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Everything posted by Dauntment

  1. Nice job! I'd advise typical "male empowering" messages such as: building your confidence (Self-Love & Authenticity), do some inner work in regards of your anxiety/fear-based thinking, take some friends and start "going out" to build your experience social/public experience, etc. There are many quotes like this but goes something along the lines of "The fear of our imaginations is often worse than the actual reality". In other words, perpetual thoughts of anxiety/self-doubt/fear, etc. will often self-fulfill themselves as "your mind creates your reality".
  2. Theres a TON....of quality resources out there however, it is easily diluted by all the "Get rich" BS because typically people with money problems are among the most desperate and easy targets for scams/schemes. That said, I'd advise: - Think "Money is simply a commodity used to transact goods and services"; Due a bit of research into "Money" & Economics for a fundamental understanding - identify strengths/skills you have based on your experiences thus far and how you could offer that value into the marketplace so that people will pay for it (monetization) - A career isn't built over night and learning how to make money is a skill that also takes time as well, Think "Process, not an Event". You may not (PROBABLY won't) see "results instantly" and thats ok because you should frame it as the beginning of a journey where success is simply a matter of iterations. If you ACTUALLY want it, Take f****ng action. DON'T BS yourself!!! Good luck.
  3. Lol....... OP is just displaying his necessity/interest for Stage Orange Development, so CLEARLY Andrew would be more fulfilling in that regard ; Leo is more Yellow/Turquoise-ish at this point.
  4. Half serious/Half satirical: It sounds like you're upset because your edging of mental masturbation isn't as peak as it was.....LMAO But really, why are you complaining?? lol, If you don't like the content being produced....leave? Go consume something else or go create something, its pretty damn simple
  5. "There's only so much profoundity to be had. I can't just keep pulling endless profundity out of my ass." LOL How many maps does one want before they leave to explore the territory? lmao
  6. That would be called "Marketing".
  7. Reality just IS, whatever you do about it IS who you ARE. You create your self out of infinity by carving limitations/beliefs/etc (This allows for form and a sense of "grounded reality" to APPEAR true). You (as the Ego) ARE a perspective on INFINITY, but the Ego is so deluded/foolish to believe that it is actually REAL (LOL)
  8. Little Baby Gods lol, Full of unlimited life, energy, and creativity without all the baggage, expectations and conformity that comes with "growing up"
  9. Talking is a human mechanic, and if you explicitly said it doesn't interest you and he still kept talking... I'd say respect your standards and move on/forward with your life. The more time you spend shallowly with those whose company you hardly enjoy are less moments from deep intimate moments with those you can create irreplaceable memories with. Go with your instinct
  10. PBD sold his MLM business and probably still feels the need to be very active in business..... in other words....."whatever gets lots of views". Truth vs Survival; This is one of the critical elements that Leo brings with Actualized.org, not entertaining bullshit social games nor succumbing to low-brow titles for views/clicks (unlike %99.99999999 of other content creators, not a bash...just where society is)
  11. I don't intend to go back and forth etc. etc. and whatnot but what intrigued me the most about this is the clear (at least to me) dynamic of "Orange" vs "Green" in Spiral Dynamics. Patrick Bet-David clearly (perhaps heavily biased) in favor of Free Markets & Capitalism, etc. ("Someone who is struggling financially is because its THEIR OWN fault") Sam Seder in favor of "Equality" and "Ethos-Efficiency", etc. ("Someone who is struggling financially is because the system could be better balanced/favored") Quick little generalizations I made but these conflicts/fights/debates are always interesting to me given the obvious presence of self-bias and lack of integral/systems/holistic thinking.
  12. Confidence. Absolutely impeccable and genuine confidence. How do you get there? Up to you, but I would generally advise: Educate yourself (not the surface level BS provided by society by DEEP pursuits), Take care of your appearance (Fitness & Styling), Find yourself (What interests and motivates you? What gets you talking and in ACTION?) and lastly Social Intelligence (understand cues, norms, cultures, etc.) What "happened" that creeped them out?
  13. What do YOU want? Lol, sound like you're outsourcing your Authority of preferences to us (o.o)
  14. *Speaking from someone who is developing software/building a product* Speaking freely as I have little idea about you but: I'd suggest either lead with passion (I love what I am doing) or venture (this product will explicitly earn money). Personally, I would advise looking into "Web3" as there are many opportunities to tackle HUGE markets as the space could be seen as a frontier. Another unique quality about Tech is that its always evolving and you should try to stay on the cutting-edge as much as possible (seeing that you want to refrain from "mercenary work"). Lastly, with the release of ChatGPT and all other AI tools......there has never been a better time in the history of the world to solo build software. You want to be a product owner? Ok. Get off forums. Stop asking people who don't have "skin in the game", research the current technologies, evaluate what skills you currently have and languages your are familiar vs what will need to be learned, etc. You can't be an (original) OWNER and outsource the vision to someone else, it should be YOU selling IT to OTHERS. Good luck
  15. +1. "People are peopling. It's like a human zoo."
  16. Very solid advice by Leo per usual. As for "courses", nope. Whats the business idea? Conventional wisdom says to tackle ventures within the means of your resources + ambition.
  17. "Rationally", sure..but Marriage/The Family Unit is certainly the best environment to raise kids and the actuality of "We are together but I don't want to MARRY you because of the risk I would endure"......well....one could imagine how something like that would end up.
  18. "high-quality women can really push you to be a high-quality man." +1
  19. To complement the rest of advice here, Patrick Bet David made a similar remark "Marry with a 3, not a 2" (30s > 20s). Some quick points I'd like to add: - Modern society is pretty damn easy in terms of brute survival contrast to what our ancestors went through, so "lets team up early so we can survive" appears to be less prominent as DATING standards as risen since LIFE standards have risen. - Conventional wisdom says: Choosing your spouse is THE MOST impacting economic decision you will ever make in your life; you don't have to look far to see men that have been RUINED by Divorce but can just as easily see Men leading marriages so deep in love and prosperity that would be something out of a fantasy. - Again, "modern day", assuming that your are taking your health/vitality serious, not much sense in expecting that you would have significantly less energy all things going well - Lastly: Keep growing, broaden your worldview with diverse experiences, DEEPLY find yourself and be grounded like a mountain, and choose WISELY. Good luck man
  20. As a (for simplicity sake....) black person, I don't "systemic RACism" is mostly deteriorated thus pretty much some horseshit that victim-minded people may occasionally throw around. Does it exist? Perhaps/Probably, but I think its DOMINANTLY more about Culture/Class above else
  21. I like this metaphor, nice. But to OP, Leo touched on this topic in one of his older videos ( iirc ) about "in a sense, you are 'higher' than your fellow peers, etc." "But at the same time I don't feel like I've achieved any real success yet in life. Getting a high paying job is really hard for me. Starting a business is hard. Going to grad school is hard. Finding my purpose is hard. It's weird. " ~~ I would advise to double check your priorities. It is easy to get lost in philosophy/Truth while neglecting your SURVIVAL. MATURELY develop through EVERY stage; The same way you feel that you are "recognize the idiocy" of those ignorant to truth, others could do for your survival. Humility is the key.