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Bobby's perspective vs actualized.org
Bobby's perspective vs actualized.orgJesus vs nonduality?
What do you think?
High-quality vs low-quality content consumptionIf we define high-quality content as content that has the potential to elevate you and to help you pursue your ultimate life purpose (i.e. a meaningful classic book?), and low-quality content as content that can keep you stuck in the status quo and unaware of your condition (i.e. instagram feed?), what's the best course of action? Should we avoid low-quality content at all costs or can there be some space left for it, maybe to unwind? Is it even fair to make such a distinction between the two? If so, what criteria should we use in order to judge what kind of content can be the most beneficial for us?
A decent critique of actualized.orgI'm not saying I agree or disagree with this critique, however I hope you agree that to make sure you aren't going down the wrong path you should constantly check in with yourself to make sure you aren't being deluded. You should always look at a critique of anything you follow/read/learnt/believe in order to make an accurate decision. I think this is the fairest critique of Leo i've come across especially the second one.
life purpose
Struggling with Enlightenment vs Purpose and Meaning in LifeI really feel this is relevant for a lot of people here. I will try and keep it general so people struggling and souls going through dark nights can come here for help.
I am aware that I have a long way to go regarding enlightenment and leading a happy life. But right now I am stuck between both and have lost my engagement for both.
I have had jaw dropping glimpses of what I would consider enlightenment. (Both on psychedelics and naturally) Love and beauty that left me stunned and drowned in love beyond compare. Probably the best moments of my life.
After these experiences I have a glow and love for life but it quickly fades and my mind focuses on meaninglessness and I have no desire to meditate. I know I should be doing actual spiritual practices but in doing so I get depressed. It's like I don't want enlightenment, I don't want meaninglessness. Simultaneously, I fail to actualize my dream goals in life.
Maybe I am failing on the integration part.
Now back to earth:
My struggle is that although I have a mission and passions I struggle with the thoughts of "why bother - if this is just an illusion"
I am a bit confused as Leo talks about if he was to leave his body; none of this would matter. But he also says that he would like to make preparations and say goodbye to his loved ones.
Do our loved ones (I understand we are all 1) stay here after we leave our bodies? Is leaving a legacy, love and the world a better place worth it or does it not matter?
Are we on earth to grow through challenge and play?
Or is enlightenment the only game in town?
Does working on my purpose actually mean anything?
I feel I should create a beautiful life and give to humanity but am torn by thoughts of illusion.
I am aware I am nowhere near enlightened,
Is there any point in helping other on their way?
Should I do it just for the sake of doing it and play in creation. Will this even matter on my souls journey?
Thanks very much everyone. I know this post makes me sound terrible and whiny but the last 2 months have been dark for me struggling with meaninglessness. But I am doing well in life in general. Thanks <3
meditation retreats
Meditation Retreats ListLet's start a list of places and organizations and ways to do meditation retreats, so that the aspiring sage can scroll through his or her options. I'll go
-Dhamma.org has wonderful vipassana meditation retreats all around the world, I intend to go to one this next summer now that I'm 18. That's one downside, they reject you if you're younger (at least in Wisconsin). These are donation based, and so always affordable. This is your standard 10 day vipassana retreat.
-Sat yoga institute. This place, run by Shunyamurti, has retreats and is open to volunteers. I applied to volunteer.
-Camping. Yes. National parks. Siberia. Whatever you like.
-Renting a place. Many options.
This thread is also designed to help answer my dilemma seen here