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I don't know what happened to me yesterday. Freedom; ecstasy; truth; metamorphosis; raw raging animal energy. I tend to have those kinds of unusual experiences at least once every couple of years, that one just happened to last a few hours. They're always distinct in experience from one another outside of reflecting the same extremity in energetic rarity. I have zero to say other than every time I have those experiences I discover comparably incredible insight about the nature of life, reality and or my own being during and after the experience itself, this time was no different and the insight pertained mainly to understanding what my being is on a core level in the context of information, energy and communication. Insight that has left a gaping hole as well as filling up old ones in relation to my thoughts on psychology. I still have to gather my experiences from yesterday and last night regarding what happened, it was all such an energetic mess; the sensations, the external coincidences (massive momentary bang that collided with a power outage while I was talking on the subject of energy), the behaviour, the insights. I'll never be the same again. It's completely altered the nature of how I perceive myself and all other beings forever. I'll use this journal to understand the nature of that while I'm here (this prospect comes and goes, in the end I have to go with what flows - an extremely unusual day for me yesterday https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/63924-art-transcendent-venting-creating-an-unstifled-return-on-investment-with-reality/?do=findComment&comment=873499). I truly feel that my artistic venting thread has brought on an energetic spiral for my betterment, I'll be using that thread in tandem with this one to understand the nature of movements forward. I sympathise with my efforts towards logical rigour in my drive forward towards transcendence however I've tapped into aspects of myself that should never have the paint stroke of reason to corrupt the unreasonable from manifesting what could otherwise be new insights like I had yesterday that I never would have experienced on a direct level let alone reason my way to that answer. It's made me realise that the path towards truth is not just by reason, experience or understanding, rather these are byproducts to states of being and the ability of being to communicate with those states in original ways in order for you to have novel the experiences that produce something new to be understood and reasoned about. It's made me realise that there was far more to experience in not just my inner world but the inner world of being that dates back to the "beginning of the universe". Being and experience is now much more becoming a subject of energy, energy states, their various relational frames (generation/regeneration/transfer/exchange/etc) as well as inter-communication therein and less and less about knowledge, cognition, emotion, autobiography and the like. I no longer live in the realm of thought and feeling or at least much less so, instead they're experienced through the deeper lens of overall energy communication. What I learned yesterday will continue to consolidate the virtue of those experiences; positive feedback loop has now risen there.
2:00:50 hours seconds left this is turning to one “giant” technique now, incorporating both emotional shifting exercises and memory (trauma based) work while still keeping to the priority of the exercise itself of course, one technique is learned at a time and only until a certain level of mastery would you learn to include other techniques simultaneously i want to be able to cap it all off to include the wim hof method after I’m done refining the technique but all of this take a bit of coordination, I’m not there yet and wouldn’t want to include anything that distracted away from the ability to continue to master the primary and first technique at hand here
2:50 hours minutes left theres no energy body + ______ the ______ is pure delusion (meaning we’re only our energy bodies) i realise that now Our beings have so many energies that represent a multiplicity of so many different layers that if we don’t understand this basic principle, again purely my contention believe as you wish, this is essentially how projection for example occurs which I’m no saint to. I’m right now seeing just how much my brain projects this entire reality falsely I’ve taken for granted as true sight. There’s a pinch of pain to add to that truth but it’s reality nonetheless, it’s as clear as day to me now. Still much to write about concerning the topic it’ll be one I generate a lot of good insights on for myself. We must learn about our energy body (unknowingly neglecting mine for sometime), it’s everything to us (again there’s no + ______)
3:44 hours minutes to go just a cool point wanted to emphasise to myself you notice your awareness entertaining more and more geometrical perceptions of your experiences, that shouldn’t come as a surprise i notice my subconscious starting to generate an adapted version of the technique to increase the intensity of the patterning experience, perhaps introducing a numbering system of some kind where you link number to experience/pattern where 5 represents 5 of those say followed by seeing the patterns between each and every one of those numbers (the links)
Further notes: Become way less judgemental, it doesn’t mean you don’t form judgements relative to your goals and long term interests and act accordingly of course, it means that you just simply do it with a much clearer mind as everything becomes a subject for/of awareness rather than an illusory object of the mind - perhaps it’s for this reason you develop a greater sense of humour ha Other haphazard notes still working on: There is no “thought” just energies there is no “thinking” there is just the concentration of energy towards the head through the breath of leveraged by the breath For examination: none of my automatic reactions are under conscious control, everything fluidly changes and adapts relative to the awareness, which is a purely fluidly thing. The awareness creates control and what’s within that changes and evolves relative to awareness. So no one reaction I have is mine. It’s therefore the goal to notice what’s going on, to direct energies towards noticing patterns and through that a natural conscious and unconscious energetic adaptation all “I” have to do is notice, noticing, noticing and I’ll be good... flow with the natural energy there and simply trust in the energetic adaptation process everything is a first time, there’s no such thing as “seen this before”; that’s an illusion that is seamlessly (so no need to force just become aware of the falsity in the pattern of believing you’ve “seen things before”) overcome with simply more training on the technique projection becomes energetically contextualised not just “thought” contextualised not that you’d be able to contextualise like that normally anyhow without effort
No, fascifucktastic is way better otherwise you start thinking about fans. When I become well known I’ll make it a thing to give intellectual credibility, etc
Wait I have a better coined word haha... fanfucktascinating (fantastic + fucking + fascinating)
(regarding the pigeon - I’ve already tried pigeons, they’re not so good with windows so I upgraded to eagles instead, hawks aren’t bad either)
I’m literally just going to do this technique for the next 5 hours plus (that’s how it works, it feeds on itself so once you get the hang of it you’re able to focus like that) because I wrecked my voice yesterday anyhow haha, plus #4 just above noticing such new experiences come up within being it’s fucking fantascinating (new word don’t steal it or I’ll murder you with a pigeon I programmed to kill)
#4 regarding the notes above is a massive one for me the whole “no pain no gain” thing has served me well but I never realised it didn’t have to come at the cost (it has - I need higher growth here which I’m now achieving) of my own beings processing of all the bodies experiences (feelings/emotions), I realise now it’s to be a part of one continuous flow, that mastering this technique masters a core aspect of information (i.e. feelings, emotion) flow within being, opening up to dimensions of experiences within being I wouldn’t normally encounter, and just a fuller experience in general.
Notes: Some less than obvious predictions based on the above technique. 1. My field of awareness in all senses will become no different than being perceived as my self. Other than perceiving external objects as purely external they’ll be perceived as my field of vision/sound/etc and therefore an intrinsic aspect of my experience that warrants just as much patterning with the above technique as any other aspect of my experience. This is because you just become so in tune with your body and it’s experience at a deep level. Or at least, that’s the best reasoning I have so far to explain the changes occurring. It’s because: it’s your sight it’s your experience of sound its your experience of whatever else is a part of your experience there that is normally perceived as external but with this technique brings it out of the theoretical external and back into the experienced internal, so why wouldn’t you experience it as you just as much as anything else? And this is all don’t on a natural level, it’s happening organically, there’s no force needed other than perhaps a slight shifting of awareness when it feels right and natural for awareness to do this. 2. based on the above, your whole body becomes your entire experience, it’s no longer restricted to just what you feel or can touch, this is because your entire body as a whole is producing your experience 3. Further predictions: You’ll no longer perceive objects as you’ve been conditioned to outside of their perceived distinctness and the utility to do so, this is because your perception has become more granulated, more nuanced and therefore more accurate and flexible. This fluidity will mirror itself in your psychological perceived sense of self and identity as well. 4. Repression or suppression of emotion in anyway will no longer need to occur, the capacity to just allow the emotion to be and have the body automatically work on and free it will become second nature to you. Many millions and billions even at certain times relate to this idea of needing to suppress and or repress emotions, it’s a part of this experience on this planet when we’re still learning to manage this aspect of ourselves to higher levels. 5. Forms or just greater elaborations, insights I’ve gotta create notes on in terms of the outcome this technique has on them including the change in their perceived arrangement in being - emotions/feelings - thoughts - intuitions - ego - other 6.
@ilkjnkh other than checking out my responses already shared here, let me know how you go with this technique I just invented (thank you in advance), I guarantee you you’ll improve your emotional mastery on the level of awareness, the other technique I mentioned earlier in this thread focuses on the level of understanding and connection. https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/64015-explorational-archetypes-past-lives-imagination-energies-and-the-nature-of-being/?do=findComment&comment=873989
Testing out a new energy technique, first with the mind. Motivation: be the beginnings of building a framework for handful of energy techniques concerning the energy modulation of being via directing awareness in different ways and observing the body making positive subconscious automatic adaptations to those change. Those adaptations reflecting the consolidation of energy in a certain area based on awareness causing change to the area including just the strengthening of regions that allow for the energy transfer process to begin with, aka overly popularised simple ideas we’ve come up with like “self control”. Sounds like necessary social conditioning for both a consumer and industry driven society haha. Technique (first time users: 20-30 minutes) 1. Simply close your eyes 2. lay down. Relax. (Maybe I should say lay down first so you don’t have an accident ) 3. Start observing as many patterns as you can through the sense world, so feeling, everything in your body, what you’re touching, your breath, everything including any thoughts that pop up, and do so with a little determination. Hold that frequency. You’ll begin to notice a superior level of contact made with intrinsic awareness just underneath thought and feeling, because that’s what you’d be determining patterns to as well outside of thought. It’s a concentration of energy towards pattern detection at a meta level not getting lost in thought. So notice patterns in literally every single reaction your body has. More and more you’ll begin to notice distinction between reactions and what you take to be “you”. Again notice the subtle adaptations that result from this process, they’re all subconscious, keep noticing patterns in those adaptations as well, including the patterns between all of these various phenomena and reactions you’re experiencing. 4. let it all flow, as much as possible, any judgement you have on any reaction, or any reaction you have to the reaction, it all literally falls into that reference frame of what you’re continuing to find patterns in on a meta aware level and nothing else, there’s no over analysis here it’s totally fluid and not at all corrupted by previous conceptions about any subject you’ve encountered 5. So remember you’re noticing patterns in everything but especially your energy, pay close attention to even the slightest alterations here Notice how in different areas of your body and being you’ll experience slightly different kinds of energies the better you get at paying attention here. Notice patterns here too in the same way, remember, let it all flow but find patterns in what you’re not letting flow as well and don’t get caught up in any “inner talk” that too is just something to find patterns in at a meta level. 6. Remember to allow your subconscious body to make the adaptations it wants to make energetically as a consequence of your attention. As always, make a note of the patterns that emerge for you here between awareness and body and everything in between and within. So again any reaction you have, let it out freely with ease, just as long as your eyes remain closed you relatively speaking remain laying down and you keep with relative focus on the task at all times. 7. Remember you’re not involving yourself through thinking and you’re not overly invoking yourself with any felt impression (feeling/emotion). You’re just learning to allow the body naturally do it’s thing while you perform this task and it makes natural adaptations based on your aware attention. 8. And remember, relax 9. where have you noticed tension so far? Pay attention to that, focus on those areas for a few moments with your attention using the same technique, take deeper breaths into those areas as needed. Then shift back to an automatic aware motion to the task. Pay close attention to the changes that result. 10. where have you noticed anything unusual? The same protocol as step 9. 11. In what areas of the body (which includes the head) have you noticed various feelings/emotions occur. The same as ten, repeat what’s in step 9 to cover your bases there. 11. still typing
I honestly do not think there are too many geniuses in these fields concerning my reading and research so far that’s for sure haha, they all just seem to be in materialist fields turning against these subjects by representing them through the status quo of the standard model of psychology and neuroscience aka it would just be imagination. Which I’m open minded to. But then, what is imagination? What the fuck is a neuron? They don’t know, there’s so much we don’t know. What even is energy? They don’t know outside a physics perspective let alone properly representing it through the lens of materialistic studies of the mind.
All of this stuff is just all fucking fluff to me of course, not enough depth https://www.spiritanimal.info/wolf-spirit-animal/ it’s a crime scene and this is a clue nonetheless
The external world has no interest to me anymore outside the energetic expansion and releasing of being Other than connecting with other beings still intact, even much more than before I’ve completely “lost my god damn mind” for lack of a better way of expressing it, in a good way
I'd normally be able to create an architecture with ease but I'm still kind of out of it from yesterday, so like I said I'll need some recuperation; as said, massive raw animal mess. New concepts around inter-communication I'm now building: Directionality of intercommunication; this is now of permanent interest in light of insights around the idea that energies most be continually unlocked, discovered, released and recycled through and by being Throwing out older understandings: With the way that I'm now re-teaching inner communication, I have to throw out the idea that there's such a thing as "thought" in so much as its simply the expression of energy within being bound up in the head, for lack of a better way of expressing at the moment. For the time being though it, feelings, emotions, cognition, all these elements, functions, structures... They no longer exist for me anymore until they make sense or I discover new branding, I favour with the latter more likely occurring. I also have to throw out the idea of "social" and just many ideas there, like this and many ideas, they exist because we give them the energy to exist more than putting our energy on ideas that reflect a more coherent picture of what's occurring at a deeper level. Pathway forward: Consolidate my insights as quickly and as deeply as possible, simply because there is a natural lifecycle to not just memory but energetic memory, once it leaves my body I'll be experiencing a new chapter of being which I'll be communicating about instead that I'll have to provide direct insight to from direct in the moment experience
Ignore previous correspondence about only answering queries via PM by the way, happy to workout things here . Recommendation: May be a good idea for you to checkout previous shares I've mentioned so far in this thread, they could be useful for what you're experiencing though I'm more than happy to work on something more original relative to the concern.
Just waiting for another thread to die down working on this one in the meantime. 1. sing songs that “no body else can sing” - that’s just how you stand out ?, you don’t want good karaoke versions much less covers, that’s how you create greater mystery as well 2. song theme creation - intersection between space, life, existential development and struggle. All three of these are becoming more popular, no other artist is really tapping into that. 3. Potential target demographic: spirituality, personal development, people who like potatoes 4. make sure your songs are as emotionally raw as possible - you want ballads, that’s how you distinguish the voice further as well because it just adds to the things that are hard to replicate. Go for shock and awe. Nuclear bomb stuff, end of world, etc im thinking a mixture between Elton John, Freddie Mercury, James brown, elvis, Sinatra and Pavarotti off the top of my head 5. on lyrics - unfortunately bob dylan is dead. So don’t make it too complicated But enough that it still satisfies any cognition if you wanted to have it there 6. I feel a resonance with John Lennon, similar temperament in different ways, the song Imagine for example is a good analogy for bigger songs I’d like to do
@hyruga when did your fears begin? @Ghartok Padhome Same to you, can you recall your earliest memory about your looks (in general and about your negative perceptions)?
Well I guess I’m stuck here at least for the time being because folk on the Serious Emotional Problems section of forum where I’m dishing out advice won’t listen to me about the PM thing ha ————- Golden Pearls ————- (the advice)
TITLE: WAKE THE WOLF (a singing rant) I'll delete the other two because I'm driving for Transcendent quality here yo (and yes I didn't end up polishing this up to keep the authenticity) WHAT LED UP TO THIS RANT? Quote: "God I'm already annoyed by writing sometimes I just want to say FUCK WORDS who gives a shit about them what do they mean at the end of the day, so going back to visual and sound.... Then I'll probably forgive words and give them another go, etc etc, I have a hot cold relationship with words, FUUUUUUUUCK" "It’s because there are no words, sounds, visuals I realise that’s what my subconscious was trying to tell me through my anger nothing exists none of you fuckers exist i don’t exist consciousness becomes way before existence because existence is just functional fixidness in momentary awareness this is chaos baby, maximum openness to everything, art is just a medium and I am just a conduit by which this so called fucking universe flows, that’s what I’m angry about, it’s because I know none of this exists, thst creativity is the only answer on the previous answer thus creativity is bullshit as well, utility is all just a construct as well, a placeholder for momentary finite existence, finite in what though that’s all bullshit as well and all bullshit too is all just bullshit thats my “art” here" "I feel like music is like crawling up my spine right now it’s such a strange sensation and like a puff of smoke I’m releasing things, energies from mouth and I’m blowing all of it all around the cafe like a ridiculous chain smoker Im gonna get kicked outta here I’m sure of it" "I think I was a wolf in a past life, I can literally hear it coming through me, it's like inside my body, alive, speaking as me and independent of me simultaneously, it's howling, growling, I've killed many things in this past life, its what I had to do I just have to capture all of this otherwise tomorrow I'll think it's all ridiculous " ================= OTHERWISE.... ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH PM ONLY THANK YOU
@Someone here Can you try an experiment for me? I've got standard techniques that I can share but you've probably already followed my links above, right? Just want you to get to listen to certain music during that time... Try this, let me know how it goes. PS ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY THANK YOU
@Elisabeth sure thing! @BlackMaze so your goal is to quit? Then at least for now that's what we'll focus on. How you're creating, thinking about and responding to the obstacles to keeping to your goal. So what strategies have you implemented so far to try and quit? What brought you into smoking to begin with, I recommend thinking about those precursors. By understanding our precursors to addictions its easier from an attachment level to disengage from those things once we start relating to reasons from a personal level rather than being this external thing that's outside of our control.
I like this one (just done now), not exactly my personal biography but I feel it on a certain level, can empathise with it, have certainly seen it and even in some ways I think it’s in nearly if not everyone. Title: My maze of suffering, or the word, friend Into the deep Just beyond the weak Of the minds open maze Not caught in a haze Closed off to reason For it got spoiled by the season Winter chills the heart And the brain now, oh so smart Survival of the fittest For I, should have been the richest So now, a mental gymnast The cries of my soul I yearn to become whole Howling into the night Strategising by day In pitch black the sheep get their fright In bright light I look like I go to church only to pray Inside this internal maze of mine Constructed through the fortitude of my suffering In order to make a dime from this mind Now I just try to avoid handcuffing In the crime of life Is life truly, not a crime? Watch me weave my justifications, without any, lost hesitations My blood diamond Etched into my heart, so frightened For I can no longer unweave All that that I suffered from so now all I can do is deceive Deception, my self deception My maze turning against me Or maybe I, could never truly see Here’s to learning to, see a again And when I’m ready, turn to a friend And then, become one too For that is surely, Due