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Everything posted by Origins

  1. Just to stop by briefly because this has been pinching in my mind ever since I contributed: I'd focus on patterns over answers (values, principles, standards). Standards, values, principles for me are just guided by patterns not ideology, proclamations, etc. So I look out into my experiences and the world via research, learn about what patterns work and don't work and avoid what doesn't work while moving towards what does work. This is also the case for not just values, standards differentiation but for all perception and therefore all of possible reality. So I've created a meditative practice where I solely focus on perceiving the patterns of anything happening in consciousness or whatever consciousness produces, all I do is close my eyes and then begin just processing as many patterns as deeply as I can as they present themselves (1 hour per day at least for me). I find its a great technique to decondition the mind. Everyone's mind is different but for me its been an inevitable path towards increasingly higher enlightenment, its a natural consequence to awareness becoming permanently aware not on the level of idea but literal way of processing the world that reality is just a figment of the imagination, and that's of course a natural consequence to the combination of processing reality in terms of patterns and the de-conditioning that results from that. How can the mind perceive "reality EXISTS!" when its simultaneously perceiving all the patterns that make up that perception? Including all thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, awarenesses, etc. For me that's the case at least. I don't know if reality exists, I don't know if existence exists, I don't know if there is a universe. This is just a collective agreement that I never agreed to. For me there is just patterns that can be processed to an increasingly more sophisticated end as pattern differentiation increases (i.e. avoidance of assumptions one of the core aspects here). For me, if I don't begin at "reality" as we've termed it from the perspective of pattern differentiation and end with pattern differentiation, I'm not perceiving reality and I'm going to get lost in the ideology that may come from the process of thinking I'm connecting dots when I'm not really. Take it easy yal!
  2. @Martin123 I can assure I'll express no more energy communicating on your threads again nor towards yourself. And that's meant with no aggression, just a strong personal boundary now.
  3. I'm reconceptualising reality so I haven't really discerned all the right patterns to re-derive love yet in the sense that its separated properly from all the various forms of love but in the context of respect I can say a little something, not the complete picture but something. @Natasha Most of our responses are conditioned automatic reflexes which is why I'm discounting most of them in my surmise of the idea of respect here and simply so encapsulating it as allowing a being to simply be. Most of the patterns in our mental picture of reality have been inherited from prior passive interactions so for me this is why its now my work to re-derive everything for myself from the ground up, simply because there's too many errors in my environment for me to conclude that I don't (meaning I likely have loads) have automatic reasoning errors in my own processing (inclusive of emotional processing) of the environment (inclusive of the felt, sensed, imaginary (inclusive of thought - which is just the reconstruction of patterns)). We try to encapsulate timelessness (aka reality) through our snapshots of time by converting the otherwise always fluid environment to increasingly more solid forms that we refer to as "objects" of both physical perception and thought (meaning the actual seeing of a car then becomes not that different from the thought "car" because now we're dealing with something we've converted into a solid) which we order and re-produce in our mind. This has served as the intellectual foundation for the invention of language because language is nothing other than a solid thought object which is used to describe an object (previously just a perception) in timelessness with relative fluidity. Reality is like water that we scoop up with a cup that we then categorise, put to the side and recall (the category) when we need it rarely reconsidering the object to the point that it dissolves again into a perception that we discover more nuances to in order to evolve it into a more refined object or new category altogether. Autobiographical memory then is simply the analogous process of converting the timeless into slots of time. Timeless is to reality, which is to infer that time itself is merely a category of perception. Tying this back in with respect, the most pure form so far for me is simply allowing the timeless aspect of another person to simply be. This act of respect can be a conscious process, where you proactively attempt to avoid categorising the ever changing fluid nature of the being itself. In the context of respect categorisation then, when considered merely as an intelligent process where the act of intelligence serves to categorise fluidity into representations that reflect usable patterns of actual change, is a social process designed to elicit behaviours that comply with how another infers what respect is, as that is the only way respect can be shown unless the other person has the intelligence to discern that this is your personal way of showing respect. Now back into my hiatus.
  4. @Leo Gura I didn't at all insult you to @Ananta. You have permission from me to view the history of the rather lack of conversation by inbox between myself and @Ananta if you like. I'm not going to bother dragging this on or even bother retorting with what I think under normal circumstances would be reasonable to retort with, things are no longer normal. I know you'll probably agree with me in some way anyhow Leo so all good was just trying to peacefully objectively share my stance on the subject.
  5. In life, there is just light amongst the perpetual darkness, that is the only choice you have to make Be the light, that is all you have to strive to be in this world Light, knowledge over ignorance Light, healing over suffering Light, victory over defeat Light, possibility over imprisonment Light, actualization over regression Eventually you and everyone you know will return back to the darkness, slowly the light will begin to fade after it has peaked, the peaceful resting place, where no more sparks will emerge for there is no energy mind-body for them to emerge in, no more pains for there is no more body-mind for which the pains can emerge Understand this and you will understand all of life, there is no consciousness, there is no mind, there is no body, there is just light amongst the darkness Darkness is not a foe though, this is important to understand. Close your eyes right now and open them after five seconds. Darkness is both figural and literal, without saying what happens to anything higher eventually this will be the inevitable resting place of your body, darkness forever, there is nothing wrong with this place because it was a kind of darkness from which the body you inhabit emerged. The planet as we know it, was in a darkness for many millions, billions, trillions of years relative to the light that it springs now, all of those time periods representing various forms of light and dark, it is the endless duality that gives rise to being and non-being In this period of your life you're likely in the "light period" where you need to shine as brightly as possible, so you can peak, so that when you reach your 60's, 70's and more your light can recede into darkness very slowly with much greater wisdom, thus the light of your years will reflect the wisdom of darkness for all those younglings, thus this duality is relative and exists within its non-duality. Once you learn to love both the light and the dark of life, you will live this life ever so brightly while at the same time looking forward to whatever darkness comes to you towards the end. Darkness is to quietness, emptiness, non-action, without cause, without reason, without form, without tone. It is important to understand that light provides the directionality for life as the lighthouse does the boat in the ocean but darkness tells you who you really are after everything else that doesn't truly live in the light is released.
  6. The road to "no where" is symbolic of hitting an intersection in which all insights return unto themselves rather than being generative to entirely new positions. This can be encapsulated by the following image (the best I could so far find): Which means I'm now forced to evolve to something new, this is a functional improvement not a mere structural improvement where I'm filled with new ideas. I'll be back maybe later towards the end of the year or maybe even next year when I've gone through a full transition. This requires more than just shaking up my snow globe and seeing what new ideas come as stated, this requires a full unparalleled evolution I've never achieved before. Good bye. Into the darkness, from and as the light we all spring.
  7. Eventually you'll realise there are no values, purpose or standards in the light, all there is, is the light and the will of being piercing through the darkness of existence from which we all permeate from and are through echo's, whispers, signals and signs pointing no where and everywhere all at once and in no space or time at all. This glow of light, this firefly, will take a long time to hover over your perception as you're looking up at the night sky wondering what it all means. Best Perceive The will of light The emptiness of being In darkness Forever
  8. I've decided I'm going to write a book around this, its these untouchable realms that really decrypt mysteries when they're painted with the right nuance, for it is the realisation that understanding has nothing to do with content but understanding the nuance of something, it is because we often intellectually paint things so certainly that we think that in order to understand the world it must be stated certainly, but a good painting never has such certainty, it is by design that we understand when we glue all of the fragments together via geometrical perception, not horizontal/vertical linear working memory. That is the essence of love, that is the essence of understanding somebody without words of love but the felt indescribable experience of presence
  9. And the only path within the light is to shine the light of truth Light simply reflects mastery, that is, that which you must master Darkness is the space from which you reside, see into, see from, shine on, master from If you do not understand choice, you will not properly choose the light, if you do not understand the light and dark, you will not see your choice You are not the light, but you are the light that remains in the dark You are not the dark but you are the darkness that gives rise to the light And the dark, although pathless, can only possess the truth and is thus the space from which the truth arises for the light to uncover
  10. Thanks, from my perspective what it is we all need to realise is that we're all merely the light that appears from the black box that makes up who we are. it's a paradox, we are the darkness from which the light emerges, we are the light that remains when darkness has covered everything else.
  11. Leo I could start making this lucrative for you if you like. Get some brand deals going, some advertisements, get an online product site moving for people to purchase every video you make. Once you hit a million subscribers that's when you have bread on the business table to trade with if you get what I mean. It doesn't matter if you yoga, we can sell yoga mats, it doesn't matter if you believe in the chakra system we can start selling chakra healing balls. I can organise for some kids in India to do daily emails for you to send out as part of a daily news letter to advertise for your products and courses as well, you won't have to do a thing we can make this thing all automated. I also know some guys who are high up in Deep Fake videos, eventually you won't even have to step in front of a camera, we'll make sure we automate that process as well, we'll get the kids to study a whole bunch of spirituality material to come up with videos along with eventually figuring out a decent AI algorithm that writes the scripts for the Deep Fake. The list goes on and on regarding what we can do to get that public ATM machine running for us, you just give the okay and I'll workout the keycard and password. It's up to you Leo, just say the word. This offer isn't going to last forever though. There's a lot of million subscriber channels that are interesting, so you gotta really want this.
  12. And I see this intelligent system as providing the glow of consciousness by the way, when we nurture the intelligences of the system we nurture the glow of consciousness. Intelligence (energies, emotions, etc as noted above) is just the electricity to consciousness which is the glow, so I've changed my perspective on consciousness now, realising that intelligence provides the supporting network for consciousness itself to unfold in interesting ways. I've learned, the greater consciousness/intelligence communicates with these intelligences that provide its glow the more said consciousness can nurture that glow in various directions. And I think this is where people get confused, consciousness is not a "thing" per se, it lives in simultaneously undefinable and sense space, just like our vision is, vision isn't really a thing per se, but it allows us to see things. And I wrote before the following (see: " "), however I would now describe intelligence as the means and consciousness the end as a purpose. It makes sense to me on an interesting level why consciousness would be an end, because its the simultaneous realisation that there is nothing in this world to leave with other than that fading light of consciousness that dims as the electricity (intelligences) dies down in this body and goes someplace else while at the same time that consciousness itself is a kind of no thing (but there's a paradox there of course that can be inferred in the way I've described it given intelligence can raise and lower it, etc). "And I realised that it goes something like this: Purpose -> Values -> Standards -> Goals I've realised that I'm an intelligence system (emotional, energetic, cognitive, etc intelligence system). So that's naturally my purpose, to improve the intelligence and communication between all of these systems. And this naturally ties into origination (i.e. from planet Earth) of course and evolving an optimised relationship there too. And now all I do is build values around that based on the .1% rule, which is like a standard for the value, which of course is fine, because embedded within each of these (purpose, values, standards, goals), is of course a purpose for purpose, values within purpose, standards within purpose and goals within having a purpose, so on and so fourth for the rest. I hope that breaks things down well."
  13. It's not compatibilism, free will or determinism. Choice is a geometrical phenomenon. All of you look at it too reductionistically no matter what side you're on. You exist on a feedback loop, at no point in this feedback loop does determinism or free will or compatibilism make any sense. Your choice exists only adaptively. It's not something you "try" and do, its not something you "try" and chase, it just happens. Let it all go.
  14. It's not relevant to me either way. When you know yourself, nothing becomes relevant other than what you truly understand regardless as to what anyone else says .
  15. I don't even believe in happiness. An idea meant to delude the masses. There's zero reason to be unhappy unless you're the equivalent of a hippie vampire that's been strapped to a bed being raped by a ginormous dildo made of thorns. We have many ideas that spread around culture that are conceptualised so darn poorly, the ego doesn't care if there done poorly though just so long as it "feels good" until it begins to feel the tug of discontent again, being raped by that phantom thorny dildo called life.
  16. Simple. You have values which turn into standards, not standards which turn into values. Sounds like you're doing the latter. Only reason you could be giving up is due to insecurity (unless of course your goal is actually totally unfeasible/delusional), the only reason you have an insecurity is because you've unknowingly/knowingly got values that support that insecurity. Do a value inventory (work through the insecurity as it pertains), then have standards that align with the values. It's not enough either to just "have a value" you have to BE it as much as possible, as I note in a recent thread (you can see my history) a value is a synthesis of both cognitive and emotional content, meaning you have to think and feel about it in order to take action on it.
  17. Resources for INTPS = Reinvent the MBTI
  18. No, if you have a pet, simply stated you are responsible for that pet relative to the things that you can do for it but it cannot and they better the pets life.
  19. WILL BE REPOSTING/UPDATING THIS TO KEEP IT UNDER WRAPS AS I GO ALONG (see previous postsI made to see lead up): For me another one I just realised is the .1% rule as a goal directive when it comes to thinking about values just to force myself to reconfigure as much as possible because of how Stone Age most of culture is on values: I want values that only .1% of the population have. I want values that only .1% of the population execute on I want values that only .1% of the population can think of That'll force my brain to make new connections rather than allowing it to reach easy conclusions. See when we ask the brain a question, it always gives us some answer even if its "I don't know", by building parameters that we want the brain to follow, say "hey fuck you brain no I want you to push yourself here", it'll force the brain to take itself to the next level. We gotta get creative - you've got this major mega machine called the human brain which is basically a UFO spotted in the squalor of Facebook culture whenever you see intelligent life so you gotta put it to work - create something new - Example: Value: be re-originating my experience in every moment, like who has that value? For example, like right now my computer is transforming into an aeroplane which is now flying around in my office and now all around Earth flashing holographic year 4000 Mc Donald's ads in peoples faces. I want next level (that's what I'm calling the values that fall as a consequence of implementing the above .1% rule) values for mind, heart and spirt. I'm transcending this bitch and I'm not holding back, getting out of the status quo, any status quo my mind creates. Where am I? I'm in the back of a dragon's throat spitting fire at yal invoking a magical angel demon to inspire the imaginative life in yourself to move mountains you've never imagined existed before to take your perception of life to the next level. OTHER .1% VALUES TO GIVE IDEAS (remember these values are meant to represent the true anomalous): Turn all feedback from the environment (social, including all sensory and mental feedback) *into a masterpiece (in terms of developing a more coherent picture of reality, being more creative, creating higher projects, etc). - All those people that fear rejection from the opposite sex (I see a lot of that related stuff here) will now no longer have to worry about it and will move in with far greater certainty about what they want from the interaction. - This value also ties in with the first value really well. Always as much as possible know why I’m doing what I'm doing autobiographically and from the perspective of the beginning and end of the universe (so billions of years).
  20. I'm a potato from a vagina Mars mixed with rainbow source from intergalactica force of yellow. "I AM LOVE, I AM CONSCIOUSNESS, I AM SELF!!!!" I am boring. So now I'm boarding a train to a place more interesting, my brain.
  21. Imagine if there was capitalism on opinion, shit peoples bullshit wouldn't survive on Facebook or anywhere. Meritocracy is what we need on speech. People want freedom of speech but that's like freedom to just put your trash anywhere, has anyone seen what happened in Idiocracy? It's irrefutably analogous. All bullshit needs to be called out and filtered and properly recycled into gold in my imaginary world. It's tough work but its a good value to have, you're able to turn any kind of feedback into something useful that clearly adds to a more accurate lens of reality compared to what you had before. We don't have that kind of bandwidth in culture though so we need to call it out and kick it out.
  22. @VeganAwake He probably doesn't understand belief then.
  23. If you're such twin flames would you let her pee and shit in your mouth? That'll hopefully bring you back to reality. Start creating some fucking boundaries. Shit. You've got no boundaries bro. Here's some ideas for you - you gotta get your act together man. There's a yin and yang aspect to life, this is the yang you gotta work on. And don't follow my ideas, use everyone's contribution so far to inspire yourself towards creating a boundaried life, creation always has boundaries man:
  24. I think there's a Jungian aspect to this "twin flame" thing though, not at all to give it credence and I mean that seriously so work on continuing to dampen those phantoms in the brain as they'll likely continue to try and persist whenever they get positive reinforcement.... And now by the way they'll be stuck there for a while through intermittent reinforcement so watch out for that as well... What I mean by my comment is that a person feels such a strong connection because they've struck them subconsciously, there is something about the person that the person is meant integrate on a subconscious level more than it is a sign they're meant to be together. It's the same phenomenon you experience when you greatly admire someone, you "want to be like them", in the case of the twin flame you may not "want to be like them" in fact its often the pulling to "want to be with them" but rather what that's for is for you to integrate them as a human being in your psyche so you properly learn about their existence and use that as a part of your development. If you can concentrate on what they're meant to teach you, not through interaction but just by the understanding they've allowed you to get to know about them, you'll be able to use them as a source of learning rather than what they'd inevitably likely be, just statistically speaking, a source for pain. So seek to understand this person, again not through interaction of any kind, just your memories, seek to integrate what you've come to learn about them and in doing so about yourself. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? How can you avoid their weaknesses? How can you move to more of their strengths if that's applicable? Etc. etc
  25. @Galyna My guess is the twin flame is phenomenon is inundated with more people who think they found their twin flame than people who actually found it and lived happily ever after. I do believe in happily ever after's but not on a rocky intellectual foundation as part of yang aspect, too much yin, which is typical of an external locus of control and codependency in relationships is like a heart openly stepping into a sword they believe to be their saving grace. You can't be looking for a relationship to save you. The more our hearts have been hurt and not healed is the more our minds will entertain delusion. That's a nasty recipe in the context of denial - no ones going to hold out their hand as you're backing into the quicksand, move forward slightly look behind you, yep now you see it, now keep walking away from it but mind accidental backwards step. Okay that's all there is to it folks.