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Everything posted by Origins

  1. @MrBON I can't be bothered with mainstream stuff like this at all as I don't have the time but on that front (mainstream), miss 21st century momma barbie doll of Hector the Reverend of the local town can go lick my balls: Mainly only 3 questions are relevant here. (1) Is she brainwashed? (2) Is she damaged? (3) Can she change? For the first, you can mediate that in as much as she has critical thinking. For the second, you can mediate that depending on the kind of (a) damage (b) consequences that have so far manifested from that. Everyone has some level of damage, so its important that you get as nuanced as possible in understanding A and B. Women for example comparatively, tend to be more emotional players and men physical players, women with more damage are more likely to be players = This goes for both male and females. In general, don't date the mentally average unless you're mentally average. Otherwise you'll all things being equal be dealing with both brainwashing and damage, and the more average they are the more the brainwashing will be simultaneously damage because its proportionally cognitively difficult to sort through. Choose to be a good friend instead unless they really prove themselves overtime in both change and genuine emotional investment (which goes to number three). Always remember your boundaries which is why you should always be checking where you can grow on those three questions. A "good" woman will think progressively, challenge your stances with insightful questions, be honest about their difficulties in interactions and forward in areas where they think an interaction is going well. The same with a male, this is in line with a (positive) feedback loop interpretation of relationships, to support the growth of consciousness a "good" male and female interaction will not only be something that supports the biological biases of the sex and personality of the character but also one that moves the narratives of consciousness forward to the next stage. By this standard, there aren't too many "good" men or females and everything is rather pre-intellectualism, pre-intuitive and post sexual selection so just keep that in mind when making your discriminations. Realising that the social market is a complex geometry of pre and post selections depending on the genetic development and life growth of the individuals. Comparing demographics makes this self-evident, the same too in comparing evolutionary eras, which makes for comparing where social selection will be in the future rather simple and straight forward, eventually we will have a post intellectual and post creative stage across the human population which dramatically changes the inferences that can be drawn from those three questions relative to this present era in human history.
  2. Using intelligence to discern who is going to become a part of your inner dialogue. This is such a vital aspect of understanding and interpreting both the narratives of consciousness and the narratives of others inner consciousness. Who we let into our space, so our minds and hearts, is not just a decision about the quality of the experience we will have in the moment but a decision regarding the future thoughts and emotions we will ultimately have even after any future contact with those persons. Think of the thoughts you have say about any one of your family members, maybe you hear them praising, criticising or just saying something to you throughout the day or simply every now and then. What has occurred is that you have ingested all of their experiences with you and then subconsciously generated emotional and thought loops about them about you which continue to play well past the period in which you spend a lot of time with them. So when you choose a partner, you're not just choosing someone who is compatible versus incompatible, your'e choosing someone that the more time you spend with them the more they will become a part of your consciousness well past their actual experiences with you whether you remain to be with them or not. On that note, what is the best way to develop a value in which we're going to take responsibility about the role we'll play in understanding the future constructions of another's consciousness (with every word we say, with every action we take)? Secondly, how are we going to become better selectors of people that are going to be positive influences on our inner dialogue with ourselves well past our interactions with them? Lastly, what are some ways in which we can reconceive of our present relationships from the lens of ensuring best ongoing development of our future inner narratives of consciousness? Think of any negative voices you may hear for example, how much would you pay to be able to go back in time and replace them with someone that is going to end effect your consciousness to the point of instead generating healthy thought and emotional loops? For example if I could change my parents or at least advance the feedback loops that my consciousness learned from their impressions on me I'd pay at least $100,000 as that's how much its worth to be able to not just replace a memory or even get rid of it, but to overwrite and especially advance memory. This latter aspect brings up the point of what we're actually doing when we're recalling autobiographical memory, or at least should be doing, everytime we're bringing up those old memories and those old emotions, to the degree of our self awareness, we're engaging in a re-writing process, ideally towards advancement. So although we can't pay for modifications just yet, we can undertake both meditative or meditative like techniques that improve them mind here through the body and as well as techniques that improve and or advance memory through techniques of the mind. So next time you choose a relationship partner, really think about the kind of thoughts they're going to leave in your mind about yourself, life, your goals, existence and more.
  3. Reminding myself of the following comment I just made (important for this journal): “And it’s not really ego so much, it’s just ambition” (or rather drive) That’s an important distinction I don’t think is often made. Someone can be simultaneously extremely unambiguous and yet have a huge ego, while the exact opposite is also true.” Most people complete miss differentiating this adequately when they’re evaluating personalities.
  4. As the title describes. [ eventually I won't be able to edit this first post hence why I'm mainly leaving it blank ]
  5. Brainstorm... think of all the most interesting questions, places and more in the world, combine sublime. Other: times in history world wars unique environments (i.e. diamond caves) unique situations - robberies - back of an ambulance - inside a firetruck during a dangerous fire Unique times in the year - Christmas, birthdays, easter, etc - weekends vs weekdays
  6. The following journal will be dedicated to developing a framework in which future improvisational music will be developed in the context of story generation. Here I will journal about ideas, themes and elements for and about story within songs (byproducts will be shared here, however wait until Feb 1st and beyond for more conscious developments - This means that the following journals will no longer be acted on, this is because I want to remain on the razor edge of song development between now and the end of the year, dedicating all my creative less theoretical writing energies here (and in the improvisations themselves inclusive of any personal reflections on them) rather than operating separately. For this more self aware plan I thank Draenei Paladin for being my right hand side kick in sharing their wisdom to me here . I know I can achieve the same level of poetic linguistic prowess or higher during musical improvisations around story there as I do inside of solely focusing on linguistic poetic production, it will just take me a couple of weeks or maybe even less to get there. It is merely a matter of activating the right brain regions within myself, consistently enough, because I know as well how to channel and heighten neurplasticity on a purposeful level to my own designed ends now too. In Draenei's words: "It's hard to explain how to do it other than to believe that you can and that you should, to go directly and deeply into yourself and make it so. An act of will. What you put out into the world, in your experience -internally-, so it is. You resolve that at the root of intention. You tend to get there by circling around it through the feedback of reality at any level, or you get straighter to the point and you realign yourself." And to add, their emphasis on the importance of concentrating energies in a singular direction (as much as is feasible at least). Experiation to the following journals / inactivity: (1) Title of journal - Diamonds of time (2) Title of Journal - Psychological Poetic Ruminations (Future Reflections) (3) Title of Journal - Improvised Short Stories - Daily Challenge (4) Autobiographical Reflective Insight Journal: 0 Years to Now (5) Thought Experiments - AS THE THOUGHT ARISES (6) FAMOUS RANTS And any other potential journal that falls outside the scope of pure theory and can in any way still be related to music This includes even: (7) Journal for Visions (Corresponding PhotoShop Beginner stuff) This is because I can always create art for the Youtube video itself and the content of the song which is what I believe I should now do and be the sole means of sharing any visual work from now on, in fact that will be my goal, to create daily Photoshop stuff and just pop in the background of music. Here's to Draenei Paladin for sharing their retrospective foresight with me (from the lens of myself - complicated mirror here ): THE GREAT UNVEILING/UNMASKING
  7. PSYCHOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN THE CONTEXT OF STATE TRANSFERENCE This is a great fail-safe idea I personally just came up with that works for me in terms of motivation, agency, direction: I call it the intersectional reading of state - its the realisation that our state is the intersection of multiple narratives intersecting simultaneously, propping those individually strategically then watching the original state alter to the transformational state (simply the representation of change). For example: 1A. Reading feeling/emotion 1B. Reading the thoughts that create your present story that you perceive subconsciously and consciously to make up your psychological state 1C. Reading your present direction 2A. Differentiating the feeling/emotion you need and activating it 2B. Differentiating the story / improved story you need to move you forward then activating that 2C. Differentiating the direction you need within that story to move you forward then activating that I use simulation based visualisation to cater towards these ends here as well. So yeah, cool stuff works for me maybe it'll work for you too. After you use it once, it operates on a feedback loop if you notice carefully and if you're continuing to use it. Lastly, make sure you're biasing yourself towards a first person perspective, that always helps of course. I mean, perhaps there's creative alternatives I could share right now or that you would prefer but meh, just speaking generally here. Remember to start from a pure awareness state obviously (which will positively reinforce being an enlightened douche like me eventually )
  8. Simple formula: 1. Feeling -> Story (non-fictional to fictional) -> Development of feelings with further connected narrative - In general this would be a simple first person approach but then we can have many other variations as well of course that'll explore after testing out this method for improvisation. So all I'd do is think of a feeling, connect a story from that feeling and then use the rest of the song to develop narrative for the further exploration and even changes or growth of those feelings depending on the context of those narratives and from what perspective they were being told. Noticing the utility otherwise in creating formulas just to help me ideate a little faster than usual; ultimately a necessity at this point in light of how many I'm experimenting with completing each day. Tangentially as well it's interesting, most peoples difficulties, all of them probably, come from story first then feeling followed by the development of those feelings with further connected narrative if they get that far in explaining things to themselves. So existentially, this lends itself to the question of what stories can we be resilient to and what stories can we not? What stories have we yet to simulate and mentally prepare for and what stories have we not that we ought to? I think its great as a strategic mindset moving forward. And you can even just start off with literally any prompt, simply rely on the associational network of the brain to do the rest of the work for you. Here's a random list of words I'll type out quickly now for example: Gravity Sky Robot Teacher Hit Love War Fortune Wisdom Find I'm sure I could start a song out with any one of these words and complete it with no other prompt/planning, its about having the confidence to follow the stream of consciousness that joins. You can also build your associational abilities in this sense both directly through associative reasoning and more broadly through relational reasoning.
  9. In general I think its better to say less about the improvisation rather than more, in this case, the story can be captured in the lyrics pretty well. Just think of any major city where homelessness is quite high, many of these people have mental illness (or just what's been classified as such) that carries them to these dark depths that we ought to help them out of before they even get there. It brings up the larger scope of mental illness though which I think deserves deliberation from myself in a more empathic sense than what I normally do from a societal level, in the meantime here's the improvisation that was originally listed here:
  10. As per my endeavour discussed here - The following journal will replace any autobiographical reflections et al. I've done in the past (see list in above link) by discussing such through the lens of any improvisations I produce in the future, non-fictional or not - shared here - (but wait until Feb 1st before viewing because there's nothing serious there yet): An improvisation will be listed (specifically chosen) below and reflections on lyrics, themes, etc (that cover everything that prior journals explored which will no longer tended to) will be shared in this journal accordingly.
  11. @Barbara On a technical level the ideal would be to utilise this space as a reflective social interface on two primary levels: (1) Thoughts about existence (2) Actions in relation to your goals Progress in relation to those two sentiments. That's literally all that matters other than potential social pairing that may be fortunate enough to occur, though the pairing is not of course always consistent with a persons growth so to this end they're unfortunate enough. The pairing is entirely predicated on complementarity regardless as to how well said persons have actually grown; for example perhaps the connection is based on an attraction to "garbage dumping dopamine" (as opposed to deep level processing), similar but unresolved traumas so they continually resurface as conflicts in different ways between the persons but because they can't see that as the attractor they don't resolve that in their subconscious for that to no longer be an attractor. Or based on many other "unresolved compatibilities" that should be stress signals more than attraction signals. Our attractions are of course not our direct line of sight on reality, rather our direct line of sight on reality is our intelligence on those attractions. So how did they arrive and what is their future in the context of my development, how do they serve my growth and how do they not, what would be something I could do to resolve that attraction in my subconscious so its no longer attractive to me because it doesn't serve my growth or if it truly does serve my growth how can I be more attracted to that attractor (not necessarily the person, it all depends on other aspects of their personality), etc, etc. This forum is probably less than 1% of its potential, but that's just where most people are at yo. This is why we have different grade basketball teams, League A sometimes all the way down to League F. I'm not sure this forum would be too much above F to be honest. Outliers exist in every forum of course, but yeah that's what I try to expose my attention to mostly, an ideal feedback loop between those two at the cost of social conformity wherever possible just because people end up being disappointing in one way or another anyhow. I like people in general but I'm not here to entertain patterns with others that I'm looking to deconstruct and reinvent in my own consciousness to remap existence for the better. Avoidance has utility in so much as it protects me from oxytocin blurring my judgement so I can continue to focus on the necessary expansion that I think the whole of humanity should be on relative to their best ends.
  12. @BarbaraMeta analysis of conversations outside of just journal section posting. I don't go for dopaminergic posting outside of looking for something deeper than the shallow (its really not good for your brain and general development there and we see plenty of the forums presentations like this). The deeper you dive the more likely you'll find the scarcest treasures and unearth the deepest wisdom. Instead of participating in shallow social patterns, step back, observe and you'll turn that into a deeper reality that represents a pattern that you can then contextualise and move around or strategically towards as it serves your more sophisticated ends. Mathematically, shallowness is the milk of the many and deepness the wine of the few, so going deep allows you to sort out just who's really worth speaking to and who isn't, or at least just not yet. This is more selective attention in terms of maximising use of time than it is selective social ostracism, by prioritising the former irrespective of the social environment you allow yourself to become immune of any lesser patterns exhibited in your surroundings enabling you to maintain focus towards your ongoing growth, online or otherwise. Such would be a good strategy for this kind of forum that has many people pretending they're actually doing or saying something worthwhile.
  13. Haven't redone Devotion yet (see above), but will do over the next few days just when I'm content to do so. Here's an update on my now chosen path of singing style that'll take a few weeks for me to perfect to a level I'm comfortable enough to advance from.
  14. Working on my theme song for this journal haha, really though just experimenting with my new style of singing that will take a few weeks to perfect to the level I'm comfortable to progress further from (I have a corresponding music journal).
  15. The principle of work (the most important principle: when obvious ones like intelligence are held into account) Title: How can a boulder of work that is so large and heavy rolling down a hill be stopped by mere intelligence, however large or small, when thee is merely an arrogant creatively impoverished human? For as much as you should out-smart the enemy, much can be gained by simply out-working the enemy and therefore preparing beyond what is possible for them to prepare for. This is why it is the most important principle, for intelligence is obvious, but work, in the right direction of course which is implicit of intelligence, in the end is what makes victory certain and done right, inevitable. Inevitability is something to strive for, for the enemy often merely strives for hope.
  16. I've decided that this is still a war.... But as nuanced. This is my destiny to maximise myself as much as possible here, it would be great if it were the same for others and for anyone else I inspire that's good enough. There is no delicacy in my philosophy here, I am as ruthless as ruthless can be:
  17. Right now I'm a sheep giving birth to a fucking cow crossed with the fattest shemales boob on the planet god get an imagination people seriously
  18. A journal to log daily progress and efforts. A flow of experience echos in our consciousness (i.e. terms like brain as well) and our intelligence linguistically symbolises and calls it existence, reality, experience, etc. But how often do we enter into our minds and unpack those experiences, disconnect from those automatic associations and build our own theory of mind in our theory of the world? This prelude is a brief description of what's to come.
  19. I wouldn't be wasting my time on Tinder anyhow, the women are not serious enough (in terms of looking for a relationship) and if they're serious they're not intelligent enough to realise that Tinder isn't the place for serious dating/related or they're just naive, which is something I'd screen for. As seriousness increases you've gotta intelligently analyse the environment and act accordingly. You have the whole world.
  20. @Vytas Next. (If she replies she replies, if not move on. You've gotta get good at adapting your state to reality. Then it doesn't matter how things turn out because you're able to adapt to whatever is coming).
  21. @kras I find it humorous you use Tinder for dating. It's pure play in most cases. Analyse the environment and attack rather than just being attacked by the environment, which in your case is on your attention and selection parameters. If you use Tinder for dating that's like going to Mc Donald's and being disappointed, you get what you pay for or in your case, you get in return to the level of your prior thought and future thinking thereon out.
  22. @StateOfMind All of these are just stories to better navigate nature.
  23. @Axiomatic I can see how it can be frustrating and its good to vent when you're lacking understanding. Run through those experiences in your head and get it out for yourself, then practice re-appraising the situation from the lens of shifting from frustration due to lack of understanding to embracing what is and seeking to slowly understand the nuances of various situations like this. There's no need to condemn yourself, there's no need to condemn them or whoever, but I get it, its there and sometimes you just need to express it even if you don't directly say it. Following this course repeatedly will allow you to embrace whatever's happening across a range of scenarios, conditioning you to adapt towards a more solutions oriented mindset even if its not right for you to express those answers in the moment, maybe its just a change in your own actions. You can't change others, but you can learn to adapt better to what's happening. This is your wisdom to comprehend. The goal shouldn't be a lack of judgement, instead more along the lines of the avoidance of bad social judgement irrespective of the circumstances. You'll be invited to more parties, you'll be easier to trust (because you won't exude a judgemental energy either which is really important for the right people) and when the time is right and only then, you'll be able to express insight where its needed on a situation which can include strategically thinking better about social environments beforehand in a way that best serves everyone involved.
  24. @Jacob Morres I think you're looking at it incorrectly, a relationship is solely built on connection, the strength of a relationship is merely on the variability, degree and qualities of that connection. So next time you analyse a relationship, think in terms of the things that makeup the connection and the things that don't, the things that don't explicitly subtract from it being a relationship and the things that do are the things that make it a relationship in the first place. We are in relationship with all of reality, thus we have variability, degree and qualities of connection with everything, the essence of which describes the nature of the relationships that exist versus the relationships that don't. Once you understand this, relationships and connection become very simple to conceptualise further and navigate more creatively.
  25. Bitten by a frog! ( but don't worry so was I so don't let my humour make you think I'm uncompassionate, just inconsiderate occasionally )