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Everything posted by Dauntment

  1. 1. I would confidently attest that X/Twitter is better headed into the direction of "Truth"/useful information and being less memetic or misc. content that doesn't "serve anyone". 2. "Execute on it" in the context on what they believe (putting action behind it, getting skin in the game, etc.). Isn't ironic how all these individual comments appear to "know what's best for the business" and "how it should be ran" (as if they had major experience running a similar company, or decades of specific knowledge in that domain, etc.) lmao, isn't that a bit suspicious? 3. Thus the status quo: MANY people will "talk" and "give their opinions" etc., in vain because they lack the leverage/capital/influence to do anything about it. Pareto Principle. (Also, not even beginning to mention the mechanicalness of main, particularly with "Talk" & "Reacting")
  2. THREE...in the past YEAR? Man, I'd DEFINITELY advise to expand your paradigm and raise your standards (contingent on who you are authentically). But I'd say aim for at LEAST...the VERY MINIMUM of 3/month, but really want to orientate towards 3/week. (Again, emphasis on your authentic values/authority). Comparison (Not to be taken so literal): Imagine if you applied to 3 jobs in the past year then started to theorize and get all in your head, lmfao.... Edit: Also, if you're constantly being BLOCKED, perhaps look to see if you are being too invasise/intrusive/aggressive (or maybe creepy?)
  3. %0.00 awareness of this horseshit, awareness of bullshit like this is almost enraging (though always composed)
  4. Didn't he "donate $25m to some hunger cause" as well? And now ANOTHER $25m to Palestine? I'm no mathematician nor proficient pocket-watcher but where the hell did this $50 million come from to donate without serious hinderances to his lifestyle? I'd call horseshit/further damage control for his reputation.
  5. I think: Many people will have "opinions about him", but in ACTUALITY will mean almost nothing considering no single individual would achieve a fraction of a decimal of a percent of the success he has achieved (accumulated capital). Same people calling him immature/wrong/foolish/etc. are simply taking from the sidelines, zero skin in the game. Think you know better? Go execute on it.
  6. Ima be honest, I saw how much text there was and lost interest to read it. I feel you are unnecessarily extrapolating and theorizing the notion. Unless you're being rejected DOZENS (maybe even hundreds) of times consecutively,...."its not that big of a deal, and it is what it is; Move on." Unless you're into mental masturbation of pickup & dating then....by all mean cap'n
  7. "The biggest mistake an artist can make is looking at the audience". "Do you", unless you have business/monetary expectations, then yes, Pivot. Constructive criticisms: The titles and thumbnails could use improvement, "Its not it."
  8. https://spendmenot.com/blog/what-percentage-of-americans-are-millionaires/ Context is very important. MOST millionaires are "old" (having gone the "Dave Ramsey" route; saving, investing a little over time and compounding) "Only 1% are below 35"
  9. Buddy said "prove" lol. Much could be extrapolated and/or debated but the only case I would stand for is the minimal amount of people willing to "believe" the argument. Arguments/Logic/Beliefs sound "profound & true" until you get a nice heroic dose of shrooms or Salvia , nice quotes in your tag btw
  10. Crossing your legs, swinging your feet when sitting, and waiting for your DoorDash driver to leave before grabbing your order
  11. Oh my goodness, "I’ve been having suicidal thoughts almost daily for the past few years. I have no friends, narcissistic parents, and am overall dissatisfied with life." and to take psych anything more than a micro dose....alone?! Bold. But to double/triple/quadruple down on the status quo: Have the HIGHEST respect for Consciousness. You literally cannot imagine how "bad" (or Good, hopefully) Consciousness can get. A metaphor I like to use: Think of "daily human life" in between something like a fish tank or maybe a bath tub in terms of "volatility" of emotions. Now think of the ocean. The fucking OCEAN. (Though its still finite, not INFINITE)
  12. *Beware* I'm good at what I do. 10min in (listening to 2x speed), my Intuition started to give me "that feeling" (I have natural talents to Truth + Development, aka I know bullshit when I see it & I know what Excellence looks like). Did surface level research and go figure......Gary Brecka is leading Health company "10X Health". 10X being from Grant Cardone, and I also saw Dana White from UFC was "backing this product/brand" as well. I encourage you all to proceed with caution and do your own epistemic diligence but Grant Cardone has VERY shady business maneuvers and I stay as far away from anything that he touches. Here's one quick link: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture/comments/zki1vh/dana_white_gary_brecka_quackery_and_a_ufc/
  13. *Maybe this may rekindle your fire* (Assuming you have seen it) I would infer the content from Leo's video on "How Authority works". Simply put, it starts with YOU. "IT" (the movement, or what have you) is only as strong as the vision you enact on. I think one good example of this could be Elon Musk and how he damn near sold the world on EVs (generally speaking). The question is: How bad do you want it? How large of an impact on the world do you want?
  14. Sup peoples (excuse imminent profanity) I occasionally post here or whatever, but as title says, opted in for a 6.01g shrooms trip today (been out of grasp for awhile now) marking my ~6th trip or so, but 1st trip in the past 2 years. About an hour to take effect I was feeling pretty mild but They (unknowable shroom entity(s)) asked using nonverbal communication if I [wanted more/to go deeper/wanted Truth]. What was remarkable about this is that this was genuine. Very much like the Matrix, I could take the "blue pill" and enjoy a mild trip or "take the red pill" Almost instantly, I "woke up" I'm laughing as I am typing this because how comically and impossibly fruitless it is to convey the experiences but I am doing so anyways as a formality to those who are among the quest and paying homage to Leo and the work that he does and has done. (Seriously, BIG UPS to you for not only communicating the content, but also minding the traps/pitfalls, various interpretations of the audience, the epistemic diligence......etc. etc., you get it ) What was it like? Simultaneous thoughts within the realm of: "This is what it means to be awake" + "OH MY GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD, "Awakening. AWAKENING. IM AWAKE. AWAKE!!!!" + An utter inability to comprehend how PROFOUND this is. + "How the FUCK am I supposed to communicate/share THIS with others?" -Fucking IMPOSSIBLY RADICAL and COMPLETELY ABSOLUTE, "Life is just a dream". The visuals and sounds etc. remained the same but the context of how they were viewed.......ineffable is an understatement. Everything had a beautiful and particular crystal clear definition + vague glow to it (The term Divine comes to mind). I had the thought recalling the popular thread "No one on this forum is AWAKE" and started laughing hysterically saying "Well of course, no fucking shit!! LOL". There was a feeling of "ascending" for a lack of better words in the sense that I have "risen above"....like I grew taller in another dimension...like I was an apparition near the ceiling viewing the environment(please see my image request below for more context). I was seeking a deeper awakening but it seemed that the dose capped there and I'd probably be better off with another vehicle for that, maybe DMT?, but enjoyed the peak while it was. Since, for the past several hours now, I have experienced a deal of fatigue from the ordeal and working on integrations etc. so that I may embody them. For me: There was a certain image (I believe Leo posted it) about what it feels like to Awaken; I don't really remember it other than something along the lines of: "An eyeball above a body figure" or "A lightbulb above a person". I would really appreciate it if anyone who knows what I'm referencing could provide that image
  15. *Definitely recommend Leo's Life Purpose Course* You sound kinda scattered but the intention/desire to want is all you need. "if I ever got rich I would go back and finish my Bachelor's degree", this sounds pretty outlandish because of how diminishing the returns would be; why would you spend years of your time to obtain a "stamp" after already being "rich"? My top 3 pieces: 1. Build Vision - What lifestyle do you want? What WORK do you WANT to do? How do you want to contribute and add value to the world? This vision will be the engine for your emotional motivation and action-taking 2. Develop Skills - In whatever path you choose, develop SKILLS to create disparity between you and "others" (competitors, coworkers, etc.) and this will in turn lead to greater compensation & opportunities 3. Process > Event. Be careful of the "quick & easy" sh*t that you might see floating around. Don't try to cheat your way and take shortcuts but instead believe in Truth, Experience and the process. Good luck man.
  16. Aesthetically pleasing sure but sexualizing?.......um, foot fetish??
  17. Money = Fish Do you want to hunt your own fish or learn how to please someone WHO GIVES YOU fish? Choose wisely.
  18. My input: Elon Musk has his track record, everyone else (here) has their OPINIONS; I think it could be fairly and accurately said that he is operating on a level/scale that no one here could comprehend. A) There are the people that are in the field B) There are people on the sideline (who have never been on the field) talking about the people in the field Lol..........
  19. Read the book Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey. TL;DR: Capitalism IS the vehicle for wealth exchange and just because Green enforces standards that Orange doesn't ("less profitability"), doesn't mean "making money" cannot be done with positive sum effects, big trap of Green, be careful
  20. I find it very funny how PBD is allegedly worth over $100,000,000 (9-figure net worth) yet "creates content" with sensationalizing titles like "MELTDOWN" or "TRIGGERED'........Orange being Orange.