Raw Nature

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Everything posted by Raw Nature

  1. @Florian Its important for us to create our own education in every moment, that's something that was stolen from us with the status quo that education only comes in the form of debt, dorm rooms, old people and libraries with outdated computers. Self education is paramount to self actualisation, in essence it is HALF of self actualisation, the rest is action.
  2. Good ideas, the relationship I notice is that as an organism becomes larger the more from an abstract point of view it is more complex and therefore more vulnerable to being less adaptive. In so saying as much, to make it a little more interesting and difficult one recommendation I have is thinking about larger animals and their distinct roles compared to one another, how they stack up etc.
  3. @Hello from Russia And yeah agreed, at least working to become an entrepreneur will teach you so many more life skills than going to college. People are being so brainwashed by this "education" meme, its total nonsense though. All that really matters is the development of the prefrontal cortex and in general, creativity (which includes planning and strategy). By learning critical thinking in the real world you learn real darn quick about this cost thing I brought up, that with every thought there are consequences. If you're right you'll feel it, if you're wrong you'll feel it. This is the problem of too much safety in kids playgrounds for example, they don't get that feedback to modulate and adapt their behaviour best. Societies like that little kid, and because there's pads everywhere we now fall way behind the eightball as our PFC's aren't being forced to kick into full motion. I've made a thread about RBE (resource based economy) and one of the arguments against that is "well people's minds will become lazy!", no its the opposite, peoples minds are lazy now because in capitalism both the government and the business market are incentivised to propagandise their minds with things they don't need and shouldn't need and that are harmful for them! Its total monkey business.
  4. @Hello from Russia One of the biggest things the education system takes away from people is the natural learning process with respect to being rewarded for good beliefs and punishment from reality for bad beliefs. This is because you're stuck in a system where mediocrity is tolerated and excellence not admired enough. For every thought, feeling and action we have there is a cost. This incredibly simple understanding is lost in much of general western society, and so people are less happy, less actualised, less functional in reality because they are not forced to consistently test the abilities they have about reality, instead they're allowed to create nonsensical identity politics, create nonsensical petitions against presidential leaders, run nonsense ads on television that degrade peoples perceptions of reality, and so on and so fourth. We don't respect reality enough anymore, and so our philosophies about life and subsequent cultures we build about life continue stagnate, along with our prefrontal cortex given that the contemplation of cost is at the mercy of resisting thinking, feeling and action tendencies. Cost is probably one of the most important words in the english langauge, we use it every day almost when we think about buying something but rarely do people learn to slowly build their minds to the point where they're strong enough to apply it to as noted their thoughts, feelings and actions. Its why education, without even trying, is inherently corrupt relative to its application to reality, it does not respect the seeking of and adherence to truth.
  5. The human brain is really the only good thing that came out of our creation, but even that got screwed up in the evolution of its generation so just the prefrontal cortex and when they're working only symbiotically with the prefrontal cortex in a universal way, the limbic and reptilian system. The two hemispheres with the corpus collossum is elegant but needs some work as well.
  6. @Prevailer God created us on an accidental sneeze. You've really got to think more deeply on the subject of the human condition and nature in general to contemplate elegant design versus chaotic design and where exactly humans fall on the scale there. The fact that we have become the most dominant species on Earth is a very dangerous thing obviously, goes without saying.
  7. God isn't interested in humans if that's at all related. Probably pays attention only momentarily when Federer does something spectacular on the tennis court or Einstein developed theory of relativity but for the most part he's probably just checking his watch wondering how long we'll actually last. You gotta remember he's got a whole universe to play with, we're probably one of the least spectacular phenomena he's every thought of.
  8. I said 1 year things will start to change.
  9. Creativity grade. I won't bother convincing you though because I know how strong the current is. The lighthouse, in reality, not the intersubjective reality, is how creative you can make yourself in those three to four or whatever years, that's what distinguishes you from the rest of the other mice in the educational running wheel. You need to get off the running wheel and instead of running miles figure out how to create better running wheels. 3 years of that and you'll be way, way ahead of your counterparts. But like I said, you have a far greater likelihood of following the current here so if I have any advice, that's the most important thing to be aware of. Where the currents going and whether there's a better direction, most of the time, given orca whales are smarter than the average human, there certainly is. Other than that, yeah if education "has to be your ticket" then sure whatever grade point average you gotta achieve do that but given your brain will inevitably start seeing patterns that others don't you'll probably naturally fall into the entrepreneurship route after year 1 or two with enough diligence in the noted direction.
  10. Time is not an illusion. Time illusion is time delusion, people playing mind games or because they don't understand existence at a fundamental enough level. Time is simply just a measure of a change rate ("rate of change"), hence why consciousness itself and its perception of existence varies from person to person based on their unique computational change rate.
  11. After reviewing the coronavirus and how the Communist Party China has handled it I actually think asians are the most agreeable savages on the planet.
  12. Maybe the dangerous hairy orange man has a knife in his other hand! (of which the asian guy actually does haha)
  13. I actually think many dogs are smarter than some humans, even average humans.
  14. All that is confusion. There is just cognitive truth. Ant: Pig: Cat: Dog: Ape: Dolphin: Human: Orca Whale (Yes, orca whales on average are actually smarter than humans on average - they have far more brain cells, we're more environmentally adaptable physically not mentally, only reason why they can't kick our ass) We don't know truth outside of that other than saying they're related because when I use my hand to grab a cup my hand moves in the right direction, I feel the cup, its weight, see its colour and analyse its properties to the point of breaking it up and putting it back together again (depending on the cup) with relative accuracy. Truth isn't relative though, absoluteness is a condition that describes its ability to exist at all, truth on Mars is the same as truth on Earth, the same for billions of light years away, there's just slight differences relative to unchanging underlying patterns that likely govern their existence because things at the physical level are transformative, so there's naturally going to be differences everywhere in order for many things to coexist simultaneously.
  15. Honestly though, (by the way got my training done - first session where I got 6 1/2 hours done so now that creates a new baseline for me to beat and the confidence to beat it), after evaluating the human condition and our relationship with reality I really can't argue for utility pertaining to the human race. We could be wiped out, including earth and it really wouldn't matter. Given survival and reproduction is the dominant motivational condition for most humans, I see the striving for our highest potential in the universal sense as a metamorphosis, even an evolutionary accident. Its an advancement, a worthy one, on our condition, and it was never necessarily meant to happen nor does it matter from the universes perspective if it does happen. I used to equate potential with purpose, even in an underlying existential sense as can be inferred, but given our circumstances, it neither needs to be nor necessarily is the case. Most humans suck, people really need to comprehend that. Not meant in a mean way but just in a real objective sense. In as much as saying that if you were to create an organism for a purpose the outcome of humans isn't how you'd go about it. So truly, truly striving for potential, it's a humans next form, it's an evolution on our condition to me. Not just any potential but one that is really paired with a drive to understand reality as much as possible and become enlightened as much as possible, hence the reference to a universal actualisation process as with respect to potential. Because you can't inherently justify the fact the universe cares, to me you have to be the one that cares about the universe as an interconnected organism. If I lose care, I'll just blow my brains out because I've reached the point where I don't care about my own death (because I realise I am the universe). And that's truly the level I have to get to in order to really be self actualising as much as possible. So it's a human 2.0, it's not normal of us to be like this but to me this is definitely what the future human will look like, something similar to what I'm striving for.
  16. There is no risk in life other than the risk you take by not realising your potential. Everything else is a confusion, like being in a big airliner high in the sky flying with the emergency door broken off the only thing that'll keep you tethered to the real world over being sucked into oblivion is that actualisation.
  17. 2 hours to go (training). @Inliytened1 That's right, only thing I'd add is the importance of recognising morality in spirituality. Actualisation of potential for example I see as moral and not doing so as immoral. This isn't to be "dogmatic", the more this is contemplated at the deepest level a thinker will see this is true. We must believe that advancing potential is "good", for the universe would not exist otherwise as the universe had to be potentialized in order for our humble human form to experience it. There are so many positive things that advancing ones potential has on the psyche, the surrounding environment and the humans overall form as well that the likelihood that it is "bad" or that such a morality does not exist is much more likely than its opposite. We even respond to children much more favourably than adults in this regard because we see them in light of the greater potential we have, so its built into our biology not just independently but interdependently as well as environmentally with respect to how we relate to and think about others and how we think about functionality and utility in the context of the larger environment. In general though I'm not a fan of the word spiritual because of its bastardization, I prefer "existential, existence, existentially, etc" as an alternative instead.
  18. Try and understand the existential purpose of people who combat against people like Leo, its both a Teal Swan and Jordan Peterson analogy. They're representations of aspects of the universe in the form of demographics of humans which are out of alignment with the teacher, whether the teacher is incorrect or correct. "Out of alignment" is exactly what all three of these people are studying, so people like him are perfect case studies to be learning from. Rebellion, even if its wrong, shows where something can still be improved. That's vital. We all need a little rebelliousness in us, we ought to just figure out which way to direct it. Right now I'm tired, I want to give in and go to sleep but I'm going to put in 3 hours of training as a form of rebellion, reminding myself it doesn't fucking matter if I die, I am the fucking universe, the universe is constantly going through transformations I am immortal, everything is in this sense. The only choice is highest potential, everything else is basically telling rocky that he shouldn't get up and continue to fight clubber lang or apollo creed, just a form of undeserved resignation. There's no rational grounds for resignation.
  19. @SOUL Jordan's very autobiographical in his representation of self, all in all that's a very healthy disposition and otherwise explains his relationship to identity which isn't a bad or good thing, its just whether its unhealthy or healthy and he seems to have many healthy habits. You have to realise that life has limits of self representation relative to consciousness and how it self governs relative to its equlibrium, its not as simple as saying "oh identity, self its all an illusion so we have to strive for enlightenment". People will become enlightened when they're ready to and they are no worse than someone who is enlightened, in fact in many instances they can be way, way better people, its all about how consciousness relates to the contents of consciousness in the context of this causal evaluation as to whether someone produces good/bad outcomes.
  20. Leo is God. This is why what you're saying is just a reflection of blindness. No hate here, its like trying to describe to a person who's blind what the sunset looks like, you wouldn't feel bad if he didn't believe you that there was this glorious phenomenon like a sunset, sunrise or a freaking blackhole, amazing!
  21. Once you @Shadowraix realise its like an existential autism as well, you know what the cognitive problem is. See that's what most people including most in the psychological DSM community suffer from, existential autism, analogously they have the same existential handicap as someone with autism who has a social handicap. That's literally how I think it should be viewed now.
  22. We’ve become so obsessed with matter and its manipulation now to the point where we can no longer see the forest for the trees.
  23. Think of the Native Indians, they're the perfect example of how relative to our ancestors we are the UNENLIGHTENED. So when we look at culture then we need to see dysgenics relative to its effects on consciousness and its manifestation. We are the eyes of the universe, every species is, and we contribute to how much or how little the universe sees of itself.
  24. I disagree @Shadowraix , its purely cultural and I'd be able to share the case as to why. Competitive hierarchy which subordinates the masses to a mere consumer generates a negative feedback loop between products produced and the effect this has on raising consciousness.