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About Max1993

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  1. @Ishanga Nothing has ever happened. Even "a happening" is completely dependent upon thoughts. Notice this. Nothing has ever happened. Nothing will ever happen. Your awareness is always still, the core of you is especially, and basically born 2 seconds ago so to speak, fresh, unchanging. You also have never done anything. Thoughts just happen. You are not the Doer. Source is automatically dreaming at most to find itself, forever. There is no one here watching the movie. Yet the movie is occurring. A thought happening does not mean you are the one generating that thought. The ego can't even feel or see. Only spirit can. The All is experiencing your personal life not the sensation of the intimate personal biographical you. That is just a collection of thoughts on top of the birds chirping. On top of this simple fresh crisp moment present moment. Look around. Nothing is happening. At most a "non-happening" is watching a movie about a happening. A movie about a big "What if?"
  2. @Sugarcoat The ego is just a collection of thoughts or chaos that we add to this fresh crisp present moment, if you honestly look around, most of the time nothing is happening. Nothing has ever happened to your awareness, the core was and will always be still. Be That.
  3. @Sugarcoat The ego is not the beingness. If you still feel from "your past" that is still ego. Feel like spirit is meant to feel. Why would you feel into the temporary story?
  4. The seeker is just a pattern of thoughts. Just a bunch of thoughts. There is no seeker. If you keep seeking using thoughts you will stay in a loop. A feeling about a past or future made up story is what you are experiencing now. All of your anxiety right now could be used for Joy. Don't think, and there will be no one who holds the burden of trying to wake up! Ponder that.
  5. @Sugarcoat The You, or the ego, is just a collection of thoughts, there is nobody even here to become enlightened. Everything is happening automatically and for the best. You don't even generate thoughts, they just happen. You still take thoughts to be you. How can you be the temporary movie? Identify as the watching itself. Let the basic happening of life happen, without adding a "self' as another layer.
  6. @Recursoinominado I left a comment under that video. Leo Gura saved my life. In a very practical hands-on way.
  7. @PurpleTree It was an experienced Prosecutor putting a bully in time out
  8. @Bandman Have you tried micro-dosing for an extended period of time? Perspective can literally change your 3-D outside reality and how you relate to it. I was there brother.
  9. @Atb210201 I do agree with that. Only the ego could feel lonely. God is full.
  10. @Atb210201 God is dreaming it is not God. If you are not God than who? God is not some secret club hidden away... However yes, this character that feels like you and who "thinks" is not you, a temporary illusion that passes. The self is a collection of thoughts about self, nothing more. God is all that is left. You are all that is left. You can still see signs from your higher self and follow the communication of God if you want, doesn't mean God is not you. Where is this separation you speak of?
  11. @LordFall If there is separation... How are you magically and permanently separate from me? You are not even separate from the air that comes from trees, those trees get sunlight from space. I can't even slide a paper between you and everything else. Dare I say taa daa? When everything is THAT connected its not even connected anymore it might as well be just ONE coherent thing. This is you.
  12. @MarioGabrielJ I saw you on TikTok hehe