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Everything posted by Raw Nature
This is the real purpose of celebrity by the way (which Hollywood has unfortunately bastardised because peoples subconscious minds see these actors do unimaginable feats which falsely classes them as a celebrity because the brain wants to figure out who it should be following so that it can reach its full potential) at a genetic level, its to be a lighthouse for others. This is why people like Leo, Jordan, David Goggins, Jason Silva, Noam Chompsky, Terrence Mckenna, Stefan Molyneux, Alan Watts, Carl Jung, Nietzsche, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Jacque Fresco, Peter Joseph, Elon Musk, Aristotle are the real celebrities and Hollywood is the false celebrity misleading the mass of the populations that makeup Earth.
I swear I thought he had psychedelic teeth. @Preety_India The meaning of life is simple, become a myth that shows others what's possible so that they can achieve the same thing and ideally beyond so that they too can become a myth to extend humanity forward. This is why Leo's and Jordan's highest potential is so important to achieve as much as they're able to. They are like a lighthouse, showing the way of what other people can achieve. They become like Jordan says, from myths to dragons that others need to slay to move into the unknown realms that they were yet to contend with to bring back as a source of wisdom to enlighten the purpose of others existence. All flames go out, while you're alight, roar as loudly as possible so that others can see how to escape the Amazon. This feedback loop has existed since the dawn of time, ancestors learning from other ancestors passing on wisdom to content with the forces of nature a little bit better than the previous generations. We must remember the wisdom of both our ancestors and those that are pushing the limits in their lives so that we can not think of the past in vain.
@Bill W No matter what we look at or in what direction, we see every phenomenon that has ever existed and will ever exist. Infinity is thus available in everything and anything. When we look at the night sky and see a seemingly infinite number of stars available to us in physical perception, it is a reminder to inject that infinity into our imaginations for that anything and everything. For those of us that fail to see wonder in stars they will not see wonder in their own life, instead they will be the tremble's, the haters and the mentally blind. These are the people who when graced with the presence of God instead choose to play video games because they fail to see the larger game of life. Any fantasy that exists is merely internal and foreign to their interconnected relationship with reality, and so their hearts live in a well, looking up at those stars from its bottomless pit who's entrapment they could release themselves from only at the moment that they see the infinity that the stars represent. That those stars are not merely a perception but their existential liberation.
For me it's like, only when you realise that everything has an imagination beyond measure can you really start living. You'll no longer be held back by the finite and you'll work to order your environment in the best way you just know how without dissonance.
What'll be more realised in the future is that open mindedness is a unique kind of cognitive ability. People should work at it. Like even the screen anyone's using right now, how open minded are you to it? There's probably a lot of details your missing there and not just details but ideas, relationships and applications. This is why open mindedness is infinite, we are like ants staring at a night sky too massive for our minds to handle, so we lack imagination. And that's all imagination really is in one sense, it's an openness beyond the known.
(1) leave as soon as you can (2) use the situation as a challenge to improving your emotional intelligence and general enlightenment In the special forces they grind you down to dirt to see how mentally resilient your are, where you're working now you don't deserve that of course but you can use it as an opportunity to become more in tune with your body and wake.
Not a fraud. Makes a lot of interesting content. May have some things wrong, but that's a part of our collective learning process.
I can remember when I used to be more moved by these things, looking back it has to do with mind-reality distinction. This simply means, the distinction between (1) my mind and your mind (2) your mind and reality (3) my mind and reality. Identifying these forms in a healthy way leads to a reformation of point of view. In the end this is a kind of cognitive empathy (so a little imagination required) that helps mature that perspective.
@kag101 And there's just so much more to it than that as well, I'd really need to sit down and write out all the problems on the right to really give an adequate synopsis of all the issues (from group identity politics to environmental amendments). There's a large demographic of people that are misinformed and misinforming others on all these kinds of topics, its crazy cultural warfare. But its not even strategic warfare really, they don't have those capabilities.
@kag101 You really do have people that just want free shit and want to give away free shit without proper thoughts about the consequences of that. The only danger is people lack breadth, depth and range of view (long term future) combined with moral development. There's only a very small percentage of people on the right that would suit this requirement which would be able to propose and instill changes adequately, everyone else succumbs to all sorts of cognitive problems (moral and otherwise). Belief is only one aspect of change, you can believe all the right things that are possible to believe but if you don't have the resources to follow those beliefs, internal or otherwise, many of those beliefs can become damaging. Leo's videos are a great example, there's many people who would watch his videos that are simply not ready to hear some of his material but if they think they are, then they hurt themselves and maybe even others if they come back saying "hey I followed your material and got hurt". Now the rest of the class in school is held back (if that affects Leo's video creation) because a small percentage of people didn't do their homework and so can't understand the next set of material.
Raw Nature replied to arlin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@seriousman24 Its probably a cognitive problem. I see the interconnection between self and the universe perfectly fine. Second to that then its an experiential processing problem, meaning not enough reflection on the patterns of experience. Thirdly, its a cognitive fluidity problem. What I mean by the third is not something that people are generally familiar with respect to this term but they'll understand what I mean, all it infers is that there's so much content that's moving around in peoples minds that this leads to a cognitive illusion which creates a separation between self and other as a result of being attached to that content. When someone is flooded with content, and this content is being fueled by primarily a relationship between the reptilian and limbic system at the cost of the prefrontal cortex, the person is screwed and will never have any long lasting understanding of the relationship between self and the unending interconnectedness of reality. This third aspect is where meditation comes in. Meditation leads to transmutation of those contents because they still popup for the person but what emerges is an awareness of the content as separate from the ever flowing consciousness, this leads to the transmutation process shifting from subconscious to a conscious recognition followed by its natural necessity. -
Raw Nature replied to arlin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Free will is simply the prefrontal cortex, that's it and because most peoples PFC is defective most people don't have free will. Free isn't meant in the absolute sense, it simply means in terms of a persons cognitive range of motion, improve your cognitive range of motion and you'll improve your free will. Its really not a complicated topic, most people are just missing a few key ingredients to see the simplicity of it. Its a great model for realising the importance of delaying gratification, enhancing strategic thinking and long term planning. With training someone will only improve these kinds of ranges of motion overtime. -
0% offended. I'm not sure you've really taken my points into consideration yet, I recommend re-reading key points in particular as it concerns our ability to combat the negative effects of both technology and cultural degeneration. Stating that: "Technology will find a way" isn't a solution, its a statement without evidence or counterargument to the evidence I've presented to the contrary. In fact, technology is fastly becoming the solution to destroying humanity not protecting it. That's because this is a cultural and biological issue, not a technological one at the heart of things. Technology is merely ancillary. If you research the coronavirus you'll find that this is most likely a biotech weapon, meaning that of all the possible scenarios the scenario that "There are many other kinds of viruses being engineered" is the most likely scenario in light of one being released to the public of China for, so far, unknown reasons. As for your arrogance that is of your own concern, I do not judge you, I merely wish to inspire reason and love in both myself and others.
I realise others here won't have the attention span for the following in light of some of what I say, of which I have sympathy for, but try to. After initially being a proponent for some time I went against it, now I'm in favour of it again years later after taking into consideration a greater synthesis of my environment both from a wide and long term perspective. Encouraging discussion here for those intrigued, I myself need to more research given this is just a recent change in stance. What has changed my mind are some of the following influences - there are other things of course but these are important: (1) NeuraLink - If we have a lot of people from stage red to stage orange getting the neuralace, we are in a world of trouble (2) The Vulnerable World Hypothesis - Nick Bostrom (3) The coronavirus epidemic (4) The cultural epidemic I see with a "negative economy" being created around smart people making money of less intelligent people in destructive ways. Take Facebook, Camgirls, Porn, Twitter, Instagram, many, many social media and general social activities like these among others that I'm yet to properly think about and articulate, such as casino's, fast food companies and Hollywood (which no longer produces art just in large part, things that more or less act as a kind of brainwashing given they offer no psychological enhancement). Not just rich, sometimes super rich and its culturally accepted where they become admired and "cultural leaders" even though all they did was create a technology that tapped into the reptilian and limbic system at the cost of peoples prefrontal cortex, effectively dumbing down society and the future of the "creative economy". I'd define a creative economy as simply an economy that is based around the production of goods and services that actually enhance rather than detract from peoples lives, from mental to physical enhancement, to social, technological and environmental enhancement. Its all one giant system and so if we have people getting rich off making other people dumber then the productivity of the long term economy becomes inverted where we have (1) an increasingly larger demographic of people that are becoming dumber and therefore not producing anything of value (2) our smarter population becoming dependent on coming up with things that make people dumber as opposed to seeking real solutions to culturally internal problems. China and the USA are two perfect examples where China is a massive producer of goods and services, so they're overall super hard working people which is great but they're producing a negative economy in the long term because: - they're creating enormous amounts of pollution - they have a power hierarchy that incentivizes manipulation of people lower down in that hierarchy - both people in the lower and higher end of the hierarchy don't become innovative becomes people higher up are spoilt and people lower down have to be slave workers USA is the greatest producer of a "negative economy" with the exception of their technological sector: - Hollywood no longer creates art but its a multibilliondollar industry which the USA rely on, the problem here is that it comes at the cost of the cultural maturity of the country because they're incentivised to create films that appeal to the reptilian and limbic sides of the brain more than the prefrontal cortex. This problem becomes ever more difficult because: - Social media addiction, another producer of a negative economy, reduces peoples attentions spans of which directors in Hollywood would be vigilant of making them even more incentivised to create dumbed down productions. Millions of americans are not only spending hours every day on social media, this addiction bleeds out into many other problems in their lives thus effectively rendering their ability to produce towards the creative economy obsolete. What's an important point to understand is that many of these technologies bleed into each other, meaning if myspace wasn't created and instead something that made people think a lot more then facebook would have been different because people would have become more reflective, facebook then leads to twitter and then youtube emerging around the same time. If we could go back in time around the times of myspace and early days of facebook where we instead petitioned against their use, outgrowths like Netflix would have changed for the better as well which is another country like Hollywood that creates a negative economy. Notice the trend, the USA has created a cultural demographic of people that get rich by not just making other people dumber, but billions. This then leads to other companies which only repeat the same behaviour in different ways. Think of the personal development industry, Leo is a huge anomaly the same with Jordan Peterson, two people that create lecture based material which is extensive in length. Instead what's more common is we have entrepreneurs that are outgrowths of this dilemma trying to take advantage of peoples now very impoverished brains by creating quick fixes, deluding them with fantasies about "money, cars, fame, etc", which only lands those people into further problems, this time more psychological causing various kinds of neurosis. Tai Lopez one entrepreneur that comes to mind who's an outgrowth of this social media generation, again if we could go back in time and petition against something more thoughtful than myspace, Tai Lopez would likely have never existed. We'd instead have far more Leo's and Jordan Peterson's in the world. My research is still continuing but one main point that I'd like others to think about in their deliberations is the subject of cause and effect, how everything consequentially leads to everything else in this system. Those more knowledgeable than myself on various topics related here will be able to understand and even add to this point further. I'm only at the tip of the ice berg personally because I haven't done serious research yet however we are indeed heading into dangerous times where people simply do not have the brain power to cope with the problems that are on the rise, from bioweapons to political corruption to people taking advantage of them. These are all very complex problems that require a population of people that have still got their brains inside their head as opposed to it being bought and sold by advertising companies as a result of them reverse engineering psychological addiction and general dependency. Overall, this negative economy of the intelligent making money by dumbing people down only leads to zero creative production which inevitably creates a massive welfare state and zero productive value outside of technology, but if we don't have the consciousness to handle the technologies that are created nuclear bomb scenarios are the only outcome when you hand an angry oppressed child a grenade. This is the problem with the loss of art in culture of which Hollywood is contributing to its downfall. Hollywood, a microcosm of the problem, is contributing massively to a techno-cultural death pill epidemic. Incomplete here of course, feel free to share your own mine is just beginning so I'm very eager to learn from those that have any contribution they may wish to make.
Trends make up everything you see around you, I don't subscribe to the idea that its only my mind as this is solipsism if I have you correctly which as an inference if that's what you believe, it means you believe you're only talking to yourself right now in the very literal sense not just existential sense. Closing ones eyes and wishing away the fire that's taking ones home doesn't work, we gotta go and get the fire extinguisher and call for help. I feel you're being closed minded and believe you would be doing yourself a favour by indeed asking the right questions and seeking to find out the solutions as opposed to trying to retreat. You posed disagreement without any questions only statements about things that lead to solipsistic thinking and love. Love is only part of the solution, even Elon Musk has voiced that "love is the answer" but love isn't going to will away the worlds problems. I hope you understand that. True self love requires as Jordan Peterson says, "cleaning our damn rooms", which analogously can be applied to our planet. We have to invoke effort in the right direction to bring about change, of which we cannot achieve if we're just loving everything around us. Love needs to direct our minds to come up with solutions and then our hearts move our bodies to implement those solutions, if we don't, no matter how much we love the earth because we're doing nothing about its problems, it will crumble. Its like baking a cake, if we leave it in the oven too long no matter how much love we bless it with its still going to get burnt and eventually start that fire if its hot enough as noted in an initial analogy in this comment. I'm sorry but competition is a fact of life, words compete within you even with respect to what ideas come to mind and what ideas don't. Competition and cooperation is in a balance not a dichotomy, this is a very important point to understand. Competition is birthed out of cause and effect, it doesn't mean "let's win, win, win at all costs!!!!!" as its stereotypically assigned, it simply means, hey well if I have a goal, like protect myself from the rain then I better compete against that by simply putting up an umbrella. Competition breeds solutions, its why the internet in part exists, its a solution to the competition that existed between our desire to communicate globally and our inability to achieve this. Sincerely though, much love (because remember I said, cooperation is a part of that balance).
Trends are what make up our reality, my ability to type this comment is because a series of trends from computing to the internet to social media to globalisation have enabled this, without which, because you're likely from a different country I would never be speaking to you. In light of the trends I've noted that only lead in the negative as described, do you have competing trends to note which may or definitely counteract the trends I've cited? If not, it makes your position invalid from the perspective of your reasoning. I'd be more than happy to discuss alternate trends, which I notice, however they're being outcompeted here by forces beyond their control.
For me I like to think of programming like films, think of all the all the categories of genres and films within those genres that are possible. That's what programming is. Any facet of human behaviour can be entertained in the context of different things that can be programmed, from time management apps to helping people discover films they'll most likely enjoy to creating games that make people think in novel ways or even novel social media platforms that have a much higher chance of achieving relative constructivity like YouTube where culture as a whole is generally enhanced (although that balance is incredibly fickle I think, in one sense there's very high quality but in another that's highly out-competed by low quality which means as a whole we're still very low our potential there). Big data is an entirely different beast but one that can be used as a complement, humanity is a giant ecosystem, which means there's so many hidden ways that big data can be used to predict things that many of these orange stage tools haven't thought of yet because they're just trying to make money. You can make programs that help you synthesise big data or even programs as a byproduct to the analyses you generate from big data in the determination of likely successful programs to less likely successful programs. In this sense big data is like a film but instead of being a representation of a category of film like programs are they're like the myriad of ways the same film can be made given on the same set of data, like a 1000 people, you can generate stats in at least a thousand different ways, 10,000 different ways even.
I'd appreciate it if you shared what points you disagreed with so that we can discuss what the truth to them is or isn't, thank you.
From a holistic perspective JP is an extremely important speaker to have in our culture, it allows more intelligent people to come fourth that share alternate perspectives to challenge him. What makes JP so important outside some of his great lectures is his openness to critique in so far as he's challenged by intelligent people. We fail with every decrease in intelligence and open mindedness. Society can only survive so long at a low average level of intelligence before things start to implode on themselves as a result of demographics moving much further ahead. Such a society relies on low openness to survive because too much openness without the intelligence to synthesise all the ideas leads to at least some kind of corruption, this is why conservatism is highly adaptive up to a certain point, however if that noted demographic is culturally impoverished while simultaneously having access to technologies they haven't psychologically earned this is when problems begin to quickly emerge for the lower classes. It's the kind of corruption that can only be battled by trying to maximise focus on intelligent open minded thinkers to show a new way and avoid the inevitable catastrophe that will result from that tech culture. JP has an incredible mix of characteristics that make him very important then as it concerns being on the negotiation lines where he can act as a portal for the generation of change on both sides. Intelligent liberalism, not liberalism, is the only way. I am conservative in many ways simply because our culture isn't ready for liberalism, this is why liberalism is not something you implement its something we earn as a collective as a consequence to many of its defective characteristics that we'll need to avoid. There's a reason why liberalism has a lot of backlash, engineering needs to be established to ensure the least possible damage in the search for any enlightenment as a consequence to moving more to the right. Many, many dangerous people exist on both sides. We ought to individually figure out who they are and ignore them or at a minimum study them to know what to avoid.
Simple. They merge. Practical is to the training and physical you're meant to employ to achieve the vision (idealism). Without both neither would work to its full potential. Most people have one or the other or neither. Really think about that, this means that even on this forum you're getting ideas from people that only have one or the other or neither. Try and have both, incrementally towards their dual enhancement.
In a nutshell, if you're in a low position you have to figure out what the right activities are and then work your ass off. The higher the consciousness the more you'll be able to do this. I mean its not like you're going to die if you bring yourself to collapse, incrementally overtime you'll just become stronger and stronger. Its about (1) right activities (2) right approach (3) prepared to die to get to the next level - so work ethic (4) having a long term incremental view which protects you from being discouraged from not seeing results immediately. 50 million right now are quarantined in China due to the coronavirus outbreak, we've got it pretty darn good most of us so we don't have any excuse. I mean if your consciousness is high enough you'll realise there's never really an excuse that can be made as it concerns seeking that long term towards incrementally achieving higher and higher excellence.
Gotta improve the prefrontal cortex. Our brains are like our bodies, with weight training we can increase the bone density of the related regions as well as reap so many other health benefits. The same with brain exercises or lack of exercise (learn chess, learn games in general and do things daily that really test your capacity for reflective thought). I would combine this with meditation. Modern education is meant to be the foundation for enhancing the prefrontal cortex but many people don't get that experience because they don't aim for excellence. So in one sense the answer is simple, find a training activity and aim for long term excellence. With improvements in the prefrontal cortex you'll be able to self regulate better and have greater freedom of choice at your disposal enabling you to make better health, exercise and psychological choices. Honestly, to me "ego" is an outdated term and we need to start thinking much more practically and functionally. Like Leo says, there's structural thinking and content thinking, implicit and explicit. I'd encourage everyone to think as structurally as possible, go to the raw essence, "okay what am I? what does this thing do? why does it exist?" and work from those answers not from mainstream bullshit that just wants your wallet and attention.