not here to live this life in "settling mode" my brain is too big, my consciousness too expansive and my nature too rebellious to tolerate the "status quo" of things. Moving on: Empathy I've learned is an extremely valuable ability within the human brain who's capacities far extend the simple modelling of another person's behaviour as I've noted above in my exploration of imaginative empathy. It is absolutely vital for not only strategic decision making but doing so in the context of your emotions informing you to do otherwise. This is the empathy that I'd like to focus on at present. The empathy that can inform you whether you should act on your emotions or not act on your emotions relative to the social context. This same ability can be used to determine whether you should take literally any action relative to a feeling you're experiencing. In this sense it is empathy that facilitates self control via projective mirroring, a variant of simulation where you're relationally organising your movement relative to some other movement including past and projected future movements. Most humans capacities are fairly average here and mine fluctuate from being low to average however when I really focus my energies in this direction my capacities do in deed get a bit of a stretch for the best. Women tend to be better at this kind of empathy compared to men however there have been studies done where if its trained it can indeed be improved and that's more or less my angle there. To the extent we're poor here we're much more prone to being biased relative to our emotions, having them fuel the thoughts we have about the world more so than the simple ability to organise the relational points of a situation from a social lens. In a sense, this is my "stupidity" in spite of scoring very high on various standard measures of intelligence and creativity. To the latter though, this is where I've been able to hide from said stupidity without even truly realising what I'm missing out on by allowing the continued space of that inevitable backlash with life that follows. As such, I will call this kind of empathy, Relational Empathy (something which you perform in the context of the reconceptualisation of the self)_)this latter point here being the key to truly expanding my abilities , the absence of which leaves you much more clueless socially speaking even though I'm actually a bit of an extrovert every now and then. If you can't do that described contextualisation, to the extent this is the case, you're a dude that's just simply in their own world and it'll stay that way until you've developed your abilities elsewhere. I mean, do I look like a guy that looks pretty "My World" focused even if I've demonstrated many outer world tendencies its often merely while looking through those eyes. If you work on this area you will drastically improve the value of all other forms of empathy that you try to utilise, its like the bridge that makes all other points safe between one another. Here's to pigs trying to make sense of the human experience while rolling in the mud senseless (pun on having low relational empathy), high abilities of which would lead to you being a jockey on the winning horse in a competition, the winning here reflective of serendipitously including a guy wearing glasses. Gotta run, Catch.
  7. @Elisabeth When does it appear strongest (versus weakest: which you said was the case say in the experience of sexual ecstasy, love, rare experiences of "light")?
  8. So concerning the above^ (highest forms of inspiration for me) Very interestingly the most inspiring for me happened to be God even though I've never been particularly religious along with my intellect siding with agnosticism more or less. Anyhow God would obviously be the most Transcendental of Inspiration, so its unsurprising that I was to stumble upon this I only realised that it was the most Transcendental form of Inspiration after the insight of God, again, slightly unexpectedly with the very brief experiences I've had with the "phenomenon" for lack of a better word, has reflected the most inspirational experiences of my life. As I laid down in rest, I heard a voice inside the deeper structures of being and I got a feeling. "You're being a coward", and I just accepted it as true. I mean look at me right, with all this Transcendence stuff. So I'm going to come all this way and not go... The whole way, which would be God in all aspects, from realisation to all forms Transcendence. Thus we have the newly defined category of God Transcendence that happens to simultaneously reflect the most inspiring aspects of energy work that I believe that can at least be performed by my being. There are immediate instinctual instincts that inspire said work, almost as if they're intrinsic to my being of which I'm sure they are otherwise it wouldn't be possible, then there these energetic and other forms of "work" i.e. via imagination and other forms of Transcendent Reaching which extends the inspirational relationship with God that I'm intuiting, that I feel on a very visceral gut level are real and true. Yes, I am God. This is experienced in such a non-standard, communicable way though that it seems like an empty platitude to express it via text but a very real energetic phenomenon I'm still understanding when communicating within the intrinsic Self. So I took that leap, no more cowardice there and now here I am. God Realised. Felt and experienced within being.
  9. For all the tits, asses, vaginas, penises and everything in between (surely there's some species that have tits + penises and vaginas / analogous) of life that don't fit anywhere else concerning Transcendence progression, its documentation and any catalytic visions from the muses of life's consciousness explosions
  10. I just realised that inspiration should literally be a state like any other state, accessible at any time. What are the components that bring it about? Think back to all the times you've been inspired, what were the catalysts? What are their underlying patterns? How can you recreate either those components or entirely new analogous situations that will bring about that same inspiration? Transcendent Energy is such an important subject (transcendent inspiration (a subset) --- two comments ago
  11. theres's a lot going on behind the curtains of life, don't wait for life to show you through the inevitable cultural changes, be one of the people that shows the world what's going to happen
  12. I suppose an entire section of humour needs to be created. Mostly dry but who knows of its potential. Nothing to impress just stuff I find humorous based on this new genre.
  13. the polyamory thing to the level said could be a real dumb idea just having expanding thinking here haha not saying one way or the other PS - this thing really wants to be written, experiencing a lot of cool coincidences
  14. Next hour done. Energy. Transcendent Energy/Energies (inclusive of the perception of energy and our energy/energies itself). Fuck. Mind blown. Must complete this mapping asap for immediate use. (feel free to use any of my ideas at your leisure, literally doesn't phase me, create a book from them make profit doesn't bother me, send me the book you created not the royalties to see if I can add anything there to my own personal insights / or even better just PM me to develop concepts further).
  15. Small break post the first hour of training now: Some ideas for Transcendent topics I need to completely originate as I have begun with the journal list so far after some interesting discussions today in various spaces not just on this site here: So as its been previously assigned, it would be simple Transcendent/Related ___i.e. belief___: Belief Home (where is my home? It’s not Melbourne Australia that’s for sure, its such a myopic scope of perception moreover it doesn’t encapsulate the broader movements I want to be making across the planet year to year. And at the end of the day I’m not settling for any Home outside an interplanetary reference frame, that must define my orientation so that my goals are influenced by that objective. We must inhabit more than Mars within the next 50 years.) Systems Imagination and or Creativity, both these ideas need to be totally reconceptualised Music (obviously — my first album here will be the perfect platform there to serve as a theoretical and experiential foundation) Intelligence —— absolutely fundamental that I reconceptualise this in light of its immediate relationship with how we operate functionally outside of more emotional experiential functions Games (what game am I playing in life? The corresponding realisations here need to serve as the operating principles for how I interact with existence. It’s the epistemic competitive foundation to serving the rest of explaining my modus operandi from a more industrious sense). Finance (I have to completely rework my relationship to finance both in relation to how I can work to bring about a new world currency to move us closer to a Type I to II civilisation for example) I want the Kardashev scale in the context of human psychology, this has never been invented, I need to do this to creatively map my own pathway forward, as I noted with Home that’s a good reference frame for the kind of thinking I want Consciousness (combined with just the above and separate to) Curiosity and desire, the former being a subset — it describes why I even get up in the morning and put my head to rest satisfied Technology (all forms: bio, chemical, artificial, nano, etc) There's at least 100 more categories I have to work with inclusive of various subsets of categories I've already shared I'm working on. What we're looking at here is an entirely new syntax for conceptualising existence from the reference frame of our limited biological structures and seemingly unbounded consciousness (all limits are potentially questionable when we take the entire future into consideration concerning potential technological capabilities).
  16. Popping this thought into my subconscious during training ------ polyamory, an old post of mine I'm now considering taking more seriously, not enough open minded people on the planet they all stuck in stupid groupthink I mean its certainly feasible for my circumstances. Only reason I'm local is because of this fucking covid. quoted from link: "I now open myself up to potentially having loving relationships with hundreds of women all around the planet." Now time to make love to that sweet keyboard of mine for the next 10 hr and 30 minutes, I'll probably form an imaginary friendship with it by the end
  17. Time to rock my next 10 hours and 30 minutes on piano. It's starting to become automatic already for me, fucking badass.
  18. @Rishabh R Imagine someone else has the same problem as you. Don't just do it from a blank slate either, be as creative/imaginative as possible as that will aid the realism that your brain needs to recruit empathic and problem solving circuits. Let's practice: (1) one is a football player (2) one is a police officer (3) one is a doctor (4) one is a musician Now let's imagine that they have the same limiting beliefs as you, imagine them in their occupation as vividly as possible, you're there to observe them and they can't see you. What do you learn from those limiting beliefs (you know they have them, you can even see them occurring in their being)? What do you learn from them experiencing those limiting beliefs? How does that mirror affect the perception of your own beliefs? What are your solutions for solving those beliefs they have? Imagine the effect those solutions have on them, see it working positively. See it working negatively, then imagine alternate solutions. Play with it. You'll develop novel solutions to yours. Otherwise follow the trail : Lastly as an experiment on belief, follow what this guy does, perhaps try writing out the "opposite" beliefs for 10 minutes, switching from belief to belief:
  19. That'll be the last time I share an improv without a warmup ha. Transitions too slippery for my taste, sometimes you only hear that later on . Still didn't mind it. Gave me that insight (poem/related above it) so well worth the share, turned me into a superhero.
  20. @GreenLight You're on the right track . Belief and the insights we have in relation thereto are golf balls to a golfer putting for life.
  21. @Elisabeth just enjoy this is all, nothing overly complex (motivation). May I ask, what kind of attachment style do you have? Slowly working out the links.
  22. It certainly is ha .
  23. Hey mate, just thought this link trail which leads back to here would be useful for you haha (seriously - i.e. in light of childhood trauma). Think of the link trail like a fun game .