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Posts posted by Origins

  1. Taking break from site. Still writing and uploading (to channel) to the schedule I set out. Will just share links, etc when back. For anyone that has ever had a loved a pet you'd understand. If they've passed, I recommend taking at least 5 minutes of your time to remember the experiences you had with them. My love relationships have always been very important to me, virtually the definition of my own existence which is why I really connected with this and want to devote that time away really reflecting on the experiences I had with them. Send this person some support if you in any way feel inspired to do so and if you have had any pets that you loved which have passed/passing sending you/them the best as well:


  2. This piece is a great one for me to analyse: ps not using any art books to guide me, I'd like my insights to be natural

    I'm starting to build a vocabulary for what I'm doing; syntax, etc.

    For example:

    The larger zombie head should actually be much larger if its to fit into the rest of the narrative of the visuals.

    This is because it is a "key visual target" that serves just as much value as the larger targets in the visual focus.

    Especially because the zombie really stands out anyhow but you're almost asking "why isn't it playing a larger visual role if the goal was to stand out?", this is more the case as well because it has more "image" relationships than any other image on screen.

    It has a relationship to the bullet, the wandering zombies, the Hitman character, the gun and the words within the camera lens.

    The following will be re-uploaded to include the changes later tonight to include the above change along with a couple of other minor changes (erasing false horizon line right middle high and planet middle bottom)

    Key words/insights: Balanced visual focus, key story objects, spatial relationship/s between objects in the context of the story they paint, image redundancy (remove things that don't need to be there/distract from the story)

    In short: The importance of simply studying ones own work from an objective angle will be even more beneficial when applied here and everywhere else with the same regard


  3. Okay so I've added the wolf sounds now, they sit neatly in the background. Slightly better than this is the minimum standard from now on, I'll do my best to create a maximum of one per day (combined with the other two add on's I mentioned). 

    Make sure you 1080p it.

    Completion time: about 2 1/2 - 3 hours (need to cut down dramatically) for both sound and visuals

    going to re-upload with just 2 final edits by the end of the night

    1: notice the horizon one just above the open mouth of the zombie (to right and left)

    2.: notice the saturn/planet to the bottom left of the tornado

    Both scrapped. After that, peace of mind and something slightly better every day from here on out, I won't settle unless its slightly better than the previous day.

  4. FUCK PATCHY!!!!







    Going to fix up the lens in the above piece and a few other things not going to stop working on it till those edges are refined


    will reupload in a few hours or so







  5. It's a bit patchy I know, I'll take some masking tutorials. Love it regardless. Here's the re-upload.

    Title: Shoot to kill (inauthentic worlds)

    Slightly better than this and that's my fucking minimum standard from now on and no less given what I see I can do here now with Photoshop and Ableton.

    -- audio and visuals took me about an hour and a bit, maybe close to two


  6. @Lyubov You need to get better at judging microexpressions or just anyone. You can tell by the picture he's not a "real" person, he's a fabrication. He's like wood veneered board (same as how laminate works but is wood and you glue it to MDF board), slaps on the real thing to something that's a fake foundation, tries to "look real" in a "trying to look real but not world" trend of the world. Brian Rose can suck my dick after I'm dead, probably would for some $$$.

  7. @SamC There's a lot of inner turbulence.

    If you stick to this technique ( It won't let you down, only any lack of awareness can let it down.

    That's a promise Sam.

    You'll have to fight through the difficulties though, however, they will become resolved if you stick to it. It'll be extremely difficult but all it will take is your grit and consistency.

    It's not easy to accept solutions. We have a lot of cognitive biases that turn against us. But here it is. Let's see what you can do with it.

    This would work for you, I don't know if it would work with others it really just depends on their makeup.

    The moment you've prioritized another when they haven't earned your respect, you're automatically lowering yourself. You have unresolved issues around self respect.

    Best. There's no need to say thanks, the thanks is in you becoming you. If you find something better, all the best for you.

    P.S - you would need at least 2 hours every day on it. Eventually those problems will subside though and by then you can make it a regular part of your processing.

  8. Interested in conversations with the creative ambitious that have "both halves" of their brain going. Being open minded about the quality of folk on this forum

    don't worry about your position, as long as you're creative and driven in this sense I'd like to exchange ideas with you.

    What systems have you created / are creating?

    What kinds of books do you read outside of cliche books (i.e. art of war, overly popularised books like 48 laws of power that the misled villagers buy and religiously pray to)? 

    What is your intersectional industry focus? (i.e. which changes from industry to industry --- i.e. for music - if you're just an artist, you just need music and you can sell your soul to an "agency" that will advertise you as an "artist", this agency may be good/not --- at the industry dominance level we have the intersection between recording base, streaming base, creativity base, contract base, fanbase, product base, leap industry base (i.e. film, advertising). Those are the main 7 pillars / bases. If you dominate on all 7 levels you most likely dominate the industry)

    what is your mindset prioritisation (again changes from industry to industry - i.e. for music - broadly: fanbase instead of customer base, competing streaming platforms instead of store, merchandise instead of external products, brand image more than consumer perception, trend setting more than trend finding, creative legacy more than brand legacy)?

    if you don't have strong ambitions here and you're not creative feel free to just follow this discussion though if you're still interested in it 

    keeping it casual, better to talk via PM though happy to discuss here

    doesn't matter how foreign your industry is just as long as you're able to creatively relate or creatively elaborate because then i'll at least be able to connect it with my industry


  9. 14 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

    hatch onto a different topic. 

    @Jacob Morres Can you explain this further? Also how that would transition from your technique. Thanks



    6 hours ago, hyruga said:

    Hmmm my parents used to cane me a lot when I was a young boy. I didn't remember doing anything particularly bad other than being a little noisy or not keeping my toys. But I am not sure how to work with my shadow on this.

    @hyruga Interesting. So how do you feel your social fears are related to your parents disciplinary measures? 



    1 hour ago, ilkjnkh said:

    @Origins Thank you origin, I will test it out and bring you the report about this in next 3 to 7 days.

    @ilkjnkh No problem.

  10. 36 minutes and a touch left

    This is all I pretty much want to do with my time now ha

    just completely heal my energy body and gain full mastery over being

    it’s so liberating to be able to notice my patterns on an increasingly more subconscious level via conscious awareness, and to be able to release them as well through the same means, it feels very good


  11. 2:00:50 hours seconds left

    this is turning to one “giant” technique now, incorporating both emotional shifting exercises and memory (trauma based) work while still keeping to the priority of the exercise itself

    of course, one technique is learned at a time and only until a certain level of mastery would you learn to include other techniques simultaneously

    i want to be able to cap it all off to include the wim hof method after I’m done refining the technique but all of this take a bit of coordination, I’m not there yet and wouldn’t want to include anything that distracted away from the ability to continue to master the primary and first technique at hand here

  12. 2:50 hours minutes left

    theres no energy body + ______ 

    the ______ is pure delusion (meaning we’re only our energy bodies)

    i realise that now

    Our beings have so many energies that represent a multiplicity of so many different layers that if we don’t understand this basic principle, again purely my contention believe as you wish, this is essentially how projection for example occurs which I’m no saint to. I’m right now seeing just how much my brain projects this entire reality falsely I’ve taken for granted as true sight. There’s a pinch of pain to add to that truth but it’s reality nonetheless, it’s as clear as day to me now.

    Still much to write about concerning the topic it’ll be one I generate a lot of good insights on for myself.

    We must learn about our energy body (unknowingly neglecting mine for sometime), it’s everything to us (again there’s no +  ______)

  13. 3:44 hours minutes to go just a cool point wanted to emphasise to myself

    you notice your awareness entertaining more and more geometrical perceptions of your experiences, that shouldn’t come as a surprise

    i notice my subconscious starting to generate an adapted version of the technique to increase the intensity of the patterning experience, perhaps introducing a numbering system of some kind where you link number to experience/pattern where 5 represents 5 of those say followed by seeing the patterns between each and every one of those numbers (the links)