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Everything posted by Twega

  1. Joe Rogan claimed that he started his podcast for fun and that he is a comedian and not someone to be taken seriously. I sympathize with that. Regardless of his intentions, he has become the number 1# Podcast show/host. That comes with a lot of responsibility that Joe does not want to take, or maybe even can't do it even if he wanted to. What are your thoughts? Mine are: If I was in his place, there is no way in hell I would have some of the people he has on. What bugs me the most is the misinformation his guests spew, especially the pseudoscience on nutrition. This Doc actually gives good arguments on why celebs should take responsibility for their huge influence and audience, and it isn't just the cliche arguments (like ure hurting people).
  2. Good critique by Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*uck. I don't agree with everything Mark said, it is a 50agree/50disagree. I think we can all learn from this. Especially aspiring public intellectuals.
  3. So the common answer to LSD tolerance is that it takes 2 weeks for it to reset completely. , LSD calculators are supposed to calculate the effectiveness of LSD if you took it less than 12 days apart. I metabolize LSD very quickly, the trip lasts me 5-6 hours at most. The only time where it lasted more than 6 hours is when I took 4 tabs, and it only lasted 8 hours. Never ever have a trip lasted me 10-12 hours. The hypothesis as to why LSD produces tolerance when DMT does not is because of the long-lasting effect of LSD. I took LSD 5 days ago and it was very weak (lasted about 3 hours), I want to take it again today but I will take 3-4 tabs instead of one. My question is, has anyone had the experience of taking LSD 5 days apart and still tripped? (especially given that the last time was a very weak dose, and I intend to triple the dose) I know it is better to wait, so not looking for that answer.
  4. @Leo Gura Your mom has it too I believe it, right? My mom is so closed-minded it'll take me just as much effort convincing her to change as it will take researching.
  5. @Hardkill yeah she did, only gave her a diagnosis and some meds.
  6. @EmptyVase if you can link me to any sources where I could learn more, that would be great.
  7. @Leo GuraI have the same issues when I meditate, I am a very good visualizer and I always visualize things constantly when I read a book or think about anything. Any advice on how best I should approach meditation? I really struggle with quieting my mind because of the constant influx of visuals and thoughts.
  8. @Leo Gura I have taken LSD over 20 times and all of them in the high dose range 2+ tabs. So I'll be fine.
  9. @Ima Freeman I am talking about sulforaphane which is an exogenous compound, I did not say your body can chelate heavy metals without taking something.
  10. The self-help industry needs some cleaning up. An amazing field, it is a shame that it is overrun by conmen, who speak nothing but platitudes. Their only source of creativity is finding original ways to scam people, and even that is becoming trite.
  11. @Preety_India He has been caught plagiarising other people's content. He has scammed people who only had 1000 left in their bank account. He also literally blackmailed Stephen (the guy who posted this video) to attempt to stop criticizing him. He is trash.
  12. Materiality (Right Quadrant) is still a part/whole, which is what AlternativeMedicine is completely ignorant about, so it too, will never be holistic.
  13. @Preety_India @Leo Gura Medicine is in the dark ages. I think the best approach would be to Integrate all the various ideas, techniques, knowledge, science technology of various Health-related schools of thought. To synthesize them all together in one framework. I believe chemistry, biochemistry, and nutrition has really shed a light on what is healthy and what is not. The issue with conventional doctors isn't that they are too scientific, it is that they are not scientific enough! They are dogmatic, limited, and beurocratic.
  14. @Spence94 The illusion becomes reality though. The essence of this matter is: He is just a dude blabbering. Yet what are the consequence? People actually listen, regardless of whether it is illusory or not.
  15. @Leo Gura Degrees of bullshit. Western Medicine is bullshit, a lot of alternative medicine is even more so. Especially like this example. If we are talking native knowledge on medicinal plants, yoga, acupuncture, then yes of course that is NOT bullshit. & If we are talking about certain practices in Western Medicine, they are also not bullshit. It is like the pre-rational post-rational fallacy, many of these practices are pre-rational yet they are taken to be post-rational wisdom.
  16. @Leo Gura It is not weak though. Sulforaphane is one of the most potent inducers of the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) , which is the body's most powerful detoxification mechanism. I would bet it work better than ALA. Don't be so sure about what you know, Leo.
  17. @Leo Gura Why is this screwing around? Sulforaphane has been shown to enhance the excretion of carcinogenic compounds like benzene by 60%. Jed Fahey is a chemist at John Hopkin's who has been studying Sulforaphane for decades. This shit is powerful man, give it a try.
  18. Healthy Purple/Red attitude towards fear.
  19. @ertopolice Waking up after a couple of hours is totally fine. In fact, sleep scientists and neuroscientists have shown that people wake up usually after each sleep cycle (1-1.5 hours) and there are six cycle, so you wake up probably 6 times in your sleep but you do not remember anything. Waking up in the middle of the night is the norm not the exception. The key thing is to get back to sleep, if you wake up you need to find ways to help you relax, of you stress about waking up you won't sleep. Perhaps try using L theanine or Kava Kava for relaxation do something relaxing (listen to an audiobook) AVOID LIGHT, do not look at screens or turn on your lights. Close curtains. (Candle light is fine) As I said, make sure your diet is in check and your macronutrients are all-sufficient, especially zinc, magnesium, as well as Vit D , and potassium. 91% of Americans are deficient in potassium, no one talks about this. Most of the body’s potassium is located inside the cells. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of cells, nerves, and muscles.