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About HelluvaGuy

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  1. I remember reading that book not that long ago and I certainly don't remember Wilber making such claims in said book. What he said is Trump is a backlash reaction TO Stage Green, not that Trump is literally stage Green. Wilber also wrote how Trump appeals to ethnocentrism (stage blue). Think of somebody like Dugin - just because the guy uses postmodernism to advocate his worldview, that does not make him stage green. He loathes everything about that stage.
  2. The man just shared a perspective with us and there you come with this meltdown. Why are people so insistent on getting offended at every little thing Leo says? Stop making this so personal! Just lighten up - if you disagree with him, that's fine, just move on. Remove that stick from your ass and perhaps you'll discover life is far more enjoyable without it. Also, I would be mindful of those projections of yours. All available evidence suggests Leo has done a lot of socializing in his life, so he has arrived to this perspective through lots of experience. Perhaps I am biased because I am also deeply introverted so the perspective does appeal to me. I don't usually enjoy socializing, but that doesn't mean I don't ever engage in it. Sometimes, one has to bite the bullet and do things they'd rather not do. Is it impossible to find depth and great meaning from relationships? No, I don't think it is, though meeting the right type of people may prove to be a challenge. It's a complicated and paradoxical affair.
  3. 4 hours
  4. The EU does not have the power to "nullify" elections. In regards to what happened in Romania, that was the decision of the Romanian supreme court. Even if AFD were to win (unlikely), I highly doubt any of the other parties would want to make a governing coalition with them.
  5. I will be honest, this level of perversion and corruption we are seeing is rather shocking. It's always been bad but now, you don't even have the veneer of respectability anymore, it's all flaunted out in the open. Like, imagine what most of us were (probably) told when growing up. "Be nice, treat others with respect, work hard" etc etc. All that is just out the window now. Scam, cheat, lie, manipulate - do all that and then ye shall be successful in life. The devil knows his craft well.
  6. Parliamentary systems don't really have term limits - the PM is in power until they lose an election, resign, or their own party loses confidence in them and they get forced/voted out. Whoever replaces Trudeau will just basically be Rishi Sunak or Kamala Harris - sacrificed in the next election.
  7. ??? That is certainly news to me. You sure about this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearms_regulation_in_Finland
  8. But that was before Roe v Wade was struck down, so ya never know.
  9. It's obviously your business what you do with your vote but... what's even the point of voting for a 3rd party if you know it isn't going to do anything or make a meaningful difference?
  10. I would treat SD like you would a map. I think Leo also said this in his SD Video series that "knowing SD is like the difference between operating in the world with a map vs without one". Therefore, it's just silly to criticize a map for being a "limited lens" - of course it's limited, that's the whole point! It's still highly useful. Just because your map of the city doesn't have all the exact buildings and statues on them doesn't mean you can't use it to navigate the city. Do not expect a model to do something it is simply not designed to do. The map is not the territory. Also agree with this 100 percent. The idea that anybody watches Leo's content and dabbles a bit in spirituality now means they are solidly in tier two is laughable. This is just peak self-deception.
  11. This might be his thinking process, but it's a shoddy ratinalization. Incumbent presidents rarely get challenged in the primaries. Just 4 years ago when Trump was running for re-election and was challenged by Bill Weld, despite of that several states just decided not to hold primary elections (and that was before COVID hit). But of course this is hardly a problem for Kennedy because he wasn't the one affected by this at the time.
  12. Considering how close the margins are in the electoral college, yeah, this could be bad. But it's far too early to get all gloomy and doomeristic. Trump was shot like a month ago and everbody was talking about how "oh this totally changes the race now trump will win" and then the polls barely moved. Fair enough, but since 2020 it's the democrats who have been overperforming the polling expectations, whetever it be the 2022 midterms which went relatively well or other special elections held around the country. Hopefully, this is good omens for the presidential election.
  13. You really think so? Biden already endorsed Harris. You think there is going to be some big fight over who gets it?
  14. Are you saying there is no poverty in the west? You'd be surprised.