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Everything posted by Origins

  1. Short Story Time ( Hope you enjoy @Loss! ) You wakeup for the first time inside a lab, eyes feeling the piercing of the bright light above your head you rub your eyes with your hands and while doing so feel a slight pain in your right arm. During inspection you discover what is to you a plastic configuration with a thin thread that seems to be lodged inside your forearm; its a cannula, but the thought only presents to you as "cannn". Looking around the room you see closed hospital blinds around your bed and at the end of said bed a sign that reads "Subject #234", suddenly a male doctor gently opens the curtain. "Hello, ahh you're awake, right on time." says the doctor You don't remember the doctor's name but you notice he's wearing a tag that you can barely read "Dr. David Shaw". "D...D...A..." you're trying to make sense of the greatest thing in your reality you understand least but is making its presence made strongest "Jonathan just take your time. This is going to take a while. Listen I have some music that I'd like you to listen to in order to help you remember some of your memories. Will Frank Sinatra New York, New York do?" "M-m-m... Mu... Music." you say now slowly getting beyond mere murmurs "You got it! We're going to make sure you enjoy today!" You're learning to talk, read and learn for the first time in your waking state. Little do you know though that you're the first successful participant of a cloning program that they're disguising as you being in a coma for 10 years in order for it to make sense in your reality relative to what the mainstream public can handle because cloning isn't accepted in society. You think the experiment is over, when in reality, even though you've got your suitcase ready to go and family you've been convinced is your own that'll now help you recover to return to your previous life, the experiment has only just begun. Two potential lessons of the story: We're all in the middle of narratives in our life, most of us don't realise though that this present moment presents us with a fresh state, at all times, the narrative we push forward doesn't have to be the past, the narrative of the future we've planted in our mind, doesn't need to exist. Just because someone says you like Frank Sinatra, doesn't mean Frank Sinatra is your taste let alone something you've even experienced, this is what society does. It pushes down narratives into our brains before we even get to decide as to whether the narrative is a good or bad one to be living our lives on. The clone here has only experienced existence for the first time and its being convinced that Frank Sinatra was an important part of its former life prior to its fake coma, just like they did with religion to us, presidential elections and various other kinds of cultural movements. They imprinted onto us that this is just how it has to be in society and therefore us. Live life as if you've never lived it before, with that freshness but put something definite in mind. Have a certain experiment you'd like to run in your life that you'll call your life project that you're going to have an awesome time exploring the limits of. The canvas is yours to paint on. Other potential lessons are for you to imagine
  2. Short Story time Imagine you were born in a horrid place, all you knew was the spit, slurs and fists of pain from the people that you're growing up with. In this environment it was kill or be killed among subordinates as you jostled for approval from your egocentric psychopathic elders. One day when you've left your campsite and you're out in the woods, the only place you've ever known, you see the light that was piercing through the trees glimmer in the distance. This catches your attention to the point that you travel all the way near the end of the woods for the first time where you start to see foreign people riding horses, brushing horse hair, picking berries and farming. Of course, because you've never seen a horse before nor any kind of farming you're startled by the things you see. Grunts of both fear and curiosity entangle your dissonance but you still struggle to pull your eyes away, eventually a horse without you initially being aware rushes past you and in a panic you pull back where you fall over a rock and hit your head. Several hours later you wakeup in a bed, water beside you, bandage on your forehead and a candlelight shining the rest of the room. You're all alone. You hear talking just outside your stone built hut, there's an argument between two men in a language you can't understand beyond their expressed emotion, they happen to be arguing about a woman but the only way your brain can interpret the sounds is as a threat. You see a knife beside you. You think inside your internal grunts, "I must break out of here, they have taken me hostage", when in reality they have just tried to heal you. You pick up the knife, slowly walk towards door you've never seen before, inspect it to the point that you figure out how to turn the handle given its the only option and when you open it abruptly while scaring the living day lights out of the men just outside you slit both of their throats and then make a run for the forest that you see in the distance above the bonfire that's been created by the village people. As soon as you make it back to camp, through your grunts, facial expressions and hand gestures you communicate to your tribes egocentric psychopathic leaders that they had tried to take you hostage and that maybe they're planning to kill the whole tribe [ of which they of course have no intention, they've known about you all along but they just try to keep their distance ]. 3 days later, no one remained alive between either the tribe or the towns people but one farmer from the town who was crying over his now dead children that were raped and then burned alive. This is how it used to supposedly be in many different analogous ways. That's a lot to process about human behaviour.
  3. Keep playing with your imagination, the mind is just a series of pathways that you're used to following in many ways, learn the pathways of your creativity and you'll unfold the infinity of the universe you never dreamed possible, maybe you'll become like J.K rolling or Spielberg who knows!
  4. And I see a lot of comments here about "enlightenment work" to me its just awareness work and honestly I think the whole "path" has a whole lot of nonsense connected to it that if it just focused on the crux there, awareness, people would be sweet , enlightenment suggests that there's some "state", a place to arrive at, which is total nonsense, its an absence of stuff not an adding on.
  5. @Someone here another perspective is the left/right brain dichotomy, so for me on a personal level its complete open mindedness (no effort), and complete integration (that's where the effort is). The integration creates the groundedness, and playing with ideas from the systematic to various creative forms connects things with the corpus callosum. For me I'm always in the now so I don't get why people feel ungrounded, like I seriously on a subjective level find that difficult to relate to but interpersonally I can relate to it by imagining what that's like, and my imagination is informing me that this person loves to have things settled in their mind and its difficult for them to move consistently through life without resolving any dissonance they may have about a construct in reality they're being open to. If I had to give advice to that person it would be, don't even try to "handle the dissonance" or "cope with not knowing", rather to twist that need for certainty into a need for discovery. By changing underlying beliefs towards discovery more rather than certainty, one will instead question intellectual boundaries rather than feel they need to have them. It's probably on a stereotypical level, a left brain thing, because a left brain thing also feels like it needs to have all its beliefs, values, etc sorted as well. It's tied to perfectionism around identity, thus its connected to the need to establish a coherent narrative for ones identity to believe in too. So letting go around needs relating to identity may help too.
  6. @Don Wei Paint your life over. Best
  7. @LearningPodoIf you have no mental power. The goal should be to actualise the minds power to the point which it is above any cultural narrative, including internal memes. When the mind has no power it is swayed this way and that way, and thus this is where the legitimacy of this idea nests its eggs.
  8. @Someone here Just do things that leverage plasticity in the positive direction and you'll have an easier time being open minded. Be careful about putting 7 billion minds into one un-open minded box, given there's those that would never even come up with the word open minded and there's those that would put the people who came up with it to the stake.
  9. I am a woman (as I am everything) but my profile says that I am a man (as that's my DNA).
  10. @LossIf you like the life purpose course by Gura might be the very thing you need at this time, just to get your attention focused on that 1 thing. Again, if you take that path my advice is don't make it into a big deal, rather just make a deal with yourself that you're going to stick with it through the high's and low's and at the sacrifice of other things. But at the same time, acting like a suicide bomber or a high school shooter when it comes to your life purpose has real measurable positive effects when it comes to achieving the results you want in life. So its a paradox, there's this absoluteness to it and then there's this complete non-attachment, but if you imagine that dynamic as a mixing of shades of black and white there's a unique geometry to it that you don't want to mess too much with, its easy to miss it, but once you understand it and recognise it for what it is, you can use that kind of powerful force in your endeavour basically like no other
  11. Preface: for this kind of situation @Loss Find 1 thing. Only concentrate on that 1 thing and make the necessary sacrifices you have to make in order to master that one thing. Your life will change forever. Your attention will improve (among many other executive functions of the brain), your whole brain, psychology and life style will improve. I don't care if that thing is a religion, a sport, becoming a buddhist, becoming a nazi, learning an instrument, investment, learning about stocks and shares, learning poker, learning chess, playing and mastering a video game as systematically as possible from the highest depth possible, researching and learning from all of Alex Jones ideas as systematically as possible, studying the ins and outs of Lord of The Rings and how you can apply it to life. The thing doesn't matter in the big picture, and on the small picture you'll change your life forever. All things being equal, it's not what we do, it's how we do it. One more conspiracy theorist isn't going to matter, and if you're a really good one anyhow at least you'll learn how to relay your ideas to others as intelligently as you possibly can. Don't get stuck in the status quo (i.e. what others perceive about your one thing), get stuck on your one thing that'll change your life forever. There's at least one demographic that hates most people in each of those categories, you'll never make the whole world happy so at a minimum make your own conscience happy with your commitment. Make your choice. Forget the belief in "the one and only life purpose" its an illusion that'll lead you to wasting another 10 years. Focus instead on the how in relation to life more than the what's (i.e. illusory life purpose, indoctrination, belief biases, etc --- although if that's your one thing and is going to be the thing that transforms your life sure why not) of life.
  12. @Rigel It's just awareness all the way up and down for these kinds of situations. There's no need to self blame. Don't blame yourself for another's lack of awareness when its clearly not really your responsibility. Just focus on your own awareness, for these situations there's no thinking really required, at least for me, its very mild pattern recognition, so just allow yourself to be aware and reduce thinking then the contents will transmute themselves and you'll feel better afterwards.
  13. @DocWatts yeah I don't really buy into the red stuff there. Otherwise interesting interpretation!
  14. As to whether Alex is unhealthy or healthy to me really just depends on demographic and stereotypically speaking, where someone is in SD, like he's really healthy to me for stage yellow's and above, people that are capable of synthesising and critically thinking about the things he says. He's destructive for people below yellow though because that's when people start to become increasingly more primitive in their beliefs, all things considered then, in light of where the majority of people are in SD, he's an unhealthy force but in ideal circumstances a healthy one because he's iconoclastic, bombastic, chaotic, something that yellow's and above need in order to shake their world views and integrate information to higher levels. I have zero emotional reactions throughout the podcast for example, I'm really tired at the moment myself though but under regular circumstances its encouraging to me to continue synthesising the narratives of the world for myself. I can see how stage Turquoise might find him intolerable but that's why to me he's healthy for them in intelligent doses.
  15. @Carl-Richard Just leave me alone. I don't see you as genuine. Every comment of yours just escapes the truth on purpose to me. As stated. Leave. Me. Alone. I. Do. Not. Like. You.
  16. @Don Wei My guess is maybe younger self has emotions and strategies towards your familial life that isn't compatible with your adult self. I've experienced the same thing, that's all it is from my perspective. Statistically speaking (given social adaptation isn't most peoples strong suit, even and sometimes especially when its familial), the only way forward is for you to be the guy that truly seeks to understand your family from an objective perspective, study their patterns for as many nuances as possible so that you can learn to integrate them in the best way that serves your life relative to what's possible. All that's lacking from what I see is the capacity to adapt because something isn't feeling as it used to, you're going to have to get used to that feeling. Relationships change enormously over the developmental trajectory, our subconscious just isn't built for understanding that entirely which is why we have to use many of our higher and creative intelligences to teach our subconscious to see our relationships in a new way. Misunderstanding this process is why many children and siblings establish unnecessary distance, they're unable to reconcile the experience of the relationships from the perspective of their childhood selves with their adult selves. This is especially the case if things were turbulent growing up, because now if you're a sane adult you'll want things to be moving consistently towards your progress which is much more difficult to do if a person either: (1) has unresolved experiences in childhood-adolescence that they haven't processed enough even though they may now have a supportive family environment in their adulthood a part of them may be stuck in the past still there. (2) they may have processed those experiences but their family hasn't so they're stuck in their old patterns in relation to how they treat one another including you --- especially here is where my above strategy would be most effective. You can't after-all force people to change and see you for what you are, sometimes you have to be the one to take responsibility and figure out what's going on and how to shape things effectively towards the best outcome for everyone relative to your abilities. (3) variations Overall, overtime as stated, you'll need to get better and better as it concerns processing, learning from and adapting your emotions to suit the changing context of the social environment, which can change pretty rapidly sometimes for all kinds of reasons familial and otherwise. Moreover, come to terms with the fact that coping strategies you learned in earlier years are no longer serving you to adapt to present familial circumstances. For example, our emotional responses to a pattern a family member you grew up with is following may be completely different to a pattern a friend is following you didn't grow up with, simply because the brain is re-activating an old strategy that it found important to use in childhood but no longer serves its adult life. So, in this case, again, it comes back to that word, adaptation, which is what we do by studying the patterns of the social environment we're in.
  17. @Forestluv It's how we invented the word analogy, someone saw the relationship between fire and argument. Time waster can often for example depending on the social context be equivalent to energy vampire.
  18. I'll give this guy one more single chance, if you can't proceed with actually adding anything to my knowledge on this discussion, genuinely relative to what we've spoken about and something that is of your own contribution, you'll be going back on my ignore list: Okay @Carl-Richard let's see how you proceed from here shall we. Please entertain me with how courteous, respectful and sincere you can be with your conversing as we proceed forward here so that we can actually engender a proper discussion if that is at all possible here. Let's play with the troll. Carl Rogers says: "But I'm seriously saying that you didn't say anything about what capacity means, or what you mean by integration, or the distinction between "this environment" and "any environment". I just didn't expect to read this amount of text without taking anything away from it." Here are my own definitions on the fly, probably better than the real definitions in the context of my use of them here: Capacity - Capacity refers to the ability of an phenomenon to perform some function relative to said ability, for example, the ability to speak, the ability to walk, the ability to pick up an object is synonymous to the capacity to speak, the capacity to walk, the capacity to pick up an object. Let know if you have any issues understanding my meaning there. Integration - Integration refers to the conversion of a characteristic of reality from being foreign and or a hindrance to the environment to something that is now is a seamless part of the patterns of the environment. An environment here can be the natural environment or the human brain, for example as it concerns the latter which relates to my main meaning here, the capacity (there's that word!) of a sentient organism to integrate its autobiographical memory is correlated with the organisms psychological mastery and environmental knowledge relative to its survival; a point which happens to be relevant to spiral dynamics as per my previous mention on the relationship between capacity, integration and the speed by which someone can move up the spiral. On the distinction between this environment and any environment - very straight forward - so as far as we're aware we're in the year 2020, any environment technically could be characterised as literally any other time in history forwards or backwards. But we don't need to just refer to the year, we can also speak about the geographical landscape right down to the very planet. Why this is important is because the way that spiral dynamics is going to be referred to accurately is going to be different if said theory is developed by people from a tribal village who don't know anything outside said island versus people on Mars that don't know anything outside of Mars, and there you have the bias in relation to the applicable summaries of spiral dynamics in the context of todays environment. For one, its socially bound, this is a very risky mistake, as noted, something more accurate would be surmised from the perspective of consciousness and its abstract relationship with the environment overall outside the context of mere cultural and environmental ties. Now if you could make this easier on me by simply saying you don't have anything else to add so I can put you back on the block/ignore list I'd appreciate it otherwise if you do have something to add, please make sure it is additive otherwise that's what I'm going to go ahead and do anyhow unless you have genuine questions in relation to what I've stated. Or nothing. Nothing would be probably the best of what you could contribute.
  19. @Carl-Richard You haven't earned my presence. Honestly. You may find that pretentious but I call that simple self respect. You're on my ignore/block list now. Hopefully that thing works.
  20. @Carl-Richard I'm just not dull enough to take your bait anymore. You shouldn't be allowed to taunt people nonsensically as you have been, why you'd bother wasting my time as you have is beyond me. I mean, go live your life man, do something fun and genuinely valuable rather than just negging people. If you have a genuine question point it to them directly, don't beat around the bush. It's totally weird.
  21. People have no idea how spoilt rotten they are [ hence my mention ]. EARN has lost its meaning in culture, totally irresponsible. This ties into the freedom of speech thread in this section. People should EARN their rights not just expect to be entitled to them.
  22. They should ban contraceptives too, destroy the nonsense porn industry. Across the world.
  23. Oh and by the way my pessimistic view in relation to freedom of speech has nothing to do with offence and everything to do with most speech that's bound up by peoples patriotic freedom is burst when put under the lens of truth. Freedom of speech for most is like a little kid running around blowing bubbles from a bubble wand all over the newspapers and social media sites that looks like little innocent bombs you pop in the air but in reality creates disastrous ramifications for cultural progression over the long term.