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Everything posted by Origins

  1. Not actually my first choice but I agree with your sentiment, apologies in advance for all those heterosexual males and bi/les females (+any noteworthy sex and orientation I missed) that skipped their prefrontal cortex training in their early years (without them knowing nor teachers or parents that was actually the purpose of primary and secondary years)!
  2. Desire is just a human thing. So do human things and you'll figure it out. For me its consciousness expansion, its taken me a while to arrive at that though so in general its too unrelatable to state as a title and it would take too long to explain because I haven't found any single text that adequately describes an appropriate path there so I'm creating my own. With all authenticity here, to make it authentic that's what you'll have to do with your journey. It doesn't matter though. It really doesn't. If anything that'll help you be real with yourself, really find inner honesty about what you want by helping yourself to let go of any anxiety there that may actually be covering up deeper intuitions. Otherwise just sharing random photos haha, exercises like this [ so maybe try doing random image searches and see what you're drawn to ] .
  3. Probably on a public level. The best of the mob haha. Definitely not on a private level.
  4. I joke. I croak. Coz I'm woke!
  5. @Claymoree Ban's are necessary to cull the herd and make them think twice.
  6. See if this was a female and her face was changed to a 10/10 and her values were aligned with mine, I'd consider going out with her still haha
  7. And it depends on what you classify as important of course to determine what's a "5, 6, 7, etc", for me its the face, everything else gets rated after the face. Can't have an amazing body with a 5 face, need that lion face with nice lion teeth for em hunting them sheep like ugly hyenas addicted to consumerism!
  8. And test the shit out of them as well, don't be scared because remember you know its all bullshit anyhow. If they don't measure up. Next. Values trump looks past a 6 in attractiveness. Study them don't just ask. Test. Test. Test in beginning.
  9. Value based relationships trump all. I'm looking for prime beef only (so similar values, high standards, push each other forward etc). Because if you know its all bullshit, there's zero reason to do it for any reason that isn't mutually beneficial over the long term otherwise you're just wasting each other's time. Get real. As. Soon. As. Possible.
  10. To me relationships are all bullshit [ doesn't at all mean that I don't value relationships rather that if people understood this they'd find relationships much easier to handle ] All of them. They're really not at all that much more complex, humans just like to complicate things.
  11. Imagine if a lion wondered that with a lioness. No. He just fucks her and pisses off if she causes too much trouble.
  12. Simple. And without reading anyone else's answers I'm very confident no one will have this answer. It's simply a consequence of the being feeling comfortable when it comes to naturally extraverting itself in existence. This results from either one or more of the following five causes: (0) De-conditioned / not conditioned (1) not conditioned by negative feedback (2) not receiving negative feedback (3) able to transmute negative feedback (something I'm very good at, more so at just seeing all forms of feedback from the environment as a form of positive motivation - I've written briefly about this in the last 24 hours) (4) conditioned / receiving positive feedback
  13. @Carl-Richard Not getting angry isn't a virtue. I won't take that further though because I'm no longer going to comment to commenter's really unless its the OP. [Edit: didn't want to delete for no reason perhaps you saw the initial comment so making clarification as to my intentions. That's all that really needs to be said]
  14. @from chaos into self Sounds good artistically, fails under analysis and actual practice in the context of someone who's emotions are imbalanced and still commits to the "right actions".
  15. @Mada_ This is just cultural conditioning. Actualisation is the natural state of comfort for the being. It's uncomfortable because you haven't been conditioned with the right ideas / need to de-condition. People that perpetuate the idea that actualisation is meant to be uncomfortable are lost souls masquerading as experts, the Jordan Peterson's and the many other unqualified folk, he resonates with people because at least 98% of the population resonate with nonsense and a percentage of them are trying to break out of Netflix. When you're coming from Netflix, Facebook, etc addictions, JP looks like a God and Sam Harris Jesus of Nazareth. It's like a homeless benzodiazepine addict walking into a benzodiazepine addict that's also a professor of psychology, he's found a mentor but ultimately they're both shooting up nonsense actualisation heroine inside a cheap hookers motel toilet at the end of the day. There's the path of actualisation which compared to those addictions is "high consciousness" but then there's a level where seeing it as a chore or analogous becomes low consciousness. It's your NATURAL state of being that was stolen from you, now its your job to get it back. All up to you. Unplug, re-determine existence for yourself.
  16. In terms of ability to direct, regulate and modulate not that I'm highly emotional. I'd argue that the stereotypical view of emotionality is simply a lack of directionality anyhow because with the right direction we're talking about a highly motivated person towards their actualisation. Another distinction there is in relation to biological sensitivity, which people often confuse with emotionality and vice versa.
  17. I'm also overly critical sometimes, that's just how it is on the path to truth though though on that path I sometimes forget I'm dealing with other human beings haha. Truth only has one standard and humans only have a certain standard they can reach within the exact moment they're attempting to potentialise themselves. Peace and good luck on your journey there.
  18. There's always another level. I avoid comparing myself to others. Emotional mastery has so many layers and levels as well though, not just in relation to emotionality, of which I'm at a pretty high level now, but in terms of attachment style to individual, group, ideology, autobiography and any residual trauma still not processed and released from the body. Once you reach past a certain level though, you just have to let it all go and manage your progress with everything else as like I said there's always another level and so there's a level of perfectionism you have to separate yourself from.
  19. @blandana Go out and speak to people more, try to empathically (not overly - just to the point that you're relating with them) engage with them outside of your mind. Peace
  20. There are interesting ideas here, there's probably an overall geometry that can be uncovered! You'll learn most from self experimentation, one avenue is via thought experiments of various kinds. Practice visualisation ability for three hours for example where you're devoting as much attention and care as you can to specific, concrete, sequential movements that require you to remember former positions (i.e. a chess game in your mind) and you'll discover the relationship between noisy mental chatter and lack of brain activity in mental rotation. Meaning, as brain activity increases in the areas responsible for mental rotation (inclusive of attentional regions), you'll have less mental chatter. So ironically mental chatter, especially useless mental chatter is correlated with misuse and underuse of the human brain rather than the brain having "too much activity". That's my take anyhow.
  21. I responded sincerely, I don't have any time not to. I don't see any sincere remaining questions therefore I have no need to participate any longer in discussion. All the best deci belle.
  22. People are desperate to be more than simplicity, be careful of that its memetically quite deep in culture, so deep in man's psyche. It's an archetype, from the Gods of the Dark Ages to the Lord's of the Middle Ages to the Renaissance people of the intellectual enlightenment periods to becoming the folk that are worshipped for merely reading and improvising some lines in a script in Hollywood to creating visions of the technological future to being held higher than your biology ironically as an instagram model and to its inversion as a YouTube intellectual celebrity where you talk about how much your instagram following has increased as a noteworthy intellectual point after months of silence. People are desperate to be unique, it is like the last step sometimes maybe either before enlightenment or to always completely miss enlightenment. Enlightenment is not about you, a concept, a God, a comment that you are "grateful for" or "critical of", etc on Leo Gura's site built about 6 million years into humanities existence. There is nothing to be humble towards and there is nothing to be not humble towards. Write an autobiographical journal over how your parents raised you over the next 30 days and how you believe that affected you while trying to emotionally resonate with those experiences as much as possible while also having a compass as to that intellectual context and then we can talk.
  23. Oh right I'm in the non-fiction / creative writing section of enlightenment. Got it.