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Everything posted by Origins

  1. @VictorB02 We're all just people, really contemplate this and reinforce your own lessons learned from this reflection whenever you need to and you'll be right as rain. Folk are highly imaginative and as sentimentality increases, correlated with oxytocin, depending on the level of false ideas around romance leaning towards over saturated Hollywood romance, the greater the truth distortion in ones own mind. Most have been screwed up by Hollywood plus news media around that and most people haven't done what I said which means this problem is seen as normal when it's highly dysfunctional to both oneself and others. A relationship based in truth, love and honesty isn't going to have the problems you describe because the falsity I've described doesn't sabotage the love and the honesty. See all those crazed people at Trump rallies including the people dogmatically railing against Trump? They're all suffering from the same problems you've described just in a different way. This is the problem when imagination isn't paired with understanding, seeking falsity in ones ideas and grounding oneself in the present moment combined with an honest look at the patterns of history. The imagination is such a huge subject that hasn't been properly broached on its own merits in the context of how it overlaps with so many of our positive qualities but also our negative qualities. It also sounds like you're not worrying enough about your own position in the relationship, this I'd relate to in part a lack of self honesty and self love, I mean what you're doing is great here you're reaching out to get feedback and ideally that's the better part of yourself looking after yourself of which I'd keep on encouraging, but keep checking into yourself about your life situation centred on you entirely and what you want. A relationship is a two-way street. Someone with an anxious attachment style which I'm pegging you may have can become a more secure attachment style with training and care for themselves, though don't judge yourself here, its all a matter of the development path we've been on to date. I'd look into the book "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find--and Keep-- Love" by Amir Levine and Rachel S. F. Heller if you're interested, also discovering your own attachment style with your partner might be something you'd like to do together. Though, judging by your tone it sounds like you feel uncomfortable sharing different things with your partner still so maybe only do what you feel is right here. I totally get that there may always be things you feel uncomfortable discussing with your partner, and sometimes that's important to maintaining a certain dynamic in the relationship, while at the same time of course in order to foster the best attributes of compatibility honesty is really important, it also shows that we're prepared to receive the love for the things we share and are prepared to face the truth however it may bare as a consequence of being totally upfront. Be intelligent about this though of course, recognise where you are in your growth and set your sights strategically on where you want to be in the future and move here incrementally. All the best and at the end of the day, this is all your business and what you do is none of ours.
  2. @Claymoree I'd be happy to contribute with more direct questions, its a deep topic is all and I want to invest just the right amount so any answer I give is more contextualised and easier to understand. I mean we have basic ideas like measurement around time of course but that's pretty obvious and not much to take away from the conversation, but as a simple gesture that's where I'd go to begin, time merely ='s measurement of experience, but all those words have so much too them that leaving it at that doesn't paint the full Mona Lisa. I could probably give at least 6 definitions that would apply depending on ones perspective, divergence is a gift and a curse.
  3. @IamMystic Unfortunately you're right and wrong, there is a timelessness to existence and the other half involving time mastery. To extent you miss the latter is to the extent your wife waiting for you to pick her up from your home to rush her to emergency to give birth will probably conclude that you'll be an unfit father, to the extent you miss the former, is to the extent she'll complain you're never in the moment just being being itself and letting go to whatever is. There's strong indoctrination on either side, so what are we going to do? We need to be careful what ideas of culture (which is inclusive of "spiritual") we let inside of our mind to become a part of what we assign as reality versus non-reality. We have to become as open minded as possible for the former and as critical (in terms of critical thinking not cynicism) as possible for the latter. Now your wife/husband wants to get re-married (she/he now sees you as a better suitor / parental figure).
  4. @Blightlantern The best thing you can do is test your authentic condition against the environment and learn from the feedback you get. In reality, especially overtime the more you grow and develop yourself in various ways you're going to diverge from a great sum of the population and this is going to bring about communication difficulties as you speak about. Unless you and the other person/s are sincerely open to exploring one another as each are rather than playing a more prudent game the likelihood you're going to run into problems is naturally going to increase. I say test your natural authentic condition against the environment as much as you need to in order to see this hypothesis come to light to bring confidence in it, then you'll see as I have, there's bugs in your wiring and there's bugs in the other persons wiring. If you run with completely no filter regarding what you say, the wiring between the two minds is going to intersect and that wiring is going to want to go in one direction not two directions, so either one person empathises and tries to relate or to the extent that there's mis-wiring there'll be mis-firing. Empathising with another person takes up more energy though so the better strategy is to filter yourself beforehand to do the other person a favour until you get to know each other more and hope that the other person will do the same so neither of you ruin what could have been a good interaction. This is why there's core principles to a good interaction and you'll learn your own core principles with experience (though feel free to research others) through this kind of trial and error. If you heed this advice, you'll take learning to interact with all kinds of people as something that will in the end contribute to you being able to interact with those most close to you, from improved self control to greater empathy and conversational strategies. If you don't heed this advice, you may not only end up being unsuccessful across a diverse set of situations but end up closing off interact with those who could have become closest to you because both or one of you unintentionally through a rock or two in one another's path before you got to properly know one another. One of the biggest problems I see with two or one person that thinks they have a connection for example is that they drop all their filters in conversation and leaves them hoping for some kind of magical result where its all just going to workout. In reality though most of the time it doesn't, the more you violate basic communication principles the more its going to backfire with anyone not just those that aren't closest to you. For those closest to you they'll tolerate more of your quirks because they've gotten to know you, this isn't going to happen for a complete stranger regardless as to whether there's a connection, often it'll be used to create the exact opposite result. Systematic understanding, without fail for me, has been the best way to advance myself on this planet. I've tried many other ways, they do not work. Don't be a robot either of course (meaning don't be completely filtered) otherwise the person/s won't be able to get to know the real you, what you need is balance, and what I've found is that works best by approaching another with a genuine desire to understand combined with good intent for the both of you. It can't be for just the other person, otherwise its just a performance for the other person, there has to be that push and pull there, by looking out for each other in that regard, that'll create all the authenticity you need to progress the conversation. If that fails you, it likely wasn't meant to be. Sure you or the other person may have been having an off day and maybe in another situation it could have worked, etc, etc, but I wouldn't be clinging to that, sometimes you've just gotta play the cards as they present themselves and move forward as best as you can from there. In fact it can be argued as to why anyone would play any differently, but we do, and we have to learn from those situations just as much and sometimes that's what just a pure authentic trial and error approach has for us. We all have different histories, these histories have to be bridged by intelligent minds if we really want to connect beyond one another's bad experiences and through one another's good experiences with life so we can be of best positive influence where we can. Disclaimer: Naturally I don't always follow my own advice here but I do that to test my own theories and seems to prove itself time and time again. If you're following this formula, you'll find an awful lot out about the relationships around you as well, where there's cracks in how other's treat you and where's there's cracks in terms of how you're treating others for example and therefore where you want to move forward with that. We weren't all born to be with another, sometimes only for just a short while, but we're all born, although some more than others, with the capacity to learn from one another and how to apply those lessons on how we can relate to one another to higher and higher levels.
  5. @RillesI base my life purpose on this. Everything branches out from my core focus. It's the only way. I used to but I don't allow myself to use capacity for distraction as an excuse, instead I use my capacity for distraction which in this instance is divergence as my means for connecting all my actions to my desired core long term result. In life and in work, as our greatest work creates the life we will lead and will be the main universe we look back on when we leave this one in this form.
  6. @ROWDY Lack of fear in general comes with wisdom I've found. Dealing with other peoples fear is a little more complicated though.
  7. @Opo Okay. And everything the paid off biased media purports about their target happens to be true, especially after they've successfully convinced mainstream group think which only magnifies their conjecture even more. Paris Hilton and Kanye are getting married, did you hear?
  8. Discussing intuitions of all kinds: premonitions dreams telepathy projections day-dreams messages you receive in your subconscious paranormal other For example, just this morning while doing the Wim Hof method I went through a rather ordinary imaginative experience where my consciousness was flung into hyper-speed from some dark place of the universe to another with my mind screaming (firstly not out loud haha just in the imaginative-awareness plane if that's a thing - otherwise I'm a dualist brain/mind sense if that's relevant - to me there's zero evidence for me to conclude otherwise to date, quite the contrary) the whole way. Not in a worried or scarred sense just in a where is this going thrilling sort of sense. This lasted for a few seconds or so. Ordinary because I've experienced all kinds of things and treat it as normal, first time I've experienced something like that during Wim Hof though, only just started picking it up again. Anyhow after it came to an end I heard the following message in my mind, "everything you need is inside your brain". Messages are always very interesting, and they can happen for many reasons, the sheer fact that they happen it becomes important for the mind to make a personal investigation in relation to the meaning so that they can turn a pebble into a mountain, a passing sound into a song, a blade of grass into a jungle, to otherwise build referential landscapes so that one properly integrates and learn from the experience to let their mind, this amazing experiential phenomenon, know, to positively reinforce to it, that you're devoted to the path of understanding its depths and the myriad of ways it aims to share meaning with you. Integration is a very important step as well I believe because one pattern I've noticed is the tendency for others to in turn develop too much of an external locus of control, but by instead seeking understanding to ones existential depths, they simultaneously teach themselves to ground their comprehension in an internal locus of control, thus achieving some useful balance. Each of these need to be tackled differently, especially projections because they tend to be riddled with the most amount of integration one has to go through before properly aligning their ideas there with reality. A theory I'm learning about at the moment is Morphic Resonance connected with Robert Sheldrake, so far I'm discovering that some of his ideas there align with my own original ideas about non-materialism, in particular as it relates to associating the patterns of the universe as habits more than laws, my own intuitions here being based on how viewing the universe from consciousness and the perception of patterns therein as the basis for seeing through the materialist paradigm, solidarity versus fluidity where the former is often what creates the perception of materialism for example is by chance rather than as a given. I've only just begun studying his theory so there's still many ideas I have to get through, some speed bumps where I'm like "hmm okay" better inspect that but its interesting so far. Sheldrake's theories may open up new investigative, theoretical and experiential space for all these intuitions hence my mention, the renunciation of the materialist paradigm for example is the opening to many other possibilities that although still need to be adequately sorted through, allow one to not necessarily see all these kinds of intuitions as a given, that perception wouldn't suffice for the paradigm, rather that they too may although reach greater inclusion in cultural discussion will also probably need to be viewed and can be viewed with an increasingly more accurate lens. For, once the materialist paradigm has been successfully overrun, this will renew interest in all these phenomena and from the outgrowth of making consciousness the monastery for investigating reality (not to be confused with solipsism) they will also undergo theoretical refinement, expansion and in doing so, understanding.
  9. I recommend deeply contemplating what memories actually are beyond what anyone has say been influenced to believe by spiritual circles or otherwise, this is an ability that comes with practice but just try and think as independently as possible. Memories are much, much more than what we think we are, everything is, we need to be careful about categorising them too casually outside of efficient conversation. We cannot even see without a memory, neither can the universe as a whole, it would otherwise, cease to exist to itself. Imagine ceasing to exist to yourself, you wouldn't even know you were acting like a fool or only by mere chance, acting like a genius.
  10. If you're creative you're more likely to create your own job. That's what creativity does. This is why the whole purpose thing is flawed to me beyond more than obvious reasons, it goes against the fundamentals of what consciousness does when it's creative, it invents/reinvents continuously. Job in the context of creativity of course is just a combination of novel patterns or combined known patterns into a novel form, and the only reason you create it is because you realise you need the stability in the intersection that connects your social and economic life.
  11. So weird, got all these strange feelings in the bottom of my stomach while listening. Just now after listening I discovered he died just days after receiving that call.
  12. For me it's really just about the imagination. You'll be amazed where you can take your mind if you exclusively focus on this pandora in the context of history. That's all I really need to say on this because its such a simple and powerful truth, you'll notice the positive ripple effect is really just proportional to your level of focus here / lack of distraction. [ and ongoing research into history in combination kind of goes without saying of course]
  13. From an Australian, the 36 second mark and 1:15 minute mark so funny, laughing on the ground laughing. [ so the other side just as irrational ]
  14. Given the amount of times I was fraudulently (pretending) in sick bay in primary school under as a kid I'm shocked that I never really did too many amazing thought experiments as I'm able to do now. Instead I just laid there, mindless, all enlightened. It wasn't until later where I learned to discover the art of simulation which lead to thought experiments. Now I'm learning the relationship between moderating the stimuli I download from the environment and watching how that influences my outlooks, I'm endlessly intrigued by studying all the natural world and its history for example, I never knew how much history could be the seeds to get me to empathise with the larger sum of humanities present ignorant calamity that mostly, of course unsurprisingly, goes unnoticed by the majority. I'm reminded by a time in which I was sitting in history class having no idea why they were getting me to memorise all these facts, they were never going to tell me it was something that I was going to have to invent myself but later I've become astonished at the relational beauty the pasts utility is to reconceptualising and acting in the present, the same too for understanding the ongoing diverse environments of the natural world. There's likely many more things but that's just what's on my mind at the moment, one final thing though, a pattern that ironically took a little while for me to workout was in my early days of joining the internet a few years ago now, I was utterly surprised by how little thought that was actually occurring between most people. Lastly that the mindlessness of todays times starkly impale my ability to imagine just how early humans were able to overcome the obstacles of their time leading me to believe that on average they must have been smarter (I do not believe any statistics that says the average is getting more intelligent, maybe just people that are actually getting properly tested, maybe people are learning to practice for the tests more, maybe only for certain demographics or maybe a little of all of these reasons and more, but no legitimate increase). In a myriad of ways its utterly incredible the conditions they had to cope with relative to todays times. These last three will feed an active imagination in me for the rest of my life trying to properly demystify, a position I'm also largely shocked I landed in when I compare my frequent travels to sick bay as noted.
  15. Hire a hitman to kill yourself then call it off last minute and pay him for his/her troubles, who knows when you meet them (its been completely anonymous so far) you may hit it off if they're your preferred sex. That means you'll have proximity to death on call 24/7, something usually only both disdained and fortuned ("I'm morally superior to you by being on call 24/7 for saving the lives of mostly just people that plague the medical insurance institutions thus leading to higher insurance rates you'll have to pay but will likely never use by any relative measure!") by medical doctors. In reality, most of those doctors just want to feel needed, this is why many of them become strippers in their educational rise to medical infamy and if they like it just for the fun continue doing it on the side, sometimes skipping sleep during their 24/7 call rolling up to emergency surgery in with either a g-string or sun tan lotion (by the male). Nice to know I'm in good hands, if worse comes to worse I can become a prop in their next stripping exploit and my now hitwoman lover will ice em all at the party.
  16. @fridjonk It's about the exploration, the discovery of something new while playing at the seashore of life, "oh what's this rock, let's turn it over, oh a crab, I'll leave him be" runs to another rock... Etc, followed by setting the tourists tent on fire by the beach with their own campfire then heading back into the sea where I belong.
  17. Yes exactly, all this resilience, determination stuff is nonsense when we realise we're just training certain aspects of ourselves (i.e. brain regions and so on). Resilience/related is not complicated, mysterious, only for certain people, etc and is merely the case of doing something very simple like seeing something difficult and trying to do it. Again. And again. And again. Until you build the muscles necessary to do it, muscles which can come in the form of physical strength or they can come in the form of mental strength. I have no idea what the difference between mental and emotional strength is really, I'm sure there is, but that distinction is very fine that neither mental or emotional strength should be ignored when considering either. People come up with all sorts of tricks to get them to do things from punishment to reward but its all nonsense at the end of the day, just get up and do it, its just a muscle so treat it no differently, get up and do it, in a weeks time and every week thereon out you'll be stronger and stronger for it. Mental toughness is honestly one of if not the easiest thing to make stronger overtime. Which is great of course because its not often that building something is so straightforward and yet so useful across literally every other domain we're approaching. The only thing mysterious about mental toughness is that its not mysterious at all, people have just been so brainwashed by so much nonsense that they have no idea just how straightforward this is. It's as simple as seeing a brick wall and beginning to punch it [not too hard of course to begin with] to build resilience from increased bone strength, focus, emotional resilience and so on overtime. Do it.
  18. In short, in my mind there exists many situations in which immediate well placed aggression is the appropriate course of action and there are other instances in which more strategic courses of action which are applied across time is more appropriate and there exists situations in which there is no further or escalation in aggression is required but the last two and even the first are a matter of well executed intelligence. All in all, this is a matter of scales, degrees and circumstances.
  19. Firstly , I am not saying that revenge is good or bad, there are, in fact cases that can be made for necessary revenge, to suppose that there cannot be is to impose limitations on the potential of an imagination we may not know enough about both with respect to the initial situation of concern and the perceiver of said situation relative to their perception of time and what they believe they can get out of it or to impose our own merits of conduct for all classes of situations which bring about feelings of revenge, either action can be argued out of existence unless one is omnipotent. These cases are merely cases showing respect for the imagination rather than cases that I myself would necessarily follow through with in those instances and thus reserve the right to not usher in an opinion that would only lead the witness, fool the jury and corrupt the judge trying to deliver a sentence on something he barely understands beyond what he has been taught. For any reader: Have you grappled with the phenomenon of what revenge actually is? How can you merely equate it with hitting someone back because they hit you? The limits of our consciousness are far greater than most other mammals on earth, but if we are in a culture that is impoverished, of which most are, we will not surrender ourselves to a life that deserves those higher limits and so we will much act like monkeys do when one monkey throws a coconut at another monkey. Strike back without thought, even though, our striking back, may be totally out of alignment with our own long term interests, the interests of our position relative to the object of revenge and the extension of our sense of control over the object we have feelings of revenge towards. Have you thought about how taking revenge affects your future development? How you may look at the situation in the future from multiple positions? For example, how could you possibly validate the idea that you would be happy in the future when our perspective of a situation in our future often depends on our level of development? Imagine at 5 years of age you took revenge on a child that stepped on your sand castle by stepping on their sand castle, how do you perceive that act of revenge now? Was it worth it? What did you get out of it? And these are your reservations, there is nothing that my comment needs to project on your own experience there based on any ethics you may believe I follow. Perhaps the only way to proceed forward was to really step on this other child's sand castle because then it puts an end to all future sand castle stomping not just to you but to all other children they come across. But how could you possibly imagine this at 5 years of age unless you happened to be unfathomably intelligent at that age? Meaning, when you develop in the future from now, you may perceive your present potential act of revenge differently thus you cannot necessarily completely know if your action of revenge now will be something you value in the future without very, very good argumentation. So one of the keys here is the purpose behind your actions of revenge, if you have personally dealt with the feelings already, then the action behind the revenge obviously has some other utility as such that the action of revenge may be predicated on achieving some logical consequence which is analogous. Let's take government for example, if we live in North Korea, would it not be right to take revenge on the government if we had the intelligence and the rest of possible means to overthrow the government to secure a new future of prosperity? Right and wrong are the incorrect implementation here perhaps, at the very least it would seem completely irrational NOT to overthrow the government if you knew the odds were supremely stacked in your favour, without delusion. Game theoretically then, how should you proceed forward? This much needs to be on the cards. If it neither aids you, someone else, your larger environment or how you would like to potentially teach your future child, why do it? If you feel the urge, then maybe the correct course of action is to instead take revenge on the feelings of revenge themselves by seeking to understand them as much as possible until that dream landscape can be transformed to a revitalised creative state that puts you in a new position in consciousness. Have you thought about the epistemic implications of revenge itself? What does revenge say about what it means to have a human experience? What does revenge say about the projections of the mind? What does it say about the mind itself? How can we reimagine the feelings that are attached to the objects related to revenge and the objects themselves? What does revenge say about imagination? What does revenge say about the experience of being, in the context of the social landscape? What does it say about how humans relate to other humans? What does revenge say about our perception of time? What does revenge say about our need for and perception of survival? The greater the pain the more we have an opportunity to grow to a higher level. (because the sum of our growth must be greater than the initial cause) So perhaps its not should we take revenge but rather, when we ought to versus ought not to, when and why. Because to not impose a pressure on gravity for example, we would never have invented aeroplanes, gone to space, even have the capacity to walk. By reimagining the intuitive landscape of revenge as I've done here with that analogy, you'll be able to see the larger role of revenge in the context of envisioning other modes of being and how it explains our various other kinds of advances, from both the necessity of revenge in certain cases to the protections we invent to not take or need to take revenge when we ought not to because it does not aid us in our ascension.
  20. @PurpleTree Coolness is simply expressed aesthetic consciousness on the defined limits of coolness created by consciousness. No body has limits on that but ones consciousness themselves, anyone that believes they do, is projecting. A positive indicator I've found is that one of the subsidiary goals of consciousness in stated coolness is on breaking the threshold of consciousness that deals with said projections. Projections are said to be intermediary vehicles of unaugmented contents that consciousness is meant to sort through, transform and re-dream to complexify into simplicity that acts with elegant complexity [ i.e. a useful invention, in this case, projections can be the birthplace of inventions that transform not just individual consciousness, but as a shared interaction the transformation of ones culture ]. That outcome is the coolness, especially when the original condition of consciousness is chaos, there's always this relationship between chaos and the ability to not just handle chaos but invent from that place which leads to expressions that are cooler than others. Elegant complexity is complexity made simple, but not so simply that you miss the nuance, of which is easy to do. So you can aim for higher complexity and in doing so run the risk of two things, become more cool in the eyes of consciousness or become less cool in your inability to meet the struggle. Though if you keep on getting up to raise your consciousness to the desired complexity, meaning you don't give up, my prediction is that your consciousness is probably going to find that pretty cool. Autobiography gives us relative artefacts that allow us to determine the patterns that consciousness has gone through overtime, when I was a baby for example, all that I needed for coolness was to not have my dummy fall out, then it progressed to my ability to walk, then to discover the physical boundaries of being by exploring how fast I could run, the myriad of ways in which I could get hurt and so on, followed by all the ways in which I shared an emotional relationship with the people around me. Coolness was abound in the discovery and extension of consciousness relative to the level that I was on at the time then, this is the pattern that we can discover in our observations of consciousness overtime. Consciousness and complexity have a nuanced relationship that we often underestimate when we don't understand their relationship in time and therefore what they could be in the future and what role from the perspective of actualisation we could play in furthering said complexity, and in doing so, our expressed coolness. There's always higher and higher levels, and it's up to you to discover what those levels are. It took me years to understand my relationship with other objects in existence, years more to understand objects relationship to me, further, and I'm only now beginning to properly augment the relationship between my consciousness of both of these across both time and space geographically, environmentally, culturally and more plus somehow in the midst of that effectively symbolising a target that my consciousness can hit in its potentialisation of being. So I stated that coolness is elegant complexity, coupled with this then is the experiential component of the flow that one feels while on the razor edge of complexifying consciousness. At least that's how it is for me, so they're the signs that I provide.
  21. @yiyinspired Intelligent boundaries, intelligent understanding and your sense of humour. Things could be worse, I won't make humour in this comment but I'll provoke a hypothetical, imagine the worst person possible now imagine they were your parent. Suddenly things are a little better? How about a little further, now imagine that you really still want to maintain a relationship because well, you love them, which is fine of course, just as long as you've got the intelligent boundaries and intelligent understanding there (type of intelligence of which varies from person to person depending on their potentially negative qualities) otherwise well... I'm not sure what kind of person you've imagined to be the worst possible but let's just agree that things could get pretty bad, so let's take these tricky characteristics of this person in your imagination and try to turn it into a manageable situation for yourself still. Best
  22. It ceases to amaze me, except when I'm stealing alcohol from a homeless old woman after she got kicked out of her foreclosed home because I'm desperate and she's nearly dead, how much memory influences every conceivable notion we have about reality, inversely this is analogous to the process of comparison with synchrony and diachrony with the exception that we often speak without taking the history of our lives into account and even when we try we can hardly try to do so without being biased towards some direction as well as how the state of how we remember things, especially autobiography, is often influenced by our present sychronous emotions while neglecting as well the diachronic build up (again applied analogously this time to emotions). Who is the but a disco ball forced to only flash its lights to the beat of whatever music is on at the time with no control over what tunes get played and how they get played, we are but the lights cast on the wall in the dancing hall thinking that those are the real lights representing ourselves perhaps. Or to parallel the original conversation, perhaps the lights flashing agains the wall is the reason and the actual lights themselves coming from he disco ball the emotion and the music being played the memory feedback loop we have no control over. Getting this perhaps confusing analogy will take a little more lateral thinking than the others. In relation to the visual illusions themselves no need to share your answers there haha was just providing examples but interesting to get your feedback! @Origins: “And I see these descriptions here as convergent divergent abilities rather than divergent abilities onto themselves, something that I’ve only now just described for the first time to myself. “ "That is certaintly one way to explicate it, although it presumably leaves out parts of the totality of the conversation, that is those parts which have to do with ‘ends in themselves’, ‘sensations without predicates’ ‘first principles’ etc." Oh here I was referring to a cognitively abstract process that occurs in the context of the directionality of potential creative thinking, this might just be a language issue and the same with your mention on Kant, let me know if you'd like me to explain in another way, including anything else here I'd be more than happy to! And as for philosophical terms I'm poorly read! So feel free to pile them on I'm happy to research and learn more as I've been doing! Otherwise as for the old woman I made sure I bought her some soup to make up for the trouble I caused after stealing a buskers money I needed to pay for it!
  23. You'll be working for me if you get in there. Little bitch. And I've got a friend I call him sloppy Joe, he's homosexual but I don't judge. He likes to get sloppy with slackers. Build the pyramid outside or build my pyramid on the inside.
  24. There’s this very fascinating visual ability when it comes to switching between foreground and background which is analogous to being able to do so logically that allows one to discover new colours, shades and perspectives to the same picture in the way you’ve surmised you enjoy. Analogously also but in a different way is the ability to solve visual illusions because there is often this sometimes highly nuanced, aka what we generally associate as perceptivity, perspective shifting involved. There is also apophenia. All of these are layers to each other of course, different but overlapping. And I see these descriptions here as convergent divergent abilities rather than divergent abilities onto themselves, something that I’ve only now just described for the first time to myself. Meaning what’s popular in mainstream psychology is to equate passages of thinking as either divergent or convergent, I’d like to suggest at least two more possibilities, that is divergent convergence and convergent divergence with the latter here representing what I’ve shared in this comment, that is, the ability to divergently shift between perspectives within the same broad lens, pure divergence to contrast as an example would be like the relationship between broad lenses or aspects of a broad lens with things outside of the broad lens. In saying that naturally these abilities play an important part when it comes to artistic production as well but, as a pun, they're certainly not the full perspective of course. Some of these abilities are also great for solving lateral thinking puzzles, solving a crime (outside of pure deduction), creating a software program in some programming language, etc. Some people find philosophy and the like overintellectualisation, “over-intellectualisation” as some may call it, directed towards the right path and using the right mind is highly important of course for brain development in both early and adult life. A baby simply playing with the same toy in a cognitive sense can develop numerous cognitive abilities from the perceptual to the logical discriminatory and of course, to its inverse, a person wrongly equating proper cognitive discourse with perceptions as “over-intellectualisation” probably lives a much less perceptive life. Of course, true over-intellectualisation is probably simply a lack of perception because once the ability to perceive the right lens through a perspective shift or say a logical deduction then the need for intellectualising that phenomenon ceases. Intellectualisation is not just an important emotional tension we have with the experiential world but as a consequence as we’ve discovered in this conversation one also develops emotional aesthetics around reason itself which develops perceptual cognitive aesthetics which play a further importance for our overall psychical expression. Without this tension, the tectonic plates of culture do not shift when they ought to, technological innovations are not discovered when they ought to be discovered, simpler solutions are not discovered when they ought to be discovered, etc, etc.